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1、Part 1从B栏中选出A栏各词的释义:A1.word_2.lexis_3.lexicon4.vocabulary _5.glossary_6.phrase7.expression _8.diction_9.collocation_10.phraseology_11.morphology _12.lexicology_13.etymology_14.lexicography_15.lexical semantics_Ba) a list of the difficult words used in a piece of writing or subject, with explanations

2、 of their meaningsb) a group of words that form a unit within a clausec) unclassified linguistic unit of any length: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc. the choice of words used in a speech or piece of writingd) words in general known, learnt, used, etc. or a list of words, usually in alphab

3、etical ordere) and with explanations of their meaningsf) all the words and phrases in a language or a dictionaryg) all the words in a languageh) the smallest unit of spoken or written language which has meaning and can stand alonei) the study of origins and development of wordsj) the writing and mak

4、ing of dictionariesk) the study of words and their meaningsl) the study of meanings and uses of wordsm) the study of how words are formed in a languagen) the words and phrases used in a particular profession or activity, or a particular way of putting words together to express somethingo) a group of

5、 words which “naturally” go together through common usageKeys:1. h 2. g 3. f 4. e 5. a 6. b 7. c 8.d9. o10.n 11.m 12.l 13.i 14. j 15. kPart 2.借助词典将下列与词汇学有关的英语单词或词组翻译成汉语:1. acronym2. antonym3. Synonym 4. hyponym5. affix6. morpheme7. lexeme8. Idiom9. collocates 10.function words11.content words12. cor

6、pus 13. corpus linguistics14. lexical chunks15. Polysemy 16. wording17. word class18. HeadwordKeys: 1.首字母缩略词2.反义词3.同义词4.下义词5.词缀6.词素、语素7.词位、词汇单位8.习语、成语、熟语9.搭配词10.功能词11.实词12.语料库13.语料库语言学14.词块15. 一词多义16.措辞、用词17.词类18.词目Part 3. 选择与所给词意义相近的正确答案:1. calamityA. disasterB. stormC. conferenceD. breeze2. compre

7、hensiveA. accidentalB. including muchC. delicateD. small3. ventureA. turn asideB. urgeC. misrepresentD. risk4. conventionalA. largeB. at a conferenceC. outstandingD. ordinary5. enhanceA. rejectB. getC. improveD. free6. attributeA. admirationB. programC. diseaseD. quality7. dispatchA. recallB. remove

8、C. sendD. plant8. exemplifyA. constructB. representC. planD. test9. concurrentA. apartB. happening togetherC. northD. off-and-on10. recessionA. paradeB. amusementC. giving inD. business decline11. predominantA. smallestB. most noticeableC. having a tendencyD. hidden12. defaultA. jumpB. fail to do so

9、mething requiredC. do automaticallyD. seize13. sanctuaryA. opinionB. hardshipC. place of safetyD. something complicated14. degenerateA. give upB. improveC. stay the sameD. worsen15. implausibleA. possibleB. hard to believeC. imaginaryD. historical16. incoherentA. not logicalB. well-spokenC. quietD.

10、unable to read17. obsoleteA. currentB. difficult to believeC. out-of-dateD. not sold18. encounterA. meetingB. totalC. departureD. attack19. discernA. see clearlyB. deviseC. rule outD. consider20. tangibleA. more than normalB. touchableC. hiddenD. orderlyPart 4. 写出下列首字母缩略词的汉语意思:1. WHO2. ASEAN3. WTO4.

11、 GATT5.PLO6. EEC7. IP8. IT9. WWW10. CPU11.PNP12. CAI13. ISP14. WPS15. PM16. GM17. TP18. PA19. VIP20. CEO21. GMT22. IOC23. CIA24. BBC25. ID26. TB27. SST28. VOA29. NBA30. FBIPart 5 写出下列首字母拼音词的汉语意思:1.ROM2. BIOS3. DOS4. BASIC5. COBOL6. SMOS7. FAT8. UNESCO9. NATO10. OPEC11. TOEFL12. SALT13. AIDS14. GHOST

12、15. radar16. SAM17. TESL18. WIN19.laser20. IELTSPart 6. 把方框内词语编入三个不同的语义场:shoulder pencil book rose dictionary notebook neck leg chrysanthemumhead pen tulip handlotus daisy 1.flowers 2.body parts 3.stationery Part7. 从下列七组词语中各找出一个不属于该组语义场的词:1.pen, pencil, ink, wallpaper, pencil-box, ruler, pads 2.soap

