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1、高级休闲英语试题Paper 1. Listening Comprehension (30 points, 1 point each for1-12, 6 points for 13, 1.5 points each for 14-21)Part A Directions: In this part you will hear eight short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what was said Listen car

2、efully and decide which of the four choices is the best answer to the question you have heard 1. A The movie was disappointingB the movie was expensive to see C He wants to see the movie again D He should have seen the movie at home 2. A $64 B$86 C$96 D$1403. A To stay at home B To go to bed immedia

3、tely C To see a movie D To go to a party 4. A Tom is unable to hear well B Tom didnt say anything at the meeting C Tom doesnt listen to him D Tom went out before the meeting was over 5. A She doesnt care for the childrens program B She regrets missing it C She has seen it before D She knows about it

4、 6. A History B English C Art D French 7. A She does not think it is in good order B She does not want to promise anythingC She does not want to promise anything D She led it to the man only tomorrow 8. A The black one B The red one C The blue one D The white one Part B Directions: In this part you

5、will tear a short dialogue three times When it read for the first time, you should listen for the general idea Then try to fill in the four blanks with the exact words you hear from the dialogue when it is read more slowly, for the second time Finally, check what you wrote down when the dialogue is

6、read for the third time W: Good morning, Jack. M: Good morning, Miss Edwards. Im really sorry Im late. W: 9)_. Is something wrong?M: No, not really. I went to a soccer game last night and 10)_. I want to develop them right away, so 11)_.W: You should really get more sleep at night.M: I know. 12)_. U

7、h, would you like to see one of the pictures? Its a good one.W: OK.Part C Directions: In this part you will a short passage three times When it is read for the first tine, you should listen for the general idea Then try to write the passage down when it is read more slowly, for the second time Final

8、ly, check what you wrote down when the passage is read for the third time. 13._part DDirections: In this part you will hear two passages Each passage will be read twice. At the end of each passage you will hear some questions After you hear a question, you should either decide which of the four choi

9、ces is the best answer to the question you heard or answer the question in your own words according to the passage The questions you should answer are also printed in you should then only after you hear them from the tape.Passage 114. What does a gossip column usually carry?A Articles on novels.B. A

10、dvice about how to solve problems.C. Question and answers.D. News about others private lives.15. Who is Melanie according to the conversation?A A teacher. B A student. C A secretary. D A waitress.16. Between whom does this conversation most likely take place? And where ?17.What do you think Janet pr

11、obably is?Passage 218.What does the passage imply about US women in the past?A They worked together with men.B They stayed at home doing housework.C They went to school and then joined the work force.D They played an important role in society.19.Why do working American women play an important role i

12、n society?A Because they often work in schools and governments.B Because they now work in all walks of life.C Because they are especially interested in society.D Because they earn their own money and feel confident.20.What is the passage mainly about?21.What does role of women today affect most acco

13、rding to the passage?Paper 2: Reading and writing 70pointsInformation for Candidates:There are three parts to the reading test, each having one reading passage.There is one writing task.You should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do the tasks.1. Reading (40 points)Part1. Read Passag

14、e 1 and do task 1.Raves and Drugs: A New Kind of PartyImagine a large warehouse packed with sweating bodies, jumping up and down to loud, rhythmic music. Add some drugs, some colorful clothing, and plenty of bottled water and you have what is called a rave.Raves are a fairly recent phenomenon in the

15、 West. The first rave probably took place about 10 years ago. However, their popularity has increased dramatically over the last decade. Today, in almost every big city and in many small citied you can find young people heading out for a night of raving.For most young people, raves are simply a way

16、to get ride of some energy, to listen to some good music, and to meet some new people. However, for an increasing number of people, raves have become an easy place to find drugs, especially a drug called Ecstasy. Today, officials are beginning to wonder of the raves really are good fun, or whether t

17、hey are, in fact, a dangerous trend among uncontrollable young people.The drug Ecstasy was first developed about 50 years ago by chemists looking for a cure for the headache. At that time, the drug was not used very widely. However, it was noted that the drug caused an increase in heart rate and an

18、increase in energy-a sort of euphoric feeling.The drug was “rediscovered” by drug addicts in the 1980s who were looking for a less dangerous way to get high. So, when raves began in the early 1990s, Ecstasy was already quite readily available. It was seen by ravers as the perfect drug; it gave them

