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新目标英语七年级(上)见面考试题,班级:170班,主讲:沙文华,2010年3月, 笔试部分(90分)一单项选择(30分):,26你想把你的朋友介绍给妈妈,你应该说:_.A.Mum, this is Jim. B. Jim, this is mum.C. Mum, Jim is here. D. Mum, where is Jim?,考点一:,日常交际用语:26,27,28题.相关知识链接:详见课本。,( )27.你想问老师几个问题,你应先说:_.A. Thank you . B. Sorry. C. Excuse me. D. Hi!( )28.你认错了人时,应对对方说:_.A. No, you arent. B. Thank you. C. Oh! Good. D. Sorry.( ) 29. _is it? Its a quarter _ten.A. What ,to B. What time, to C. Who, to D. What time ,in( ) 30. WTO是指_。A、世界贸易组织 B、中国民航 C、人民币 D、信息技术( ) 31.There is _ “u” and _ “m” in the word “must”. A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an D. an, a( ) 32.Is your bag new or old ? A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isnt. C. Its new. D. Its an old .( ) 33.Lily, _,please. A. comes here B. goes there C. to go here D. come here,考点二:,29.时间的表达方法:相关知识链接:1)表示整点时间,直接用基数词表达,后边可接oclock (也可不加)。表达“几点几分”时,绝不能用oclock。 2)表达“15分”或“45分”时,常用quarter(刻)。 3)在倒读法中,如果钟点不过半,须用“分钟数+past+钟点数”的形式;如果钟点过半,则用“差多少分钟数+to+全钟点(下个钟点数)”的形式。 例如: 8:20 twenty past eight 8:40 twenty to nine,考点三:,30.缩略单词:相关知识链接:BBC/P/NBA/UFO/UN/S/L/IQ/IT/WC等。,考点四:,31.冠词a/an的用法:相关知识链接:为了连读的方便,在元音音素开始的单词前用冠词an,辅音音素开始的单词前用冠词a.即辅音连元音,元音连辅音。例如:an apple/an old man/an F a book/a man/ a jacket ,考点五:,32.选择疑问句:相关知识链接:选择疑问句不能用yes或no回答,只能选择其中一个作答。,考点六:,33.祈使句:相关知识链接:祈使句一般以动词原形开头,表示请求,命令,警告等。在祈使句中,通常省略第二人称主语you.,( ) 34.Who is not _,do you know ? A. here B. at here C. in here D. on here( ) 35.What Class are you in ? We are in _. A. Class Two, Grade one B. Class two , grade one C. Grade One, Class Two D. Class Two, Grade One( ) 36.What_ that in English? A. are B. am C. be D. is( ) 37.There are some apples _the tree and a boy _the same tree. A. in, in B. on, on C. in, on D. on, in( ) 38.Tom,here are your new pants. Please_. A. put on it B. put it on C. put on them D. put them on( ) 39._clothes_these? A. Whos ,is B. Whos, are C. Whose ,in D. Whose, are( ) 40. Mrs. Green is _mother . A. Jim and Kate B. Jim and Kates C. Jim and Kates D. Jims and Kates,考点七:,34.介词at与副词here:相关知识链接:At是在-的意思;副词here已经表示在这儿的意思,再用at就重复了。,考点八:,35.英语思维/专有名词相关知识链接:1)英语思维:中心语在前,修饰语在后;小的具体的再前,大的抽象的再后。2)专有名词:首字母大写。,考点九:,36.39.指示代词与疑问代词:相关知识链接:指示代词:this-that(单数);these-those (复数)。 疑问代词:whos = who is; whose = 谁的+名词。,考点十:,37.介词in与on:相关知识链接:树上本身拥有的要用on,外来物要用in.,考点十一:,38.代词的位置:相关知识链接:代词放在动词与介词之间;名词放在动词与介词之后。,考点十二:,40.名词所有格:相关知识链接:1)As+Bs(A与B分别所有);2)A+Bs(A与B共同所有)。,( ) 41. How are you? .A. How are you B. Its good C. Fine, thank you D. And you( ) 42. Whats that _ English? Its a hamburger.A. onB. inC. about D. for( ) 43. Are _ Kates _? A. this, book B. that,book C. these,books D. those,book( ) 44. _ is your grandfathers birthday? Its August 20th.A. Where B. When C. What D. Who( ) 45. Howmanybasketballs_Jim_? Four.A. does; haveB. do; haveC. does; has D. do; has,考点十三:,44.根据上下文选择单词。,考点十四:,44.疑问句的句子结构:相关知识链接:助动词+主语+动词原形+?(当主语是第三人称单数时,助动词要用does,反之则用do).,( ) 46. IsMaryyourclassmate? Yes,_is.A.it B.her C.she D. he( ) 47. Lets go swimming. Good idea! It sounds _.A. interesting B. boring C. difficult D. easy( ) 48. My brother studies hard, but he _ his homework on Sunday.A. dont doB. not doesC. doesnt do D. does not( ) 49. Do you like _ ? Yes, I like apples very much.A. fish B. meat C. vegetables D. fruit,考点十三:,46-49.根据上下文选择单词。,( ) 50. How much _the shirt? _thirty yuan. A. is ;Its B. are ; Theyre C.is ;Theyre D. are; Its( ) 51. I like _ because I can know Chinese history. A. action movies B. Thrillers C. comedies D. documentories( ) 52. Scott can play _volleyball but cant play _piano. A. the, the B. /, / C. the, / D. / , the,考点十五:,50.主谓一致:相关知识链接:1)当主语是单数或不可数时谓语要用单数形式;2)当主语是复数时谓语要用复数形式。,考点十六:,52.冠词的用法:相关知识链接:不用冠词的情况:1在专有名词,抽象名词和物质名词前 。2在表示一类人或事物的复数名词前。 3在季节、月份、星期、一日三餐的名称前 。4称呼语或表示头衔,职务的名词前 。5学科和球类运动的名称前。 6名词前已有用作定语的this, that my, your, some, any, no, whose, every, each等代词时,不用冠词 。7.在某些固定词组的名词前 例如: at home, at night, after school, by bus, in bed, in town, in front of, go to school, go to bed等。