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小学英语总复习(一)第一章名词一、名词可分为: 1.专有名词和普通名词2.可数名词和不可数名词1.专有名词和普通名词1)专有名词:是指特定的人、地方、事物、机构的专有名称。开头的字母必须大写。如:Tom, Martin, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, China, Sunday, October, Chinese等。2)普通名词:是指不属于特定的人名、地名、事物、概念的名词都是普通名词。它分为四类:个体名词、集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词。 个体名词:用来表示单个的人或事物。 如:hospital, policeman, house, tree, cat, dog等。集体名词:用来表示一群人或一些事物的总称。 如:family, class, group, people, police, army等。物质名词:表示无法分为个体的物质。 如:water, air, tea, sugar, butter, rice等。抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质或其他抽象概念 如:happiness, health, life, manners, love等。2.可数名词和不可数名词1)可数名词:一般地说,个体名词和集体名词是可以计数的,所以称之为可数名词,有单数和复数形式。如:a city-two citiesa bird-three birdsa book-ten books可数名词复数形式的构成:规则变化:条件变化读音例词例外一般名词在词尾加s在清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音或元音后读/z/caps, cakes/s/dogs, stars,boys,pens/z/house/haus/houses/hauziz/以字母s,x,sh,ch结尾的名词在词尾加eses读/iz/ glass-glasses/watch-watchesbrush-brushes/box-boxesStomachs以字母f或fe结尾的名词把f或fe变为vesves读/vz/shelf-shelves life-livesknife-knives leaf-leavsharf-harves而有些以f结尾的词,也只加s读/fs/,如roof-roofs,belief-beliefs,proof-proofs,handkerchief and scarf变复数时,可用两种形式以辅音加y结尾的名词变y为I再加eses读/z/story-storiesbaby-babiesferry-ferriesparty-parties以元音加y结尾的单词,在y后直接加s读/z/,如:boy-boyskey-leysmonkey,monkeysday,days以辅音+o结尾的有生命的名词词尾加Eses读/z/potato-potatoeshero-heroestomato-tomatoes无生命的名词在词尾直接加s读/z/如:zoo-zoos piano-pianosphoto-photos以th结尾的名词此谓加s原来发/的th多变为/音,后面的s也随之而发/z/音mouth-mouths/youth-youthsMath-mathsMonth-months不规则变化:英语里有一部分名词的复试形式是不规则的。 a)改变元音字母,发音也随之发生变化。如:man-menwoman-womenpolicewoman-policewomenpostman-postmenpoliceman-policemenfoot-feettooth-teethgoose-geese注意:man和woman用作定语时,也有单复数变化。如:a man teacher-two men teachers a woman nurse-three women nursesb)有些名词单数和复数相同。如:a sheep-two sheepa fish-three fisha deer-two deer an aircraft-four aircraftc)有些名词通常以复数形式出现。如:scissors(剪刀) trousers(裤子) clothes(衣服) glasses(眼镜) shorts(短裤)d)表示“某国人”的名词单数和复数形式因习惯不同而有不同的形式。这类词通常分为三类。 单数和复数相同: 如:a Japanese-two Japanesea Chinese-two Chinese 词尾加s: 如:a German-two Germansan American-two Americans变man为men: 如:an Englishman-two Englishmenan Frenchwoman-two Frenchwomene)其他形式。如:a child-two childrenan ox-three oxena mouse-four mice 2)不可数名词:物质名词和抽象名词一般是不可数的,所以称之为不可数名词。如:water,milk,oil,soil,ink,bread,juice它们通常只有单数形式。但是在具体的情况下也可以用作可数名词。如:food-foods(各种食物)fruit-fruits(各种水果)tea-teas(各种茶叶)gas-gases(各种气味)如果需要表示名词的具体数量时,可用以下的短语写:a glass of juice a piece of paper a slice of bread a bottle of oila box of a bowl of a dish of a pair of a kind of a kilo of a kilogram of a basket of a bag of a full of a basin of a cup of a packet of a lot of 而有些物质名词和抽象名词的单复数含义不同,如:people(人民/人们) peoples(民族) water(水) waters(海/潮水)paper(纸) papers(报纸/试卷/文件)custom(习惯) customs(海关)time(时间) times(次数/倍/时代) brain(头脑) brains(脑力/智力)arm(胳膊) arms(武器) snow (雪) snows(积雪)cloth(布) clothes(衣服) 二、名词的所有格: 1、表示有生命的(人或动物的)名词所有格。1) 在单数名词后加s构成。如:My sisters bag is black. Her dogs tail is very short. This is Kenroom2) 以s结尾的名词,只需要在后面加。 如:The studentsbooks are over there. The teachersbooks are here.3) 如果这物体是属于2个或2个以上的共有的,只需要在后面的名词词尾加s。 如:Mary and Kates room is very large.4) 有些表示时间、距离等无生命的事物的名词后面,也可以加s或构成名词所有格。