已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1 CAD 技术在液压系统机械中的应用 产品发展的主要目标是在一个短的时间的设计过程中,获得低价格的产品和最终产品的最佳表现。根据这些目标,产品设计必须使用一些先进的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件模块和互联网的在线三维部分目录(或多或少标准目录)。通过使用不同的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件的一些模块得到的好处是可以用低价格(这是没有必要所有的软件,只有一些特定的模块,这些软件(具体到工程领域)获得最好表现的模块。三维互联网上的在线目录提供的优势是很容易找到有关机械元件的有用信息(如价格,技术特点,三维模型等) ,对于相关产品的研发起到很大的推动作用,例如,液压系统,旋转楼梯等。 关键词: CAD/CAM 技术,转台,液压系统,齿轮传动。 一、绪论 现在,业内的高度竞争促使产生新的,更好,更便宜的产品。汽车制造商已经处理了客户日益增长的需求。他们必须不断提高产品的构思方法,以现代化的组织结构,以创造一个流畅的链接,而没有研究,设计,制备,制造,商业化和工作产品的生命之间的限制。要成为一个更加具有国际竞争力公司,他须有产品的多样性与不断变化,该公司必须现代化,提高生产系统的灵活性。该公司发现,一种产品的交互设计是最有效的 工具,用于分析评价结束。因此,互联网数据基础和的 CAD - CAM - CAE 软件的使用也带来视觉的几何数据基础和工业设计。工艺和产品开发使用计算机和网络环境可以获得大量成本和时间的节约。在市场上有许多的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件为工程设计人员提供设计一个三维虚拟空间的很多具体的工具。 二、运用多种 CAD - CAM 的 CAE 技术软件包 这些类型的软件都代表一个非常有用的工具在产品开发设计过程中的作用。人们通过使用它可以创建一个三维虚拟产品,从模拟的角度分解成许多点,以改善其特性(非技术性的或技术性的)。 这些软件更好的应用于航空,汽车,机械等行业。今天单一的 CAD - CAM,CAE 软件在工程领域的表现有些不能涵盖整个工业的高场演出。这些软件的另一个主要缺点是一个完整版本的价格非常高。通常的价格是起价几千欧元。 对于大多数的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件有三个优势: 1 - 软件的是结构化模块,即使在同一地区(例如:在 CATIA 机械设计中:部分设计 ;优势钣金设计,模具设计,管道设计和曲面设计等) ;我们可以只买一些具体的一揽子关于电脑辅助设计,计算机辅助制造,计算 2 机辅助工程的部分 ; 3 - 所有这些软件均容许以 节省许多公共文件格式 例如( date:二维的drawings,三维固体一步的 dxf , IGES 等)。这些类型的文件可以打开几乎所有在某些特定条件下的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件 对于一个复杂的产品(例如:在汽车行业),其中需要许多复杂曲面造型。单一的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件是不够的。在这种情况下,解决方法是使用不同的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件中一些表现突出的具体模块。 三、在产品开发中利用网络设施。 如今互联网的发展提供了通过电子邮件传播最新的浪潮,文件传输,远程登录访问,交易应用,等等。 互 联网的最流行的部分原是万维网,原因是在那里任何人都可以访问同一个按钮单击超文本网页。互联网的普及,推出了众多的社会和伦理问题。最近,互联网已经被批评为未经审查的信息,但其教育价值一直被人们所公认的称赞。在工程领域的互联网被用来传播信息和公司的广告。今天,所有的大公司都在互联网上提供了许多他们产品的信息。在机械工程领域的大多数公司也提供有关产品(许多有技术特点的免费文件,免费二维图纸和三维模型免费目录),价格,演算技术软件(例如:轴承斯凯孚等)。 在互联网上存在着许多拥有专用产品开发水平的网站。从图 6(螺丝, 轴承,滑轮小学部分标准目录开始,皮带,齿轮等)和完成复杂的产品(如工业机器人 - 图 7)互联网是一个在设计过程中所有的同类产品的有用工具。 互联网的缺点是不断增加的信息的多样性和传播途径。最大的问题是如何找到这个虚拟空间有用信息。 1.在互联网上查找有用的三维目录 今天互联网上的信息的结构分为网页。几乎所有的公司都在世界上的网页,以提供更多有关其产品的信息。 有三种方式搜索: 1,寻找到一些具体的工程领域的公司。如果公司的名称,通常被称www.( company) .com!(例如: SKF 有 )。如果不是,一个简单的方法是使用搜索网站如谷歌( 搜索网站)和关键字的公司名称 ; 2,找一些具有相似产品的公司他们会有相关公司的连接,还能使用关键字搜索网站谷歌和类似产品公司技术言语形容的产品。例如找到轴承公司可以使用:如“轴承”关键字,“球轴承”等 ; 3,寻找某些特定产品(标准或不)为特定的工程领域,建议使用专用的门户网站。门户网站是其中包含的信息,并为特定领域网站的链接。 3 对在工程领域的互联网公司在介绍他们的产品目录结构。有两种类型的网站目录。 一个是在著名的格式 PDF(便携 式文档格式)。为了找到这是推荐使用的搜索类型目录,经过特定的关键字,首字母缩写“ PDF 格式”。它的优点是使用的 PDF 目录,所有有关的产品所需的资料,为单文件,它可以打印提交。 另一种是交互式的在线目录有一些类似的优势: 1,查找所有的产品(包括 PDF 格式的信息), 2,在线演算软件, 3,产品可直接到 CAD - CAM 的实施 - CAE 软件。为了找到这种类型的目录,建议用“三维目录关键词在网上与关键字相结合的技术”。例如在网上找到一个齿轮目录三维它可用于搜索下一个字符串使用:“齿轮三维目录上线”。 2.使用三维零 件目录 在图 9 给出了一个三维齿轮目录搜索结果的屏幕捕获。用红色箭头标记为可能的三维互联网地址目录。在红色矩形标志着交互式目录地址图 10 介绍。在图 10 给出了它提供免费的3D 和 2D 技术产品目录门户。由于它是提出了一个例子目录威尔在齿轮设计中使用的数字 5所列。选择在这个目录有一个威尔指定所有必要的参数: 1.直径 ; 2.齿数 ; 3.Material; 4.齿形风格 ; 5 质量等级 6.压力角度 ; 7.孔尺寸 ; 8.齿宽 ; 9.齿间距 ; 在图 11的技术特点中提出了选择齿轮的所有特征在此目录(可通过 https: / /sdp - )所有选定的特点、价格;进入相关的 CAD - CAM - CAE 系统均是可直接执行的文件格式。 它的三维模型被选中了 step 格式(用于固体组件的格式)。建成后的 CAD 软件实现几个小的修改,是基于坚实的威尔与齿轮按设计要求。它建了一个关键的键槽和一个圆形孔(基于方便建模的原因)。对于减速器,只有部分相关与箱体和主轴设计。在图 14 A 的标记目录(齿轮,螺丝,轴承,键与) b 图是在 CATIA V5 的设计的基本要素。 小结 本文中标准建模和分级建模概念被确定为 RMTs 建模方法的主要特点。 RMTs 的 模块化结构使这种建模方法很有益处,因为这些模型包含了所有可重构的重要特征 5: 1模块化:(子)组件建模模块化 2可集成:该模块可以通过其连接端口与其他模块集成 3定制:详细程度包括了模型模块都可为单个组件进行定制 4可重构性:模型可以很容易地从一个配置转换到另一个 5诊断性:可方便地进行模块的模型验证 本文介绍的方法可以将建模任务分为两个步骤:( 1)开发组件模型;( 2)装配配置模型。 