[语言类考试复习资料大全]Units 22-24(无语音只提供参考)_第1页
[语言类考试复习资料大全]Units 22-24(无语音只提供参考)_第2页
[语言类考试复习资料大全]Units 22-24(无语音只提供参考)_第3页
[语言类考试复习资料大全]Units 22-24(无语音只提供参考)_第4页
[语言类考试复习资料大全]Units 22-24(无语音只提供参考)_第5页
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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全Units 22-24(无语音,只提供参考)Units 22-24(无语音,只提供参考)第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有A,B,C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析Do you like keeping rabbits or dogs?2.答案:B解析My parents go to work b

2、y bus every day.3.答案:B解析I dont know how to knock at the drum.4.答案:B解析The duck is swimming in the water.5.答案:A解析The tank is running to the front. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:A解析She is our Japanese teacher.7.答案:A解析Many tall buildings have been built in the city these years.8.答案:C解析The monkey is playing

3、on a tree.9.答案:B解析Have you been to Sydney, a beautiful city?10.答案:C解析Would you like to have a cup of coffee?第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到15个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A,B,C三个选项中选出答案。每个对话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一个问题。每个对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When will the plane take off?A.At 10:30.B.At 2:00.C.At 12:30.答案:C解析W: What time

4、 is it by your watch?M: Its half past ten. The plane will take off in two hours.2. Does the woman like good coffee?A.Yes, she does.B.No, she doesnt.C.We dont know.答案:A解析M: Do you like good coffee?W: Mum. Its delicious.3. At what time does the office open?A.At 7:45.B.At 8:15.C.At 8:00.答案:C解析W: Well,

5、I wonder why the office is still not open.M: But its not yet eight. In fact, its only a quarter to eight.4. What did the man do yesterday evening?A.He did his homework at home.B.He watched TV.C.He went to the concert.答案:C解析W: Did you go to the concert yesterday evening?M: Yes. I was lucky. My friend

6、 gave me a ticket.5. What are they doing now?A.They are having a geography class.B.They are travelling in France.C.Theyre talking.答案:A解析W: Please tell me where France is, Tom.M: Its in Europe. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. How many people are working for Mr. Brown?A.Two.B.Three.C.Five.答案:C解析W: Hi, Mr. Bro

7、wn, how many people are working for you?M: I have two here and three in the workshop.7. Whats the woman going to do on Sunday?A.Go to see a film.B.Go to see a play.C.Go to a concert.答案:C解析M: Lets go to see a film at the Guangming Cinema on Sunday.W: Id like to, but Im going to a concert. Thank you a

8、ll the same.8. What time is it now?A.7:30.B.8:00.C.8:30.答案:B解析M: When does the play start?W: At 8:30. There are 30 minutes to go.9. Where do you think the talk takes place?A.At tile seaside.B.At a hotel.C.At a restaurant.答案:B解析M: Hello, Id like to spend tile weekend at the seaside. Can you make arra

9、ngements for me?W: Yes, certainly. Just tell me your name and room number.10. How much are the three books? A. 1.5. B. 1.75. C. 2.25. 答案:B解析M: Ill take these three books. Are they 50 cents each?W: These two books are, but this one is 75 cents. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. What is lane first going to do

10、after school?A.She is going to have one more class.B.She is going to the library.C.She is going home directly.答案:A解析M: Are you going home after school today, Jane?W: No. Ill have a class until four o clock, and after that Im going to spend two hours in the library before going home.12. How much did

11、the man pay for the bike? A. 50. B. 60. C. 70. 答案:C解析W: They wanted you to pay 100 for such an old bike? Oh, dear!M: Yes, but finally they agreed to knock 30% off the price, so I bought it.13. Where is Mr. Smith?A.In his bedroom.B.In the factory.C.In his backyard.答案:C解析W: What is that noise?M: That

12、is Mr. Smith sawing his broken tree in his backyard.14. What does the man mean?A.He liked the job because it was interesting.B.He liked the job because he was busy on weekends.C.He didnt like the job very much because it kept him busy.答案:C解析W: How did you like your work as a reporter, Joe?M: Well, n

13、ot very much. It was interesting, but I had to work long hours. I never went home on weekends.15. How soon will Ann get to the station?A.In twenty minutes.B.In ten minutes.C.In fifteen minutes.答案:A解析W: Do you know what time it is? Im going to meet my friend Ann at the station at 2:15.M: Its five min

14、utes to two by my watch.第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A,B,C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 问题:1. Please tell me _ .A.how many days are there in a weekB.what novel is thatC.how old you are答案:C解析 宾语从句应用陈述句的语序。问题:2. Ive told you _ fire.A.dont playB.dont play withC.not to play with答案:C解析 tell sbto do sth表示“叫某人做