如: Where is todays newspaper? The school is 20 minuteswalk from my home. 2、无生命的名词所有格一般可用of+名词这一结构来表示。如:The map of China is 20 yuan. The doors of classroom are open.Practice:(练习一)把下列的名词变为复数形式。family country story lorry boy key monkey city baby body day holiday birthday ferry factory leaf knife thief wolf wife scarf life mouse woman half radio zoo tomato piano potato bus class glass box fox match watch brush dress tooth goose foot sheep child German 用所给词的适当形式填空。1、How many (lorry) can you see? I can see four (lorry).2、There are six (ferry) in Shenzhen.3、There are many (sheep) and (horse) on the ground.4、Mr Zhang and Liu are both (postman).5、We are (Chinese).They are (American).6、China has many large (city). Shanghai is one of the biggest (city) in China.7、I want to buy some and (milk , vegetable).8、There is much (rubbish) on the floor.9、I have two (knife).10、There are many (box)here.11、I have got a lot of Christmas (card).12、There are a few (people)in the playground.13、A few (boy)are drawing on the wall.14、The (child) are playing football now.15、He has some interesting (book).3、单项选择。( )1.We must make for the old on the bus. A.room B.a room C.seat D.place ( ) 2.She is the tallest of in the family. A. any sister B. all the sisters C.all her sisters D.any other sisters ( ) 3.They dont have to do today.A. much homework B. many homeworks C.many homework D.much homeworks ( )4.Peter,Im hungry. Please give me bread.A. a B. a piece C. a piece of D. many ( )5.I would like to have .A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk C.two glass of milks D.two glasses milks( )6.What we are having today!A. fine weather B. a fine weather C. fine weathers D. weather fine ( )7.We are all .A. American B. Britishes C. Canada D. Japanese ( )8.The trousers on the chair Mr. Browns.A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )9.The Chinese people enjoy happy now.A. life B. lifes C . a life D. lives ( )10.Some and were talking in a restaurant. A. Germans ;Frenches B. German ; an English C. Germans;Frenchmen D. German;Englishmen 三、英汉互译。1.一片面包 2.一瓶牛奶 3.一箱苹果 4.一碗汤 5.一条消息 6.两张纸 7.四杯桔子汁 8.五包糖果 9.三公斤西红柿 10.两公斤牛肉 11.十一名美国人 12.六名女生 Practice:(练习二)1. 用所给名词的正确形式填空。1.This is (May)book.2.My (brothers) toy cars are very beautiful.3.He is a friend of my (mother).4.Thats (Ken and Bill) new bedroom.5.-Whose are those lunchbox? -Theyre (Mary)6. (Pat) bag is very pretty. (Bob) is very pretty,too.7.These books are my (feiend).8.Tomorrow is June 1st.Its (children) Day.2. 单向选择。( )1.This is not your radio,but . A.yours brother B. your brothers C. you brothers D. yours brothers( )2.September 10th is Day. A. Teacher B. Teachers C. Teachers D. Teacherss( )3.Joan is sisiter.A. Mary and Jack B. Marys and Jacks C. Mary s and Jack D. Mary and Jacks( )4.I will give you to finish it. A. two weeks time B. two week time C. two weeks tine D. two weeks time( )5.Miss Smith is a friend of . A. Marys mothers B. Marys mother C.Mary mothers D.mothers of Mary( )March 8 is Day.A. Woman B. Women C. Womens D. Womans综合练习 ( ) 1.Bob has already.A. two bread B. two breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of breads ( ) 2.The boy can speak English. A. a little B. a lot C. few D. a few ( ) 3.Mary went to last night.A. the house of her father B. hers fathers house C.the houses her father D. her fathers house( ) 4.There are sheep in the place.A.a lot B. lot C. much D. many ( ) 5.Its about walk from this shop to the nearest bus stop.A. three minutes B. three minute C. three minutes D. three minutess ( ) 6.The doctor was very happy. He made mistakes in the exam.