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09中考英语模拟练习十二 第 I卷 一、 单项选择(共 20分,每小题 1分) 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. How does your father learn Chinese, Jim? He learns it _ listening to the radio. A. on B. from C. by D. over ( )2. My brother is really _. He often works in his office far into the night. A. outgoing B. hard-working C. friendly D. quiet ( )3. Jenny used to _or chat with her grandmother. A. watched TV B. watching TV C. watch TV D. watches TV ( )4. Its a rule in our school that the classroom _ every day. A. should clean B. should be cleaned C. should cleaned D. should be cleaning ( )5. In my opinion he shouldnt wear that silly earring. _. I like it very much. It looks cool. A. Me, too B. I disagree C. I agree D. Maybe ( )6. His father was in poor health and had to give up _. A. smoke B. to smoke C. to smoking D. smoking ( )7. If you cant read the new words, you may _ in the dictionary. A. look it up B. look up it C. look them up D. look up them ( )8. My mother spent about 2,000 dollars _ the piano. A. in B. at C. for D. on ( )9. I usually go to school on foot, and you? _. A. So do I B. So I have C. Nor do I D. Neither have I ( )10. You did really well on the last English test, _? A. do you B. dont you C. did you D. didnt you ( )11. Now I am enjoying learning English _ I got an A this term. A. and B. but C. or D. if ( )12. What makes you _ its going to rain tomorrow? A. to think B. thought C. think D. thinking ( )13. I feel tired and sleepy. Why not stop _? A. to relax B. breaking C. resting D. to work ( )14. Your grandmother looks quite _ today, doesnt she? Yes. She told me she slept much _ last night. A. good, well B. well, good C. well, better D. good, better ( )15. You have to be a fairly good speaker to _ listeners interest for over an hour. A. hold B. make C. improve D. receive ( )16. Shall we go out for a walk? Sorry. This is not the right _ to invite me. I am too tired to walk. A. moment B. situation C. place D. chance ( )17. When shall I phone you, morning or afternoon? , Ill be in all day. A. Each B. Both C. Neither D. Either ( )18. I really apologize for not being able to join in your birthday party. _. Well get together later. A. Go ahead B. Not to worry C. Thats right D. Dont mention it ( )19. He _ football regularly for many years when he was young. A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played ( )20. The last time we had great fun was _ we were visiting the Water Park. A. where B. how C. when D. why 二、 完型填空 (共 14分,每小题 1分 ) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 “Ive been writing a book, John. Do you think anyone would be interested in 21 it?” said the old lady. John took over the papers from her shaking hand and 22 her in chair. He remembered her rich 23 in the early days of the Old West. He looked through the papers. “Its good, Grandma,” he said gently. Then realizing that she 24 hear him, he shouted into her ears, “I think its very good. Ill 25 it to a publisher.” Ten days later, he reported that the publisher had had time to read only a few 26 . But he was so impressed that he had sent $ 100 for an option(版权) . 27 money would be given as an advance. Every month John 28 $100 for her with a letter from the publisher telling about the progress of the book. One morning, three months after her 100th birthday, Grandma didnt get up. The doctor told her that she couldnt 29 more than a few days. She was ready to go, but she first wanted her book to be in print. John promised that she could get it very soon. Grandma held on until the day the book came into her hands with the title and her name on the cover. Though she couldnt see it, she could touch it . She proudly traced(探查) her name with her fingers, tears in her eyes. Two hours later, she died peacefully, 30 holding her book. Her granddaughter took up the book and opened it. “Why, its just blank pages!” she cried in 31 . Johns face turned 32 . Then the girl understood. There never was a book. Grandma couldnt hear the little bell when the typewriter came to the 33 of the line. She would keep on working, not 34 the whole sentences and sometimes the paragraphs were missing. John did not tell her, for he couldnt take away her only hope. It was John himself who had written the letters and sold his car to pay the advance. ( )21. A. buying B. publishing C. reading D. lending ( )22. A. sat B. put C. placed D. seated ( )23. A. sufferings B. experiences C. thoughts D. family ( )24. A. couldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. doesnt ( )25. A. throw B. put C. send D. lift ( )26. A. words B. sentences C. pages D. books ( )27. A. Some B. Much C. Enough D. More ( )28. A. brought B. took C. gave D. carried ( )29. A. die B. stay C. last D. remain ( )30. A. still B. yet C. always D. then ( )31. A. anger B. joy C. surprise D. tears ( )32. A. white B. red C. gray D. pale ( )33. A. middle B. last C. end D. beginning ( )34. A. writing B. knowing C. thinking D. wanting 三、 阅读理解 ( 共 22分,每小题 2分) 阅读下面 A、 B、 C 三篇短文,然后从其后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。 (A) Summer School trips are planned every Wednesday afternoon. Some may last to the evening when we will go on a theatre trip. Weekends are planned for all-day trips and activities. All the trips are designed(设计) to introduce students to Scotlands culture, exciting cities and beautiful scenery(风景) , while giving them a fun-filled break from timetabled classes. On Wednesdays students can choose from: Glamis Castle(城堡) : Visit childhood home of Queen Elizabeth and one of Scotlands most beautiful castles. Royal(皇家) research ship Discovery: Visit Captain Scotts famous research ship Discovery. Elie Watersports: Go boating and sailing. Saturday trips: Edinburgh: Visit Scotlands beautiful capital. Discover Edinburgh Castle, walk along Princes Street, home to some of Edinburghs best shops, discover the citys past. Glasgow: Experience Scotlands city of culture and buildings, internationally famous for its Victorian buildings and wonderful museums. Visit Scotlands best-loved museum. Discover and experience Scotland: the best small country in the world. You will not be disappointed. ( )35. When will the students have their trips? A. On Sunday. B. On Wednesday morning. C. On Wednesday and Sunday. D. On Wednesday and Saturday. ( )36. Where did Queen Elizabeth live when she was young? A. Glasgow. B. Glamis Castle. C. Elie Watersports. D. Edinburgh Castle. ( )37. If you want to go shopping, the best place to go to is _. A. Glasgow B. Edinburgh C. Elie Watersports D. Discovery ( )38. What you have read is _. A. a travel diary B. a news report C. an advertisement D. an introduction to Scotland (B) In the United States, when you become rich you want people to know about it. And even if you do not become very rich you want people to think that you are. That is what “keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbors. The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors. It was like a race, but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They moved back to an apartment in New York City. Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with the rich lifestyle of their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it “Keeping up with the Joneses” because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States. “Keeping up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with the rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momands series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years. People never seemed to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead. ( )39. Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they _. A. want to be as rich as their neighbors B. want others to know or to think that they are rich C. dont want others to know they are rich D. want to be happy ( )40. It can be inferred from the story that rich people like to _. A. live outside New York City B. live in New York City C. live in apartments D. have many neighbors ( )41. Arthur Momand used the name “Jones” in his series of short stories because “Jones” is _. A. an important name B. a popular name in the United States C. his neighbors name D. not a good name ( )42. The best title for this passage probably is _. A. The secret lives of the rich B. How New Yorkers behave C. Why being rich is never enough D. The funny side of being rich (C) We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively (被动地 ). We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea, or by reasoning. We achieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning that takes place in the classroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines is passive. If we achieve knowledge by passive learning, its not surprising that we depend on it in our everyday communication with friends and co-workers. Unfortunately, passive learning has a serious problem. It makes us tend to accept what we are told even when it is little more than hearsay and rumor (谣言 ). Did you ever play the game Rumor? It begins when one person writes down a message but doesnt show it to anyone. Then the person whispers it, word for word, to another person. That person, in turn, whispers it to still another, and so on, through all the people playing the game. The last person writes down the message word for word as he or she hears it. Then the two written statements are compared. Typically, the original message has changed. Thats what happens in daily life. The simple fact that people repeat a story in their own words changes the story. Then, too, most people listen imperfectly. And many enjoy adding their own creative touch to a story, trying to improve on it, stamping(打上标记) it with their own personal style. Yet those who hear it think they know. This process is also found among scholars and writers: A statement of opinion by one writer may be re-stated as fact by another, who may in turn be quoted by yet another; and this process may continue, unless it happens to someone to question the facts. ( )43. According to the passage, passive learning may occur in _. A. doing a medical experiment B. solving a math problem C. visiting an exhibition D. doing scientific reasoning ( )44. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to _. A. active learning B. knowledge C. communication D. passive learning ( )45. The writer mentions the game Rumor to show that _. A. a message may be changed when being passed on B. a message should be delivered in different ways C. people may have problems with their sense of hearing D. people tend not to believe in what they know as rumor ( )46. What can we infer from the passage? A. Active learning is less important. B. Passive learning may not be reliable. C. Active learning happens more often. D. Passive learning is not found among writers. 第 II卷 一、词汇(共 7分,每空 1分) 根据对话内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。 exercise, relax, medicine, use, club, good, happy, Do you laugh every day? Most people do. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter. In India, there are hundreds of laughter 1 . The people in these clubs get together every morning. First they put up their hands above their heads. Then they pretend to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing 2 . People say they feel 3 after laughing together. Scientists believe that laughter is good for you. Why? For one thing, laughter is good exercise. When you laugh, you 4 many muscles(肌肉 ) in your body. Scientists say that one hundred laughs equal(相当于 ) ten minutes of running. Laughing helps you 5 . Thats good for you, too. Why do we laugh? That is a hard question to answer. We know that people laugh more often in a group. They dont laugh very often when they are 6 . Many scientists believe that we use laughter to get on well with other people. Laughter helps us feel part of a group. In England, people say that laughter is the best 7 . Some think that laughter helps sick people get better. Do you think so, too? 二、完成句子:(共 10分,每小题 2分) 根据中文意思完成句子。 8. 我经常犯语法错误。 I often in grammar. 9. 参加英语俱乐部是学好英语的最好方法。 The best way to _ English is to _ an English club. 10. 别为你的数学考试担心了。那会让你压力太大的。 Dont _ your math test. It will make you stressed out. 11. 我害怕海水。因为我不会游泳。 I am _ the sea. I dont know how to swim. 12. 为什么你不借老师的磁带呢?你可以在家听他们。 _ dont you _ the teachers tapes? You can listen to them at home. 四、 阅读与表达 (共 10分,每小题 2分) 阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题 Gone are the days when men and women couldnt associate (交往 ) with each other. When we are asked whether boys and girls can associate with each other, most of us will say, “Yes, of course. Why not?” If we want to deal with the association between boys and girls properly, here are some “dos and donts” for you to follow. 1. Keep a normal and healthy state of mind(心态) . Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls. It is very natural for boys and girls to contact each other and build up the friendship with the students of the other sex. Generally speaking, we should broaden the circle of the association. We should make as many friends as possible. We should have more friends of the other sex instead of one or two. We should contact the students in public instead of in secret. 2. Contact students of the other sex warmly, generously and sincerely. Dont be too nervous or too shy in contact with a person of the other sex. In that case it is very difficult for you to make a lot of friends, as no one likes a person who is too shy to say a word. If you are too shy a person, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can contact the students with the same interest and hobby with you. As both of you have much in common, you may have much to talk about. If you keep doing like that, little by little, you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others. 3. Dont fall into the ditch(泥潭) of early love. The boys and girls at adolescence (青春期 ) are rich in feeling and full of imagination. They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age. In my opinion, boys and girls at middle school are too young and too tender to shoulder the heavy duty of love. Early love is a green apple that cant be eaten. An apple wont taste sweet until it is fully ripe (成熟 ). Do keep out of early love. 13. Sho


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