15、某事”;tell sbnot to do sth意为“告诉某人不要做某事”。不定式的否定形式是not to do sth。playwith sth意为“拿某物玩”。问题:3. The pyramid was built five _ ago.A.thousands of yearsB.thousand yearsC.thousands years答案:B解析 当thousand前有基数词或表示数量的词修饰时,只能用单数形式。问题:4. The monument is now eight meters _, but it was onceA.taller, tallB.high, higherC

16、.higher, high答案:B解析 表示某人或某物有多高时,tall或high放在表示具体高度的短语后,作定语。第二句有明显的对比关系,要使用形容词的比较级形式。问题:5. Dont leave until he _ back.A.have comeB.comesC.will come答案:B解析 until是连接时间状语从句的从属连词,从句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时。问题:6. I really dont know _ .A.what means itB.it what meansC.what it means答案:C解析 what连接的名词性从句作动词know的宾语,使用陈述句的语序

17、。问题:7. We must study _ for the people.A.goodB.wellC.fine答案:B解析 study是行为动词,需要用副词well来修饰,不能用形容词来修饰。问题:8. You never go to the movies, _ ?A.dont youB.do youC.wont you答案:B解析 前面的陈述句是由否定副词never构成的否定句,其后的反意疑问句应使用肯定形式。问题:9. Peter is _ honest boy. He studies at _ university.A.a.anB.an.anC.an.a答案:C解析 不定冠词a用于发音

18、以辅音开头的单数名词前,不定冠词an用于发音以元音开头的单数名词前。问题:10. Would you like to _ us a story?A.sayB.speakC.tell答案:C解析 tell sba story表示“给某人讲故事”,是惯用法。问题:11. Nathan Hale _ by the British guards.A.was hangedB.was hungC.hung答案:A解析 内森黑尔被英国卫兵绞死了。be hanged意思是“被吊死,被绞死”;be hung意为“被挂起来”。问题:12. There is nothing in the box, _ ?A.isn

19、t thereB.is thereC.isnt it答案:B解析 陈述部分是由nothing构成的否定句,其后面的反意疑问句应用肯定形式。问题:13. Chemistry is _ than physics for me.A.easyB.easierC.more easy答案:B解析 这句话意思是:对于我来说化学比物理容易。这是一个比较句,easier是easy的比较级。问题:14. Drink _ water, then youll be better before long.A.manyB.littleC.plenty of答案:C解析 water是不可数名词,不可用many修饰。虽然li

20、ttle和plenty of都可修饰不可数名词,但是little含有否定意思。plenty of意为“足够,大量的”,符合题意。问题:15. The table is made of _ .A.a woodB.these woodC.wood答案:C解析 be made of+物质名词,表示“(某物)是由某种材料制成的”。第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 I usually (经常) get up at 6:00 1 the morning. Then I wash my face 2 brush my teeth. I 3 b

21、reakfast at 7:00. I live near school. After breakfast I walk 4 school with my brother. On 5 way to school, we talk about our lessons. The 6 are crowded (拥挤) in the morning. There 7 many people in the bus. Many of them are students. Some of them are 8 . They are wearing skirts. Some of them are 9 . T

22、hey age wearing shorts. My father is a businessman. My mother is a teacher. They 10 to work on their bicycles. 1.A.onB.atC.in答案:C解析 in the morning是惯用法,表示“在早晨,在上午”。2.A.andB.toC.from答案:A解析 洗脸和刷牙是表示先后发生的两个动作,and表递进关系。3.A.have aB.haveC.have the答案:B解析 have breakfast意为“吃早饭”。在一日三餐名词之前不加冠词。4.A.ofB.toC.from答

23、案:B解析 walk to school与go to school on foot同意,意为“步行去上学”。5.A.theB.aC.an答案:A解析 on the way to.是习惯搭配,表示“在去的路途上”。6.A.carB.busC.buses答案:C解析 由系动词are可知:根据主谓一致原则,主语应是复数名词buses。7.A.areB.isC.am答案:A解析 该句的主语是people,因此谓语应用复数形式。8.A.girlsB.menC.doctor答案:A解析 由下一句“她们穿着裙子”可推断出:选项A是正确答案。9.A.teacherB.studentC.boys答案:C解析 由

24、下句的信息词shorts(短裤)可知:他们其中一些是男孩。10.A.walkB.goC.goes答案:B解析 go to work意为“去上班”。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍 从上边一栏所给出的选项中选出与下边一栏各项意义相符的选项。 A. washB. breakfastC. canD. greatE. copyF. behindG. Monday1. the first meal of a day答案:B2. at the back of答案:F3. try to do the same as others答案:E4. be able to答案:C5. make clean with

25、 water答案:A第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从A(Right),B(Wrong),C(Doesnt say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。 One of Jims feet was bigger than the other. I can never find shoes for my feet, he said to his friend Dick. Why dont you go to a shoemaker? Dick said. A good one can make you tile right shoes. Ive never been to a shoemaker, J

26、im said. Are they expensive? No, Dick said, some of them arent. There is a good one in our village, and hes quite cheap. Here is his address. He wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to Jim. Jim went to the shoemaker in Dicks village a few days later, and the shoemaker made him some shoes.

