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砂 拉 越 州 詩 巫 市 石 山 公 園Sarawak, Sibu, Purifying River Campaign環 保 酵 素 淨 化 環 境 醒 覺 運動,13/9/2008 before pouring enzyme,1st day Pouring Enzyme,14/9/2008 2nd day,16/9/2008 4th day,Remove moldy & oily Kitchen wall stain,洗衣 拖地,模具拆除 去除汙垢,其使用環保酵素在我們的居家環境,减少蚊子,蒼蠅, 老鼠,蟑螂的數量寵物管理廁所没有臭味 防止水管堵塞廚房油膩牆壁,將所有蔬菜水果用酵素Enzyme兩湯匙對1公升水,泡45分鐘,去除,除草劑,殺蟲劑及農藥、重金屬、細菌、寄生蟲卵後,才切開,蔬菜和水果也將會很甜。,1. 添加一瓶蓋的環保酵素 2. 蔬菜徹底清洗,3. 將蔬菜放入環保酵素盆中 4. 浸泡40分鐘,用來清洗蔬菜和水果,Follow the same steps for the fruits.,Washing your fruits and veggie with garbage enzyme, clean and free them from chemicals such as pesticide residue.,體外患部 :塗抹酵素在患部,1 part of bodywash 1 part of enzyme 8 parts of water,Add in:,1,2,3,糖尿病Diabetic,減少全球暖化,需要大家的力量,只要家家户户都用酵素和製做酵素,相信我們可以幫助到我們的下一代和保護我們的環境!,These are the enzyme packed in the bottle to be given away to public for every Enzyme Public talk,義工們不但出力把酵素裝瓶,裝箱等,更出錢買桶,買原料,買瓶子箱子等。為了就是怕您們没有馬上能用到 還要要空等3個月。今天,只要您想要先得到用酵素就請您不用客氣,带它回家吧!,黑糖 Black Sugar新鮮果皮 Kitchen Waste水 Water釀製三個月 Fermentation for 3 months,製做環保酵素的比率,: l,: 3,: 1 0,Brown Sugar / Jaggery,Stir and mix them well.,Close the cap and jot down the date the mission begins.,7,8,發酵過程需要三個月,Day 1 1 month,Photos source: ,2 months 3 months,Enzyme water after ferment for 3 months,Garbage Enzyme (with worm),Is fine with worms - extra proteinsCan add extra 1 ratio sugar and cover air tight. The worms dissolves by itself,end of fermentation filter to remove residue,enzyme ready for use residue as fertilizer,請注意Reminder,1. After mix the brown sugar/jaggery into the water, add in the kitchen waste. Let it ferment for 3 months. 酵素必需發酵至少三個月。2. During fermentation, need to open the cover to release the gas. Remember to close back. 發酵過程偶爾必需扭鬆瓶盖,讓氣體流出平時就把蓋封閉。3. After 3 months, extract out the water and leave only the sediment. The sediment can be dried to become fertilizer or may leave it for next fermentation. 三個月後,釀製好的酵素可撥開中間抽取酵素水,垃圾渣可以拿來曬乾,攪碎後埋在土裡作肥料,或者繼續留放在缸底和下次的鲜垃圾再次釀製垃圾酵素。,4. Enzyme will never be expired. The longer you keep stronger it become. 酵素不會過期發酵越久越好 。5. Enzyme add with water will enhance the power. 酵素加水稀釋後會更強。6. Garbage enzyme is only for external use. 只供外用! Any more QUESTIONS?,请注意Reminder,如果所有的人都把自己家裡的垃圾轉化為有用的垃圾酵素,不僅保護地球,而且會使人類生活在没有毒害的空氣裡,食物也將遠離毒素。,If every household utilized their garbage to produce Enzyme, the Ozone layer isprotected. Mankind can live in toxic free environment and enjoy non-toxic food.,謝謝您!愛我們的地球!,Your presence here today is the first step to help reduce Global Warming and save our Mother Earth.Thank you for taking this step.,


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