[七年级英语]7a u5教案幻灯片(swanba_第1页
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[七年级英语]7a u5教案幻灯片(swanba_第5页
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7A u5 (welcome to the unit)- go swimming / go walking / go fishing / go hunting(去打猎) / go traveling (去旅行) / go sailing(去航海)- here is 这里有Here is your ticket.Here are the new toys for the boys.- need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 Liu Ai Lin needs Wu Hao to buy ten bowls with vegetables for her.,- play with a yo-yo - carry He wants to carry all her bags. / He carries a lot of water for her.- 有用的词组和句子1. 想要他和你一起去游泳 want him to go swimming with you2. 买一个相册给他 buy a photo album for him3. 玩溜溜球Play with a yo-yo,4. 下周五举办一个晚会 have a party next Friday5. 需要很多钱买发夹 need a lot of money to buy hair clips6. 看一看他的音乐盒 have a look at his music box,7. 一个新的购物中心 a new shopping mall 8. 不同种类的生日礼物 the different kinds of birthday presents9. 已经有了一个贴纸 have a sticker already,- 练习1. 想要我和他一起去打猎2.买很多的相册给她3. 需要他们好好照顾她4. 需要他为我拎包5. 看看他最爱的贴纸6. 他已经有了好主意。7. 这里有你的一封信,-12.5号U5(reading1) 听写一。单词1. 钱包 2. 相册 3. 发夹 4. 主意 5. 已经 6. 分钟 7. 相当 8. 足够的 9. 卡路里 10. 花生二。词组1. 需要他为我买一个相册,2. 渴望玩溜溜球3. 最新的购物中心4. 不同种类的音乐盒5. 需要一点钱举办晚会6. 想要他为陈老师拎包7. 一个想法,三。句子1. 他们的发夹就在这里。2. 他今天下午有空吗?3. 陈老师需要我们帮他拎包。4. 他对玩溜溜球感兴趣。5. 他想她已经为我买了不同种类的礼物。,- 语言点- Can I help you? 你要买什么(在商店) Can I help you? 你要借什么书(图书馆) Can I help you? 你要住房吗?(旅馆) Can I help you? 你要点什么菜?(饭店)What can do for you? = Is there anything I can do for you?,- just a minute = just a moment = wait a moment =wait for a short time- How much does the card cost? cost 花费 (多少钱), 需(多少钱) 主语是 消费者所用的事务(东西)The plastic bags cost Guo Hao Peng 1000 yuan. 那些塑料袋花了郭昊鹏1000元。How much does the plastic bags cost him? 郭昊鹏买塑料袋花了多少钱?,-花费1. The plastic bags cost him 1000 yuan.2. He spends 1000 yuan on the plastic bags.3. He pays 1000 yuan for the plastic bags.4. He buys the plastic bags for 1000 yuan.5. He buys the plastic bags at the price of 1000 yuan.,-花费(时间)1. It will take him an hour to finish the work. (他用了一个小时完成了那项工作)2. He spends an hour finishing the work.3. It takes him an hour to help them.4. He spends an hour helping them.- expensive / cheap It is too expensive to buy the plastic bags. The price of the plastic bags are very high. (low),- discount 折扣= a cut in priceWe can give you a small discount.There is a discount on last years cards.(去年的卡片打折)- be sure He is sure that the plastic bags are quite expensive. - match 和-相配 = go well withHis hair and his clothes dont match.The dress matches her hair.,- never mind = It doesnt matter. = Dont worry about it. 表示原谅,安慰,意思是:没关系, 不要紧, 别担心- Ill take them. 我就买他们。-有用的词组和句子1. 有足够的钱 have enough money2. 去年的服装打折There is a discount on last years clothes.,3. 那件外套多少钱?How much is the coat? How much does the coat cost? What is the price of the coat?How much do you spend on the coat?How much do you pay for the coat?4. 