(湖南专用)(新课标)中考英语总复习 考点清单 第一部分 教材知识梳理 七下 unit 8课件(含中考试题示例)_第1页
(湖南专用)(新课标)中考英语总复习 考点清单 第一部分 教材知识梳理 七下 unit 8课件(含中考试题示例)_第2页
(湖南专用)(新课标)中考英语总复习 考点清单 第一部分 教材知识梳理 七下 unit 8课件(含中考试题示例)_第3页
(湖南专用)(新课标)中考英语总复习 考点清单 第一部分 教材知识梳理 七下 unit 8课件(含中考试题示例)_第4页
(湖南专用)(新课标)中考英语总复习 考点清单 第一部分 教材知识梳理 七下 unit 8课件(含中考试题示例)_第5页
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1,考点1 go短语小结 考点2 remember的用法 考点3 辨析arrive,reach与get to 考点4 sound的用法 考点5 辨析sound,noise与voice 考点6 prepare的用法,2,考点1 go短语小结go out外出 go to. 去go home回家 go on继续go off(闹钟)响,发出响声 go through 通过,完成 go over 仔细检查 go skating 去滑冰 go shopping 去购物go swimming 去游泳 go hiking 去远足go boating 去划船 go fishing 去钓鱼go dancing 去跳舞,重难点精讲,3,【现学现用】1. The paper is important to us. You must _it carefully. A. go through B. go over C. go off2. I was late for school because my clock didnt _ this morning. A. go off B. go out C. go over,重难点精讲,B,A,4,重难点精讲,考点2 remember的用法remember to do sth. “记住要去做某事(未做)”。如:Please remember to come tomorrow. 请记住明天。 remember doing sth. “记住做过某事(已做)”。如:He didnt remember buying such a thing until he saw the receipt. 直到看到收据他才记起买过这样一个东西,5,【现学现用】3. Please remember _ the door when you leave the office. A.locking B. to lock C. locks 4. I remembered _ off the light when I left home. A. turn B. turning C. to turn,重难点精讲,B,B,6,考点3 辨析arrive,reach与get to三者都有“到达”之意。arrive at+小地方,arrive in+大地方,副词前省略介词at或in。如:When did she arrive here last time?她上次是什么时候到这儿的?When did your parents arrive in Shanghai?你父母何时到上海的?注意:没有表地点的宾语时,只能用arrive。若跟here, there, home等副词时,arrive后不加介词。如:,重难点精讲,7,When did they arrive home yesterday? 他们昨天什么时候到家的?get to后加地点名词,若跟地点副词时,去掉to。 如:Lucy got to the zoo before 8 oclock.露西八点前到了动物园。It was late when I got home. 我到家时天色已晚。reach是及物动词,后直接跟宾语。如:They reached London on Friday. 他们星期五到达了伦敦。,重难点精讲,8,重难点精讲,9,重难点精讲,【现学现用】5. It was late when I _ home. A. arrive at B. got C. reached in 6. I visited many places including the History Museum last Saturday. When I _ at the hotel, it was very late. A.got B. reached C. arrived,B,C,10,考点4 sound的用法 sound作系动词时,后跟形容词作表语。如The song sounds beautiful. 这首歌听起来很优美。【知识拓展】类似的系动词还有look(看起来),seem(似乎),taste(尝起来),feel(摸起来),turn(变得),become(变成)。如:He looks happy. 他看起来很高兴。He seems quite happy. 他似乎很高兴。,重难点精讲,11,It tastes fine. 这东西尝起来不错。The cloth feels soft. 这布料摸起来柔软。His face turns red. 他的脸变红了。It grew dark. 天色变暗了。sound 除了作系动词外,还可以作及物动词,意为“使发声,使响,发出(某个声音)”。如:Sound your horn to warn the other drivers. 按喇叭,提醒其他司机。,重难点精讲,12,sound还可以作不及物动词,意为“响,发声”。如:The bell sounds at 8:00 a.m. 上午8点闹铃响了。sound还可以作名词,表示“声音”,指任何能听到的声音。如:Sound travels fast. 声音传播得快。【现学现用】7. Your idea _ good, but I have no time. A.sounds B.hears C.listens8. The music made me think of the _ of a running stream. A.shout B.noise C.sound,重难点精讲,A,C,13,考点5 辨析sound,noise与voicesound则泛指所有声音。如:Light travels faster than sound. 光速比声速快。noise指“噪音”,即令人不愉快的声音、嘈杂声。如:Dont make any noise in the reading room. 不要在阅览室喧哗。voice主要指人的说话声、唱歌声。如:She has a sweet voice. 她的声音很甜美。,重难点精讲,14,重难点精讲,15,【现学现用】9. My little sister has a sweet_. A. voice B. sound C. noise10. I really cant stand the _ outside because I always cant fall asleep every evening. A. noise B. voice C. sound,重难点精讲,A,A,16,考点6 prepare的用法prepare用作及物动词时,后接名词或者代词作宾语/动词不定式,意为“准备/准备做某事”。如:Our English teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office. 我去办公室时,我们的英语老师正在备课。prepare用作不及物动词时,常和介词for连用,意为“为做准备”。如:The students are busy preparing for the final exam. 学生们正在忙着准备期末考试。,重难点精讲,17,【现学现用】11. They were preparing _ the river when it began to rain. A. cross B. to cross C. crossing 12. Hope for the best and prepare_the worst. A. to B. for C. with,重难点精讲,B,B,18,路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。屈原读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一


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