



1、托县民族中学英语导学案与课堂组织设计第17周第5课时环节突破策略:【课堂导入】导入:1. 看短篇导入课文标题和 作者马克吐温2.Warmi ng up 练习抓关键 词解决问题的技能。3.Pre-reading练习自我表 达能力,导入课文。【探究案】 探究点一:初步了解课文内容 和戏剧需要注意的要素。 要求学生自主思考,形成自己 观点。然后组内讨论,统一观 点,小组长安排展示,别的小 组质疑点评。探究点二:1. Fact or Opinion 要求学生自主思考,独立完成 探究要求。然后组内讨论, 一答案,小组长安排展示, 的小组质疑点评。2. Findthe exa mplesofpolite

2、requests? 体会礼貌 请求和非礼貌请求的不同,体 会戏剧的特点探究点三Fill in thefollowi ngbla nks学生自主思考,通过再次仔细 阅读课文,独立完成探究答 案。然后组内讨论,统一答案, 小组长安排展示,别的小组质 疑点评。【巩固拓展】Group work act out the short story 培养语言应用能力 课堂小结(3 最后3分钟自己归纳整理-课 题:Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note -Reading 导学案编写人:吕海霞3. Henry is an uni ucky young man.()4. The ser

3、va nt is called James.()5. Henry is foolish to go and meet the two brothers.()思考点 2: Find the examples of polite requests in the passage,and then try to exp ress them in in formal Ian guages.Eg: Would you ste p in side a mome nt, pleaseCome in, p lease !1.2.3. 4. 5. 探究点三:(6分钟) 思考点 1: Read the text c

4、arefully and fill in the blanks.Henry Adams, an American , was carried out to sea byin his own boat. He spent a help less ni ght on the sea un til. Luckily, he was spo tted and saved bya ship. Then heby work ing for free on theboard. After he Ian ded in Brita in, he went to for help, but without luc

5、k. One day, he on the street when he was called into a large house owned by two old Englishmen, who asked him a few questions. Henry answered London and asked whether answer directly but gave contained a sum of money.Teach ing Aims:(一)知识与技能1. Talk about request in En glish .2. 掌握运用阅读技能:预测,快速阅读,仔细阅读等

6、技能,从 而获得文章信息(二)过程与方法1. 学生小组讨论,合作探究,小组比赛激发学习兴趣。2. 小组自主学习,探索发现戏剧中人物特点和请求的正规表达。3. 小组合作竞争,通过成果展示,深化知识的了解和运用(三)情感态度与价值观通过学生对本课文的讨论学习,了解戏剧文化并培养他们对戏剧 的进一步兴趣。预习案(10分钟)(一) What do you know about Mark Twain?(二) Imagine that somebody gives you a large sum of money to sp end as you like. What would you do with

7、it?探究案探究点一:初步了解课文内容和戏剧需要注意的要素。听磁带完成下面练习。(10分钟)思考点 1: How many characters are there in thescene?Whoare they?思考点 2: Who is the main character? Where does he come from?思考点 3: When and where did the story happen?思考点4 : Where are the characters in Scene 3?思考点 5 : What happened in Scene 3?探究点二:给予解释O和体会礼貌请

8、求和非礼貌请求的不同, 体会戏剧的特点。(1 0分钟)思考点 1: Fact or Opin io n1. Henry wants to find a job in London.()2. Henry is give n an envelope by the two brothers.(that he was looking for inthey could offer any. They didn Henry which they saidThey also asked Henry to promisebut until 2 o clockHenry thought it wasacce pted it.【巩固拓展】 Group work -act out the short sto


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