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few ( )7.The meeting room is near the reading room. Ateacher B. teachers C. teachers D. teachers ( ) 8.March 8 is _Day.A. Woman B. Women C. Womens D. Womans ( ) 9.Tom is going to see .A. one of my fathers friends B. one of my fathers friend C. one of my father friends D. a friend of my father( ) 10.The old man wanted .A. seven boxes of peaches B. seven box of peaches C. seven boxes of peach D. seven boxs of peaches( ) 11.The old man wanted .A. Kates and Marys B. Kates and Mary C. Kate and Marys D. Kates and Mary( ) 12.Its not your radio, but .A. your sister B. your sisters C. you sisters D. yours sisters( ) 13.Mum,Im thirsty.Will you please give me some ?A. pencils B. cake C. water D. books( ) 14.Jack bought a in a shoe shop yesterday.A.pair of shoes B. pair of shoes C. pair of two shoes D. pair of shoe( ) 15.-Would you like something to drink, or coffe? -Coffee,please.A. fruit B. tea C. meat D. bread第二章 冠词冠词分为:1.定冠词(the)2.不定冠词(a,an)一、定冠词(the)的用法:1.特指某(些)人或某(些)事物;(冠词的基本用法)2.用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前;3.用在某些形容词前,表示某一类人;4.用在姓氏复数形式前,表示“全家人”或“夫妇俩”。5.用来表示前面已提到过的人和事;6.指双方都知道的人和事;7.世界上独一无二的事物;8.用在江河、湖海等专有名词前;9.用在序数词和最高级的前面;10. 用在乐器前面(球类前不加);11. 在单数的可数名词前;I have a book.The book is interesting.I see a boy.The boy is Tony.I like playing the piano. 12. 用在某些固定的词组中。如:in the tree, on the tree, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the hat,look the same, go to the cinema, go to the zoo, go to the classroom二、不定冠词(a和an)的用法:不定冠词:不定冠词表示“一个或一”。不定冠词a用于辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前,an用于以元音音素开头的单词可数名词前。泛指某一类人或事物。表示数量有“一”的意思,但语气没有one强烈。如:a book,a pen,a boy,a girl,a worker,an arm,an apple,an orange,an hour,an egg以字母U开头的单词,U的发音为/ju:/时,前面要用冠词a,发元音为音音素的单词,前面要用冠词an。如:a useful book(一本有用的书),a university(一所大学),an umbrella,an hour,an ugly boy,an honest child,an intetsting story三、不用冠词的地方:1. 抽象名词、物质名词和单个构成的专有名词(国名、任命等)前一般不用冠词。如:Chocolate is made of cocoa.2. 表示月份、星期、季节的名词前通常不用冠词。如:Sunday is the first day of a week.3. 可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词表示一般意义,而不特指具体的人或事物时,不与冠词连用。如:Women are usually more careful than men.Beef is more expensive than pork.Horses run much faster than sheep.4. 名词前已有this,that,these,those,my,your,whose,some,any,no,each,every等代词时,不用冠词。如:My school is far from here. Whose are these clothes?What will you do this week?5. 表示球类、棋类、三餐、学科、语言的名词前不用冠词。如:Football is a very popular sport in the world.I like playing chess.He is good at Chinese and English.6. 在表示节日的名词前通常不用冠词。如:The Childrens Day in on June the first.Chinese New Year is coming soon.表示传统节日的名词前需要加冠词。如:The Spring Festval is th most important festval in China.7. 某些短语中不用冠词。