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1、北京化工大学20192011学年第一学期英语写作考试试卷I. For each sentence, choose the best word among the four choices to fill in the blank (10%)1. Students in this university take to the Internet to express their _ with the poor management of the public facilities. A. contentB. contentedC. discontent D. discontented2. Desi

2、re fulfillment always yields _. A. satisfyB. satisfactionC. dissatisfiedD. unsatisfied3. The “Ten Most Wanted _ Politicians for 2009” list has been announced by Judicial Watch,the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption. A. CorruptB. CorruptionC. CorruptedD. Corr

3、uptive 4. An _, is a substance that contains a great amount of stored energy that can produce a sudden expansion of light, heat, sound, and pressure. A. explodeB. explosionC. explosiveD. exploding5. The government attaches great importance to the political stability and social _.A. harmonyB. disharm

4、onyC. harmoniousD. harmonize 6. It is so _ of you to turn down the volume of the speaker while I am talking into the phone. A. considerB. considerateC. considerationD. considerable7. Chinese nation is a brave and _ family made up of 56 ethnic groups.A. industryB. industrialC. industrializedD. indust

5、rious 8. Prices are subject to _. A. varyB. variousC. variationD. variety 9. The new teacher soon won the _ of her students. A. respectB. disrespectC. respectableD. respective 10. The _ Revolution marks a major turning point in our history; almost every aspect of daily life was eventually influenced

6、 in some way.A. CultureB. CultivateC. CulturalD. CultivatedII. Error detection 请找出下列各句的一个错误 (10%)1. We have too many courses to take in one term that we dont have enough energy to learn everything well. A B C D 2. I would rather stay in a small city than living in a metropolis with much greater pres

7、sure ranging from A B C Dwork to house purchase.3. Only after we have got a stable job and earned enough money we can consider buying an apartment and A B C getting married. D4. Passing the English qualifying test for MS, a 200-word-long essay must be written within 50 minutes. A B C D5. As the impl

8、ementation of one-child policy since the 1980s, up to 400 million less people have been born. A B C D6. Xiao Wang is the only student of this class that hasnt finished that the English teacher has assigned. A B C D 7. The questions facing us are who will look after the elderly, how the aged can enjo

9、y a free medical care, AB and government do to ensure a happy late life for the senior.C D8. He was 20 minutes late for the morning class, for he stayed up the previous night and oversleeping. A B C D9. Crowds of students preparing for the final exam in the library where there is plenty of room and

10、a lot of A B C Dreference books.10. Fewer insects have a closer relationship with the plants than the bees with flowers. A B C DIII.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese: (20 POINTS)1It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. 2Reading a

11、survey report on first-year college students, I recalled the regret, “If only I knew then what I know now.” 3According to the survey based on responses from over 188,000 students, todays college beginners are “more materialistic and less idealistic” than at any time in the seventeen years of the pol

12、l. 4Not surprising in these hard times, the students “major objective” is to be financially well off; less important than ever is developing a meaningfulphilosophy of life. 5It follows that interest in teaching, social service and the humanities is at a low, along with ethnic and womens studies, whi

13、le enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. (131 words)IV. Translate the following sentences into English according to the instructions given in the brackets: (20 POINTS)1. 自然灾害频发,使今年粮食产量有可能减产。(simple sentence简单句)2. 他通晓数种外语,使我们吃惊不已。(which-clause)3. 这个家庭主妇抱怨说,四个孩子整

14、天围着她转来转去,她简直没法坐下来干点事。(independent construction独立主格结构)4. 当前,贫富差距和区域发展不均等问题都是中国政府急需解决的。(what-clause)5. 尽管手机有很多有益的功能,但会对青少年学习成绩产生一些负面影响,如考试作弊、课堂不注意听讲、睡眠不足等。(adverbial clause状语从句)V.Write an essay titled DONT LET RURAL STUDENTS LAG BEHIND with no less than 200 words according to the following clues: (40