,( ) 53. Hao Ming usually_ to bed 9:00pm A. goes; at B. goes; in C. go; in D. go; at( ) 54. Can you play football? _.Its difficult.A. Yes, I can B. No, I cant C. No, I can D. Yes, I cant( ) 55. Mom, where is my soccer ball? Its _ the floor _ your bed.A. under; on B. on; under C. in; on D. at; in,考点十七:,53.“单三”:相关知识链接:当谓语是第三人称单数时,谓语要用第三人称单数形式,详见课本语法。,考点十八:,55.介词的用法:相关知识链接:介词in/on/under的用法。,二情景交际 从B 栏中找出A栏中问句的应答语(10分),A 1. Whose are these? 2. Can you see whats under it? 3. I cant find my book. 4.Whats twentythree plus four? 5.Wheres Classroom Three? 6.This is my friend ,Li Lei. 7.How do you do? 8.Welcome to China. 9.Is that a desk or a table? 10.Is Hefei in Hubei?,BA. Is it in your desk?B. Twentyseven.C. This way , please. D. I think theyre his. E. No, I cant see. F. How do you do ? G. Thank you! H. Nice to meet you I. No, it is in Anhui J. Its a table .,三完形填空:(10分)This is a picture 1 a bedroom. Its 2 .There is 3 old photo of the family. Their father is 4 .He is 5 a white shirt. Behind him 6 their mother .She 7 young .The boy is 8 brother .They are in different(不同的) 9 . The twins sit on the floor .They 10 their parents.( ) 1.A.in B. on C. of D. at( ) 2.A.twins B. twins C. a twin D. the twins( ) 3.A.a B. an C. the D. /( ) 4.A.America B. American C. England D. Englishman( ) 5.A.on B. of C. in D. under( ) 6.A. / B. are C. sit D. sits( ) 7.A.am B. look C. looks D. like( ) 8.A.they B. them C. their D. theirs( ) 9.A.class B. classes C. family D. families( ) 10.A.look after B. look like C. look at D. look the same,四阅读理解:(15分)(A)根据对话内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的写 “T”,错误的写 “F”.Jim: This is an old photo of my family .Can you find which one I am in it ?Li Lei: I think you are the one in the yellow sweater.Jim: No, thats my brother ,Tom.Li Lei: Oh, I see. You are the baby in your fathers arms.Jim: No, its my sister ,Kate.Li Lei: Sorry, You are the boy in the blue coat.Jim: Yes, you are right. The woman in the red dress is my mother.( ) 1.Li Lei cant find Jim in the picture.( ) 2.Jim is in a blue sweater.( ) 3.The baby is Jims brother.( ) 4.Jim is Kates brother.( ) 5.Jims mother is in red.,F,F,F,T,T,1,2,3,4,5,( B )根据短文内容选择填空:I have some boxes. One is small . Its blue . One is full(满的) of books .Its red. The third is new. There is nothing in it . There are some old bottles in a big blue box. Today, I want to put the red box in the car, but I cant carry it. My mother helps me. And she can put the box in the car. ( ) 6.I have _boxes.A. one B. two C. three D. four ( ) 7.I want to put the _box in the car.A. blue B. small C. empty D. full ( ) 8.The_box is empty.A. red B. small C. new D. blue ( ) 9.The red box is _,so I cant carry it.A. heavy B. light C. old D. small ( ) 10._helps me put the red box in the car.A. Father B. Mother C. Nobody D. My friend,(c)根据短文内容选择填空: Xiao Hua is a good student. On weekdays (工作日), he gets up at six in the morning. He has breakfast at home. Then he reads English from 6:30 to 7:00. He goes to school at seven. He has four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. He has lunch at school. But on Sundays he has lunch at home with his family. He has 3 classes in the afternoon. He leaves school at five oclock. He often has dinner at home. In the evening, he sometimes watches TV. Sometimes (有时) he does his homework. He goes to bed at ten oclock every day.( ) 11. What time does Xiao Hua get up on weekdays? A. At sixB. At seven C. At fiveD. At ten( ) 12. What does Xiao Hua do at 6:50?A. He reads English B. He has breakfastC. He watches TV D. He goes to school,( ) 13. How many classes does he have in a day? A. TwoB. four C. FiveD. six( ) 14. Does Xiao Hua have lunch at school every day? A. Yes, he does B. No,he doesnt C. No, he isnt. D. We dont know ( ) 15. What does he do in the evening? A. He watches TV or does his homework B. He watches TV and play games C. He watches TV and reads English D. He does his homework or reads English,五词汇(10 分)A.将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使


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