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07医学考博英语真题精讲,主讲人:曹萍,Part I Listening Comprehension (30%),Section A Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. Section BDirections: In this section you will hear three passages.,General Suggestion,1、“听熟”、“听透”是提高听力的关键.practice makes perfect2、题型分析,要求我们有一些相关的背景知识,如,people, custom, education, service, health,hobby, travel, entertainment, economy, history and geography, politics.,Listening Comprehension,3.分析答案于原文的关系1)直接社区必然信息2)同义转述3)推理型的4、答案浏览:1)抢先手 2)取决于快速阅读能力,Listening Comprehension,5、重点听:1)because, result in, rather than后的句子 2) tense 3) more than; less than 4) wish, if. Would 5)number and time6.with the skills 1)skimming 2) scanning,Part II Vocabulary (10%),Section A Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D, are given beneath each of them. You are to choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. The doctor gave him an injection in order to _the pain.alleviate 缓解,减轻 B. aggregate 总计 C. abolish 废除 D. allocate拨款,gave him an injectionAlleviate :make suffering or an unpleasant situation less severe.the painThe aggregate number of unemployed失业的总人数Slavery was abolished in England in the 19thcent.Allocate分配,配给, 拨款,allocate moneyAllocate funds for new projects拨款资金给新项目,Vocabulary,32. His broken arm healed well, but she died of the pneumonia which followed as a _.肺炎A. complement 补充物 B. compliment恭维,赞叹C. complexion 复杂 D. complication并发症,Healed wellDied of the pneumoniaComplication: eg, He seemed to be getting better, but Im afraid there are now complication.他的病情有所好转,不过我担心有并发症.Her boss paid her the compliment of promoting her.她的老板提升了她以表示对她的赞赏.,Vocabulary,33. Unfortunately, our vacation plans_on account of transport strikes.运输系统罢工A fell back 退让,后退 B. fell through落空,不能实现C. fell upon D. fell to,We had planned to go on holiday, but feel through.Fall for 上的当eg,I knew it was just a trick, and I wasnt going to fall for it.Fall out 与吵架eg, 1)we fall out over money. My mothwith2)Ive fallen out with my fatherFall back on sth 求助于,借助于eg,Youll always have your training as a teacher to fall back on.你受过的师资培训总有派上用场的时候。,Vocabulary,34. The _climate of Hawaii attracts visitors from all over the world every year.A. genial 欢快的,友好的, B. frigid寒冷的,性冷淡的C. genuine D. foul 恶劣的,Foul:1)弄脏,污染,eg, Dogs must not foul the pavement.禁止狗在人行道上便溺. 2)do something which is against the rule.在运动中犯规A genial wave亲切的挥手A frigid zone寒冷地带A frigid smile 冷淡的笑A genuine leather handbag真皮包Theres no doubt this Picasso is genuine.这肯定是毕加索真迹。,Vocabulary,35. This is the_in which the organism lives most effectively.A. optimum 最佳的,最适宜的, B. option选择C. ordeal 苦难的经历 D. orbit轨道,Optimum conditions for growing rice As I see it, there are two options open to us.依我看,我们有两种选择。,Vocabulary,36.The doctor suggests that a good holiday in the country should _him_nicely after his operation.A. setout B. setupC. setoff D. setaside37. His behavior was so _ that even the merciful people could not forgive him.A. unique B. unconventionalC. brutal 粗暴,无礼 D. brilliant 聪明的,前途,Set out开始,着手Set off出发,启程Set aside放在一边Set sb up= establish yourself or someone else in a new business,Vocabulary,38._to your present job until you can get a better one.A. Hang about =hang around闲逛, B. Hang back 不愿做某事情C. Hang behind D. Hang on坚持,把握住39. Suffering from his leg illness, Tom is very _nowadays.A. emaciated 憔悴,消瘦 B. eligible (法)有资格做事;C. elastic 有弹性的,松紧带, D. exceptional 杰出的,突出的,Hang about =hang around闲逛,there were a lot of people hanging about the entranceemaciated 憔悴,消瘦very thin and weak because of illness or lack of foodeligible (法)有资格做事Is she eligibe for sickness pay?;,Vocabulary,40. He saved some money for artistic_such as fine paintings. A. donations 捐赠物,赠品, B. profits C. luxuries 奢侈品,昂贵的东西 D. lures 欲望,诱饵,She made a generous donation of 1000$ to the Childrens hospitalHe leads a life of luxury.Were moving to a luxury flat in central Beijing. It is the lure of money that brings them to the city.,Section B Directions: Each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four words or phrases beneath each sentence. Choose the word or phrase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET,.41. It has been proved that the chemical is lethal to rats but safe for cattle.A. fatal 致命的 B. reactive 活性的,刺激反应强的C. unique 独一无二的 D. vital重要的,Section B,42. To their surprise, she has been nominated as candidate for the Presidency.A. recognized B. definedC. appointed 任命 D. promoted 升职,Section B,43. We cannot look down upon our opponent, who is an experienced swimmer.A. player B. competitor对手C. referee D. partner,Section B,44. She is regarded as a good nurse in that she attends to patients without any complaint.因为;照理护理,伺候A. sees through 识破,看穿 B. looks over看,2参观,查看,检查,3宽容过错C. takes in 吸收 D. cares for照料,Section B,45. It is well known that the minimum penalty for this crime is 2 years imprisonment.A. conviction 证明有罪,判罪,信服,说服 B. span跨度C. mercy 同情 D. punishment惩罚,Section B,46. The whole area of the national and local governments tried to wipe out rats to prevent the spread of disease.彻底消灭,勾销A. exterminate 根除,消灭 B. dominate有绝对权威的C. determinate 决心的 D. contaminate污染某物,Wipe sb/sth out, The of the cost the new machinery has wiped out all our profits this year.购买新机器的费用花光了我们今年的全部利润。All our drinking water hasm been contaminated contaminate:to make something impure by mixing it with an unclean,Section B,47. All the students are afraid of him since he is always severe with them.A. vigorous B. rigorous严厉的,严格的 rigorous rules, stand up to the regorous tests of any kind经受住各种的考验严峻C. vigilant警觉的 vigilant attention D. rigid坚硬的,僵硬的,刻板的,严厉的,严格的rigid adherene to rules,严守纪律 rigid economy,严格节约 a rigid taskmaster严厉的监工,rigid old forms and habits刻板的旧习惯,Section B,48. The biggest engineering project that they undertook was encumbered by lack of funds.妨碍,阻碍A. cancelled 取消 B. condensed压缩的,浓缩,冷却C. hampered 受牵制的,妨碍 D. haunted,(fml)He is encumbered with debts.他为债务所累。A condensed report减缩的报告Cans of condensed soup浓缩的汤,Section B,49. In order to be a successful diplomat you must be enthusiastic and magnetic.热情和有魅力A. arrogant 傲慢的 B. industrious 勤劳的,勤奋的热心的积极的C. zealous狂热的be zealous in ones work, 热心工作a zealous supporter热情的支持者 D. attractive,Section B,50. He is successful as a doctor because of his dynamic personality, he seems to have unlimited energy.A. meticulous 非常注意细节的, B. vigorous有活力的C. aggressive 挑衅的 D. arbitrary随意的,dynamic精力充沛的meticulous 非常注意细节的,meticulous drawing,细致的素描, she dusted the room with meticulous care,Part III Cloze (10%),Many Canadians enjoy the luxury of a large amount of living space. Canada is vast, and the homes are large according to the standards of many counties. Even_51crowded_inner cities do not reach the extremes found in other parts of world.,51. A. spacious B. crowded C. remote D. deserted,Cloze,Canadians appreciate the space and value their privacy. Since families are generally small, many Canadian children enjoy the luxury of their own bedroom. Having more than one bathroom in a house is also considered a modern _52_architecture_.,52. A. convenience B. comfort C. architecture D. taste,Cloze,Many rooms in Canadian homes have specialized functions. “Family rooms” are popular features in modern houses; these are _53in commone_, “living rooms” since many living rooms have become reserved for entertaining. Some homes have formal and informal dining areas, _54_as well_.,53. A. in common B. in particular C. in chief D. in fact54. A. either B. as well C. in turn D. instead,Cloze,Recreational homes are also popular_55_in_ Canadians. Some Canadians own summer homes, cottages, or camps. These may _56shift_ from a small one-room cabin to a luxurious building that rivals the comforts of the regular residence. Some cottages are winterized for year-round use. Cottages offer people the chance to “get away from it all.” They are so popular that summer weekend traffic jams are common, especially in large cities such a


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