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1、welcome,Introduction and Reading,Music,Questions,What is your favorite kind of music? 2. When do you listen to it? 3. How do you listen to it? 4. How do you feel when you listen to it,pipa,guzheng,konghou(箜篌,yueqin,harp,lute,A lute with four strings and is a relative of the European lute. It came to

2、 China from Central Asia in the fourth century,pipa,lute,It is a musical instrument with a pear-shaped body and it is used mainly from the 14th to the 18th centuries in Europe,guzheng,The guzheng has been used for more than 2,300 years. It looks like a table harp,konghou,The konghou(箜篌) is an instru

3、ment with strings. It came to China from the West during the Han Dynasty about 2,000 years ago,harp,It has a triangular(近似三角形的) frame and played with fingers and it was invented by a French pianist in 1810,The yueqin is a Round instrument like a mandolin(曼陀铃). It was called qinpipa during the Han Dy

4、nasty,yueqin,An Interview with Liu Fang,Who influence her a lot when she was young? 2. What is the biggest challenge of playing the pipa and guzheng? 3. What is the main influence on her? 4. What is the relationship between Chinese music and language? 5. What is her goal as an artist,Questions,Liu f

5、ang is a g_ music star who is good at playing musical instruments_ and _,Basic infromation,ited,pipa,guzheng,1979 1990 1996,Her mother taught her to play the yueqin,She went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music,She moved to Canada with his husband,What are the challenges of playing the pipa and guz

6、heng,The technique should be _ enough. 2. The repertoire for the pipa is _. 3. Respect the traditions but to add _ _ _,good,large,her own style,What are the characteristics of Chinese classical music in her playing,Chinese music is _ to the Chinese language. 2. Classical Chinese music is closely connected to Chinese _. 3. Classical Chinese music and traditional _ _ are like twin sisters,similar,poetry,Chinese painting,What does she like best about performing live,She likes the _


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