已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、公筷 行动,多/一/双/公/筷 多/一/份/健/康,【 文明用餐 公筷行动 从我做起 】,目录,第二部分,倡导用公筷,第一部分,聚餐用公筷,第三部分,规范用公筷,Contents,聚餐用公筷,多/一/双/公/筷 多/一/份/健/康,在家庭聚餐、酒店餐馆、农村文化礼堂(农村家宴中心)等集体合食的场所要做到“一菜一公筷,一汤一公勺”,使公筷公勺成为餐桌上的“常客”,保障食品安全健康,引导文明用餐风尚。 重视公筷公勺的消毒,用餐结束后将公筷公勺单独收集、单独清洗,彻底消毒杀菌,阻断病菌传播。,聚餐用公筷,【 文明用餐 公筷行动 从我做起 】,聚餐 用公筷,在家庭聚餐、酒店餐馆、农村文化礼堂(农村家宴

2、中心)等集体合食的场所要做到“一菜一公筷,一汤一公勺”,使公筷公勺成为餐桌上的“常客”,保障食品安全健康,引导文明用餐风尚。,01,02,03,聚餐用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,聚餐用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method

3、: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,聚餐用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,聚餐用公筷,Enter the text conten

4、t directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,场合一,场合三,场合二,场合四,倡导用公筷,多/一/双/公/筷 多/一/份/健/康,倡导用公筷,积极响应“公筷行动”,全镇星级饭店、大型餐饮服务提供者以及镇机关、事业单位食堂合餐场所率先推广;倡导实行分餐制,杜绝唾液、飞沫“口口相传”,从源头上阻断病毒细菌在餐桌上的传播。,全镇党员家庭、文明家庭、星级文明户带头倡导实施

5、,积极宣传使用公筷公勺的现实意义,从我做起,带动身边的人认识、接受公筷公勺,逐步养成使用公筷公勺和消毒餐具的良好习惯,引领时代风尚。,倡导用公筷,【 文明用餐 公筷行动 从我做起 】,倡导用公筷,Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change.,倡导用公筷,Ple

6、ase enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change.,倡导用公筷,Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph wit

7、h the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change.,倡导用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,倡导用公筷,Enter the text content directly here,

8、change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,倡导用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,倡导用公筷,Ente

9、r the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,规范用公筷,多/一/双/公/筷 多/一/份/健/康,做到餐前先洗手,使用公筷公勺时不挑不拣、各取所食,不用自己的筷子相互夹菜; 患食源性疾病者须使用专用碗筷; 对不能独立进食的婴幼儿,不要用嘴尝试孩子食物、帮助咀嚼食物、口对口喂食、与孩子共用餐具。,规范用公筷,01,02,03,【 文

10、明用餐 公筷行动 从我做起 】,规范用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,规范用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can rep

11、lace the change, the text format will not change.,规范用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,规范用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all

12、the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,01,03,02,04,规范用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,规范用公筷,Enter the text content directly

13、 here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,规范用公筷,Enter the text content directly here, change the method: directly select all the text, enter a new text can replace the change, the text format will not change.,规范用公筷,Enter the text


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