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1、全程训练2018届高考英语一轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空3 说明文全程训练2018届高考英语一轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空3 说明文 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(全程训练2018届高考英语一轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空3 说明文)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为全程训练2018届高考英语一

2、轮总复习 周周测三 完形填空3 说明文的全部内容。11专练(三)说明文cloze 1some children learn math very easily, but others struggle through the basics. if your children are having a _1_ time learning elementary school(小学) math, there is plenty that you can do to _2_. here are some ideas:if your children are _3_ with schoolwork, to

3、o much parental pressure can _4_ further discouragement. instead, keep an encouraging _5_。 if you check over their homework and _6_ that they made many mistakes, cheerfully and _7_ help them think through their errors。dont ever suggest that they are just _8_ at math. let them know that they will _9_

4、 it if they just keep trying。cooking and baking _10_ your children allows them to get exposed to many tricky math concepts in a fun and relaxing _11_。 invite them into the kitchen to _12_ chocolate chip cookies with you, thus learning math in a very hands.on way. cooking and baking are also good way

5、s to _13_ your children to concepts like weight and temperature。video games have become so _14_ that many families never make time for an old。fashioned board game(棋类游戏)。 _15_, it can give your children the opportunity to work with many math concepts. _16_ a variety of board games is a great way to g

6、et your children more comfortable with mathematical concepts.take a trip to your local _17_ and check out some of the picture books dealing with math. _18_ youre sure where to begin, ask the librarian for _19_。 a child who is tired of struggling over math problems, may _20_ sitting down with a wonde

7、rful picture book that presents math concepts in a unique way. 1. a. wonderful b。 easy c。 hard d。 spare2a. help b。 escape c. warn d。 learn3a。 playing b. staying c。 struggling d。 combining4a。 result from b。 find outc。 lead to d。 put forward5a. option b。 attitude c。 dream d。 altitude6a。 realize b. ign

8、ore c. expect d。 notice7a. worriedly b。 calmly c。 hurriedly d。 generously8a. good b。 smart c. bad d。 mad9a。 beat b. forget c。 get d。 lose10a。 for b。 besides c. with d. without11a。 movement b. environmentc。 tone d。 action12a. sell b。 eat c. count d. bake13a. expose b。 force c. introduce d. send14a。 b

9、oring b. useful c. powerful d. popular15a. however b。 therefore c。 besides d。 then16a。 inventing b。 playing c。 making d。 solving17a。 school b。 library c. kitchen d。 party18a. if b。 but c. though d。 unless19a. agreements b。 suggestionsc。 conditions d。 settlements20a. enjoy b。 avoid c。 practise d。 min

10、dcloze 2(2017河北衡水中学高三一调考试)laziness is a state of inaction. it is something that you do, not something that you are. being lazy means you have no _1_ to do anything。 many people are _2_ themselves to be someone who is lazy. in this article, i am going to _3_ with you something that will help you see

11、this state of inaction in a (n) _4_ way. lazy people are often seen as useless. _5_, are they really being lazy or are they acting lazy? acting lazy is suggesting that your laziness is _6_. but being lazy suggests that it lasts long。 many people are not really lazy;they _7_ are people who are tempor

12、arily acting that way. so what _8_ a person to be inactive? the answer is a lack of goals。 if you give someone a good enough _9_ to do something, he will do it. people who dont _10_ to do anything just havent found a good enough reason to do it。 _11_ students dont study because they dont see the _12

13、_ in studying。 if you give them a reason, a strong enough reason, they will take _13_. for example, if you are too lazy to go to the gym, would you go if someone _14_ you a million dollars to go? if you are too lazy to clean out the garage,would someone _15_ a gun to your head help you take action?

