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机密启封并使用完毕前四川省2018年普通高校职教师资和高职班对口招生统一考试英 语本试题卷分第I卷(共两部分)和第II卷(共三节)。第I卷1-9页,第II卷9-10页,共 10页。考生作答时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试题卷、草稿纸上答题无效。满分100分。 考试时间120分钟。考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(共两部分共70分)注意事项:1. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔在答题卡上将所选答案对应的标号涂黑。2. 第I卷共两部分,共70分。第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分30分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. _ is calling, please? This is Tom Burt.A. Which B. What C. Whom D. Who2. It would be_ to make a snowman or go skiing.A. a great fun B. a fun C. fun D. the fun3. I told Mary to get me some gloves because I lost_.A. his B. mine C. our D. her4. You cant judge a book_ its cover.A. by B. for C. on D. in5.The results of the examination_ out in two weeks.A. come B. will come C. came D. have come6.I started to learn painting when I was in_ .A. the fifth grade B. the five grade C. grade fifth D. the grade five7.The house_ to a young couple last week.A. was selling B. is sold C. was sold D. has sold8.It usually takes a few weeks before students become_ with each other.A. fond B. familiar C. shy D. eager9.The situation has greatly improved_ he took office.A. since B. while C. till D. before10.Look! There is a young man_ a dress over his trousers.A. wears B. wearing C. worn D. to wear11. Which shirt is better on me?I think you _ take the blue one. It fits you nicely.A. will B. shall C. should D. might12.He was an English writer_ name was respected in Europe.A. which B. who C. whose D. of whom13.She was trying to make herself_ above the noise.A. to be heard B. hearing C. hear D. heard14.He does not remember _.A. where did he buy the book B. he bought the book whereC. where the book he bought D. where he bought the book15.The sky was still dark _ it was about noon.A. though B. if C. as D. because第二节 语言应用(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Part A根据下列图片所提供的信息,从1622题所给的三个选项(A、B、C )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。16.Who will be attracted most by the poster?A. Thousand FacesB. Sponsors C. Chinese culture lovers (第16题) (第17题)17.Where are you likely to see the sign?A. In the streetB. In a hospitalC. On the playground18.Which of the following is not allowed to put in the dustbin?A. Newspapers.B. Broken mirrors. C. Bad eggs. (第18题)19.Drivers are advised to _ here.A. share a carB. ride a bikeC. slow down (第19题) (第20题)20. If you are a monkey lover, just go to the Kids Club at _.A. 11amB. 4pmC. 8pm21. What does the picture suggest?A. A car usually goes very slowly during rush hour.B. The lady likes the cat more than the pig.C. A pig runs faster than a car. (第21题) (第22题) 22. Youre most likely to see this in _.A. a hospital B. a school C. a hotelPart B 根据下图所提供的信息,从23 -25题所给的三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。23.How many different kinds of services does Splendor provide?A. 4. B. 5. C. 7.24.How much should Toms mother pay at least if she wants to have her hair cut and styled?A. $60. B. $100. C. $110.25.What do you know from the ad?A. You cant get your hair cut on Christmas Day.B. You must call Splendor first to have your hair cut.C. Highlight with Color is the most expensive item in Splendor.第二部分 阅读理解(五篇短文,共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Ms. Winnie Simpson Royal HotelDear Ms. Simpson,GIS will be giving a party at the Computer Convention (会议) on June 28, so I would like to rent a room for that evening. Last year we rented the Beame Room, but this year I think something bigger will be needed, since twice as many people have been invited.We will need tables and chairs for 150 people. Also we are going to need a projector (投影仪) and a screen. Can you provide all these things? Alsoalthough I have a very generous budgetplease let me know what the cost of renting the room will be.Sincerely,Jerry CasaleGIS Marketing ManagerAMr. Jerry Casale GISDear Mr. Casale,The Grand Ballroom has been booked for you for the evening of June 28. It is our biggest room, and I dont think you will be disappointed with it. The cost of renting it for one evening is $1000.Tables and chairs will be set up for you, and the room will be equipped with a movie screen. But Im afraid youll have to supply your own projector, since the hotel doesnt own one.If I can help you in any other way, please let me know.Sincerely,Winnie SimpsonConvention Manager, Royal Hotel26.The first letter was written to _.A. express thanks B. send congratulation C. book a room D. invite guests27. Royal Hotel could provide everything Jerry required except the _.A. tablesB. chairsC. projectorD. screen28. How many people were invited to attend GISs party last year?A. 50. B.75. C. 150. D. 300.29. According to Jerry, the budget for the convention was _.A. more than enough B. limited C. maximum D. very smallBJames Naismith was a P.E. teacher in 1891. He wanted to make a new game for his students, but didnt know what the game would be. All he knew was that some materials would be needed first. He began to gather peach baskets from his neighbors. He fixed these peach baskets to the gym balcony (阳台) at school. The aim of the game was simple. Players would try to throw a soccer ball into the peach basket on the balcony. That is how the sport of basketball was born.The first game of basketball was different from games today. Each team had 9 players during the first game. Today there are 5 players on each team. The students had to stop playing when they made a basket. This is because the ball was still in the basket! The school doorkeeper had to climb a ladder and take the ball out. Naismith realized that he could cut the bottom off the peach baskets. This would make the ball fall through the basket and the players could keep playing.Basketball was created with rules that players must follow. Naismith made a list of 13 basic rules. These rules were put to the test during the very first game of basketball in 1891. The game was played by Naismiths students and ended with a final score of 1-0. A young man named William R. Chase made the lone basket of the game. He was the first player to ever score in a game of basketball.30.What is the main idea of paragraph 2?A. There were 9 players on each team at one time.B. The first game of basketball was exciting.C. The nice doorkeeper helped Naismith.D. Basketball has