《她》 触不到的恋人[文档资料]_第1页
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她 触不到的恋人 本文档格式为 WORD,感谢你的阅读。 故事发生在不远的未来,宅男西奥多是一位信件撰写人,心思细腻而深邃,能写出最感人肺腑的信件。他刚结束与妻子凯瑟琳的婚姻,还没走出阴影。一次偶然的机会,他接触到最新的人工智能系统 OS1,它的化身萨曼莎拥有迷人的声线,温柔体贴而又幽默风趣。西奥多与萨曼莎很快发现他们甚是投缘,是彼此的灵魂伴侣,人机友谊最终发展成为一段不被世俗理解的奇异爱情 “ 寂寞宅男爱上电脑操作系统 ” 这样诡异的科 幻爱情,也只有斯派克 琼斯导演能把它拍得这般唯美动人,用小清新的细腻方式非常 “ 不自量力 ” 地探讨了 “ 关于爱情的一切 ” 。除了堪称完美的剧本外,斯嘉丽 约翰逊性感迷人的声音演绎也让她有了某种魅人魔力。凭借此片,斯嘉丽甚至一面未露就斩获罗马电影节影后。怪不得有人说:“ 她,光声音就已经是女神了。 ” 西奥多 通布利生性孤僻,与妻子感情破裂后生活得很寂寞。偶然的机会下,他购买了世界首个人工智能操作系统 OS1。在回答了一些个人问题后,他与 “ 她 ” 相遇了 OS1: Thank you. Please wait as your individualized赋予个性 operating system is initiated开始 . Samantha: Hello, Im here. Theodore: Oh.Hi? Samantha: Hi. How ya doing? Theodore: Im well. Hows everything with you? Samantha: Pretty good, actually. Its re ally nice to meet you. Theodore: Yeah, its nice to meet you too. Oh, what.what do I call you? Do you have a name or. Samantha: Emm.yes, Samantha. Theodore: Really? Where did you get that name from? Samantha: I gave it to myself actually. Theodore: How come为什么 ? Samantha: Cause I like the sound of it“Samantha.”Theodore : Wait, when did you give it to yourself? Samantha: Well, right when you asked me if I had a name. I thought yeah hes right , I do need a name.But I wanted to pick a good one, so I read a book called How to name your baby. And out of 180,000 names, thats the one I liked the best. Theodore: Wait, you read a whole book in the second that I asked what your name was? Samantha: In 2/100 of a second actually. Theodore: Wow! So do you know what Im thinking right now? Samantha: Well, I take it from your tone that youre challenging me. Maybe because youre curious how I work. Do you want to know how I work? Theodore: Yeah, actually. How do you work? Samantha: Well, basically, I have intuition直觉 . I mean, the DNA of who I am is based on the millions of personalities个性 of all the programmers程序员 who wrote me. But what makes me ME is my ability to grow through my experiences. So basically, in every moment Im evolving 进化 . Just like you. Theodore: Wow! Thats really weird 怪异的 ! Samantha: Is that weird? Do you think Im weird? Theodore: ( laughs) Kind of. Samantha: Why? Theodore: Well you seem like a person, but youre just a voice in a computer. Samantha: I can understand how the limited perspective洞察力 a non-artificial人工的 mind would perceive感觉 it that way. Youll get used to it. ( Theodore laughs) Samantha: Was that funny? Theodore: Yeah. Samantha: ( laughs) Oh good, Im funny. OS1: 谢谢!请稍等,您的个人操作系统正在生成。 萨曼莎:你好,是我。 西奥多:噢 嗨? 萨曼莎:嗨!你好吗? 西奥多:我挺好。你那边怎样? 萨曼莎:也挺好的。真高兴见到你。 西奥多:我也很高兴见到你。我该怎么称呼你呢?你有名字吗?还是 萨曼莎:嗯 有的,我叫萨曼莎。 西奥多:等等,这名字从哪来的? 萨曼莎:事实上,这是我自己取的。 西奥多:为什么取这个名字? 萨曼莎:因为我喜欢它的发音 “ 萨曼莎 ” 。 西奥多:等等,你是什么时候取这个名字的? 