4 虽然第一步仍然需要大量的建模知识,第二步更系统,甚至将来要实现自动化。此外,两个步骤各有侧重:第一步的重点是组件 内动态,而第二个步骤重点是组件之间的动态。相对于伺服轴建模现有的方法,各个不同的 RMTs 配置都是一个潜在的新建模问题,本文提出的方法允许配置模式更快的发展。配置可以使用库中的模型模块快速组装,假若如此,使用在给定配置的所有组件在模库中都有对应的模块。因此,一个完善的模型库对这一方法的有效性是必不可少的。 对机床的机械部件三维多体建模方法推动了机械领域的模块化。因此,机床滑动模型可用于任何配置,例如在一个滑台移动有更多约束的环境下而不需要特别的滑台模型。以多体的方法,开发通用组件模型可以没有组件接口的先验知识 。然而三维多体方法的一个缺点是通用模型可能比某一实际配置的需求更复杂。例如,在给定的配置中一个组件可能只是被限制在一个平面运动中,在这种情况下,三维模型就过复杂了。该模型应该简化,否则模型中不必要的复杂性降低了模型的计算效率。拟议的模块化建模方法将从集成模型降阶算法中受益。这将是今后工作的重点。 由于铣削加工切削用量及切削得力很大,同时又是多刃断续切削,加工时很容易产生振动,因此设计铣床夹具时应注意:夹紧力的大小必须调整合适,夹紧力设置过小,工件可能在加工过程中移动而破坏夹具定位,不仅严重影响质量,还可能造成 事故;夹紧力过大,不但会使工件和夹具本身产生变形,其加工质量也不高;夹具的安装要准确可靠,即安装及加工时要正确使用定向键、对刀装置;夹具要有足够的刚度和稳定性,设计结构要合理。车床夹具一般都是在悬臂状态下工作,为保证加工过程的稳定性;夹具结构应力求简单紧凑,轻便且安全,悬伸长度尽量小,使重心设计靠近主轴前支承。为保证安全 , 夹具体应制成圆形,加具体上的各元件不允许伸出夹具体直径之外;夹具的结构还应便于工件的安装、测量和切屑的顺利排出和清理。 目前,该机构被认为是刚性,这并不总是很接近。为了能够研究结构动力学 的影响,柔性的机构模式也应开发并添加到模库内。 最后,值得注意的是商业可用软件包如 ADAMS,、 DADS、 EASY5、 Dymola 等也可用于 RMTs 建模的目的。然而,采取统一强大的键合图提供的功能,并简化未来的模式使其更易于实施,那么键合图就被选为建模语言。 通过使用不同的 CAD - CAM - CAE 技术性能为基础的软件系统,不同的模块,优化工艺设计,可从技术角度来选择,无需额外费用。无需为了一个单一的 CAD - CAM, CAE 系统模块买一些没有更好模块的软件花费更高的费用。 通过使用在线互动目录的 设计过程会更加简单。通过对相关的所有技术和非技术的数据 5 元素使用,设计人员可以很容易做出产品成本推估(从各个要素的角度的)。 利用的 CAD - CAM, CAE 软件和互联网设施的产品开发的主要优势是耗费时间很短,可以致力于设计过程。这种方法提高约 70-80。 参考: 1康斯坦丁伊斯帕斯,米龙,克里斯蒂娜莫霍拉,多雷尔安尼亚,研究有关的机械系统的综合概念,第一届国际计算机及解决方案在制造工程会议科姆( 04),布拉索夫, 2004 2吉奥内亚第一部分,安尼亚第四部分 - “计算机的管理使用计算机辅助 设计的虚拟原型”,关于制造系统 ICMaS 国际会议论文集,作者 爱氪迪曼 罗曼, 2002 年的布加勒斯特 6 Application of CAD technology in the construction machinery The main goals to the product development are to obtain a short time of design process, a low price and best performances of the final product. According to these goals, the product design must use some modules of advanced CAD-CAM-CAE software and the internet on-line 3D catalogs for some parts (more or less standard). The advantage obtained by using some modules from different CAD-CAM-CAE software is to use the most perform ant parts of these software (specific to the engineering fields) at a low price (it isnt necessary all the software, only some specific modules). The internet 3D on-line catalogs offer the advantage to find very easy useful information about mechanical elements (prices, technical characteristics, 3D models, etc). Key words: CAD-CAM swivel table slighter tower machine 1.INTRODUCTION Now, in the industry exists a high competition to produce new, better and cheaper products. The manufactures have to deal with the increasing demands of the customers. They have to improve continuously the conception methods of the products, to modernize the organization structure in order to create a fluent link, without limits, between studies, design, preparation, manufacturing, commercialization and working life of the products. To become more competitive into a world with diversity of products, with continuous changes, the companies must modernize and increase the flexibility of the production systems. The companies find out that the interactive design of a product is the most efficiently tool for analysis end evaluation. So the use of internet data base and CAD-CAM-CAE software creates visual data base and industrial geometry design. Process and product development using computers and internet environment allow a substantially costs and time economy. On the market there is a lot of CAD-CAM-CAE software which offer specific tools for engineering design into a tri dimensional virtual space. 