27、 Jim went to the shop again a week later and looked at the shoes. He became angry and said to the shoemaker, You are a foolish man! I told you to make one shoe bigger than the other, but youve made one smaller than the other. 1. Jim couldnt find right shoes because his feet were too big.A.Right.B.Wr

28、ong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 由第一句可知:吉姆的脚不一样大是他买不到合适鞋子的原因。2. Jim didnt go to any shoemakers before Dick told him to do so.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 由第三段可知:吉姆在迪克对他说找鞋匠定做鞋子之前,从没找鞋匠定做过鞋子。3. The shoes made by the shoemaker in Dicks village were cheap.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 从吉姆和迪克的对话可知:迪

29、克的村里的鞋匠做的鞋相当便宜。4. When Jim saw his shoes in the shop, he was angry.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 从最后一段中“He became angry”可知选项A是正确答案。5. The shoemaker was an old man.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C解析 文章没提供有关信息。第三节 短文理解 2 阅读下列短文,从A,B,C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。 Students in many countries are learning Englis

30、h. Some of these students are children, others are teenagers (少年). Many are adults (成年人). Some learn at school, others by themselves. A few learn English by hearing the language over the radio, on TV or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn Eng

31、lish? It is difficult to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, maths and English. Some people learn it because it is useful for their work. Many people learn English for their higher studies, for entering

32、 college or university. Some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English. 1. People learn English _ .A.at schoolB.over the radioC.not all in the same way答案:C解析 由第一段可推断:人们用不同方式学习英语。选项A和B只表明其中一种具体的学英语方式。2. It is _ to answer why

33、 so many people want to learn English.A.hardB.easyC.pleased答案:A解析 从第二段第一行可推断出:很难回答为什么有这么多的人要学英语这个问题。3. Different kinds of people want to learn English _ .A.for higher studies at collegesB.together with other subjectsC.for different reasons答案:C解析 结合第二段可看出:不同的人有不同的学英语的原因或理由。4. From this passage we kno

34、w that _ .A.we can learn English easilyB.English is too difficult to learnC.English is a useful language but one must work hard to learn it答案:C解析 第一段最后一句“One must work hard to learn another language”和第二段表明:英语是一种有用的语言,但是一个人必须努力去学(才能学好)。5. Which of the following is right?A.We dont need to learn any fo

35、reign languages.B.We can do well in all our work without English.C.We should learn English because we need to face the world.答案:C解析 根据本文内容可知:选项A和B与文章表达意思不符,故可排除。 A good reader is very much like a driver. He must change his reading speed to fit his purpose and the material he is reading, just as a dr

36、iver does to fit the road situation (情况). A good reader may be able to read a thousand words per minute (WPM), but he wont use that speed for everything he reads. A good reader doing research (研究) reading in the library may read at the speed of 1,000 words per minute as he looks for materials for a

37、report. But once he finds something that is useful to him he may need to slow down to 100 WPM. A good reader may read newspaper and magazine articles at 600 WPM, but it may take him 150 WPM to read his science or maths text. A driver has a wide change of speed, so has a good reader. 6. According to

38、the writer, good readers can _ .A.often go to the libraryB.read at 1,000 WPMC.change the speed as needed答案:C解析 由第一、二行可推断:好的读者能像司机那样根据需要调整阅读速度。7. The passage tells us that the speed of reading depends on (取决于) _ . a. the number of books b. the purpose of reading c. the time when you are reading d. th

39、e material that youre reading e. the place where youre reading A.a and bB.b and dC.b, e and d答案:B解析 根据本文内容综合判断;阅读的速度取决于阅读的动机和正在阅读的材料。8. A good reader may use the highest speed of reading when _ .A.he is trying to find materials for his reportB.he is trying to work out a maths problemC.he reads the material most useful to him答案:A解析 见本文第三、四行。9. The passage suggests (暗示) that a good driver should _ .A.be able to drive at a high speedB.be able to drive all kinds of weatherC.be good at cha


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