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Abstract,Sharon Gan,contents,1. Types2. Tense3. Voice4. Grammatical modification5. Samples6. Useful words, expressions, sentence structures,1. types,Format: non-structured abstracts + structured abstractsNature: indicative + informative + informative-indicative + structuredCritical abstracts: review on studies, methods, or conclusions,1.1 indicative abstract (指示性),Key points involved onlyNo information of methods and materialsNo information of data and results Not very long sentences (some are even with one or two sentences)Generally, present tense and perfect present tense are used,Example:论原发性胃肠道淋巴瘤 (Primary Lymphomas of the Gastrointestinal Tract ),本文综述了治疗原发于胃肠道淋巴瘤的主要经验,并就该病的临床、病理及治疗等问题进行了讨论。An institutional experience with primary gastrointestinal Lymphoma (PGL) is reviewed. The clinical, pathologic, and therapeutic aspects of PGL are discussed.,1.2 informative abstract(资料性),Concrete information are included:A, Brief Introduction:Background, Objective/Purpose, Explanation; B, Procedure and Result of the ResearchC, ConclusionD, Future Prospects,Example:恶性高血压与吸烟 (Malignant Hypertension and Cigarette Smoking ),将48例高血压患者与92例非恶性高血压患者作了吸烟习惯的对比研究。初诊时就已吸烟的恶性高血压患者有33例,非恶性患者34例,两者之间有明显差异。即使对男性患者进行比较,或将白人与黑人分别进行比较,这种差异也仍然显著。本研究表明:恶性高血压是一种与吸烟有关的疾病。,The smoking habit of 48 patients with malignant hypertension was compared with those of 92 consecutive patients with non-malignant hypertension. Thirty-three of the patients with malignant and 34 of the patients with non-malignant hypertension were smokers when first diagnosed. This difference was significant, and remained so when only men or black and white patients were considered separately. Results suggest that malignant hypertension is yet another disease related to cigarette smoking.,1.3 Indicative-informative abstract,Characteristics of indicative and informative abstracts are both present in this type. Informative part presents the most important contents of the thesis, and indicative part briefly presents the other parts with about 200 words.,Example: 恶性淋巴瘤伴有明显嗜伊红细胞增多症,一名60岁患低分化淋巴细胞型淋巴瘤的黑人,淋巴结呈全身性肿大,嗜伊红细胞明显增多。对嗜伊红细胞进行的大量研究发现,其形态与机能均属正常。患者经过皮质素治疗后,肿大的淋巴结消失,周围血细胞计数恢复到正常范围。但仅维持了数月,原来的临床症状又复发。旋即开始全身性化疗。但疗效短暂。患者病情急转直下,最后死亡。本文综述了嗜伊红细胞增多症的发病机制和嗜伊红细胞功能研究的最新进展,并讨论了淋巴瘤与嗜伊红细胞增多症的关系。,Malignant Lymphoma Associated with Marked EosinophiliaA 60-year-old black man with poorly differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma presented with generalized lymphadenopathy and marked eosinophilia. Extensive evaluation of the eosinophils revealed them to be normal morphologically and functionally. The patient responded to corticosteroid therapy with resolution of the lymphadenopathy and reversion of the peripheral blood counts to normal limits. Recurrence of the original clinical picture within months prompted institution of systemic chemotherapy. Response was transient, and the patient expired after an unremitting downhill course. Recent advances in our knowledge of mechanisms of eosinophilia and eosinophil function are reviewed the relationship of lymphoma to eosinophilia is discussed.,1.4 structured abstract,It is estimated that 60% of biomedical magazines accept structured abstract. it consists of objective, methods, results, and conclusions. in objective, “to do” is used directly, for example, to provide, to explore, etc.In methods and results , past tense ( or sometimes present perfect tense) and its passive voice are used In conclusions, present tense is used,1.4.1 Semi-structured abstracts,国际生物医学期刊投稿统一要求(温哥华格式):四要素/四层次结构式摘要,250 words.目的:Objective/ Purpose/ Aim方法:Methods结果:Results结论:Conclusion(s),Example,目的:了解静脉血栓患者和健康志愿者V Leiden因子和G20210A基因变异的发生率。方法:用多聚酶链反应(PCR)及限制性内切酶一步分析法,对97例静脉血栓患者和100名健康人的V Leiden(因子FV Arg506Cln)和G20210A基因变异进行分析。结果: V Leiden因子(175bp)和凝血酶原基因(118bp)的PCR产物( 175bp和118bp)经Taq I酶切处理后电泳显示分别为157bp和98bp片段。静脉血栓患者和正常人群均未发现凝血因子V Leiden和凝血酶原基因G20210A变异。结论:凝血因子V Leiden和凝血酶原基因G20210A变异发生率低,表明它们不是中国人血栓病的主要遗传性危险因素。