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齐齐哈尔 20072008学年度下学期质量监测 初三英语试题 考试时间 120分钟。全卷共六道大题,总分 120分。 第一部分 听力测试(共计 25分) I. Listening (本题共 25分, One-three每题 1分,其它各 1.5分) Part One Choose the right picture according to what you hear. Part Two Match the best choice from A to G according to what you hear. 6. Black makes you feel A. clean. 7. Red makes you feel B. warm or hot. 8. Blue makes you feel C. purity. 9. Black means D. quiet and peaceful 10. White means E. darkness F. sad G. serious. Part Three Choose the right answer according to what you hear. 11. The story happens _. A. in the cinema B. in the bus C. in the shop 12. The old man is looking for _ in it. A. an empty seat B. a coat C. a bag 13. The young man says its for _. A. a girl B. a woman C. a man 14. The old man _ after the train leaves. A. takes the bag to the woman B. throws the bag to the young man C. throws the bag out of the window 15. The bag is _. A. the womans B. the young mans C. the old mans Part Four Complete the blanks daccording to what you hear. Time 16 Person 17 Place 18 Happening 19 Result 20 第二部分 语言知识运用(共计 45分) II. Multiple choice (本题共 15分,每小题 1分) Choose the best choice according to the meaning of the sentence. 21. There _a party next week. Would you like to come? A. is going to have B. is going to be C. is going to 22. His mother _ lets his son play computer games, because she thinks computer games are not good. A. usually B. sometimes C. never 23. Sheep _ white and milk _ white, too. A. are, are B. are, is C. is, is 24. She has to stop and rest for a while very twenty minutes, _ she? A. hasnt B. doesnt C. isnt 25. Jim is _ intelligent than his brother, I think. A. much B. more C. so 26. I bought a new bike yesterday and it _300 yuan. A. spent me B. cost me C. paid for 27. The scientist knows two languages. He can speak _English _Russian. A. either, or B. neither, nor C. both, and 28. His cousin bought a house _ has a swimming pool and a big yard. A. where B. who C. that 29. No one knows _. A. where the watch is found B. where the watch found C. where the watch was found 30. There is _ in todays newspaper. The newspapers have been sold out. A. important something B. something important C. nothing important 31. Your shoes are worn out. Youd better buy a new _. A. one B. pair C. shoe 32. Its getting dark. Please _ the light. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down 33. Its one of _ in American now. A. the most popular book B. more popular book C. the most popular books 34. He doesnt tell me when he _. Could you please tell me as soon as he _back? A. will return, will return B. will return, comes C. returns, will come 35. The following signs are traffic signs except _? III. Cloze test (本题共 15分,每小题 1分) Choose the best answer to complete the passage. My uncle, John used to live in a beautiful little house by the sea in Atlantic City. I say he “used to” live there _36_he doesnt live there any more. He was killed two years ago. Uncle John wrote novels. He not only _37_his job, but also made a lot of money doing it. When he died, he had $60 million in the bank. After Uncle Johns death, I came to stay in his house for a while. I had been there for two days when I _38_a message on the screen of the old computer. I was very surprised, because I thought the computer had been _39_. The message said, “You have new _40_!” When I read it, I thought it looked like the _41_of a novel. “This looks interesting,” I thought. “It must be _42_one of Uncle Johns friends.” I decided I should make an answer to the e-mail to tell him or her that Uncle was _43_. However, the computer would not let me _44_. Every day for the next three weeks, more e-mail kept arriving. I printed _45_of all of them. The story was about Jane Winterbourne, a young writer working on her first novel. She sent her novel to Jack Tanner, an old writer and asked him to _46_her to publish it. However, he cheated her, and published the novel himself and pretending that he had _47_it. The novel was very _48_. Tanner made a lot of money, and bought himself a house by the sea in Atlantic City. It was then that I realized that “Jack Tanner” and “Jane Winterbourne” were _49_names. Jack was _50_ to be Uncle John. 36. A. but B. because C. so 37. A. enjoyed B. finished C. changed 38. A. typed B. noticed C. read 39. A. broken down B. turned off C. put away 40. A. information B. business C. mail 41. A. beginning B. story C. end 42. A. like B. to C. from 43. A. dead B. sick C. out 44. A. play B. reply C. watch 45. A. copies B. pieces C. parts 46. A. teach B. help C. show 47. A. corrected B. bought C. written 48. A. interesting B. expensive C. successful 49. A. false B. true C. long 50. A. pointed B. called C. meant IV. Communication(本题共 15分, A题每小题 1分, B题每小题 2分) ( A) Choose the best response from A to F according to the sentences given Each choice should be used only once. 51. What kind of music do you like? 52. Where would you like to visit on vacation? 53. What do you like doing? 54. What do you think is the most helpful invention? 55. You look sad. What happened? A. I think its the computer. B. I hope to go to Paris. C. I lost my watch that my father bought for me. D. I think the popular song is wonderful. E. I love playing basketball. F. I like music that I can dance to. ( B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences. A: Excuse me, I want a ticket for Beijing, which passenger trains go there? B: Train numbers T48, K278, K40, 1468, 1802. 56. _? A: Im not sure. Which one is the fastest? B: T48. A: Id like one ticket for tomorrow. B: 57. _. K40 has several left. A: 58. _? B: It leaves at 09:16 in the morning. A: 59. _? B: What about 1802 leaving at 13:48 in the afternoon. A: OK. 60. _? B: Thatll be 179 yuan altogether. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. 第三部分 阅读理解(共计 35分) V. Reading Comprehension( A、 B、 C每小题 1分, D、 E各 2) ( A) Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage. 61. Some restaurants are open for breakfast; others are open twenty-four hours a day. Many restaurants call themselves “family restaurant”. They serve good food and they may also serve smaller and cheaper childrens meals. 62. Many restaurants open at about 11:30 a. m. It is the time for lunch in the USA, and some keep open until the evening, so it is possible to have a meal in the afternoon. 