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外文翻译 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 生 姓 名 张 子 华 班 级 BD 机制 031 学 号 0320110107 指 导 教 师 陈 树 祥 1 食品包装工业发展战略 Stephane Auclair 张子华 译 食品包装工业发展战略 20 世纪 90 年代,全球的食品工业总产值达到了 2.2 万亿美元,高居于其他工业产值之上。至于食品包装工业总产值同样占包装工业总产值的大约 60以上。这都充分说明了食品加工和食品包装在整个国民经济中是处于相当重要的地位的。 21 世纪,预计各国发展的重点依然是力争妥善解决好人们吃饭(包括军 和 民的各种特殊需要)的大问题上,从而决定了食品工业和包装工业都是永不衰落的朝阳工业。今后,食品工业将成为全 国最大的产业部门,这对我国继续扩大包装食品的出口会带来极好的机遇。 仅就食品包装而言,按物流过程的应用情况可分为销售包装和运输包装两大范畴。考虑到前者直接与食品本身以及消费者接触,对其内外包装的方方面面大都提出了 多种多样的较高要求。加之从总体看,食品销售包装所用的材料、容器、工艺、技术及设备,不论在复杂程度、变化状况或先进水平上都是无与伦比的,更具有广泛性、代表性和带动性。以致食品销售包装能在整个包装工业中起着当之无愧的主导作用,必须优先大力发展。 食品包装技术现状分析 鉴于食品的种类繁多、千差万别、层出不 穷,而且多为有机物质易受外界微生物感染以及物理、化学、机械等不良作用而变质损坏,因此大都要求包装具有较强的保护、使用和促销功能,以致食品包装的无菌化、小型化、多样化、简便化、机械化、自动化便成为时代发展的主流。 不论采用何种方式包装,首先都要从对内包装的各方面要求出发,合理选择包装材料和包装容器。 对液体食品,常用塑料瓶、玻璃瓶、金属罐、复合材料制作的袋、盒、杯等;对半流体食品,常用塑料或玻璃的广口瓶、复合材料制作的袋、盒、杯等;对粉体、散粒体及其与液体混合的食品,常用金属罐、塑料广口瓶、复合材料制作的袋、 盒、罐等;对单个或多个集合的块状、片状、条状及类似于球状、半球状等固体食品,常用较大型的塑料盒、金属罐、复合材料制作的袋、盘、盒等。 总之,当前食品销售包装容器,以金属、玻璃制作的瓶、罐、盒等所占比重较小, 2 且有逐渐下降趋势,多用于礼品包装或特种包装。以薄型纸板制作的盒、盘等由于阻隔性能差,一般大都用于外包装。惟有以塑料薄膜为基础的复合材料制作的袋、盒、杯等足以 能 保护食品、美化外观的独特作用,并且成型多样、容易加工、节省资源、成本不高,使用轻便、适应性强,可谓几乎无所不包(通常含气液料除外),无所不用(扩展到 陆海空所有场合),很有发展前途。尤其是内包装袋与外包装盒相结合,更能有力地推动食品小包装的广泛应用。 随着人们日常工作节奏的加快,营养保健食品的丰富,环境保护意识的增强,今后对食品及其包装也必然会提出许多新的要求。如今引人注目的是,鉴于电冰箱、微波炉的迅速普及,加上其他相关条件逐步成熟,不会很久,可以通过开发速冻食品作为方便食品、快餐食品大量进入家庭和企事业单位(包括服务、旅游之类行业)。与此同时还要因地制宜大力发展真空包装、真空充气包装和无菌包装等新技术、新产品,使之与速冻包装有机结合,共同促进食品包装更 上一层楼。这样一来,各种层次的消费者希望以袋盒为主体的食品小包装容器,特别是关于全面理解使用轻便的问题,主要指包装件容易开启、随意摆放、多次可封、用后可收、安全可靠。所以,必须采用相应措施,进一步改善袋型、盒型并实现主体与封口结构的科学化和多样化 。 众所公认,在商业竞争中,物美与价廉始终必须兼顾。 若能切实做到这一点,就不难占领市场,立于不败之地。出路之一在于切实实现合理包装与简化包装的辩证统一。道理很明显,合理也包含简化,但简化不一定合理(如过去被淘汰的饮料裸式薄塑料管包装、饼干天地盖式软纸盒包装等)。事 实上,从主流看,现有不少精心设计流行的袋与盒包装就占有这方面的优势,因为经过合理简化了包装形式与结构以及相关工艺与设备,可以大幅度地减少生产销售过程中的各种消耗浪费,并消除诸多不稳定因素的发生,进而提高整体效益,最终体现现代包装的大方向。 接着需要深入考察的是,怎样选择适宜的包装工艺方法和包装机械类型,以便将某种或多种物料装入已选定的包装材料、包装容器之中,使包装系统的整体功能得以实现最优化。 仍就食品的销售包装而言,现今最常用、最基本的包装工艺方法有两大类,即充填与裹包。充填方法几乎适用于一切物料和各类包 装容器。具体讲,对流动性较好的液体、粉体、散粒体,主要依靠自身重力,必要时辅以一定的机械作用便可完成包装过程。而对黏性较强的半流体或体形较大的单件、组合件,则要采用相应的挤压、推 3 入、拾放等强制性措施。至于裹包方法却与此有所差异,它主要适用于外形规整、有足够硬性挺性、且要求包装得较紧实的单件或组合件,多用柔性的塑料及其复合材料(有的附加轻质托盘、衬板),借助机械作用进行裹包。迄今,裹包形式也是丰富多彩的,然而应以袋型为主流。观察国内外市场受到启示,充填方法和裹包方法虽各具特色,可是前者在全世界被用得更加面广量 大,起着主导作用。尽管如此,值得强调指出,再联系前述的有关袋与盒的优势地位,若能将充填与裹包两种方法相辅相成运用起来,可谓如虎添翼,必会增强食品包装机械的整体功能,大体上做到更有成效的无所不包。 食品包装机械应开发的主导机型 近十余年来,国际包装界十分重视提高包装机械及整个包装系统的通用能力和多功能集成能力,为市场开拓日新月异的多样化商品提供及时灵活应变的生产手段。同时基于合理简化包装和优选包装工艺方法的实际需要,不断探索,明显地加快了自身技术革新的步伐。尤其是与现代自动机床同步发展相呼应,逐步明确。要想建 立多样化、通用化、多功能集成化的包装机械新体系,首先必须着重解决组合化和机电一体化的大问题,无疑这是今后的重要发展方向。 组合化的基本指导思想在于,根据包装总要求设计一系列具有独立功能的模块(泛指部件、组件、装置、设备),应用时通过改变模块的类型、数量、位置来变换系统的工艺过程及整体功能,使之成为带有一定柔性的通用包装机,实现一机多能,以便用较少的投资达到多品种、小批量产品包装的目的。 从整机角度来看,水平布局往往优于垂直布局。前者有利于外延模块,从而增加功能、方便操作、美化外观、稳定机体,主要缺点则是占地 面积较多。权衡利弊,今后发展的主流应是水平组合式多功能包装机。 着眼于 现在 和未来,可以确认下述 3 大类型包装机乃是适合食品销售包装的优秀机种,且可堪称之为拥有漫长发展历史和富有强大生命力的主导机型,即立式袋(盒)成型充填封口机、卧式袋(盒)成型充填封口机、卧式接缝裹包机。 按照成组技术思想进行剖析,这三者之间的共同性和相似性较多,有助于统一开发,另外又各具特殊的差异性,要因地制宜选用。经全面比较,列其主要特征如下: 包装对象 将 3 个机种相配合几乎无所不包(通常含气液料除外),只不过第三种有局限性。 包装材料 均以卷筒式复合薄膜为主,有的场合第二种可内放吸管,第三种 4 可内放托盘等辅件。 包装形式 第二种花样较多,如三边封袋、四边封袋、双联袋、自立袋、砖形盒、屋顶形盒等;第一种居其次;第三种偏少,通常以枕形袋为主,有的可制成筒形袋、四边封袋等。 包装尺寸 第一种的袋宽最小达 10 毫米,袋长可在限定范围内无级调整;后两种的袋宽及袋长均可在限定范围内无级调整,其中第三种的袋长能达半米以上。 封口类型 第二种新开发出来的不少,如设置撕裂口或撕裂线的上端平封、加内嵌盒的组合封、放在不同部位的螺旋盖封等等;另外两 个机种显得单调。 传送运动 既能实现连续式运动,也能实现步进式运动。 结构组合 全面体现模块式结构,尤其第二种水平布局更便于配置功能性模块(如抽真空、充氮气),加上机电一体化程度高,使多样性、通用性、多功能集成性大为增强,形成了系列化产品。 据报道,长期以来,这 3 大典型机种在国内外市场上举足轻重,前景喜人,第二种最为突出,方兴未艾。除此以外还要看到,无菌包装技术正以惊人速度在液体饮料和液体副食品等领品也将逐步采用无菌包装。不妨预测,到那时,用塑料复合材料制作的多种袋与盒,依然是支撑它们继续发展的有效包 装容器。将来有朝一日,一些黏度较高的食品、颗粒与液体混合的食品,以及固体的食品现今已经开发出来的若干种类无菌包装机,无论立式或卧式的,大体上都是参照上述几种主导机型应运而生、演进而成的,只是功能更显得完善、技术更显得复杂罢了。相当清楚,无菌包装机与成为食品包装机械中很有代表性的主导机型之一。 