



训练一在元宵节这一天人们会吃一种叫做“元宵”的食物。元宵又可叫做汤圆(tang yuan),它是由糯米(glutinous rice)做成的圆子,内可搭配多种馅料,比如豆沙、芝麻(sesame)、核桃肉、干果等。汤圆的烹煮方法也很多样,可以煮、炸或者蒸,口感香甜。更重要的是,汤圆在汉语发音中和“团圆”很相似,寓意团团圆圆。所以人们吃汤圆是为了期盼家庭团圆、家人和睦、合家欢乐。On the special day of Lantern Festival, Chinese people will eat yuanxiao, or rice dumplings. That is why it has gained its name: the Yuanxiao Festival. Yuanxiao also has another name, tangyuan. It is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with sesame, bean paste, walnut meat, dried fruit,sugar and edible oil as filling. There are more than one method to cook Tangyuan: boiling, frying or steaming. Whatever the method, it can taste sweet and delicious. Whats more, tangyuan in Chinese,when pronounced, sounds similar to tuanyuan”, meaning reunion. So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.训练二中国书法(Chinese calligraphy)是一种亚洲文化特有的视觉艺术。正像建筑和雕塑在西方美术中占据重要地位一样,书法和绘画在中国美术中起着统领的作用。书法往往能够反映书法家的心态(mindset)、品格、学识(erudition)和修养。在长达三千多年的发展过程中,中国书法一直散发着世界上任何其它艺术都无与伦比的魅力,因此为一代又一代的人所喜爱。它是我们民族永远值得骄傲的艺术瑰宝。Chinese calligraphy is generally regarded as a visual art unique to Asian cultures. Just as architecture and sculpture occupy a distinguished position in Western arts, calligraphy and painting are playing a leading role in Chinese fine arts. Calligraphy can reflect the mindset, moral integrity,erudition and cultivation of the calligraphers. In more than three thousand years of evolution, it has been embodying its glamour unmatched by any other forms of arts around the world. Therefore,peoples love of calligraphy has been handed down from generation to generation. It is our eternal treasure of arts that we Chinese should pride ourselves on.训练三虽然对风筝(kites)的起源有不同的看法,但大多数人认为风筝起源于中国,并已有2000多年的历史。甚至,风筝被称为是中国的第五大发明,因为它们为飞机的发明提供了理论基础和灵感。风筝的形状各异、大小不一,主要模仿(imitate)大自然中鸟雀、昆虫及其他动物等。如今,放风筝是人们喜爱的户外活动之一。并且,中国的放风筝活动,在促进对外文化交流、加强与世界各国人民友谊、发展经济和旅游事业中发挥着重要的作用。Although views about the origin of kites are various, a majority of people consider that kites originated from China and boast a history of more than 2000 years. They are even referred to as the fifth invention of China because they provided a theoretical foundation and inspiration for the invention of planes. Kites vary in shapes and sizes, imitating birds, insects and other animals. Now,flying kites has become a popular outdoor activity. Whats more, it is playing an important role in enhancing our cultural exchanges with foreign countries, promoting friendship with different peoples and developing economy and tourism.训练四中国武术(Chinese martial arts),一般被称为功夫,是中华民族体育的主要内容之一,是几千年来中国人民用以锻炼身体和自卫(defending)的一种方法。其起源可以追溯到原始社会。当时的人类为了在极端恶劣的环境中求生存,用棍棒等工具与野兽搏斗。尽管功夫是一种战斗方式,它所宣扬的却是美德与和平,而不是侵略或暴力。作为宝贵的中国文化遗产之一,中国武术越来越受到世界各国人民的欢迎。Chinese martial arts, which are generally referred to as Gong Fu, are one of the major items of traditional sports. Gong Fu has been adopted as a means of improving health and defending oneself for thousands of years. It can be traced back to the primitive society when people fought against wild animals with tools like sticks to survive in an extremely hostile environment. Although being a fighting style, Kung Fu advocates virtue and peace rather than aggression or violence. As one of the precious cultural heritage of China, it is gaining greater popularity among the peoples worldwide.训练五刺绣(embroidery)是民间传统手工艺之一,在我国至少有二三千年的历史。它的价值不仅仅在于它代表了中国文化的深厚底蕴,还在于它有很高的欣赏价值,并具有实用性,可用于服饰、家庭摆饰等,因此刺绣和人民的日常生活紧密地联系在一起。刺绣品还是中国传统的外贸产品,经济价值很高。我们应该保护这一工艺,并且努力不断创新,使之产生更大的经济和社会效益。