14、the reason can be positive or negative _16_ it is strong enough to help you take action。 the bottom line of knowing how to _17_ laziness comes down to finding enough reasons to take action。 action will _18_ success while inaction will result in _19_. to motivate someone who is lazy, what you need to

15、 do is help him find enough _20_ to work towards a certain goal. 1a。 courage b. question c。 time d. motivation2a. agreeing b. denying c。 considering d。 refusing3a。 argue b. share c。 compete d。 compare4a。 different b。 interestingc. ordinary d. primary5a。 otherwise b. besides c。 however d. therefore6a

16、. correct b. false c。 temporary d. inspirational7a。 simply b. occasionally c。 often d。 hardly8a. stops b。 causes c。 discourages d。 demands9a。 worry b. gift c。 fear d。 purpose10a. want b。 devote c。 take d. come11a. hardworking b。 lazyc. young d。 confused12a. point b. success c。 situation d. difficult

17、y13a。 part b。 place c。 action d. control14a. lent b。 owed c。 borrowed d. offered15a. firing b. pointing c. shooting d。 hiding16a. so that b。 as soon as c。 in spite of d。 as long as17a. win b. fight c. overcome d. ban18a. result from b。 fight forc。 ask for d. lead to19a. influence b. failure c. press

18、ure d。 happiness20a。 reasons b. money c。 energy d。 confidencecloze 3(2017江西赣中南五校一模)are you a team player?we hear a lot about team building these days。 team。building gurus (大师) are hired by some corporations to _1_ us on how to work more effectively with each other。 and they organize awaydays (外出研讨日)

19、a _2_ employees spend together away from their _3_workplace。here in the uk, employees can _4_ activities such as zombie boot camps where military instructors _5_ you how to fight walking “dead people”。 for the brainier office workers amongst us there are _6_ investigations modelled on popular tv dra

20、mas like sherlock holmes and csi。stressed。out city workers might have ukulele _7_ made available to them。 why is that a good team.building exercise? ukulele teacher lorraine bow says: “the fact that they can _8_ a musical instrument within an hour is quite a fulfilling thing, really。 its not competi

21、tiveits quite _9_ to do and a bit less intimidating (吓人的) than a guitar.。”_10_, a horse might be a bit more intimidating than a(n) _11_。 the animals are used by a company in abu dhabi which _12_ the leadership through horse training。 basically, you have to go in a yard with a _13_ and persuade it th

22、at youre the _14_ by using body language。kelly eide, co。founder of the true leadership, says: “the horses dont _15_ if your hair is purple, if youre a man or a woman, if youre old or young。.。 it transcends (超越) all of those _16_ boundariesage, gender, religion, tradition etc.so thats a perfect _17_。

23、”and the horse _18_ instinctively whether or not you are a natural leader. so _19_ after youve done a good presentation your boss _20_ you a carrot, youll know where he might have learnt it from. 1a。 put b。 urge c。 inspire d. lecture2a. fortune b. money c。 time d。 force3a. general b. usual c。 crowde

24、d d. comfortable4a。 take part in b. put up withc。 look up to d。 watch out for5a。 train b. prepare c。 tell d。 show6a。 access b. crime c。 accident d. harm7a. orders b. words c. lessons d。 results8a。 use b. repair c. buy d。 play9a。 available b。 convenient c. amazing d. easy10a. surprisingly b。 curiousl

25、y c. actually d。 fortunately11a。 tiger b。 instrument c。 tool d。 pig12a。 teaches b。 warns c. uses d。 creates13a。 horse b. person c。 chair d。 tree14a. worker b。 boss c. waiter d。 teacher15a。 appreciate b。 carec. indicate d. consider16a. personal b。 diverse c. casual d。 cultural17a。 notice b。 link c. f

26、it d. treat18a。 hopes b。 chooses c。 thinks d。 feels19a。 if b. although c。 since d. when20a. provides b。 considers c。 offers d. callscloze 4communication is an important part of any relationship. many of us are _1_ to share our experiences or emotions with our friends。 but when its our turn to lend a

27、 (n) _2_, we soon become bored or are short of ideas on how to _3_ and offer advice。thats because of what researchers call “listener burnout (精疲力竭)”. a friend might talk to us _4_, often complaining about the same _5_ problems. when we offer quick advice to _6_ the situation, we may be unconsciously

28、 trying to_7_ourselves from burnout。 however, good listeners _8_ their natural tendency to solve the others problems hurriedly and to keep the conversation brief。to be a good _9_, you need to use “active listening”. it starts with the real _10_ to help others and think through their feelings. dont _

29、11_ things. you can start by putting your phone _12_ and sitting close to your friend。 let your facial expressions _13_ what he or she is saying。 _14_ you are able to fully understand, acknowledge the other persons _15_ by reflecting them back:“that must be really hard for you。” use _16_ words or ev