那条领带很配他的衬衫The tie matches his shirt.The tie goes well with his shirt.,5. 没关系。Never mind. 6. 你想买什么? Can I help you? What can I do for you?7. 你买那本书花了多少钱?How much do you spend on the book?How much does the book cost you?8. 相当贵 quite expensive,12月9号一。单词1. 钱包 wallet 2. 贴纸 sticker 3. 想法idea 4. 已经 already5. 玩具熊teddy bear 6. 昂贵的expensive 7. 相当 quite8. 分钟 minute9. 打折 discount10. 值(多少钱)cost二。短语1. 寻找黄河俱乐部的贴纸 look for the stickers of Huanghe Club2. 稍等片刻Just a minute3. 看一看 have a look,4. 它值8块钱。It cost 8 yuan.5. 很多种架子Many kinds of shelves6. 确定做某事Be sure to do something7. 介意在这里抽烟 mins smoking here 8. 需要他为我拎包 need to carry bags for me,三。句子1.稍等片刻。 2. 去年的卡片打折。 3. 相当贵了。 4. 那些贴纸多少钱? 5. 很多种类的发夹 6. 我确信他们很配你的T恤的。 7.他要我为他买两台收音机。 8. 那些架子花了他20元。,12月9号的听写作业 1. 稍等片刻。 wait for a moment 2. 去年的卡片打折。 There is a discount on last years cards. 3. 相当贵了。 That is quite expensive. 4. 那些贴纸多少钱? How much do the stickers cost?,5. 很多种类的发夹 many kinds of hair clips 6. 我确信他们很配你的T恤的。 I am sure that they match your T-shirt. 7.他要我为他买两台收音机。 He asks me to buy two radios for him. 8. 那些架子花了他20元。 The shelves cost him 20 yuan.,语言点- ask somebody to do something ask somebody not to do something Why does he ask her to buy lots of turtles for him? Because he himself is a top turtle.- She doesnt want to buy the same things as Amy did. 她不想和艾米买相同的东西。 the same as 和-相同,I cant believe my own eyes. She looks the same as ever/ (她看上去和以前一样)My shirt is as the same as his.- 练习1. 告诉他早点到学校 tell him to go to school earlier.2. 告诉他不要迟到 tell him not to be late3. 和我的书包一样 the same as my bag,4. 买和他同样的花 buy the same flowers as he did5. 这两种颜色不协调。The two colors dont go well together.6. 那辆自行车多少钱?(cost)How much does the bike cost? 7. 我的自行车值800元。My bike costs 800 yuan.8. 那块手表花了他300元。(cost)The watch costs him 300 yuan.,12.10 一。单词1. 家电商场 2. 高的 3. 与-相配 4. 想法 5. 相册 6. 足够的 7. 昂贵的 8. 打折 9. 分钟 10. 随身听二。词组1. 不要紧 2. 有足够的时间等他3. 和他的相册相配,4. 要求他为我买一个两个昂贵的随身听5. 要求他不要为我买发夹6. 买和他相同的裤子7. 和我的不同8. 你的杂志多少钱?(cost)9. 它值5块多元。,三。汉译英12月10号的听写 1.我不想买和艾米一样的衣服。 2.他要他父亲为他买两个随身听。 3.那些发夹值多少钱? 4.那么我没有足够的钱为他买生日礼物。 5.上周的玩具打折吗?,- something good 好的东西, something 是不定代词,good 是形容词,形容词作定语修饰不定代词要后置I have something important to tell you.Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper?,- She is paying for the shoes. You should pay for the things before you go.(你应该在走之前先付钱) Why doesnt he pay for the coat and leave? Because he cant pay one yuan for anything.,12.11 听写一。 单词1. 能量 2. 折扣 3. 总体上说 4. 祝贺 5. 昂贵的 6. 足够的 7. 西红柿 8. 卷心菜 9. 维他命 10. 瓶子 二。词组1. 三箱饼干和五袋牛奶2. 有趣的事情3. 付衣服款,4. 在鞋店等我十分钟5. 足够昂贵6. 有空余的时间去溜旱冰7. 和那三个架子很配8. 讨厌说谎,12月11号的听写作业1.他的观点和我的一样。2.我在等待着他的到来。3. 我妈妈正在为我的新衣服付款。4.他有重要的事情要告诉你。5.他没有付钱就跑开了。6.他常常用业余时间帮我学英语。7.我今天的感觉和昨天一样。