5 Food Packaging Industry Development Strategy Stephane Auclair Food Packaging Industry Development Strategy 1990s in the 20th century, the global food industry output value reached 2.2 trillion U.S. dollars. Industrial output value of living is high above the others. As for the food packaging industry accounted for the same product packaging industrial output value is about 60%. This has fully demonstrated the food processing and food packaging in the overall national economy is in a very important position. 21centery. it is expected that the focus is still strive to properly resolve the meals (including the special needs of military and civilian), the big problem, decide on the food industry and packaging industry is a sunrise industry never fading. In future, the food industry will become the countrys largest industrial sector. To continue to expand our packaged foods will have an excellent opportunity to export. Only food packaging, according to the logistics of the application process can be divided into two major areas of packaging and shipping center. Taking into account the former contact with the food itself and consumers directly. Most of all aspects of its foreign proposed a variety of higher packaging requirements. Moreover, from an overall perspective, the sale of food packaging materials are used, the packaging, technology, techniques and equipment, regardless of the complexity. Changes in conditions or advanced level are second to none, more widespread, representative and acceleration. Sales of food packaging can result in the entire packaging industry plays a leading role in the well-deserved priority should be given to develop Analysis of food packaging technology Aside view of the wide variety of food, diversity, endless, but more vulnerable to microbial infection and organic material in physics, chemistry, machinery, and other adverse effects, rather than just one aspect of damage, mostly packaged with strong protection, use and marketing functions, Aseptic packaging result, small, diversified, simple, mechanical, Automation will become the mainstream of development. No matter what methods of packaging from the home must first of all packaging requirements. Reasonable choice of packaging material and packaging of liquid foods, commonly used plastic bottles, glass bottles, metal cans, composites produced bags, boxes, cups; semi fluid of food, often with wide-mouth glass or plastic bottles, bags produced by 6 the composite materials, boxes, cups; of powder granular and liquid mixed with the food, often metal cans, plastic bottles wide-mouth, composite material bags, boxes, cans; The bulk of individual or collective, flake, bars and similar spherical dome-like solid foods, Common larger plastic boxes, metal cans, composites produced by the bag, games cartridges. In short, sales of food packaging, metal, glass bottles, cans, boxes and other smaller share. There gradually declining trend, largely for gift packaging or special packaging. To the production of thin cardboard boxes, such as disk barrier performance is poor, mostly for the general over pack. Only the basis of composite materials to produce plastic film bags, boxes, cups and other significant large enough to protect food beautifying the unique role and shape varied, easy processing, saving resources, the cost is not high, the use of light, strong adaptability. Is almost inclusive (usually with the exception of gas-liquid materials) everything (extended to air all occasions) very promising. Particularly within the over pack, which combined with the package more effectively promote the wider use of packaged foods. With the accelerated pace of day to day work, nutrition and health foods rich and the enhancement of the sense of environmental protection. And the future of food packaging will also put forward many new requirements. Now attention is given refrigerators, microwave ovens rapidly growing popularity, coupled with other conditions related to the gradual