如:on foot,by plane,by train,at night,at noon.8. 在有些名词前加定冠词和不定冠词的意思不同。如:in the class(在班上) in the bed(在床里) in class(在课堂上) in bed(卧床) There is no school tomorrow.(明天我们不上学) Practice:(练习一)一、用a,an或the填空:(不填的打x.)1. Hello, Tom,lets go to school.OK,lets go.2. Look,what is he doing ?He is eating apple.3. Look at ugly girl. She is Toms sister.4. There is cat under the table. There is dog behind the door.5. old man is my father.He is doctor.6. China is big country.7. USA is big country,too.8. I saw bird, but bird is yellow.9. I saw old man. old man was Tom grandpa.10. I like playing piano.Billy likes playing football.11. This is largest supermarket in the city.12. Sunday is the first day of a week.13. This is picture.14. Can you play volleyball well?15. Chongqing is the largest city in China.二、选择填空:( )1. I want to be honest student.A. a B. an C. / D. the( )2.There is art room in your school.A. a B. an C. / D. the( )3.This is “f”. Its in “life” A. a B. an C. / D. the( )4.I saw old man in the street. A. a B. an C. / D. the( )5.Billy is English teacher. He is good teacher. A. a, an B. an ,a C. an, an D. the, a( )6.Lets go out for walk. A. a B. an C. / D. the( )7.The park is very far ,It will take us hour to get there. A. a B. / C. an D. the( )8.Monkey King is famous story. And it is interesting story.A. the , the B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an( )9. sun is star.Its bright and huge. A. / ,the B. an, an C. an ,a D. a, an( )10.I know old man. But old man is your grandpa.A. an, an B. the , the C. an, the D. a ,an( )11.He usually goes out for walk in evening. A. a, the B. a ,/ C. an, a D. an, the ( ) 12.China is old country with long history.A. the, a B. a, an C. an,a D. an,the ( )13.We waited for Tom hour and half.A. an, a B. a, an C. a. / D. / ,a ( )14.Kate is English girl. She was university student. ( )15. _Browns are very friendly. They usually have a party on Saturday. A. The,/ B. /, / C. The, a D. /, a ( )16. Tom is American. He comes from United States of American. A. an,the,/ B. a,the,/ C. /,the,the D. /,/,/ ( )17. His father is old doctor.He often tells him not to smoke in public.A. a, / B. an, / C. an, the D. /,the( ) 18. old doctor asked him to take medicine three times day.A. The, the, a B. A, /, a C. /, / ,/ D. The, a, / ( ) 19.Man cant live without air or water. A. an, a B. the, the C. an,/ D. / , /( ) 20.We all know that elephant is water. A. an, the B. an, a C. a, / D. /, /( ) 21.We saw streets were covered with snow. A. the,/ B. /, the C. the, the D. /,/( ) 22.They have English test once week. A. an, an B. an, a C. a, a D. /, /( ) 23.Before I go to bed, Id like to have cup of tea. A. the, a B. a, a C. /,/ D. /,a( ) 24.Tom likes playing violin. Frank likes playing football. A. the, / B. /, the C. the, the D. / ,/( ) 25.He has ugly cat. Its black and white cat. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D. an, an( ) 26.Wash your hands before supper.A. / B. a C. an D. the ( ) 27.Jack isnt good at Chinese. But today he got “A” A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 28.Whats on floor? Its camera.


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