,Objective: To evaluate the incidence of factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene G20210A mutation in patients with venous thrombosis and healthy volunteers. Methods: Factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene G20210A mutation were analyzed in 97 cases of venous thrombosis and 100 healthy volunteers with the methods of one-step PCR-RFLP. Results: PCR products for the factor V gene (175 bp) and for the prothrombin gene (118 bp) were identified to 157 bp and 98 bp fragments by electrophoreses after Taq I treatment. No factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene G20210A mutation were found in each group. Conclusion: The Low incidence of factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene G20210A mutation suggest that they are not the major genetic risk factor for thrombophilia in the Chinese.,1.4.2 Full-structured abstracts,British Medical Journal, The Journal of the American Medical Association, and etc. require this type of abstracts, which are composed by a series of small paragraphs with a heading at the beginning of each paragraph.,Contents:背景:Context/ Background目的:Objective设计:Design范围/地点:Setting对象:Patients/Subjects/Participants/Samples处理/治疗方法:Interventions主要测定项目:Main Outcome Measures结果:Results结论:Conclusions红色部分为重点内容,其他可省略或合并。,Example,Context Experiments show that dental caries rates are higher among lead-exposed animals, but this association has not been established in humans.ObjectiveTo examine the relationship between blood lead levels and dental cariesDesignCross-sectional survey conducted from 1988-1994 that included a dental examination and venipuncture blood lead assay,Setting and ParticipantsA total of 24901 persons aged 2 years and older who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which assessed the health and nutritional status of children and adults in the United States.Main Outcome MeasuresFor children aged 2 to 11 years, the sum of decayed and filled deciduous or primary surfaces; for persons aged 6 years and older, the sum of decayed and filled permanent surfaces; for those 12 years and older, the sum of decayed, missing, and filled surfaces.,ResultsThe log of blood lead level was significantly associated with the number of affected surfaces for both deciduous and permnent teeth in all age groups, even after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, diet, and dental care. Among children aged 5 to 17 years, a 0.24 mol/L (5 g/dL) change in blood lead level was associated with an elevated risk of dental caries (odds ratio, 1.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.3-2.5). Differences in blood lead level explained some of the differences in caries prevalence in different income levels and regions of the United States. We estimated the population attributable risk of lead exposure to be 13.5% and 9.6% of dental -caries occurring in 5 to 17-year-old children exposed to the high and moderate levels, respectively.,ConclusionsEnvironmental lead exposure is associated with an increased prevalence of dental caries in the US population. Finds may help explain the distribution of caries by income and region of the United States JAMA. 1999,Notes: 结构式摘要应注意四要素和九要素中英文名词单复数形式这些项目名词的首字母大写(或全部大写)、黑体(或斜体),其后的短语或句子中首词的第一个字母大写摘要和正文中的句子应避免阿拉伯数字居句首。目前国内医学期刊多采用四要素结构式。,Examples of “to do”,In objective, such words as to investigate, to study, to explore, to examine, to determine, to report, to review, etc, are used as the beginning of the sentence.When first person is involved, we, the author, the authors instead of I are used as the subject, for example, in this paper we conclude ,2. Tense,2.1 Present tense: expressing research results, conclusion, nature laws2.2 Past tense: what did the researcher do2.3 Perfect present tense: what has been done and its influence2.4 Past perfect tense: what has been done before the researcher started his/her research.2.5 Future tense: prospect,2.1 examples of present tense,About background information咖啡具有几种可降低胆石形成的代谢作用。 Coffee has several metabolic effects that could reduce the risk of gallstone formation,In indicative abstract, present tense is used to introduce the theme of the thesis or the problem to be solved. e.g.本文报导3例脾破裂,并讨论了诊断方法。Three case of rupture of the spleen are described. The diagnosis is discussed.,Present tense is used to in authors conclusione.g.结论:高效价抗精神病药物或多种药物联合使用均可诱发抗精神病药恶性综合症。Conclusion:Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) can be induced by the use of either one kind of high-potency neuroleptic or many kinds of drugs at one time,2.2 examples of past tense,Past tense is used to lead to the purpose of the researche.g.目的:本文旨在确定是否可加用高压氧治疗脑血栓。Objective:The purpose of this study was to determine whether additional Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBO) can be used to cure Cerebral Thrombosis (CT).,Past tense is used to describe research process, methods, plan, and results. e.g.