13、, towel, bathtub, oven, basin, sink, perfume 3.driver, professor, clerk, student, nurse, guard, porter 4.walk, stride, pace, plunge, run, stroll,roam, parade 5.car, truck, bus, train, bicycle, airplane, steamboat 6.red, green, purple, pink, blue, sand, brown, orange 7.cup, mug, glass, stick, howl, p

14、ot, plate:Part 8. 将方框内有关食物或人身体部位的词语填入比喻词组中,使其意思完整:pancake flour porridge eggs cucumber arm beans butter skeleton ears blackberry beef toast onions potatoes sausage 1. as lean as _2. as long as_3. as white as_4. as flat as_5. as warm as_6. as yellow as_7. as plain as_8. as round as_9. as naked as_10.

15、 as sweet as_11. as strong as_12. as tasteless as_13. as red as_14. as plum as_15. as thick as_16. as cool as_Part9. 将方框内有关家居、材料. 工具及饰品的词语填入比喻词组中,使其意思完整:clumsy soft flat dry heavy safe rigid dark thick dead white red firm cold clear fair pure true easy smooth1. as_ as a house 2. as _as keys3. as _as

16、 cellar4. as _as wood5. as_ as soap6. as_ as log7. as_as a doornail8. as _as steel9. as_ as crystal10. as _as pearl11. as_as ivory12. as _as granite13. as_as iron14. as _as wax15. as_as sawdust16. as _as board17. as _as oil18. as _as coral19. as _as wall 20. as_ as silverKeys to Part 81. skeleton2.

17、arm3. flour 4. pancake5. toast6. butter 7. ears8. sausage9.eggs10. beans 11. onions12. potatoes13. beef14. blackberry15. porridge16. a cucumberKeys to part 91. safe2. cold3. dark4. clumsy5. Soft 6. heavy7. dead8. true9. clear 10. pure11. smooth12. firm13. rigid14. white15. Dry 16. flat17. easy18. re

18、d19. Thick 20. fairPart10.将下列20个形容词分成四组同义词:nervousdepresseddynamicharmoniousagreeableactivecrestfallenapprehensivediscouragedenergeticfearfulmatchingconcernedlow-spiritedforcefulfriendlybalanceddisheartenedanxiousvigorousPart11选出下列各词的反义词:1.indeterminateA. qualifiedB. definiteC. stubbornD. effective2

19、.divergeA. bypassB. encloseC relayD. come together3,anomalousA. viscousB. essentialC. normalD. elemental4.stabilizeA. penetrateB. minimizeC. fluctuateD. isolate5.anchorA. unbendB. disjoinC. disruptD. dislodge6.refuteA. associateB. recognizeC. proveD. understand7.boisterousA. angryB. cleverC. frighte

20、nedD. quiet8.emitA. absorbB. demandC. mistakeD. prevent9.allyA. mediatorB. adversaryC. inventorD. conspirator10.offhandA. accurateB. universalC. appropriateD. fuseA. sequentialB. scantC. surlyD. supreme12.extantA. extensiveB. extricableC. extinctD. extra13.persevereA. put intoB. se

21、nd outC. take awayD. give up14.pungencyA. boredom B. redundancyC. blandness D. insignificance15.sedulousA. ponderous B. carelessC. useless D. treacherous16.flusteredA. mute B. calmC. heavy D. courageous17.expireA. evolveB. stabilizeC. come to lifeD. grow to fruition18.moroseA. agitated B. overawedC.

22、 decisive D. cheerful19.gistA. artificial mannerB. trivial pointC. eccentric method D. singular event20.endorseA. provoke criticismB. receive paymentC. submit unwillinglyD. oppose publicly Part12. 现代英语中大量专门术语进入日常生活并扩大了词义范围,从B栏中 找出与A栏术语对应的一般意义:AB1.alibia. practical opinion or body of opinions2.scenar

23、iob. obsession of any kind3.charismaticc. of which one is not consciously pulsived. nervous, eccentric, given to worry5.catalyste. compelling6.ambiancef. any mental or emotional disorder7.osmosisg. cruelty8.psychology h. showing off9.syndromei. mental process10.subliminalj. having popular

24、appeal11.parameterk. quality, feeling, etc. of a place12.philosophy1. description of a possible course of plexm. typical example of something14.schizophrenian. conclusion, erfaceo. connection16.neuroticp. any stimulus in hastening a result17.sadismq. subtle or gradual absor