maturity, not a long time. Development of quick-frozen food can be as convenient food, fast foods and access to family enterprises (including services, tourism sectors). Meanwhile conditions should vigorously develop the vacuum packaging, vacuum packaging and aseptic packaging aeration and other new technology, new products, so quick-frozen and packaged organic and jointly promote food packaging organization. As a result, the various levels of consumer hope on a small bag of food packaging boxes as the mainstay. Light on a comprehensive understanding of the particular issues, mainly referring to the packaging easy to open, free-up time can be closed after revenue, safe and reliable. Therefore, we must adopt appropriate measures to further improve the type bag, seal and box-type structure and the achievement of the main scientific and diversification. It has been recognized that the commercial competition and cheap tourists always should take.Can effectively do this, it is easy to capture the market, invincible. One effective way to achieve a reasonable package and simplified packaging is the dialectical unity. The reasons are obvious. Reasonable contains simplified, but simplification is not necessarily reasonable (as in the past to be eliminated nude thin plastic beverage packaging. 7 soft earth covered biscuits carton packaging). In fact, from the mainstream, and quite a number of well-designed pop on the bag and box packaging occupies a dominant position in this respect. Because after a reasonable form and structure to simplify the packaging and related technology and equipment. Can greatly reduce the expenditure and waste production and marketing process, and eliminate the many unstable factors, thereby improving the overall body School Official Cites Use of efficiency and ultimately the general direction of modern packaging. After thorough inspection is necessary, how to choose appropriate methods and packaging machinery types of packaging technology, to one or more selected materials packed in packaging material, packaging, so that the overall package to achieve optimal function. Sales of food packaging still on the run, the most commonly be used today, there are two basic methods of packaging technology. That the filling and wrap. Filling method applies in almost all types of packaging materials and containers. Specifically, the liquidity in liquid, powder, granular, mainly is relying on its own gravity. Will be supplemented, where necessary, the role of the mechanical completion of the packaging process. Viscous semi fluid stronger shape of the larger single or combination of conditions would adopt corresponding pressured into picking up other coercive measures. As for the difference of binding methods are contradictory, it is mainly applied to form structured, very rigid enough, demanding more packing up the pieces of the single or combination, more flexible plastic and composite materials (some additional light trays Lining), the mechanical role of Packaging. So far, the coating is rich and varied forms, but to the mainstream type bag. Observation of the domestic market insights, filling methods and Packaging method is unique, But the former world to be used in more extensive capacity, plays a dominant role. Nevertheless, it is worth emphasizing that, in connection with the foregoing the advantages of the bags and boxes, It would be filled with the coating used two methods complement each other, is even more powerful. It will enhance the overall function of food packaging machinery and large do-encompassing more productive. The dominant type of food packaging machinery should be developed Aside past dozen years, international packaging machinery and packaging industry attaches great importance to improving the general ability of the entire system and