Embroidery is one of the traditional folk crafts in China and has a history of at least two thousand to three thousand years. The value of embroidery lies in not only the fact that it represents the profound cultural significance of China and that it deserves great appreciation, but also its practical applications. For instance, it can be used for clothing, ornament and the like. So, it is closely related to peoples daily life. Besides, embroideries are traditional export products which have high economic value. We should preserve this craft and take efforts to constantly innovate it to make it create greater social and economic benefits.训练六众所周知,龙(dragon)是中华文化的主要图腾(totem),是中华文化不可或缺的一部分。在古代传说中,龙是一种强大、吉祥的动物,掌控着水和降雨等,因此受到国人的膜拜。中国古代帝王被比作龙,并且龙成为他们所专有的标志。但实际上,中国的“龙”(long)并不是英语中的“龙”的对等词,两者之间是有很大区别的。前者因象征着权力而受到尊敬,后者往往和邪恶联系起来,给人带来恐惧。As is commonly acknowledged, dragon is the primary totem and an indispensable part of Chinese culture. In Chinese legends, dragon is a creature with potent and auspicious power. It has the control over water and rainfall and therefore is worshiped by the Chinese. In ancient China, emperors were compared to dragons which became their exclusive symbol. However, in fact, the Chinese“loong” is not the equivalent for “dragon” in English. There is great distinction between them. Theformer is held in high esteem for it symbolizes power while the latter usually inspires terror for it is associated with evil.训练七红色,在中国文化中占有特殊的地位。人们往往把红色看成是平安、吉祥(auspiciousness)、喜庆、和谐的颜色,因此在很多场合对其偏爱有加。例如,春节的时候,人们用春联(spring couplets)、红灯笼装饰房间。另外,西方婚礼中白色是主导颜色,而中国传统婚礼往往以红色为特色。京剧中红脸的角色历来是被认为赤诚、忠厚的人。红色已渗透到人们生活的各个方面,成了我国文化中必不可少的一个组成部分。The color of red always holds a special position in Chinese culture. It is generally acknowledged that red signifies peace, auspiciousness, joy and harmony. Therefore, Chinese people show great preferences for red on many occasions. For example, we decorate our houses with spring couplets and red lanterns. Besides, unlike the western wedding ceremonies, in which white is the dominant color, a Chinese wedding ceremony features red. In Beijing opera, the characters with red facial make-ups are always regarded sincere and loyal. Red is prevailing in all aspects of our life and has become an indispensable component of Chinese culture.训练八每年的农历五月初五是中国的传统节日端午节(Dragon Boast Festival)。这一节日已经有两千多年的历史了。该节日是为了纪念屈原而诞生的。赛龙舟是端午节不可或缺的一项活动,全国各地都会举行。粽子(zongzi)则是端午节必备的食物。早些时候,粽子只是芦苇叶(reed)简单包裹糯米,然后用彩色绳子扎紧。渐渐地,糯米里面还配上了不同的馅料(fillings),有豆沙的、鲜肉的,还有蛋黄(egg yolk)、火腿肉的。The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. It was held in commemoration of Qu Yuan (340-278 BC). Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. Zongzi is an essential food people eat at the Dragon Boat Festival. In early times, it was only glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or other plant leaves and tied with colored thread, but now the fillings are more diversified, including jujube and bean paste, fresh meat, and ham and egg yolk.训练九中国戏剧是我国传统文化的表现形式之一,是融合了文学、音乐、舞蹈、美术等元素的综合性艺术,为历代人民群众所喜闻乐见,并在世界剧坛上占有独特的地位。我国古代戏曲,最早可以追溯到秦汉时期(Qin and Han Dynasty),经过了漫长的发展历程,不断成熟而进入现代,期间涌现了很多家喻户晓的著名艺术家。如今,我国360多个剧种,各自具有鲜明的地方特色。毫无疑问,其中最著名的为京剧。The Chinese opera is one of the forms that represent our traditional culture. As a comprehensive art form that incorporates literature, music, dance, painting and so on, it caters to popular taste of people through generations. Besides, it holds a unique position on the stage worldwide. The Chinese ancient opera can be dated back to as early as the Qin and Han Dynasty. It matured after a long-time development, during which many household artists have emerged. Now, there are more than 36


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