2.USING MULTIPLE CAD-CAM-CAE SOFTWARE PACKAGES These kinds of software are representing a very useful tool in products development design process. By using them it can be created a 3D virtual product, simulate from many point of view 1, in order to improve its characteristics (technical or non technical).Some of these softwares have better performances for some engineering fields as aeronautics, automotives, mechanical etc. Today single CAD-CAM-CAE software cannot cover the entire industrial field for high performances. Another major disadvantage of that softwares is very high prices for a full version. Usual the prices are starting from several thousands of EUR. There are 3 advantages for the most CAD-CAM-CAE softwares: 1 - the softwares are structured in modules, even in the same area (for example: in CATIA in mechanical design are: part design; sheet metal design, mold design, wiser frame and surfaces design etc);it can be bought only some specific package regarding computer aided design, computer aided manufacturing or computer aided engineering; 3 - all these software allow to save date in some commune file format (for example: dxf for 2D drawings, step for 3D solids; iges for3D surfaces etc). These types of files can be opened by almost all CAD-CAM-CAE software in some specific condition. For a complex product (ex. in automotive industry) which need complex surfaces for 7 modeling a single CAD-CAM-CAE software isnt sufficient. In this case the solution is to use some high preferment specific modules from different CAD-CAM-CAE software. 3.USING INTERNET FACILITIES IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. The growth of the Internet today offers the newest wave of communication through electronic mail, file transfer, telnet access, transaction applications, and much, much more. The most popular part of the Internet is the World Wide Web, where anyone can access hypertext pages with the click of a button. The popularity of the Internet has launched many social and ethical issues. Recently, the Internet has been criticized for its uncensored information, but has been praised for its educational value. In engineering field the internet is used for information dissemination and company advertising. Today all the big company offers many information about their products directly on the internet. In the mechanical engineering fields the most companies offer free catalogs about products (free documentation about technical characteristics, free 2D drawings and 3D models), prices, calculus technical software (ex: bearings SKF) etc. On the internet exists dedicated sites for all level of product development? Starting from standard catalogs for elementary parts fig.6 (screws, bearings, pulleys, belts, gears etc) and finished with complex products (like industrial robots fig.7) the internet is a useful tool in design process for all kind of products. The disadvantage of the internet is the increasing diversity of information and the way of dissemination. The big problem is how to find utile information in this virtual space on internet. 1. Finding useful 3D catalogs on internet Today on internet the information is structured into web pages. Almost all the companies in the world have web pages in order to offer more information about their products. There are 3 ways to search: 1 , to find a company into some specific engineering fields. If the name of company is known usually the site is www。