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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟403专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟403专业八级分类模拟403WRITING问题:1. Great changes have taken place during the twentieth century. In your opinion, what is one change that should be remembered most about the twentieth century? The following are the opinions from different people. Read the excerpts caref

2、ully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from different sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result

3、 in a loss of marks. A college student There were many changes in the twentieth century. It is difficult to judge which of these great changes should be remembered most. But in my opinion, the invention of the computer is the greatest one, for it has affected our lives in many aspects. Computer chan

4、ged the ways of communication. Due to computer and the Internet, the dream of the communication over great distances came true. Moreover, it has made the world smaller and has great influence on business, contributing to greater productivity worldwide. Another great effect of computer is that it has

5、 changed the ways we live. It has made it easier and more convenient to find information. Most of us deal with things by computers in one way or another every day. A middle-aged lady There have been many changes in the twentieth century. For me, advances in medical science stand out above others. I

6、still remembered when I was young; I had to do vaccinations to prevent smallpox. While nowadays, smallpox nearly dies out and vaccinations are no longer required. The medical researchers learned how to prevent disease and stop it from spreading. Hence our quality of life improved. Moreover, Polio wh

7、ich was incurable in the past is controlled and the vaccine is widely available. Last year, unfortunately, I had a surgery. Most people would think it is miserable and takes long time to recover. The fact is that its far luckier to have the surgery today than even ten years ago. Now with microscopic

8、 and laser surgery, operations are more efficient. I spent less time in the hospital and recovered faster. I think health is the most important to all of us. So I cant think of any other change that has affected the lives of so many people in such an important way. An employee from an IT company Of

9、all the inventions created in the twentieth century, I believe that computers and the Internet should be remembered above all others. First, they allow people around the world to share information. If I can speak Japanese, I can get access to all of the websites from Japan. Then I can learn from the

10、ir ideas to increase nay knowledge. Second, the computer eases the efforts to make complex calculations. A century ago, it would have taken an expert ten months to work out some of the intricate math problems. However, with computers, these problems can be solved within seconds. In this way, compute

11、rs speed up some aspects of our lives. Finally, computers can also simulate different environments that cant be created in real life. In the field of science research, sometimes scientists need to have a simulation environment to improve their theories or as a basis of further research. Without comp

12、uters it would be difficult to have accurate and reliable results. But computers can make everything easy. Just input programs and data, everything will be done. 答案:范文 The Invention of Computer The twentieth century witnessed great changes in the whole world: economic boom, industrial development an

13、d raise in peoples living standards, to which technological evolution contributed a lot. Among all those inventions, which was the greatest one? Different people have different views. Some think the greatest invention was advances in medical science and some believe it should be computers. As far as

14、 I am concerned, in terms of the depth of influence, no other inventions can be compared with computers, which would remain unrivalled even for another one hundred years. First of all, computers save a great deal of efforts people spend on calculating. Before computers were invented, people had to c

15、alculate manually. Sometimes it took scientists weeks, even months to work out a result, during the course of which they might make mistakes and the accuracy of data was in turn affected. But with the help of computers, people are freed from heavy calculation. It only takes seconds to have a result.

16、 Moreover, not only the speed but also the accuracy is improved to a large extent. With computers, the storage of information has become easier, which in turn has increased the whole worlds efficiency. At banks, post offices, and supermarkets, people no longer need to queue for a long time, because

17、computers help the working staff increase their work efficiencyfiles and data stored in computers can be located in a very short time and their chances of getting lost are lowered considerably. Computers influence has been further reinforced with the emergence of the Internet, which was developed ba

18、sed on the local area network (LAN) of computers. Today, Internet has become the fastest developing medium in the world and you can do almost everything you need through it: communicating with friends, reading newspapers, watching movies, listening to music, etc. Frequently, people enjoy the fun of

19、all the above things on a computer. Although many other inventions of the 20th century brought great changes and convenience to peoples lives, computers have made the most valuable contribution to human beings, and they will still make many more in the future.解析 思路点拨 在上个世纪,世界发生了巨大的变化。题目要求考生谈谈自己认为二十世

20、纪最应该记住的发明是什么。 文章本身并不难写。首先要确定自己的观点,就是二十世纪最应该记住的发明是什么。所谓“最应该记住”,就是说它对整个世界的影响最大。写作时,可以采取两种方法:一种是一一列举该发明的重要性,对社会的发展、人们的生活有什么重大的影响,论证时还可以使用反证法(论述一下如果没有这种发明世界会怎么样);另外一种就是在列举该发明重要性的同时,将它和其他较为重要的发明进行比较,从而更加凸显其重要性。 以下是文章的结构分析范例,供考生参考。 开篇首先介绍背景,阐述二十世纪有很多重要的发明,对于哪种发明最重要,不同的人有不同的看法,进而给出自己的观点电脑最重要。 中间部分阐述电脑给我们的生