30、en sounds such as “yes”,“right and“hmm” to _17_ the other person to continue。of course, a _18_ can be extremely hard if the other person is too critical。 but dont get defensive. effective listeners dont _19_ negative criticism。 instead, they listen and understand what the person is trying to convey

31、_20_ responding. 1a。 afraid b。 hesitant c. shy d。 eager2a. shoulder b。 hand c。 ear d. eye3a。 respond b。 explain c。 argue d。 quit4a. aimlessly b。 endlessly c. deliberately d. cautiously5a. difficult b. old c。 acute d. sensitive6a. fix b。 discuss c。 create d。 describe7a。 forgive b. protect c。 discoura

32、ge d. prevent8a。 follow b. display c. form d. overcome9a. reader b。 partner c. listener d. speaker10a。 demand b。 habit c。 desire d. ability11a。 skip b。 rush c。 overlook d. postpone12a。 away b. off c。 out d。 up13a。 record b. restrict c。 reflect d。 replace14a。 whether b. since c。 while d. if15a. sugge

33、stions b. purposesc。 responses d。 feelings16a. big b。 tough c. strong d。 short17a。 force b. remind c。 encourage d. convince18a。 conversation b。 suggestionc。 problem d。 lecture19a. give up b。 make up c。 leave out d. block out20。 a. after b. before c. while d。 oncecloze 1语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,作者主要向我们介绍了一些帮助孩子

34、学好小学数学的方法。1c本段第一句话说有些孩子学习这些基础知识很吃力,struggle与选项中的hard意义接近,这里是说孩子在学习小学数学上很困难。2a如果你的孩子学小学数学有困难,有很多办法可以来帮助他们。根据语境可知选择a项。3c根据空格后的“too much parental pressure”可知。此处表示如果你的孩子正在挣扎地做着家庭作业。struggle“奋斗,拼搏。4c太多的来自父母的压力会导致孩子更大程度的泄气.根据语境可知,应选c项,lead to“导致”。result from“由造成”;find out“查明,弄清楚”;put forward“提出。5b作者认为父母不应

35、该给孩子过多的压力,相反,应该是采取鼓励的态度(attitude).6d此处表示如果你仔细检查他的作业时,注意(notice)到有很多错误.7b前文提到不能给孩子施加过多的压力,而应该鼓励他们,那么检查出他们作业中有一些错误时应该保持冷静。8c结合上一段的内容及空格后的内容可知,此处表示当发现孩子在作业中犯了很多错误时,不要暗示他们的数学不好。be bad at“在某方面不好”。9c此处表示应该让孩子知道如果他们努力,就一定能成功。get it指取得成功。10c和孩子一起烹饪和烘焙会让孩子学到很多难的数学概念。根据语境可知,应该选择c项。11b在有趣和放松的环境(environment)中让孩

36、子学到很多难的数学概念。12d结合上文中的“cooking and baking”和空后的“chocolate chip cookies”可知,此处指家长邀请孩子进厨房,和孩子一起烤饼干,用亲身实践的方式帮助孩子学数学。13a烹饪和烘焙会让孩子接触到像重量和温度等概念。expose sb。 to.。.“让某人接触”。10空后的“get exposed to”也是提示。14d后文说许多家庭从来都不花时间玩老式的棋类游戏了,据此可知,此处是说视频游戏现在非常流行(popular)。15a这里的it指的是上文中的“an old。fashioned board game(棋类游戏)”.然而(howev

37、er),这种游戏给孩子学数学概念提供了机会.16b根据语境可知,此处是指玩棋类游戏能够让你的孩子对数学概念更加的应对自如。17b根据空格后的“check out some of the picture books”及“librarian”可知,此处表示去当地的图书馆查阅一些图画书,应该选择b项.18d如果你不确定从哪里开始,你可以询问图书管理员,让他们提些建议(suggestions)。unless“如果不”,符合语境.19b参见上题解析。20a讨厌做数学题的孩子也许会喜欢(enjoy)坐下来看用独特的方式展现数学概念的图画书。cloze 2语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要说明了懒惰是一种无所