15、POINTS) 有数据表明,现在农村地区来的大学生所占比例越来越少,请分析这一现象出现的原因,指出其有害的一面,并提出解决的办法。(提示:一是农村师资不足, 农村孩子竞争不过城里的孩子;二是上大学的费用日渐昂贵;三是大学毕业后能否就业越来越没有保障。)参考答案I. 选词填空 1-5 CBACA 6-10 BDCACII. 辩错 11-15ABBAA16-20CCDAA1. A 连词错误2. B 平行结构错误3. B 倒装句4. A 悬垂修饰语错误5. A介词错误6. C 连词错误7. C 排比结构8. D 平行结构9A 破句10. A 错误的比较级III. 英译汉人们常说,年轻人最悲哀的事情莫

16、过于浪费了青春年华。(人们常说,关于青春最悲惨的事情是青春的浪费。)读了报纸上有关大学新生的一项调查报告,我想起了这样一种遗憾:“如果我当时知道我现在知道的事情就好了。” 根据这份有188,000多名大学生作答的调查报告,当今的大一新生比起17年间所做的任何一次调查都“更物欲,更现实”。这些大学生的主要目标是在经济上富裕起来;而寻找有意义的人生目标受到前所未有的轻视(比任何时候都更不重要)(使用反话正说翻译法),这在当前的艰难时世,并不奇怪。因此/其结果是对教书育人、从事社会工作以及人文学科的兴趣走向低谷,民族研究和妇女研究也不例外,而商科,工程学/工科和计算机科学的招生却不断走高/攀升。IV

17、. 汉译英1. 自然灾害频发,使今年粮食有可能减产。(简单句)The frequent (occurrences of) natural disasters are very likely to lead to the reduction of grain output this year. Natural disasters frequently occur, probably causing/ leading to/ resulting in the reduction of this years grain output. Owing to2. 他通晓数种外语,使我们吃惊不已。(whic

18、h-clause)He was familiar with several foreign languages, which surprised us all.3. 这个家庭主妇抱怨说,四个孩子整天围着她转来转去,她简直没法坐下来干点事。(independent construction独立主格结构)The housewife complained that with four children running around her all day long, she could hardly manage to sit down to do anything./. hardly sit do

19、wn and do anything.4. 当前,贫富差距加大和区域发展不均等问题都是中国政府急需要解决的。(what-clause) What the Chinese government needs to handle urgently are the issues like the widening gap between the rich and the poor and the imbalanced regional development. The widening gap between the rich and the poor and the uneven regional

20、development are what the Chinese government needs to handle urgently. 5. 尽管手机有很多有益的功能,但会对青少年学习成绩产生一些负面影响,如考试作弊、学习不专心、睡眠不足等。(状语从句)Although mobile phones have a lot of positive / beneficial/ helpful functions, they can have some negative impact on the study of the teenagers, such as cheating on the ex

21、ams, distracting from their study, lack of sleep, and so on.写作共40分分档原则50% - 20分 (有三段的轮廓,但存在严重语言错误,部分错误影响表达的有效性)60% - 24 分 (基本按三点要求展开,但语言错误很多)70% - 28 分 (基本按三点要求展开,但语言错误较多)80% - 32 分(按三点要求展开,内容充实,能运用一些漂亮句型,语言错误相对较少)90% - 36 分 (内容充实,篇幅较长,用词和句型变化较多,几乎没有错误)2010000036 冯璐It is reported from a survey that

22、graduate students from rural areas are increasingly accounting less than years before. Some people hold that the rural students can not enjoy enough education to compete with urban students. Others hold that the tuition in universities is too high to afford for a rural family. In my opinion, the phe

23、nomenon is also caused by the criff challenge in the job market. When a rural student graduating from university, he can not earn enough money to make his family alive. As a matter of fact, our country has a long tradition of valuing knowledge and education. The equity of education can also reflects

24、 the equity of society. With a rapid development, our country has also suffered for the gap from rural and urban. If the number of graduate students from rural areas continues to reduce, the gap will get more deeper in future. From what we had discussed above, we can easily draw a conclusion that: w

25、e must take some measures immediately to prevent the tragic situation. In the first place, our government must play a important role. We can take some measures such as raise the scholarship, get more students for free and loan to the rural students with poor family. In the second place our universit