multi-function integrated packaging, to exploit the new market and the diversification of the commodity to provide timely and flexible means of production. Meanwhile simplified packaging and packaging technology optimization method to the actual needs, constantly 8 probing, significantly accelerate the pace of innovation in technology. Particularly with the simultaneous development of modern automatic machine concert becomes clearer. To establish a more diverse, common, a new system of multi-functional integrated packaging machinery. First, we must focus on solving the combination of mechanical and electrical integration, it is undoubtedly important it is the future development direction. Combination of the basic guiding principle is that According to the general requirements of the packaging design of a series of functional modules (generic parts, components, devices and equipment). By changing the type of application modules, the number, location and the process to transform the system functions as a whole, with a certain flexibility so that it will become generic packaging machine, a machine capable of achieving so many varieties with less investment. a small number of products for packaging purposes. From the perspective of a piece is often superior to the level of the vertical layout of the distribution. The former is conducive to extension modules, thereby increasing the number of functional, operational, beautifying and stable organism, the main disadvantage is that occupy more. On balance, the future level of the mainstream of development should be combined multifunctional packaging machine. Focus on the present and the future, we can confirm the following three types of packaging machine is suitable for packaging food sales outstanding aircraft, also be pleased to have a long history and rich as the leading type of strong vitality. namely vertical kit (box) injection molding - sealing machine, horizontal bags (box) injection molding - sealing machine and horizontal seam binding machine. According to Group Technology analysis, and the similarity between the three of the more common, help unify development. Furthermore, the differences in the sites of special, local conditions selection. After an all-round, out of its main features are as follows: Packaging will target three types of aircraft - encompassing almost matched (usually with the exception of gas-liquid materials) only a third have limitations. Composite film reel packaging material - were mainly putting up a straw may second some occasions. The third putting trays and other accessories are available. The second figure more packaged form, such as triangular envelope, the envelope surrounding the two bags, stand bag, brick-shaped box. Box-shaped roof; A second section C; A third small, usually based pillow shaped bags, and some may be made cylindrical bag Quadrilateral Sealing bags, and so on. The first package size - 10 mm minimum width of the bags, bags no longer limit the 9 scope of the adjustments; After two bags and bags of relief no longer be limited within the scope of the adjustments, the third of the more than 768 bags of long reach. The second type sealing the many new development, such as tear lines set up or tears the top level mouth closed. Embedded box plus the combination of letters and cover letters, etc. in different parts of the spiral; the other two types of planes is monotonous. Transmission can achieve continuous movement - movement, but also of Step by Step campaign. The modular structure - reflect structural combinations, in particular, more user-friendly layout of the second level functional module configuration (such as vacuum, fully nitrogen), coupled with a high degree of mechanical and electrical integration. So dive


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