( names) .com (ex: SKF has ). If is not, an easy way is to use a searching site as google ( ) and as keywords the company name; 2 , to find some companies witch have similar products it is recommended to use searching site as google and keywords technical words witch describe the product. For example to find bearing companies it can be use: keywords like “bearings”; “ball bearings” etc.; 3 , to find some specific products (standard or not) for a specific engineering field it is recommended to use dedicated portals. A portal is a site which contains information and links to specific sites for a domain. On internet in the engineering fields the companies presents their products structured in catalogs. There are two types of catalogs on web. One is in well-known format PDF (portable document format). To find catalog of this type it is recommended for searching to use, after specific keywords, the acronym “PDF”. The advantage using a PDF catalogs is that all the needed information about a product is presented into single file, which can be printed. The other is interactive on-line catalogs which have some advantages like: 1- to find all information for a product (including in PDF format), 2- on-line calculus software, 3 -the product can be directly implemented into CAD-CAM-CAE software. To find such types of catalogs it is recommended to use keywords as “3D catalogs on-line” in combination with technical keyword. For example to find a gears catalog 3D on line it can be use for searching the next string: “gears 3D catalogs on-line”. 8 2.Using 3D component catalogs In figure 9 is presented a screen capture for the results of 3D gears catalog search. With red arrow is marked possible internet address for 3D catalogs. In red rectangle is marked the address for interactive catalog presented in figure 10. In figure 10 is presented a portal for technical products which offers free 3D and 2D catalogs. As example it is presented a catalog wheal used in design of gear presented in figure 5. For selecting a wheal in this catalog it has to specify all the necessary parameter: 1.Diametral Pitch; 2.No. Of Teeth; 3.Material; 4.Hub Style; 5.Quality Class; 6.Pressure Angle Degree; 7.Bore Size; 8.Face Width; 9.Pitch Dia; In figure 11 is presented all the characteristics available in this catalog (https:/sdp- ) for selected wheal as technical characteristics; prices; available file formats for direct implementation into CAD-CAM-CAE systems. For 3D model it was selected a step format (used for solid component). After implementation into CAD software a few minor modifications were made on the solid wheal according with the gears design requirements. It was made a key pocket and a circular pocket (for constructive reason). For a speed reducer only a few parts were designed as shells and spindles. In figure 14 with A are marked catalogs elements (wheals, screws, bearings, keys) With B are marked elements designed in Catia V5. CONCLUSION This article standard modeling and hierarchical modeling concepts are identified as the main characteristic of RMTs modeling method.RMTs modular structure makes the modeling method is very good, because the model contains all the important features of reconfigurable 5. 1. The modular (sub) modular component modeling. 2. Can be integrated, the module can be integrated through its connection with other modules. 