26、ies should also responsible for it. The schools can lower the tuition for rural students and enlarge the enrolment numbers from rural area to ensure the rural students to go to college. At last but not he least important, our people can also take our part. For example, the graduated students can cho

27、ose to be a primary school teacher in rural area to enhance the educational level in there. In this way, I believe that our rural students will have a more fair and bright future in few years. (302 w)Score:32-33 (80%-) 评语:第一段点题+分析原因,第二段指出不良影响,第三段提出解决方法。三段布局较好,尤其是最后一段提出解决方法时很翔实,有思想。 根据我们阅卷的经验,“长文章不一定

28、是好文章,但是好文章一定是比较长的”。此篇文章超过了300个词。这一点在考试时间紧的前提下是难能可贵的。感觉这个学生语言整体感比较好。不足之处是还存在语言错误,有的错误还比较严重,比如:With a rapid development, our country has also suffered for the gap from rural and urban. 还有几处比较级的用法错误等。2008000008 Zhao JianAccording to statistics, the number of the rural students in college is increasingl

29、y becoming few. Thanks to the induction of reforming and open policy, the nations economy and overall living standard of people have been greatly improved, but what are the reasons resulting in the phenomenon that the proportion of the rural students college is lowering? In my opinion, there are thr

30、ee reasons for the phenomenon. In the first place, there are no enough teachers and money in country. The condition of the school in country is poor, and some good teachers who have higher education level could not been attracted to teach without money. So compared with the children of the city, the

31、 rural children are in a bad position. Secondly it is the most important reason that the fee of the entrance to college is higher. Peoples living standard of people have been greatly improved, but they cant afford it for their children. Thirdly, the intense competition in job market, it is difficult

32、 to find a job after graduation. So the rural students thinks that going to college may be not useful.I think the above problem is serious for our country. We should make some step to deal with it. The government should give more financial support to the rural education, and recognize more good grad

33、uate to teach in the region where the education is behind. All strong arguments for the rural student should receive more education. (240 w)Score:28符合三段要求,特别是开头写的比较(虽然也有错误)好,但不足之处是没有点明bad effects,另外语言错误比较多,一定程度影响了表达的准确度,比如:重复:Peoples living standard of people have been greatly improved. In my opinio

34、n, I think.不知所云:All strong arguments for the rural student should receive more education.2010001000 Liu CuijunIn the rencent years, the amount of the coledge students coming from rural is more and more low. Now it is a hotly topic in society. This phenomenon is very important in China. The amount of

35、 the coledge students coming from city have a good family so they can have a well educated. There is no denying the fact that the students coming from city have a better envirmental than the students coming from rural.There have been some reasons for this hotly debated phonomenon. In the first place

36、, the teacher is not very well and enough for the students. So rural students cant compact with city students. Second, the cost of the colodge education is more than the past years. The contry students didnt have so much money to pay for the cost. The last one, the coledge students was confused with

37、 their future after graduated. So contry students always dont go to the futher study in the city. Actually, this phononmenon should be viewed as a two-edged sword, which presents us with both benefits and troubles but in nowadays, the troubles competed the benefits. This phonomenon let the poor more

38、 poorer and the reach more reacher.There are some method to change this phenomenon. On the one hand, we should change the envimental of the contry student. Such as, the amount of the teacher, the envimental of they studied and soon. On the other hand, social energy. We can give more help to the stud

39、ents who cant go to school. I believe that this phenomenon will be changed with our help. (263 w)Score:24这位同学把要求表达的原因、结果、措施都说出来了,满足了主题要求,而且语言还是有一定基础的,写得比较长。但由于基本语言错误太多,比如拼写错误,语法错误,滥用一些应试作文的套句等,只能给24分。2009000533 Qian guangningThere is a phenomenon to let us attention, which is the number of college s

40、tudents from agriculture area being less and less. This is a bad thing.It has a number of reasons, but there are three reason mainly.Firstly, the teachers are enough, and the equipment of teaching is very less. The coins of the teachers are so less that they cant life enough. After all, the children

