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,The Great and Famous Woman Doctor,Woman of China,Question:Do you know who is she?,Women of China,Contents,IntroductionContributionsAwardsInfluence,Lin Qiaozhi was a Chinese physician. She was born in Gulangyu on December 23, 1901. In 1914, Lin became a Christian. In 1920, she graduated from Xiamen Womens Teacher-training School. In 1929, she became the first female resident physician at Union Hospitals Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In 1939, Lin went to the Chicago to study physic. In 1948, she returned to Union Hospital and worked there till her death. She did many researches in the fileds of fetal breathing, female pelvic diseases, gynecologic oncology and neonatal hemolytic disorders.,Linqiaozhi, was one of the main exploiter in medicine,department of obstetrics and gynecology in China。She is the first woman dean in Unions Hospital, whose nationality is China and the first woman member in the first Chinese of Academy Science,Linqiaozhi has a great influence on department of obstetrics and gynecology. And she has written many books about it, such as,用造袋术治疗后腹壁囊肿一例、新生儿自发性肺气肿、妊娠及非妊娠妇女的阴道酵母样霉菌、在协和医院生产的畸形头胎儿、对妊娠母亲试用破伤风类毒素免疫小生儿等文章中,著有乙酰胆碱在正常分娩机制中的作用、24例良性葡萄胎及恶性葡萄胎转移的研究,主编妇科肿瘤、农村妇幼卫生常识问答、家庭育儿百科大全,At the same time, Lin has delivered 50 thousand children in her lifetime and she was honored as Women of China. When she found some regions were poor and only had bad equipment and had a higher death rate of new babies and pregnant women after delivering a new baby, she usually offered her help.,Awards,In 1929, Linqiaozhi was admitted the Gulangyu higher female normal school. In 1921,she was admitted the Beijing Union Medical college. When she graduated, she obtains Beijing Union Medical college medical department bachelors degree and the American New York State University medicine doctors degree,In 1953,Lin participated in the world-famous medical meeting in Austria, which had 32 countries joined.In 1972, she leads the delegation of Chinese Medical Negotiations to visit America and Canada.In 1973, she was appointed as the consultant of World Sanitation Organization on the medical researching until 1977.,Awards,In 1974,Lin inspected Iran and joined the expert meeting of the consultant of World Sanitation Organization. After the meeting, she inspected Switzer-land and France.,In 1978 , she was appointed as the assistant leader of Chinese Peoples friendly delegate and returned from England when she was ill. In 2009, she was reviewed one of 100 Moved Honorary men in China after the founding of the Peoples Republic of in 1949,Linqiaozhi devoted all her lifetime to people and medicine science and was one of the main exploiter in medicine.In the early of the 1930s, she studied the fetuss breath in matrix and women diseases in internal secretion.In the ending of the 1940s, she studied malignant tumor and cytology.In the 1950s, she put forward wholesale check-up on women s diseases.,Influence,In the 1960s , Linqiaozhi succeeded in the study of cutting malignant tumor.In the ending of the 1980s, she compiled a book about TUMOR,Linqiaozhi was not only good at medical skill, but also popular among people for her help and


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