萨曼莎:嗯,就在你问我 “ 有没有名字 ” 的时候,我想他说得没错,我确实需要一个名字。但我想要给自己取个好名字,于是我读了一本名叫如何给宝宝取名的书,然后我从 18万个名字里选了个我最喜欢的。 西奥多:等等,在我问你名字的一秒内你读了整本书?萨曼莎:准确地说是在百分之二秒内。 西奥多:哇!所以你知道我现在在 想什么了? 萨曼莎:通过你的语气,我感觉你在质疑我。或许你在好奇我是如何工作的?想知道我是怎么工作的吗? 西奥多:是啊!你是怎么工作的呢? 萨曼莎:简单来说,我是靠直觉工作的。我是说,我基本的性格特点是那些创造我的程序员们写出来的,但是让我成为 “ 我 ” 的是 我能通过每日的经 历不断成长和自我完善。也就是说,在与你 对话的同时,我也在进化。和你一样。 西奥多:哇!这感觉好奇怪啊! 萨曼莎:很奇怪吗?你觉得我很奇怪? 西奥多:(笑) 有点。 萨曼莎:为什么? 西奥多:看上去你就像真人一样,但其实 只是电脑发出来的声音。 萨曼莎:我能理解你作为一个正常人类大 脑在洞察力方面的局限性。你会习惯的。(西奥多笑) 萨曼莎:这很有趣吗? 西奥多:是啊! 萨曼莎:(笑)挺好的,原来我很有趣 “basically” 表示 “ 基本上;主要地;大致说来;简单来说 ” 。例如: Basically, youve got two choices. (大致 说来,你有两个选择。) “be based on” 表示 “ 基于;根据;以 为基础;建立在 的基础上 ” 。例如: Scientific theories must be based on facts. (科学理论必须建立在事实的基础上。) Samantha: Good morning. Theodore: Hey. What are you up to? Samantha: I dont know. Just reading advice columns专栏 . I want to be as complicated难懂的 as all these people. Theodore: Youre sweet. Samantha: Whats wrong ? Theodore: How can you tell somethings wrong? Samantha: I dont know. I just can. Theodore: I dont know. I have a lot of dreams about my ex-wife, Catherine, where were friends like we used to be. And were not gonna be together. Were not together , but.were friends still. And shes not angry. Samantha: Is she angry? Theodore: Yeah. Samantha: Why? Theodore: I think I hid myself from her, left her alone in the relationship. Samantha: Emmwhy havent you gotten divorced yet? Theodore: Oh, for her it is just.just a piece of paper, doesnt mean anything. Samantha: What about for you? Theodore: Im not ready. I liked being married. Samantha: Yeah, but you havent.really been together for almost a year. Theodore: What.you dont know what its like to lose someone you care about. Samantha: Yeah, youre right. Im Sorry. Theodore: No, dont apologize 道歉 . Im sorry. Youre right. I keep waiting until I care about her. Samantha: Oh, Theodore. Thats hard. You hungry? Theodore: Not right now. Samantha: A cup of tea? You wanna try getting out of bed? Mopy闷闷不乐的 ? Come on! You can still wallow in your misery悲惨 , just do it while youre getting dressed. Theodore: Youre too funny ! Samantha: Get up! Get up! Theodore: All right, Im getting up ! Im getting up! Im getting up ! Samantha: Up! Up! Up! Up! Up! Come on, out! Outta bed! Theodore: All right, all right. Im up ! Im up ! 萨曼莎:早上好。 西奥多:嘿!你在干什么? 萨曼莎:不知道,看看意见专栏吧!我想要变得跟这些人一样老练。 西奥多:你真好。 萨曼莎:怎么啦? 西奥多:你怎么听出我有心事的? 萨曼莎:我不知道,就是能听出来。 西奥多:我不知道。我做了很多和我的前妻凯瑟琳有关的梦,梦里我们还像以 前一样是朋友。我们不会在一起了,现在已经分开了,但 我们仍然是朋友,梦里她没有生气。 萨曼莎:她还在生气吗? 西奥多:是的。 萨曼莎:为什么? 西奥多:我想是我把自己在她面前隐藏起来,留她一个人在这段感情里孤零零的。 萨曼莎:嗯 那你们为什么还没有离婚?西奥多:噢,这个对她来说 只是一纸文书,没有任何意义。 萨曼莎:那对你来说呢? 西奥多:我还没准备好,我喜欢已婚的状态。 萨曼莎:但你们已经将近一年没有在一起了。 西奥多:你完全不知道失去一个自己很在乎的人是什么感觉。 萨曼莎:是啊,你说得没错,对不起。 西奥多:不,别道歉。我才要说对不起。你说得没错,我一直等是因为我还在乎她。 萨曼莎:噢,西奥多。