25、ption or mingling18.bottom liner. determining factor, characteristic19.paradigms. excuse20.exhibitionismt. distinctive or characteristic pattern of behaviorKeys: 1. s2.13.j4.e5.p6.k7.q8.i9.t10. c 11.r12. a13. b14. F15.o16. d17.g18. n19. m20. hPart13. 用树形图表示以下现代语言的关系:CelticGreekSwedishDanish PersianG

26、ermanWelshItalianRomancePolishEnglishSlavic BulgarianHindiIndo-IranianBengaliFrenchSpanishRussianGermanic IranianIndo-AryanIndo-EuropeanPart14从B栏中找出与A栏对应的谚语表达:A B1.Two heads are better than one.a.饭后百步走,活到九十九。2.The leopard cant change his spots.b.山中无老虎,猴子称大王。3.A bad penny always comes back.c.此地无银三百两。

27、4.East or west, home is best.d.百闻不如一见。5.After supper walk a while.e.识时务者为俊杰。6.Seeing is believing.f.留着青山在,不怕没柴烧。7.Never try to prove what nobody doubts.g.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。8.All are not thieves that dogs bark at.h.远水解不了近渴。9.Anger and haste hinder good counsel.i.江山易改,本性难移。10.When the cats away, the mice w

28、ill play.j.金窝银窝不如家里草窝。11.It is as well to know which way the wind blows.k.无功不受禄。12.Sow nothing, reap nothing.1.天网恢恢,疏而不漏。13.Gods mill grinds slow but sure.m.三个臭皮匠,抵得上一个诸葛亮。14.He who has health has hope.n.恶有恶报。15.While the grass grows the horse starves.o.小不忍则乱大谋。Keys: l.m 2. i 3. n 4. j 5. a 6. d 7.

29、c 8. g 9.o 10. B11. e 12. k 13.1 14. f 15. hPart 15 写出与下列汉语谚语对应的英语谚语:1.一言既出,驷马难追2.趁热打铁3.有志者事竟成4.满瓶不响,半瓶叮当5.岁月不待人6.三思而后行_7.有其师必有其徒 8.言多必失9.旁观者清10.熟能生巧11.不会撑船怪河弯12.刀伤有法治,舌伤无术医13.窃钩者诛,窃国者侯14.蛟龙要有海来游15.纸包不住火16.害人者终害己17.覆水难收18.智者千虑必有一失19.人生何处不相逢20.塞翁失马,焉知非福Keys: 1.A word spoken is past recalling.2.Strike

30、 while the iron is hot.3.Where there is a will there is a way.4.Empty vessels make the greatest sound.5.Time and tide wait for no man.6.Second thoughts are best.7.Like teacher,like pupil.8.He that talks much errs much.9.Standers-by see more than gamesters.10.Practice makes perfect.11.A bad workman q

31、uarrels with his tools.12.Many words cut more than swords.13.Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.14.A great ship asks deep waters.15.Murder will out.16.He that mischief hatches, mischief catches.17.Its no use crying over spilt milk.18.Homer sometimes nods.19.Men may meet but mountains n

32、ever.20.No great loss without some small gain.Part16 选择正确的单词:1. You must be very careful. The work _ precision.A. retailsB. repelsC. retains D. entails2. Some criminals were printingdollar bills until they were arrested.A. falseB. suspiciousC. conspicuous D. fake3. His_words produced the effect he w

33、anted and people gave money to help them.A. elegantB. eloquentC. evilD. excessive4. The farmers received a_ from the government to grow this crop.A. subsidyB. subsidiaryC. subordinate D. successor5. If you are always sitting up late at night, you may_ from overwork soon.A. collapseB. fallC. descendD

34、. benefit6. If he doesnt pay them the money, they will_ him soon.A. sufficeB. sueC. summonD. inform7. To_ the risk of theft, install a good alarm system.A. decreaseB. minimizeC. lessenD. eliminate8. Old generation tends to recall the_ of the past and contrast it with the happiness of today,A. misfor

35、tuneB. adversityC. disasterD. accident9. Try to_ sailing through the sky on a cloud.A. practiceB. visualizeC. recommend D. appreciate10. Sally likes to_ her brother about his girl friend, which often makes him awkward.A. chaseB. temptC. teaseD. charm11. When his mother scolded him for his wrong doin

36、gs,he _ instead of listening to her: “It is entirely your fault”A. reactedB. noddedC. retortedD. blamed12. Anne is so calm and_. She does everything well.A. practicableB. applicableC. practicalD. appreciable13. The two cities were connected to each other by a_ after flood cut them off.A. suspensionB