changed over time.31.Naismith cut the bottom off the peach baskets so that _.A. the doorkeeper would not fall off the ladder B. the judge could record each ball quicklyC. the players could score more easily D. the players could go on playing32.What does the underlined word “lone” in the last paragraph mean?A. Wrong. B. Only. C. Additional. D. Easy.33.The text is written to introduce _.A. the birth of basketballB. the life of James NaismithC. the first basketball teamD. the rules of basketballCIn 1951, 14-year-old James Harrison was hospitalized for three months. During the difficult time, Harrison learned that he was alive largely due to the blood transfusion (输血). To give back, he became a blood donor (捐献者) himself.During the next 60 years, James Harrison has made 1,173 blood donations. Australian Red Cross Blood Service says that Harrison has saved about 2.4 million lives.Harrison has a rare antibody (抗体) in his blood and in the 1960s he and health professionals used it to develop a medicine called Anti-D. Anti-D is the main answer to a deadly problem called rhesus disease, a condition where a womans blood starts harming her own unborn babys blood cells. Every Anti-D that has ever been made in Australia has come from James blood.“Id keep on going if theyd let me.” But Mr. Harrison has passed the donor age limit and the Blood Service seeks to protect his health. On Friday, Mr. Harrison made his final donation.He was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 1999.34.How old is Mr. Harrison Now?A. 60. B.67. C.74. D.81.35.Mr. Harrison saves 2.4 million people mainly by _.A. inventing Anti-D B. direct blood transfusionC. providing blood to produce Anti-D D. encouraging people to become blood donors36.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “rare” in paragraph 3?A. Common. B. Unusual. C. Dangerous. D. Unknown.37.Why does Mr. Harrison stop blood donation?A. He is seriously ill. B. He doesnt want to donate any more.C. He is too old to do it. D. His blood is no longer useful.DFu Xuewei, a 25-year-old businesswoman from Chengdu, China recently shared a beautiful set of wedding photos that are catching attention over the internet. However, no groom (新郎) seems to be found in the photographs. The only people in the photos are Ms. Fu and her 87-year-old grandfather.Having no plans of getting married anytime soon, Fu Xuewei decided to wear the wedding dress for her grandfather. The man fell seriously ill last September, with doctors warning that he could pass away at any time. Fearing he might never get to attend her wedding, Ms. Fu booked the 3,000 Yuan ($475) photoshoot, during which she wore a white wedding dress and hug her grandfather as they walked down the aisle in a church.Ms. Fu was raised by her grandparents from the age of ten after her parents ended their marriage. She has been taking care of them in return as they mean a lot to her. The young woman even has a tattoo (纹身) of her grandfather. “I had my grandfathers image tattooed on my arm in January because I want my new friends and my children to be able to know what he looks like in the future,” she said.38.Why are Ms. Fus photos drawing so much attention?A. They are beautiful. B. They are her wedding photos.C. They are expensive. D. The groom is missing in the photos.39.According to the text, Ms. Fu is most likely to _.A. get married before her grandfather dies B. get married in the futureC. end her marriage soon D. keep single all her life40.How is the relationship between Ms. Fu and her grandfather?A. They have been close since Ms. Fu was a child.B. Ms. Fu cares for her grandfather, but seldom visits him.C. They only became close after Ms. Fus grandfather got ill.D. Ms Fus grandfather is angry at her because she is still single.41.Which word can best describe the story?A. Moving. B. Frightening. C. Strange. D. Funny.EBoyan Slat is a 23-year-old Dutch inventor and businessman who started building engineering projects since when he was 2. Slat first impressed the world by setting a Guinness World Record at the age of 14 when he set off 213 water rockets at the same time. Now, Slat is aiming for a much bigger goalcleaning the ocean of plastic.Back in 2011,Slat was diving (潜水) in Greece and noticed that there was more plastic in the water than there were fish. He decided to spend all his time in trying and clearing the ocean of plastic pollution, going as far as dropping his studies. Two years later he established The Ocean Cleanup and hosted a TEDx talk to introduce his idea to use the natural water currents. He first set out to test the system in Japan, but later focused on the Great Pacific Garbage (垃圾) Patch, setting a goal to clean half of the plastic waste in 5 years .The Ocean Cleanup develops technology that would help clean the plastic waste and after raising over $2.2 million, the organization began a huge research in 2014. They studied the Great Pacific Garbage Patch to prepare for the full-scale operation in 2020. Using the data available, they developed technology and set out to start the first cleanup system in mid-2018.42.What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 suggest?A. Slat chose to give up his studies.B. Slat wanted to establish The Ocean Cleanup.C. Slat wanted to spend more time on his studies.D. Slat decided to stop his research on plastic waste.43.It can be inferred from the text that _.A. there was more plastic waste in water than there were fishB. Slats goal to clean the ocean of plastic seems impracticalC. all of the ocean plastic waste will be cleaned in 2020D. Slat must be a talented young man of strong will44.Boyan Slat did all of the following except _.A. create a Guinness World Record B. set up a businessC. earn over $2.2 million D. set off a water rocket45.Whats the text mainly about?A. How Slat set a Guinness World Record. B. Slats goal to clean the ocean of plastic.C. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. D. Oceans seriously polluted by plastic waste.第II卷(共三节满分30分)注意事项:1. 必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔在答题卡上题目所指示的答题区域内作答。答在试题卷、草稿纸上无效。2. 第II卷共三节,满分30分。第一节 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)阅读下列对话,从所给选项中,选出能够完成对话的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 选项中有两个多余选项。A. So do I.B. Me, neither.C. Who else can help?D. That would be good!E. Wha


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