38、事事的状态,分析了懒惰的原因,并提出了相应的改进措施。1d考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,懒惰意味着你没有做任何事情的动力。根据文章最后一句中的“to motivate someone who is lazy可推知,此处应选motivation,意为“动机,兴趣”,故选d。2c考查动词辨析.根据语境可知,许多人认为自己是个懒惰的人。consider sb. to be sth。/sb.为固定用法,意为“认为是,符合句意。故选c。3b考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处表示,在此文中,“我”将与你分享一些东西让你认清这种不作为的状态。share with为固定搭配,意为“与分享”,符合语境。故选b。4a

39、考查形容词辨析.根据下文所讲的内容可知,此处表示“以不同的方式”与你分享。a项意为“不同的”,符合语境。故选a。5c考查副词辨析。根据语境可知,懒惰的人常常被认为一无是处。然而,他们是真的懒惰还是表现得懒惰呢?前后表示转折,且用逗号隔开,故应用转折副词however连接.故选c。6c考查形容词辨析。根据语境可知,不愿意做事表明你是一时懒惰,但是一直懒惰却表明懒惰是经常性的。由“but”一词可知,此处应与“lasts long”形成对比,且与下文“temporarily acting that way”照应。故此处应指“暂时的”,c项符合语境。故选c.7a考查副词辨析。根据语境可知,许多人并不是

40、真的懒惰,他们只是暂时想懒散一下罢了。此处与上文中的“really”形成对比。a项意为“只是”,符合语境。故选a.8b考查动词辨析。根据下文“the answer is a lack of goals.”可知,此处指的应该是其原因,即是什么让一个人变得不作为呢?b项意为“引起”,符合语境。故选b。9d考查名词辨析。上文说一个人不作为是因为缺乏目标,此处表示如果你给某个人足够明确的目标去做些事情,他一定会去做。d项意为“目标”,符合语境。故选d。10a考查动词辨析.根据语境可知,不想做事的人只是没有找到一个足够好的理由去做事.a项意为“想要,符合语境。故选a。11b考查形容词辨析。上文主要讲的是

41、懒惰的人及其懒惰的原因。根据上下文可知,不学习的学生应该是懒惰的学生。故选b。12a考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,懒惰的学生不学习是因为他们没有看出学习的意义。the point in doing sth。意为“做某事的意义”,符合语境.故选a。13c考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,如果你给他们一个理由,一个有足够说服力的理由,他们肯定会采取行动。此处与上文的“he will do it”相照应。take action为固定搭配,意为“采取行动”,符合语境,故选c。14d考查动词辨析。句意为:比如,如果你太懒惰了以至于不想去体育馆,那么,有人主动给你一百万美元你愿意去吗?d项意为“主动提供”,符合语


43、项意为“导致,引起”,符合语境。故选d.19b 考查名词辨析。根据语境可知,此处应与上半句中的“success”形成对比,表示“不作为将会导致失败.b项意为“失败”,符合语境。故选b。20a考查名词辨析.根据语境可知,为了激发懒惰的人,你需要做的就是帮助他找到足够的理由朝着目标奋斗。a项意为“理由,在上文也多次出现,符合语境.故选a。cloze 3语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一些大公司是如何进行团队建设的。1d根据上文的“team。building gurus (大师) are hired”可知,团队建设大师们被雇来讲授如何更加有效地合作.lecture意为“讲授”,故选d项。2

44、c由“awaydays(外出研讨日)可知,此处在解释外出研讨日的含义,意为“一段时间”。故选c项.3b外出研讨日就是雇员们远离他们通常的(usual)工作场所一起度过的时间。故选b项。4a根据下文的“such as zombie boot camps”可知,在英国,员工们能参加(take part in)许多活动。故选a项.put up with“忍受”;look up to“尊敬”; watch out for“密切注意”。5a根据上文的“military instructors(军队的教官)以及下文的“how to fight walkingdead people可知,此处表示的是“军队的教官训练你如何打行走的僵尸”。故选a项。6b根据下文的“modelled on popular tv dramas like sherlock holmes and csi”可知,此处表示“对于我们中间的非常聪明的办公室员工而言,有模仿电视节目大侦探福尔摩斯和犯罪现场调查的犯罪调查活动”。故选b项.7c根据下文的“ukulele teacher lorraine bow says”可知,焦虑的城市工人们可以上尤克里里课。故选c项.8d由“a musical instrument”以及上文内容可知,此处指的是“弹奏一个乐器”。故选d项。9d根据上文的“its not compe


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