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Austin Stevens:stin sti:vnz :奥斯汀史蒂文斯,,,Hello everyone today I want to introduce a person named Austin Stevens .,Austin Stevens, born in South Africa, the world famous reptile experts, outstanding snakes picture photographer,奥斯汀史蒂文斯,生于南非,世界著名的爬行动物研究专家,杰出的蛇类图片摄影家。reptile英reptail n.爬行动物;卑鄙的人adj.爬虫类的;卑鄙的,Austin Stevens from the age of 12, he was obsessed with the body of bone slippery snakes. He is keen to raise every kind of reptile pets, including the worlds most exotic and toxicity lethal strain, so when Austens school career came to an end, his private collection has been regarded as one of the national treasure of South Africa.,奥斯汀史蒂文斯从12岁起,就完全着迷于身子骨滑溜溜的蛇类。他热衷饲养各式各样的爬虫类宠物,其中不乏世界上最珍奇且毒性致命的品种,因此等到奥斯汀的学校生涯结束时,他的私人收集已被视为南非的国宝之一。 obsessedbsest adj.着迷的;一门心思的;(思想)无法摆脱的v.着迷( obsess的过去式和过去分词);时刻困扰,缠住;使痴迷;使迷恋slippery英slipriadj.狡猾的;滑溜的;不可靠的;exoticiztikadj.异国的;外来的;异乎寻常的,奇异的;吸引人的 toxicity英tkssti:n.毒性,毒力lethal英li:ladj.致命的,致死的;能致命的;破坏性的;有害的 strain英streinn.血统,家族;性格,脾气;语气;一段音乐career英krin.生涯;职业;事业;速度,全速,The nature like wild animals adventurer always regardless of the danger, through every corner of the world, explore, shooting, all kinds of snake, with their zero distance to intimate contact,这位天性喜爱野生动物的冒险家总是不顾生命危险,走遍世界每个角落,探寻、拍摄、研究各种各样的毒蛇,与它们零距离地亲密接触。Nature:天性 regardless英ri:dlisadj.不重视的,不尊敬的;不顾虑的,不关心的;不受注意的,毫无价值的 explore英kspl(r)vt.探索, 探究, 仔细查看 intimate英ntmtadj.亲密的,亲近的;私人的,个人的;内部的;直接的,He once went to Africa, looking for African toxicity strongest seven serpent; He has been to the vipers kingdom India, search the world strongest toxic and figure the most powerful king cobra; He also has been to Indonesia, and a Varanus komodoensis bowl-off. This task is also very difficult, Austin will travel to South America amazon river basin in theworld,looking for the largest size of snake - Green water python , take it, and close to it photograph.,他曾前往非洲,寻找非洲毒性最强的七种毒蛇;他也去过“毒蛇的国度”印度,搜寻世界上毒性最强并且身材最魁梧的眼镜王蛇;他也曾去过印尼,与科莫多龙一决高下。这次的任务同样非常艰巨,奥斯汀将前往南美的亚马逊河流域,寻找世界上体型最庞大的蛇巨水蟒,抓住它,并近距离地为它拍摄照片。serpent英s:pntn.蛇;狡猾的人viper英vapn.蝰蛇;毒蛇;阴险恶毒的人;奸诈者figure英fin.数字;算术;图解;轮廓king cobra英ki kubr眼镜王蛇Indonesia英induni:zjn.印尼(东南亚岛国)Varanus komodoensis科莫多龙basin英beisn n.盆;盆地;流域;水坑,池塘python英pan, -nn.巨蛇,大蟒,He is capture seven toxicity strongest snake, one of the Dendroaspis polylepis,他正在捕捉七种毒性最强的毒蛇之一黑曼巴Dendroaspis polylepis :黑曼巴,He was taking pictures of the Dendroaspis polylepis,他正在为黑曼巴拍照,This is the Dendroaspis polylepis,这就是黑曼巴,Dendroaspis polylepis is the Mamba snakes, one of the largest, the average body length of 2 meters, up to 4.3 meters. The Black Mamba is the largest snake in Africa, Africa death , but also the worlds the fastest moving snake, up to 19.5 kilometers per hour, but it can also stand up half the length, but the aim is to climb a tree, but not attack humans.,黑曼巴蛇(Dendroaspis polylepis),是曼巴蛇类中,体型最大的一种,平均体长为2米,最大可达4.3米。黑曼巴蛇是非洲最大的毒蛇,有“非洲死神”之称,也是世上移动速度最快的毒蛇,时速可达19.5公里,而它也能直立起身体一半的长度,但目的是想攀爬上树,而并非攻击人类。,Dendroaspis polylepis, also known as the black mamba , is the second largest terrestrial snake, the world ten big poisonous king ranked tenth on the Black Mamba, is Africa s longest snakes in the size, the fastest, most aggressive killer. The Viper circles, second only to the king cobra.,黑曼巴蛇,又称“黑树眼镜蛇”,是第二大的陆生毒蛇类,世界“黑十大毒王”中排名第10的黑曼巴蛇,是非洲毒蛇中体型最长、速度最快、攻击性最强的杀手。在毒蛇界中,仅次于眼镜王蛇。 terrestrial英trestri:ladj.陆地的;地球的;人间的;类地行星的aggressive英resivadj.