63. Eating out is rather popular in the USA. And it is better to reserve(预定) a table. Sometimes you will see people waiting for tables at restaurants. 64. When you arrive at most restaurants, you should not just go in and sit down before you see the words “Please seat yourself”, usually you have to wait for a waiter to lead you to a table. Often there will be words “Please wait to be seated.” 65. At many restaurants you can ask the waiter to bring the bill and then pay it on the way out. Dont forget to tip the waiter. A. Reserving a table B. Eating out C. Choosing a restaurant D. Paying the bill E. When to eat F. Arriving at restaurant ( B) Do you read newspapers? Maybe you think that newspapers are boring and only for grow-ups. But thats not true! There are many interesting stories in the paper. You just need to know what you are looking at. “I spend about half an hour reading newspapers every day,” said 15-year-old Wang Li from Henan. What interest me most are the things happening at school. If you read the newspaper carefully, youll find therere different kinds of articles on the pages: News stories These stories are about real events. Reporters try to show all sides of a story to help readers understand what happened. Reporters use pictures and numbers to convince readers that the stories are true. Teens has lots of news stories on the news page and front page. When you read these stories, you see about the facts, not the writers ideas. Opinion(观点) writing Opinion writing is usually about something happening right now. But it isnt just the facts. Here writers add(增加) in their own opinions. They choose only the facts that help back up(支持) their ideas. They are trying to persuade readers. Advertisements You need to watch out for this type! Those sweet words and lovely pictures are just ways to get you interested in their products(产品) ! Judge the following sentences true( T) or false( F) according to the passage. 66. The writer thinks students should read different kinds of articles. 67. “Teens” is the name of a newspaper in the passage. 68. “Convince” has the same meaning as “persuade” in the passage. 69. The writers idea is the most important for news stories. 70. The writer tells us never to believe the products in the advertisements. ( C) “No man is an island” is a well-knows line from John Donnes Devotion, written more than three hundred years ago. Even now people still agree with him. No one can live a completely insolated life. Without other people, life become empty and sad. We all need to have friends. For some of us, though making friends isnt difficult, feeling shy, We May Not Influence People, Written in 1936, is the most famous. This “how to” book about getting along with other people became a best seller. It was later put into 28 languages. Dale Carnegies advice seems to be simple, but can his advice help you? Do you need to change the way you act? Heres the list of advice from his book: 1. Be friendly and polite. Always greet with a smile. Being with “Excuse me” or “Would you please ” when you want to ask somebody. Remember to say “Thank you” and try to be as helpful as you can. 2. Go out of your way to be nice. Find some time to do special things for other people. Making some soup for a sick neighbor May seem like a little thing to you, but itll make your neighbor feel a lot better. 3. Remember names. They say that the sweetest music to a persons ears is the sound of his or her own name. 4. Be open minded Try to understand other peoples ways and ideas and learn something from them. 5. Listen patiently. When someone is talking to you, look at him or her, listen carefully and say something when necessary. Choose the best choice from A B or C according to the passage. 71. The underlined sentence “No one can live a completely isolated life” means _. A. No one can live on an island B. No one can live without difficulty C. No one can live alone 72. The best title for this passage should be _. A. How to Make Friends B. A Famous Book C. About Friendship 73. Some of us feel it not easy to make friends because _. A. were afraid to make friends B. were shy to take the first action C. we feel worried that we wont be able to keep our friends 74. We know from this passage that _. A. John Donne learned something from Dale Canegie B. Few people bought Carnegies book C. The writer of this passage agrees with John Donne and Dale Carnegie 75. Which of the following is not mentioned in Carnegies book? A. People enjoy hearing their own names. B. Think more about others C. Dont visit your neighbors too often ( D) People have always wondered about the moon. Thousands of years ago, people studied the moon and used it to keep track of time. Later, people invented instruments such as telescopes(望远镜) so that they could see the moon more clearly and learn about it. With advances in technology, people were able to learn more about the moon. In the mid-1900s, scientists sent up rockets that could explore the moons surface. Later, astronauts actually went to the moon. They sent lots of information about the moon back to the earth. As a result of all this moon exploration, the moon is no longer as great a mystery as it once was. Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank. Long, long ago people were very (76)_in the moon. They studied the moon for a long time and they got to know more and more about it. They even invented a machine called (77)_. They could see the moon more clearly with it. In the middle of the (78)_century people could set up rockets to the moon. In this way, people (79)_on the moon for the first time and brought some information back to the earth. So scientists know much(80)_ about the moon now. ( E) INVITATION TO A GOING AWAY PARTY Friday, 22nd March Dear Michael and Lisa, Youre invited to a farewell for the “Liu Familys Visit to Australia”, Departure(离开) date: 4th of May. The best part of our big adventure to Australia will be when we come face-to-face with crocodiles, dolphins, kangaroos and other Australian wildlife. We have always wanted to do this. Party given by: Mr and Mrs Liu, Liu Mei and Liu Tang Date: Saturday, 26th April, 2008 Time: 7:0012:30 in the morning Place: Electrical Workers Building Reply by: Tuesday, 23rd April Phone: 538-090 (Food and drink will be provided at the party.) Perth Answer the questions according to the passage you read. 81. Who was this invitation sent to? 82


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