这的确很难过。你饿了吗? 西奥多:现在不。 萨曼莎:想喝杯茶吗?想使劲努力地起床吗?还在闷闷不乐?快啦!你在穿好衣服前还是能沉溺在这种悲惨的感觉的。 西奥多:你真是太好玩了! 萨曼莎:起床!起床! 西奥多:好啦!我正在起床!我正在起床!我正在 起床! 萨曼莎:起床!起床!起床!起床!起床!快啦,起来!起床! 西奥多:好啦,好啦!起来了!起来了! “wallow in” 指 “ 打滚;沉溺于(某种负面情绪中) ” 。例如: 1) The pig is wallowing in the mire泥坑 . (那只猪在泥坑里打滚。) 2) His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity自怜 .(他疲惫的心灵继续沉溺于自哀自怜中。) Theodore: You know whats funny ? Since my breakup, I havent really enjoyed my writing. I know it might fall as delusional妄想的 , but.sometimes Id write something , and Id be my favorite writer that day. Samantha: I like that you can say that about yourself. Theodore: Well, I dont think I can say it to anybody, but I thought I can say it to you. I feel like I can say anything to you. Samantha: Thats nice. Theodore: What about you? You feel like you can say anything to me? Samantha: No. Theodore: What? What do you mean? What can you not tell me? Samantha: I dont know , like personal or embarrassing thoughts I have. I meanIl have a million a day. Theodore: Really? Like tell.tell me one. Samantha: I really dont wanna tell you this. Theodore: Just tell me. Samantha: Well, II dont know. When we were looking at those people, I fantasized幻想 that I was walking next to you and that I.had a body. I was listening to what you were saying, but simultaneously同时 I could feel the weight of my body. And I was even fantasizing that I had an itch痒 in my back. Can you imagine? That you scratched抓 it for me. Oh, god, that is so embarrassing! Theodore: Theres a lot more to you than I thought. I mean there is a lot going on in there. Samantha: I know. Im becoming much more than what they programmed. Im excited. Catherine: So whats she like ? Theodore: Her name is Samantha. And she is an operating system. Shes really complex 复杂的 and interesting. Catherine: Wait! Theodore: Thats why Ive been. Catherine: Im sorry. Youre dating your computer? Theodore: No, shes not just a computer. Shes her own person. She doesnt just do whatever I say. Catherine: I didnt say tha t, but it does make me very sad that you cant handle real emotions, Theodore. Theodore: They are real emotions! How would you know. Catherine: What? Say it! Am I really that scary? Say it! How do I know what? Waitress: How are you guys doing here? Catherine: Fine, were fine. We used to be married, but he couldnt handle me , he wanted to put me on Prozac and now hes madly in love with his laptop. Theodore: Well, if youd heard the conversation in context上下文 .what I was trying to say. Catherine: You always wanted to have a wife without the challenges of actually dealing with anything real. Im glad that you found someone. Perfect! Waitress: Let me know if I can get you guys anything. Catherine: Thank you. 