19、lots of energy for their all-night dances, and it didnt seem to have any serious side effects.However, the perception of Ecstasy as a safe drug has recently begun to change. In the last year, about 10 people have died in raves from an Ecstasy overdose. The increasing availability of the drug means t

20、hat more people have begun to use the drug more often. It is certain that the death toll will increase in the next few years.Officials have begun to take notice. Laws have recently been passed in several large North American cities which limit or in some cases forbid raves. In addition, young people

21、 have become more aware of dangers of Ecstasy and other similar drugs. Hopefully, the situation will not get worse.Task 1 Compelet the following statements by choosing the best answer from a, b, and c. Write the letter a, b, or c on your answer sheet.22. A rave is most accurately described as_a. a p

22、artyb. a concertc. a meeting23.Raves are_a. an old Western custom b. a recent developmentc. a kind of music24.Ecstasy will probably make you feel_a. excitedb. tiredc. angry25.The word euphoric probably means_a. happyb. sickc. beautiful26.The writer of the article believes that_a.few people will die

23、from Ecstasy in the futureb.the same number of people will die from Ecstasy in the next yearc. more people will die from Ecstasy in the futureTask 2. Questions 2630Death GigglesNot many books about old age and the fear of death tend to boost my mood, but Gene Cohens the Creative Age has me singing i

24、n the shower and chuckling even at Internet jokes. Being a white-headed wrinkly, as Australians call us old folks, I now feel the laughs bubbling up the way they have for most of my 76 years. Why? Well Cohen brightened my life - by putting me back in touch with my fear of death.Millions of us are li

25、ving 30 years longer than we did a hundred years ago, and the data suggest that just in my lifetime weve been given a 14-year bonus in productive activity. Our species is experimenting with lifespan. Here we are playing in overtime, with more health and energy than any cohort our age ever had. But o

26、ur bodies wear down and cramp up, aggravating reminders that the whistle will soon blow to end the game. We tense up with anxiety and nocturnal panic, wake from nightmares at 2:29 a.m., roused by fear-moved bowels, fall into depression, lose concentration and turn edgy each time memory hides a name

27、or a fact just when we have to have it.So we have to turn tombstone terrors into creative energy, urges Cohen. We start to get liberated, if ever, only by a “dramatic, though often overlooked, changed in the way we think about death.” Shifting from the abstract to the concrete, death changes “from s

28、omething that happens to something that will happen.” Only when we look death in the eye - whatever words work for you - and come to terms with our mortality do we discover a creative new freedom, Cohen reports. As the founding director of the National Institute of Mental Healths Institute for Agein

29、g, hes looked into enough cases to dig out the subtle stuff buried under death denials. Thats why the book pays off solidly on the promise of its subtitle: Awakening Human Potential in the Second Half of Life.The data suggests that we elders have easier access to our unconscious, productive dreams,

30、than most busy grown-up. In Denial of Death, the classic by Ernst Becker, the author argued that most art, and indeed civilization itself, comes from struggle to transcend our mortal limits. What I know is Id lost my old humour partner, death, but with Cohens help were hanging out together again and

31、 we know that a workable idea or a good joke is more important than extended tofu.Questions 2630. Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers a, b, c, and d and write the letter on our answer sheet.27. The author of this text discusses _.a) energy b) freedom c) a book d)

32、a film28. The author of this text is _.a) a young man b) an old man c) an old woman d) a grown-up29. The name of the author of the text is _.a) not stated b) Ernest Becker c) Gene Cohen d) Denial of Death30. The subtitle of the Creative Age is _.a) Denial of Death b) Death Gigglesc) Awakening Human

33、Potential in the Second Half of Lifed) From something that happens to something that will happen31. The director of the National Institute of Mental Healths Institute for Age is _.a) its founder b) the author of the above textc) the director of a film d) the director of the National Institute of Men

34、tal HealthTask 3 Questions 3140Romance of Three Kingdoms The Ming Dynasty classic Romance of the Three kingdoms, by Luo Guanzhong, has long intrigued readers, both Chinese and foreign, with its depiction of political conspiracies and its character portraits of politicians, statesmen and military str

