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如何打造高效率的团队,第十二期店长培训班:姜光宇,前 言,目 录,一、目前经济型酒店人才发展现状二、团队的涵义三、高效团队在经济型酒店中的优势四、目前经济型酒店团队存在的问题五、如何打造一个高效的团队,一、目前经济型酒店人才发展现状,一、目前经济型酒店人才发展现状,1996年锦江集团旗下的“锦江之星”作为中国第一个经济型酒店品牌问世2002年如家诞生,2003年美林阁的莫泰诞生,2004年徐曙光的格林豪泰诞生,2005年,7天、汉庭相继诞生。2007年12月25日,布丁酒店杭州西湖店拉开时尚酒店产品的序幕2009年底,经济型酒店达到3757家2010年达到5120家,客房数达到56.4万间2011年6月底,达到5870家,一、目前经济型酒店人才发展现状,二、团队的涵义,1.团队的概念 所谓团队就是由员工和管理者组成的一个共同体,该共同体合理利用每一个成员的知识和技能协同工作,解决问题,达到共同的目标。,二、团队的涵义,2.高效的团队的概念 两个或两个人以上人员组成的一个有共同目标,有高度的组织纪律,有高度默契的一个团体,这个团队能够高效的完成既定目标。团队中的成员价值观一致,类型互补,互相理解,能共进退,能互相成长。,二、团队的涵义,3.高效的团队必须具备的因素 (1)有优秀的组织领导。 (2)有共同的事业愿景。 (3)有清晰的团队目标。 (4)有互补的成员类型。 (5)有合理的激励考核。 (6)有系统的学习提升。,三、高效团队在经济型酒店中的优势,1.高效的团队有利于提升企业形象和知名度。2.高效的团队有利于提高顾客满意度。3.高效的团队有利于开展各方面的运营工作,效率高,服务品质高,可以更好地留住员工和顾客。4.高效的团队有利于打造企业文化,有利于成员的成长和学习。5.善于发现问题,及时解决,有效处理紧急事件。,四、目前经济型酒店团队存在的问题,1.员工流动性大,招聘难2.员工和企业没有共同愿景 3. 没有集体荣辱观,四、目前经济型酒店团队存在的问题,4.团队活动相对单调,绝大部分是吃饭唱歌,没有养成很好的团体氛围。5.上下级间信息脱节 6.激励考核不勤,五、如何打造一个高效的团队,1.组建自己的团队:招聘各种招聘方式的对比,五、如何打造一个高效的团队,各种招聘方式的对比,五、如何打造一个高效的团队,2.培养自己的团队:培训A、培训的内容岗位职责培训 :(轮岗)合适的人安排在合适的岗位上制度的培训制度是保证企业文化制度的培训:建立共同的事业愿景和目标B、培训的工具新进人员的培训学习手册PASS项目、交流与分享、培训协议、人员规划,个人发展计划,人员盘点 。,五、如何打造一个高效的团队,3.激励自己的团队:考核考核的目的是激励 是为了奖勤罚懒、激励员工的工作积极性 考核的关健是实施的过程.考核的依据是完善的,人人皆知的制度4.提高领导自身素质,发挥领导个人魅力5. 培养团队意识和集体荣誉感,创建开心和谐轻松的工作氛围6.建立创新型团队,结束语,在打造高效团队的过程中,有许多不同的方式,每个管理者有不同的方法,以上仅是我的个人意见,希望在以后的团队打造中能够灵活变通、开拓创新,打造一个“西游记“式的团队。,结束语,Friendship, the difference in China and the West,Chinese except friendships to be more lasting.Different foundations for friendships.Westerns expect friends to be independent. Chinese usually expect more from their friends.,Chinese except friendships to be more lasting.,For Chinese a true friendship endures throughout life changes. Chinese are friends even if they havent spoken for 20 years. If you shared something at one time, then all your life you are friends. This is the best of guanxi(关系), the Wide Web that connects Chinese through time and space. So, we can say Chinese invented the Internet long before Bill Gates was born.,In North America, even the relationship in which people feel close and tell each other personal problems may not survive life changes such as moving to another city, graduation from a university or marriage. If the people do not see each other regularly, the relationship is likely to die.,Different foundations for friendships.,Chinese friends share “ things in common”: a task, a class, the hometown. Friendships are formed by people who work or go to school together. You may or may not like the person, but if he or she can do something for you because of his position or job, you can be friends. But in North America, business and friendship are kept separate. The friendships are usually tied to specific activities. A person may have work friends and leisure (休闲时) activity friends. Also friends tend to have similar financial circumstances, because friendship in the West is based on equality.,Westerns expect friends to be independent.,Why? Its because their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together, so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person is giving more and the other is dependent on what is giving. A westerner will respond to a friends trouble by asking “What do you want to do?” The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and discover the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution. Chinese friends give each other more concrete help. A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain. They give each other money and might help each other out financially over a long time.,Chinese usually expect more from their friends.,In the West, you can certainly ask a friend to do something with you, but you recognize that your friend may say no, if he or she gives you as reason. You would not expect a friend to drop everything to respond to a non-urgent need such as shopping. Nor would you expect a friend to recognize and respond to your wishes without stating them. A friend in China is someone who offers help without waiting to be asked. There are few limits to what


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