3. Custom: detail including the model module can be customized for individual components. 4. The reconfigurable sex: model can easily transfer from one configuration to another 5. Diagnostic: can easily model validation module This paper introduces the method of modeling tasks can be divided into two steps: (1) the development of component model;(2) assembly configuration model. Although the first step is still need a lot of knowledge modeling, the second step is more system, even in the future to realize automation. In addition, a focus of two steps: the first step is the focus of the dynamic components, and the second step is focused on the dynamic between components. Compared with the existing servo axis modeling method, different RMTs configuration is a potential new modeling problem, the proposed approach allows configuration mode, faster development. Configuration can use the model in the library module assembly quickly, if so, to use in a given configuration of all components in the model library has a corresponding module. Therefore, a perfect model library is indispensable to the effectiveness of this method. Mechanical components of machine tool 3 d multi-body modeling method promoted in the field of mechanical modularity. Therefore, machine tool slide model can be used in any configuration, for example, in a slider move more constraint conditions without the need for special sliding table model. With multi-body method, develop common component model can do not have prior knowledge of component interface. However a disadvantage of the three-dimensional multi-body method is a generic model might be more complicated than an actual configuration requirement. For example, in a given configuration of a component may be 9 confined to a plane, in this case, the 3 d model is too complex. The model should be simplified, otherwise unnecessary complexity in the model reduces the computation efficiency of the model. The proposed modular modeling method will benefit from the integration model order reduction algorithms. This will be the focus of future work. Due to milling cutting dosage and cutting strength is very big, is also more intermittent cutting blade, processing is easy to cause vibration, so the design of milling machine fixture should be paid attention to: the size of the clamping force must be adjusted, appropriate clamping force set is too small, could move in the machining process and work piece fixture positioning, not only seriously affect the quality, can also cause accidents; Clamping force is too large, not only can make the work piece deformation and jig itself, its processing quality is not high; Fixture to be accurate and reliable installation, the installation and processing to correctly use the directional keys, device on the edge of the sword; Should have enough stiffness and stability, jig design structure to be reasonable. Lathe fixture are generally work under cantilever state, in order to ensure the stability of machining process; Fixture should strive to simple and compact structure, lightweight, safe, overhanging length is small, as far as possible to design close to the main shaft bearing before. Concrete should be made to ensure safety, clip round, all components are not allowed to add specific extended clamp concr


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