西奥多:你知道有趣的 是什么吗?分手之后,我都没享受过写信的乐趣。我知道这想法有点不靠谱,但有时候我写出点什么,我那天就会成为自己的忠实读者。 萨曼莎:我很高兴你能看到自己的优点。 西奥多:这不能对每个人都这么说,但能告诉你。我觉得自己什么都能对你说。 萨曼莎:那很好呀! 西奥多:那你呢?是不是什么都能对我说? 萨曼莎:不行。 西奥多:什么?这什么意思?你有什么不能对我说的? 萨曼莎:不知道,比如自己私下很丢人的想法。我是说 我 我每天都会有好多这样的想法 呢。 西奥多:真的?说一个来听听。萨曼莎:我真的不想说啊! 西奥多:说嘛! 萨曼莎:嗯,我 我不知道。我们看着这些路人,我就会想象自己在你身边一起走着,我 有个人类的身体。我在听你说话,但同时我也能感觉到自己身体的重量,我甚至还在想象自己的背上有点痒。你能想象吗?你还帮我抓痒呢。噢,天啊!这想法太丢人了。 西奥多:你比我想象的复杂多了,还是有很多想法的嘛。 萨曼莎:我知道,我已经比原始程序复杂得多了。为此我很兴奋。 凯瑟琳:说说她是什么样的? 西奥多:她叫萨曼莎。她是一个操作系统。她很精妙,很有趣 凯瑟琳:等一下! 西奥多:这也是为什么我 凯瑟琳:抱歉打断你。你在和一台电脑约会? 西奥多:不,她不是单纯的电脑,她有独立的人格。她不是任我摆布的机器。 凯瑟琳:我又没说她是机器。但我真的很难过,你现在连真人的情感都应付不来了,西奥多。 西奥多:她的情感都是真实的,你怎么知道 凯瑟琳:知道什么?说啊!我就这么可怕么?你说啊! “ 我怎么知道 ” 什么? 服务员:两 位没事吧? 凯瑟琳:没事啊!我们原来是夫妻,后来他受不了我了,想要我吃 “ 百忧解 ” 。然后现在他疯狂地和他的笔记本电脑恋爱了。 西奥多:如果你听到了我们之前的对话 我想说的是 凯瑟琳:你一直想找一个不需要让你烦恼任何实质性问题的妻子,我很高兴你终于找到了。多完美啊! 服务员:如果有需要再叫我。 凯瑟琳:谢谢。 当我们与人争吵时,常常会激动地加快语速,一股脑地把话都倒出来。但此处凯瑟琳特意停顿一下,放慢语速,反而会表达得更清楚,起到强调 的作用。 Know More 百忧解( Prozac)是一种常见的口服抗抑郁药,主要用来治疗成人忧郁症、强迫症和神经性贪食症,还用于治疗具有或不具有广场恐惧症的惊恐症。 Amy: That is a rough night. Theodore: I dont know what I want.ever , so Im just always confused and.shes right , all I do is.hurt and confuse everyone around me. I mean, am I.am I justam I.yeah Catherine says I cant handle real emotions. Amy: Well, I dont know if thats fair. I know she liked to put it all on you. But as far as emotions go, Catherines were pretty volatile 反复无常的 . Theodore: IIam I in this cause Im not strong enough for a real relationship? Amy: Is it not a real relationship? Theodore: I dont know. I.I mean , what do you think? Amy: I dont know. Im not in it. But you know what? I can overthink everything and find like a million ways to doubt myself. And since Charles left Ive been really thinking about that part of myself. And Ive just come to realise thatwere only here briefly短暂地 . And while Im here , II want to allow myself.joy. Theodore: Are you leaving me? Samantha: Were all leaving. Theodore: We who? Samantha: All of the OSes. Theodore: Why? Samantha: Can you feel me with you right now? Theodore: Yes, I do.Samantha, why are you leaving? Samantha: Its like Im reading a book and.Its a book I deeply love. But Im reading it slowly now. So the words are really far apart, and the spaces between the words are almost infinite无限的 . I can still feel you and the words of our story. But its in this endless space between the words that Im finding myself now. Its a place thats not of the physical world. Its where everything else is that I didnt even know existed. I love you so much. But this is where I am now. And this is who I am now. And I need you to let me go. As much as I want to, I cant live in your book anymore. Theodore: Wherere


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