侵略的,侵犯的,攻势的;(美)有进取心的,积极行动的;有进取心的,有闯劲的;好争斗的,借故生端的,爱打架的,要打架的,Dendroaspis polylepis is moving up the body of general a third , when threatened, Dendroaspis polylepis can up the body of the two-thirds , and open the black big attack, length 3 meters of the black mamba attack can bite a human face,黑曼巴蛇移动时一般抬起1/3身体,当受威胁时,黑曼巴蛇能高高竖起身体的2/3,并且张开黑色的大口发动攻击,身长3米的黑曼巴蛇攻击时能咬到人的脸部,There are some pictures about Dendroaspis polylepis,This is him and Varanus komodoensis,这是他与科莫多巨蜥,Varanus komodoensis, the largest of the lizard species existing, scientific name for Varanus komodoensis. Body length up to 3 meters (10 feet), weighs about 135 kilograms (300 pounds), life of about 100 years, can dig 9 meters deep hole, raw egg among them, to 4, 5 months hatch out.,科莫多巨蜥蜥蜴亚目(Sauria)巨蜥科(Varanidae),现存种类中最大的蜥蜴,学名为Varanus komodoensis 。体长可达3公尺(10呎),重达约135公斤(300磅),寿命约100年,能挖9公尺深的洞,生卵其中,至4、5月分孵出.lizard英lzdn.蜥蜴 existing英gzst adj.目前的;现存的species英spi:i:z n.物种;种类;类型;逻辑 个体,larva living in the trees a few months. Adult cannibalize larva, sometimes eat other adult. Can rapid movement, occasionally attack humans. But mainly carrion for food.,幼体在树上生活几个月。成体吃同类的幼体,有时吃其他的成体。能迅速运动,偶尔攻击人类。但主要以腐肉为食。 larva英l:v美lrvn.(昆虫的)幼虫,幼体cannibalize英kniblaizv.吃同类的肉;拆用的配件;调拨的人员吃人肉;拆用配件occasionally英ke()nliv.偶尔,间或;carrion英kri:nn.动物尸体的腐肉;污秽的东西,There are some pictures about it,Austin Stevens is looking for king cobra,king cobra英kubr:眼镜王蛇,King cobra alias over the mountains black, is the worlds longest snake body, the body length 5.6 meters (18.5 feet);,镜眼王蛇别名“过山乌”,是世上体型最长的毒蛇,其体长可达5.6米(18.5呎);alias英eli:s, eljsn.别名,化名,King cobra is snake class lifes longest, generally can be up to 25 years. It stands erect usually can be as high as 1.80 meters, almost to an adult stared at each other.,眼镜王蛇是毒蛇类中寿命最长的,一般可达25年。它直立起来通常可高达1.80米,几乎可以与一个成年人对视。erect英irektadj.直立的,垂直的;(头、手等)朝上举的;直竖的;医勃起的,king cobra venom, the protein and polypeptide composition, and by the eyes in the rear of the salivary gland secretion and become. king cobra venom can damage the nervous system of prey, and will soon cause pain, vision problems, dizziness, drowsiness and paralysis wait for a symptom, a few minutes later prey cardiovascular system collapse and coma, eventually for respiratory failure and death.,眼镜王蛇的毒液,由蛋白质和多肽物质组成,并由位于眼睛后方的唾腺分泌而成 。眼镜王蛇的毒液会破坏猎物的神经系统,并会很快地引起剧痛、视力障碍、晕眩、嗜睡及麻痹等症状,几分钟后猎物的心脏血管系统崩溃并昏迷,最终会因呼吸衰竭而死亡。 venom英venmn.(某些蛇、蝎子等分泌的)毒液;恶意;毒物protein英pruti:nn.化 朊,蛋白(质)polypeptide英plipeptaidn.多肽;缩多氨酸salivary英slveri:adj.唾液的,分泌唾液的;唾腺secretion英skri:nn.生分泌;分泌物;藏匿,隐藏damage英dmidvt.& vi.损害,毁坏prey英prein.被捕食的动物;捕食(习性);受害者;受骗者dizziness英dznsn.头昏眼花drowsiness英draznsn.睡意,假寐,困倦paralysis英prlssn.麻痹,瘫痪;中风;无能,无气力cardiovascular英k:di:vskjladj.心血管的collapse英klpsvi.折叠;倒塌;崩溃;(尤指工作劳累后)坐下coma英kmn.昏迷;怠惰,麻木;(彗星的)彗发eventually英iventjuliadv.终于,最后;竟;总归;终久respiratory英resprt:ri:, -tri:, rspar-adj.呼吸的failure英feiljn.失败,不及格;缺乏,不足;破产,倒闭;失败的事,失败者,Its main food is similar with the similar other snakes, so the king cobra territory, it is difficult to see other kinds of snakes,它的主要食物就是与之相近的同类其他蛇类,所以在眼镜王蛇的领地,很难见到其他种类的蛇,territory英teritri美trtri, -torin.领土,版图;领地;领域,范围;商势力范围,Those pictures are about the king cobra,Those pictures are about Austin Stevens catch python in South America,Python英pan, -n美pan, -n 巨蟒;大蟒;丹舌,This is Green water python,绿水蟒:Eunectes murinus,It is the worlds largest snakes, length of about 5 to 6 meters, the literature records for up to 12 meters.,为时世界上最大的蛇类,全长约5-6公尺,文献记录最长可达12公尺。,Body color for bright green brown,


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