41、 from agriculture area are fail in consvrenting to the children from the city.Secondly, the coins of reading college is too much to load for a agriculture family. The farmers havent enough money to let their children read college, and the children have to stop reading.Thirdly, they are hard to find

42、a job when the children college gradulation. During the college, they spend so many money from family, while they cant find a job, which is a thing that they cant do. The phenomenon is very bad. Our country is an agriculture large country, and the development of agriculture is base of country develo

43、pment. The education is so important in agriculture area. Our country should strongern the education in agriculture area. Such as building school, increasing the coins of teachers, and so on. (203 w)20分以下语言错误太多,几乎每句话都有错,有些句子的错误严重影响了思想的表达。文章的展开只看得出一些轮廓,故在20分以下。2010010074佟文超 According to a survey, the

44、 rural areas have experienced a dramatic change in education; in another word, college students in rural areas are becoming less and less. As I see it, three elements contribute to this phenomenon. First of all, the teaching faculty and facilities are not available, which makes the students from the

45、 countryside not competitive with the urban ones. In addition, the fees access to university are more expensive. Besides, nowadays the jobs are not available after graduation.Along with the change come a serious problem. In my opinion, it will enlarge the gap between the areas. So for the time being

46、, it is high time for us to realize the situation and to take urgent and immediate measures to tackle the problem. But more money on the education of the rurual areas. Lead to the poor families. Only in these way can we get a bright and promising future in rural areas and also in the whole country.

47、(161 words)Score: 26文章基本通顺,表达内容基本完整。有意识使用较复杂句型,如定语从句和倒装。应该在30分以上。但由于字数不达标扣4分(原则上,每少一百个词扣1分),有明显的语法错误和搭配问题,见红色字体部分。2010010041王海冰As some statistics show, there are less and less college students are coming from rural areas nowadays. The reasons why the percents of rural students decreased year after y

48、ear are as follows.Firstly, the rural students do not have a good previous education as the city students do. They do not have good teachers and most of their shool life do not have enough teacher. Secondly, the money for learning in a college is so expensive that the students who do not come from a

49、n urban cant afford it. Thirdly, it is harder and harder for a college students to find a good job and even a job which can make himself alive in cities. It is said that graduating from a college do not have an advantage in finding jobs. In my opinion, the decreasing of the rural students number in

50、college is bad for the whole countrys development. It leads to an even deeply unbalance between rural and cities. We should cut down the degrees and the money for rural students when they want to come into a college. We also can give more help not only in economical of the rural students but also in

51、 education before college.(200 words)Score: 25优点:文章基本通顺,表达内容基本完整。结构基本合理。不足:内容不充实,展开不丰满。有较多的明显的语法错误和搭配问题。见红色字体部分。20100010011王曼达According to certain survey reports, the percent of undergraduate from rural areas is becoming decreasing. As we all know, China is still a country where the majority of popu

52、lation is distributed in countryside. Consequently, there is no doubt that the phenomena mentioned will have a negative influence on the improvement of whole education-level of our country. Therefore, its vital for us to find out the reasons why it comes into being and then put forwards some appropr

53、iate approaches.The first one I think should be the shortage of teachers in country, which contributes a lot to less competiveness of students there. With less help from experienced teachers, less helpful suggestions when they encounter problems, and less original explanation about some difficult co

54、nceptions, its extremely possible for students there not to obtain sufficient and accurate and systematic enough knowledge. As a result, its necessary for the government to take methods to stimulate professional and experienced teachers to teach in these underdeveloped areas, including offering well

55、-paid salary.In addition, the increasing tuition may be also responsible for it. With low income, a family in country would not be powerful enough to allow a child studying in college, which prevent so many promising students from fulfilling their ambitions. However, if the society, the government,

56、even the university are willing to show their acceptance and sympathy, the problem wouldnt be a problem any more. Offering scholarship, supplying financial aid, donating any or all of them will help them much.Furthermore, the fact that it becomes growingly uncertain to find a satisfied job after graduating should be a more reason. Undounbtedly, after investing large amounts of money


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