21、活带来的重要影响,包括电脑可以帮助人们计算;电脑为科学家做实验提供了一个虚拟环境;电脑可以存储大量信息;电脑还促进了互联网的发展等。 最后重申自己的观点电脑是二十世纪最重要的发明,它对人类的影响是不可替代的。 在本文的写作过程中,切忌说空话,要具体论述电脑的重要性。不管是用例证法还是比较分析法,都要做到言之有物,使文章内容充实,有理有据。 问题:2. 题目要求:Virtue is knowledge. is a well-known proposition of Socrates, while a saying also goes, Knowledge is the mother of all

22、 virtue. Then virtue and knowledge, which makes a better person? The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for

23、content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Lorraine Smith Pangle from the US: I try to trace the argument for the primacy of virtue and the power of knowledge for long, and Socrates was more aware

24、 of the complex causes of human action and of the power of irrational passions. Yet many of Socrates teachings in fact make it difficult for humans to be the rational creatures that he at first seems to claim. As I see it, virtue is not knowledge in any ordinary sense, but true virtue is nothing oth

25、er than wisdom. D. F. Liu from China: Today higher education is developing very rapidly, but the behaviors of the students get increasingly unbearable. So, traditional virtue becomes more and more important and urgent in campus cultural construction. We emphasize the significance of traditional virt

26、ue for university student: learning to be a man before one learns knowledge. Anurag Roy from Britain: Someone once remarked that while ignorance was the curse of God, knowledge was the important power of wings which carried one to heaven. I remember a famous Sanskrit verse says that an educated pers

27、on is honored everywhere. It is knowledge that has equipped man with the limitless power with which man dominates over all beings who are physically much stronger than him. Knowledge has significantly helped him to conquer the nature and this conquest has prompted human progress and civilization. Kh

28、waja from Afghanistan: Knowledge brings power to life. But the power that comes from knowledge should be used for the progress of mankind and not be misused. Unfortunately, however, the power of knowledge is being used by many more and more for destructive purposes. Let us hope that all human being

29、will understand the power and importance of knowledge in life. Robertson from Uganda: I can still remember the role of knowledge formation and knowledge acquisition in my personal life. I spent my childhood in traditional African context. It was knowledge that directed me through my period as a stud

30、ent and a freedom fighter. During my leadership of Uganda, it was still knowledge that saved my country which was initially in need of drastic recovery and development, later in need of stable concentration on economic development. Gene from Grace: Morality is essentially the knowledge of knowing wh

31、at is right and what is wrong. Though some may not realize it, our moral compasses guide us each and every day in making decisions, from thinking about how to best save money to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Morality is vitally important because it directly affects the behavior and ac

32、tion of a person, which, in turn, cause other consequences outside the control of that person. In this cold, lonely world that we live in today, what is more important than the love which binds us together and warms our souls? 答案:范文 Virtue or Knowledge Recently, many unhealthy social tendencies have

33、 aroused wide public attention. Therefore, Socratess old but well-known proposition, Virtue is knowledge, again plunge the society into a hot debate: which makes a better person, virtue or knowledge? People take different views on this issue. Some believe that knowledge is power. It can not only lif

34、t individual out of poverty and ignorance, but can also bring peace to a country and help its stability and development. In a broader sense, it promotes human progress and civilization. While others argue that virtue is the essential knowledge for human being, which guides our daily behavior and dec

35、ision. Moreover, some colleges emphasize the significance of traditional virtue for university students. For my own part, I agree with the latter, yet with certain reservations. It is true that the power which comes from knowledge can be used for the progress of mankind, but it can also be misused f

36、or destructive purposes. It is also true that books offer knowledge, but bad books can also make our life miserable. They may develop in us bad habits. They mislead and misguide. They ruin our intellect. They spoil our interest in reading good and serious books. Thus, we can see the importance of vi

37、rtue, which functions as a light on the route of our progress, which directs us to grow into a better person. However, if human excellence is constituted by virtue, then vice is merely the result of ignorance. Does that mean the correct response to crime is not punishment but education? If that is t

38、he case, there would not be so many cases of high-intelligent crimes. To sum up, the above analysis offers an unconventional way of reading Socratess views of human excellence: virtue is not knowledge in any ordinary sense, but true virtue is nothing other than wisdom. Only with wisdom, can we becom

39、e a better person. 问题:3. 题目要求:Whether it is called animal testing, animal experimentation or animal research, it refers to the experimentation carried out on animals. It is used to assess the safety and effectiveness of everything from medication to cosmetics, as well as understanding how the human

40、body works. While supporters believe it is a necessary practice, those opposed to animal testing believe that it involves the torture and suffering of animals. The following are opinions from two sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: 1. s

41、ummarize briefly the opinions from two sides; 2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Doctors Ted (the US): Animal testing has improved our medic

42、ines. Animals live in an ecosystem with us. And in an ecosystem, living things interact to survive. Sometimes there are sacrifices made for another species to live. Just like this one. How many of you have ever had medicine before? Everyone, right? Think about before you had that medicine, were you

43、in pain? