英语人教版七年级下册unit9. What does he look like .docx_第1页
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Unit9. What does he look like? 写作课 教案教学目标 1.知识目标: 能够运用所学句型描述人的外貌。 A: What does he /she look like? B: He/She is /has/wears 2.能力目标: 通过教学活动训练学生的写作能力。3.情感目标: 通过对人物外貌的描述,教育学生在生活中不可以以貌取人。 Step1.导入T:I Like comics very much.Do you like them?()T:Lets enjoy some of them.(老师用夸张的并很有特点的名人漫画来吸引学生的注意力。)Step2. What do they look like?(让学生口头操练本单元描述人物外貌特征的句子。并且提醒他们要正确的使用be, have/has, wear(s).这几个动词。如:Yao Ming is tall.Pan Changjiang is short. Xiao Shenyang is not tall orshort.So he is of medium height.He has short straight black hair.She wears a hat , a Tshirt, a pair of jeans and sports shoes. Step3. Guessing game. 此环节分为两部分: 第一个环节通过师说生猜,猜老师喜欢的一位名人。把之前的句子融合成一篇小短文,对学生进行输入。第二个环节:让学生模仿老师,描述班里一位学生的外貌,然后让其他同学猜。学生进行简单的输出。 Step4. 展示范文首先,师生共同讨论有关鹿晗的一些情况。如:1. What do you think of him?2. What does he look like?3. What does Lu Han like to wear ?其实这些问题就是范文的主要内容。学生讨论完后,老师通过 Do you want to learn more about him? 来引出范文。然后,让学生一起读范文共同体会范文从哪几个方面来写鹿晗的。接着,Fill in the blanks. 把范文里主要的动词去掉,让学生来强化这些词的用法。Step5. Summery: How to describe a person? 让学生观察范文,归纳范文从那几个方面来写的。1.Who is the person?2. What do you think of him/her?3. What does the person look like?4. What does the person like to wear ?5. What does the person like doing? Step 6. Writing 趁热打铁,展示学生喜欢的赵丽颖的图片。然后老师分别提出以上几个问题,让学生讨论回答。学生基本会描述后,老师再展示出赵丽颖的资料,补充学生不了解的方面:name : Zhao Liying job: actress age: 30. . height: (be) of medium heightbuild: thin hair: .face / eyes/ mouth: clothes: glasses / T-shirt / skirt/ sports shoes. .like: ice-cream, be good at/be interested in/ enjoy : sing, dance . .然后留时间让学生在课堂上完成此作文。最后,展示学生作文并评价。Step7.Introduce Nick to students.And tell them:“Never judge a person by appearances!”Help each otherCheer each otherLove each otherAnd win togetherStep8. HomeworkCollect information and write a passage about Nick .反思:总的来说这堂课收到了良好的效果。学生在猜班里同学这一环节积极性很高。存在的不足:最开始我


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