35、ategists.Now a mammoth, 84-part TV series, the play is a faithful adaptation of the original novel, and has become almost as popular overseas as it is at home. It is a panorama of a particular chaotic period in Chinese history, when imperial rule was weak and local monarchs longed for power. The riv

36、als were finally reduced to three main contenders, the rulers of the states of Wei, Shu, and Wu, known in Chinese history as the Three Kingdoms. They fought for over half a century until China was finally reunited under the Jin Dynasty. The story of the play also spans about half a century, starting

37、 with local rivalries, moving on to the confrontation of the Three Kingdoms and ending with the final unification of the country.The Three Kingdoms period is one of the most written and talked-about eras in Chinas 5,000 years of history. For six decades battles raged back and forth, diplomacy was ho

38、ned to a fine art, and political alliances were forged and broken in rapid succession. The monarchs of the three kingdoms have gained a reputation throughout history for being smart rulers, and each in turn was served by outstanding underlings, both military and civilian. It was an era in which a ba

39、ttle of wits was even more important than a military battle, a time when talent collided with talent and military genius with military genius - in short, a fantastic source of literary creation for generations to come.The novel itself is an epic with an enormous number of protagonists. The central c

40、haracter, if there is one, is Zhuge Liang, military adviser to Liu Bei, ruler of the state Shu. Because of his talents as a statesman and military strategist, Zhuge liang has come to be seen by larger generations of Chinese as the archetype of wisdom. Liu Bei is regarded as the representation of Con

41、fucianism. Both the novel and TV play stress his benevolence, leniency, understanding of the people, and the fact that he knew how to get the best out of everyone.Another leading character, Cao Cao, is a far more complex personality. Having forced the young emperor of the Han Dynasty into subservien

42、ce through his military might, Cao Cao becomes the power behind the throne. Like Zhuge Liang, he is an extraordinary politician and military strategist, but in addition he is also a poet of great depth. At the same time, however, he is cunning and brutal, egoistical and paranoid - at least in the no

43、vel. The TV presentation, sticking a little closer to known historical facts, portrays both his good and bad sides, bringing to the screen a very real and human character. Perhaps this is why he is the most popular with TV audiences.Questions 3135. Find the three main characters of the novel/play me

44、ntioned in the above text. Make notes on each one.32. Name: _Position: Military adviser to the ruler of the State of ShuWords used to describe his personality/activities:_33. Name: Liu BeiPosition: _Words used to describe his personality/activities:_34. Name: _Position: _Words used to describe his p

45、ersonality/activities:_35. Which of these three characters is liked most by TV audiences?_36. Why is he liked most by TV audiences?_Questions 3640. Look at the italicized words in the text and find out their correct meaning through the context, then choose the option closest in meaning from the list

46、s below by writing a, b, or c, on your answer sheet.37. depictiona) deception b) despite c) written description38. spana) last b) cross c) length of time39. eraa) period of history b) short period of time c) important part of life40. benevolencea) kindness b) beauty c) a tolerant person41. might a)

47、power b) sword c) a modal verb2. Writing Test 30 pointsWriting a short essay on the advantages and disadvantages of dining out. There should be two main paragraphs, one giving your idea about the advantages of dining out and one on what you see as the disadvantages of dining out.(write about 150 wor

48、ds) 答案 Paper 1: Listening 30 points Part A1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. DPart B9. You look a little tired 10. took some pictures 11. I was up until midnight.12. Im not going to do that again.Part C13. There are many things to consider when you are looking for a house, whether you intend to b

49、uy or only rent. After all, it is going to be your home, perhaps for quite a long time, and you want to be happy with it. You have to decide exactly what kind of house you want, how much you can afford to pay and so on.Part DPassage 1: 14. D 15. B 16. Between tow school officials in their office.17.

50、 She is probably the newspaper editor.Passage 2: 18. B 19. B20. The changing role of women in US.21. The traditional role of men.Paper 2: Reading and writing 70points1. Reading (40 points, 2 points for each correct answer)Task 122. a 23. b 24. a 25. a 26. a Task 227. c 28. d 29. a 30. c 31. aTask 332. Zhuge Liang, a talented statesman, a military strategist, the archetype of wisdom.33. The ruler of the State of Shu, benevolent, lenient, understan


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