疗效:恶性胸腔积液102例,近期胸腔积液消失80例(78.4)。Therapeutic effectiveness: the response rate of malignant pleural effusions was 78.4(80/102 cases),2.3 perfect present tense,sometimes present perfect tense is used to express research process, methods, and resultse.g.人们早就认为抗精神病药物致恶性综合症和患者的抗精神病药物慢代谢型有关。It has been long thought that the occurrence of NMS may be related to the poor metabolic function of the patients.,2.4 Past perfect tense,e.g.血清的效果显著:经过一疗程的两次皮内或皮下注射,原来血清反应为阴性的人就成阳性的了。Serological effectiveness was outstanding:all of those who had been seronegative became seropositive following either two intradermal or subcutaneous infections given one monthapart.,2.5 Future tense,e.g.这所有的胆汁中均培养出细菌。可以预期,今后在遇到这令人感兴趣的疾病时,使用胆汁培养的方法会更加普遍。In both cases bacteria were grown from the bile and it is to be hoped that bile culture will be recorded more commonly in future in cases of this interesting condition.,3. voice,3.1 Passive voice: is more often used to have more information expressed in the subject of a sentence3.2 Active voice: is increasingly used now,3.1 Passive voice,e.g.随乙醇氧化而发生的氧化还原状态的减少解释了这种代谢变化。These metabolic changes were explained by the reduction of redox state which follows ethanol oxidation.,3.2 active voice,e.g.我们报导了4个甲状腺功能亢进并发脑梗死的案例,旨在探讨甲状腺功能亢进症与脑梗死之间的关系。We report four cases of Hyperthyroidism combining with Cerebral Infarction (HCl) to explore the connections between Hyperthyroidism and Cerebral Infarction,4. Grammatical modification,4.1 concisenessat a temperature of 250 to 300 at 250 to 300 at a high pressure of 2 kPa at 2 kPahas been found to increase increasedfrom the experimental results, it can be concluded that the results show,4.2 use noun (instead of ing) as modifier; use adj. (instead of noun) as modifierexamples:measuring accuracy measurement accuracyexperiment results experimental results,4.3 use noun (or noun phrase) as modifier to replace n+of+n Example: accuracy of measurement measurement accuracystructure of crystal crystal structure,4.4 use verb instead of nounExample:Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made Thickness of plastic sheet was measured,4.5 it not recommended to use too many adjectives before a noun. Compound noun +adjective is acceptable. Example:thermal oxidation apparent activation energy apparent active energy of thermo-oxidation,5. Samples,5.1 indicative abstract5.2informative abstract,5.1 A Discussion on whether the Brain or the Heart Governs the Mind,Ou Yongxin, Zhang Xiaohu(Guangzhou University of TCM, Guangzhou 510405, China)Abstract: This article focuses on discussing the situation and future of TCM theory by comparing the differences in the concept and understanding of mind between TCM and Western medicine. The debate about the source and designation of the ideas “brain governs the mind” and “heart governs the mind” was analyzed and the meaning of mind thoroughly explained.,It is concluded that in the theory of TCM mind is the essence of life. To develop the theories of TCM, the concept of TCM terminology should be understood thoroughly; it should be neither misused nor copied indiscriminately. Only by having a good and correct beginning can TCM theories be instructive in clinical treatment.Key words: heart governs the mind, brain governs the mind, basic TCM theory,5.2 indicative abstract,Inhibitory Effect of Acupuncture Combined with Herbal Medicineon Hyperplasia of the Mammary Glands in RatsGong Dongfang1, Lu Zhihua2, Kuang Xinghua1, Xiao Manqun3(1.School of Acu-Moxibustion 3. The Second Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510120, China),Abstract: 【Objective】To observe the inhibitory effect of acupuncture combined with herbal medicine on Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands in Rats,【Methods】Rats were randomized into 6 groups: A (normal), B (model), C (acupuncture), D (herbal medicine), E (acupuncture combined with herbal medicine), and F (triphenyloxamine). Rat models of mammary gland hyperplasia in Group B, C, D, E and F were established by intramuscular injection of estradial benzoate and progesterone. Nipple height in the rats was measured before and after treatment. The number of acini in each lobule, the diameter of the acinar cavity and duct in the second pair of mammary glands wer


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