37、. diversionC. highwayD. harbour14. In the 1980s,four cities in southern China were first_ as special economic zones, enjoying special policies,A. designatedB. judgedC. emergedD. nominated15. Children like to play in the_ of trees in summer,A. shadowB. shadeC. darknessD. obscurity16. It is that gover

38、nments policy to_ black people from white.A. divideB. distributeC. isolateD. segregate17. If hes in trouble, it,s his own fault. I personally wouldnt_ a finger to help him.A. liftB. burnC. bendD. hold18. These tight shoes have given me_ on my ankles.A. scarsB. scratchesC. bruisesD. blisters19. The p

39、lace did not appear to be popular, for it was completely deserted, and in any case_ to traffic.A. inadequateB, inaccessibleC. incompatible D. insignificant20. The desert stretching away before the traveler seemed frighteningly_.A. hollowB. blankC. voidD. vacant21. His musical talent remained_ throug

40、h a lack of training.A. latentB. intentC. patentD, content22. Justice has_;the guilty man has been punished.A. presidedB. preferred C. prevailedD. dominated23. The man then_ her and went off to live in Nigeria.A. abandonedB. resigned C. releasedD. rejected24. The children_ in country life.A. rivalB

41、rebelC. revelD. revive25. _ a bit of enthusiasm into your performance. Try it again,OK?A, RejectB. Suspect C. InjectD. Insert26.There are so few bald eagles left in America that many people fear that they are in danger of becoming_.A. dyingB. flourishingC. extinctD. instinct27.A desire to please his

42、 parents made him_ to make good grades in school.A. striveB. trendC. swearD, spur28.He fell off his bike and badly_ himself.A. woundedB. damagedC. injuredD. harmed29. “We are very lucky,” wrote Professor Julian Huxley, “to live in a period of history when the earths_is beautiful and interesting.”A.

43、sceneryB. viewC. sightseeing D. scene30.The technicians are quite confident of their success, because the results of the first experiments are very_.A. promisingB. prominentC. properD. progressive31.Cigarette smoking is a major factor_ to cancer.A. attributingB. contributingC, distributing D. consti

44、tuting32.He went to work every day until heavy smoking and drinking_ him and put him out of action.A. restrictedB. resistedC. restrained D. retained33.The president made a_ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.A. vigorousB. tediousC. flatD. hars

45、h34.I thought the boat only held four. How did you_ five seats?A. reserveB. deserveC. preserveD. reverse35.The patient_ quickly to the medicine and was well in a few days.A. acceptedB. repliedC. responded D. absorbed36.A good nights sleep could be the best_ for your headache.A. remedyB. remnantsC. p

46、rescription D. measures37.The teacher arranged the pupils seats according to their_ heights.A. respectfulB. respectableC. respectiveD. retrospective38.The economic crises in that country have threatened the_ of the government.A. stabilityB. capabilityC. persistence D. permanence39.Usually we give_ t

47、o problems requiring immediate solution.A. privacyB. productivityC. priorityD. privilege40.Some people with disordered minds become a_ to fears of being murdered.A. prayB. productC. preyD. prayer41.With the demand for coal decreasing, thousands of miners may become_.A. significantB. redundantC. crit

48、icalD. desperate42.Some airports arefor bad security for passengers.A. famousB. distinguished C. eminentD. notorious43.The staff of our school is opposed to the_ changes in the system of education.A. mobileB. spiralC. drasticD. floating44.If you hurt that wasp, it will_ you.A. stingB. prickC. biteD.

49、 stick45.There is no easy solution to Japans labor_.A. declineB. vacancyC. rarityD. shortage46.He was so close behind me that he almost_ with me when I stopped.A. bumpedB. knockedC. bangedD. collided47.The bank gladly_ to the extension of a loan.A. permittedB. consentedC. allowedD. confessed48.In or

50、der to repair barns, build fences, grow crops, and care for animals, a farmer must indeed be_ .A. comprehensive B. versatileC. manifoldD. diverse49.He urged them to be_ to any possible persecution of the another.A. waryB. cautionsC. alertD. diverse50.If you cant give a(an) _ reason for breaking your promise, I shall not trust youA. voidB. validC. confidential D. deliberateKeys:l. D2.D3.B4. A5. A6. B7.B8. A9. B10. C11.C12. C13. B14. A15. B1


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