,- invite 邀请 Would you like to invite her to your party?He often invites me to have a big dinner with him. invite somebody to do something 邀请某人做某事He looks forward to inviting her to make a wish with him. make a wish 许愿,- 现在进行时 构成 be + doing 两者缺一不可, 通常和now / at the moment 连用He is lying under the tree and reading the book.The boys are running on the playground.What is he doing? He is chatting with her on the Internet at the moment. He isnt cleaning his car. Is he carrying water for the old granny?,12.12 听写单词。1. 重要的 2. 秋天 3. 特别的 4. 给涂色 5. 祝贺 6. 传统的 7. 很少 8. 仔细的 9. 昂贵的 10. 想法 二。词组1. 许愿2. 站在桌前3. 以后见,4. 拎很多的购物袋5. 吃冰淇淋6. 轮流联系打排球7. 等着轮到我8. 正在操场上跑步9. 邀请他和我一起唱歌10. 现在正在看望他的妈妈,三。汉译英12月12号的听写内容 1.他们正在一起吃着水饺。 2.你们在干什么?我们现在在跑步。 3.他在等着轮到他。 4.他们在轮流打扫教室。 5.陈老师在邀请延袖跳舞。 6.不要在外面呆得太晚,早点回家。,12.13(Intergerated Skills)- spend your pocket money 花你的零用钱- a poor area in China 一个中国的贫困地区 some children in poor area in China 中国贫困地区的一些孩子The poor dont have enough money.- They dont have enough stationery. stationery 文具 (没有复数),- Please call me on 请与我联系。 call someone on - Please call me Swan. Our English teacher called Swan is very busy. We often call him at midnight.- This pair of trousers is cheap enough. Can I try them on? try it/ them on 试穿,- What size is your feet? What size do you want ?The pencil box is the same size as that.What size are your skirt? Size 42Whats your size? I am a size 8. They fit very well.- more Please give me three more apples.请再给我三个苹果 = Please give me another three apples.The doctor worked for two more hours after twelve oclock.= The doctor worked for another two hours after 12 oclock.,- It is easy to find. = You can find it easily. It is clever of you to do like this.It is nice of you to help me.It is important for you to work hard at English.It is hard to remember these words.- in the name of our school. 以我们学校的名义- writing paper 书写纸,- raise money for 为- 募捐 donate money for 为- 捐款,重要的词组和句子1. 我在打110请求帮助。I am calling 110 for help at the moment./ now / right now.2. 有一个小女孩在隔壁的商店里面。There is a little girl inside the shop next door.3. 他正站在商店的外面。He is standing outside the shop.4. 他们在拎着购物袋。 They are carrying the shopping bags.5. 购物中心真是一个该去的好地方。The mall is a really fun place to go.,6. 购物中心是一个会见朋友的好地方。The mall is a good place to meet friends.7. 购物前,我喜欢看电影。 I like watching a film before I go shopping.= I like watching a film before going shopping.8. 你可以品尝不同国家的不同食物。You can eat different kinds of food from different countries.9. 我最喜欢重庆饭店。I like Chongqing Restaurant best.10. 我想商场还需要再多一些的体育运动商店。 I think the mall needs some more sports shops.,11. 商场很容易找到。It is easy to find the mall. 12. 有关商场的通告 Notes about the shopping mall.13. 没有足够的游戏。 There are not enough games.14. 天气够冷的了。It is cold enough. 15. 太贵了。你有更便宜的一双吗?That is too expensive. Do you have a cheaper pair?,16. 这双足球鞋对我很合适。他们和我的裤子很配。This pair of football boots fits me very well. They match my trousers. / They go well with my trousers.17. 你的尺寸多大? 我8码。我可以试穿吗?What is your size? I am a size eight. / Size 8 Can


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