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学习英语入门【揭秘高效提高口语的好方法及常用语句】Why not?(1) 表示同意或赞成,意为:好的;可以呀;为什么不可以呢? 如:A:Lets eat out tonight. 今晚我们出去吃吧。B:Yes, why not? 那好啊。(2) 表示劝诱、建议或命令(其后接动词原形),意为:怎么样? 为什么不呢? 如:Why not ask someone else? 问问别人怎么样?Why not go there at once? 为什么不马上去呢?(3) 用来询问原因(有时表示一种不可理解的心情),意为:为什么? 为什么不呢? 如:A:Dont touch it. 别碰它。B:Why not? 为什么?A:Its hot! Youll burn yourself. 那是烫的,你会烫着的。1.安排会面必备第一句:我能和您约个时间见面吗?经典表达:May I have an appointment with you?我能和您约个时间见面吗?举一反三:Will you be available this afternoon?Could we arrange the meeting on Tuesday afternoon?I wonder if it would be convenient for you to meet us this afternoon?Could you squeeze me in sometime this morning?2.安排会面必备第二句:您能给我安排一下和XXX会面的时间吗?经典表达:Could you arrange a meeting with your boss?您能给我安排个时间和您老板见面吗?举一反三:Will XXX be available on Monday?I wonder if XXX could spare me an hour or so tomorrow afternoon?I would like to make an appointment with XXX. Can you fit me in on his/her schedule?3.安排会面必备第三句:确定时间、地点经典表达:How about ten oclock on Thursday morning at your office?周四早上十点在您办公室可以吗?举一反三:What about this afternoon?Would Friday morning be convenient for you?Could we make it at four oclock on Tuesday afternoon?4.更改会面必备:能把会面时间推迟到明天吗?经典表达:Could we postpone our talk to the following day, at the same hour and the same place?我们能把约会时间推迟到原定时间后一天,时间地点不变,可以吗?举一反三:We can make it some other time。I wonder if you could change the time。I would like to postpone the meeting until Monday afternoon, would that be convenient for you?5.取消会面必备:抱歉,恐怕我要取消我们的约会了。经典表达:I must make apologies. Im afraid I have to cancel our appointment。抱歉,恐怕我要取消我们的约会了。举一反三:I have something urgent tomorrow, so the appointment will have to be cancelled。Im really sorry about cancelling the meeting at the last minute。Ill have to take a rain check. Maybe another time?take a rain check是一个习语。Rain check原指棒球等露天球赛因下雨改期再赛时,下次入场还可使用的原票根,引申为“双方无法约定日期,改期再约”。54. So what?(1) 表示不在乎或无所谓,意为:那有什么关系? 如:A:Im afraid its too expensive. 恐怕太贵了。B:So what? Weve plenty of money. 那有什么关系? 我们有的是钱。(2) 用于对别人的质问或责难反唇相讥,意为:那有什么不行的? 那为什么不行? 那有什么了不起? 如:A:Youve been getting home awfully late recently. 最后你回家非常晚啊。B:So what? Cant I enjoy myself if I want to. 那有什么不可的? 如果我想痛快一下,我就不能玩玩吗?(3) 用于生气地告诉对方某情况与他们没有关系,意为:这与你有什么关系? 如:A:Your room looks a real mess, Jack. 杰克,你的房间看起来真是一团糟。B:So what? 这与你有什么关系?学习英语常用语句:表示惊奇或怀疑,意为:不可能! 那绝对不会! 如:A:He says he will lend me 1000 d


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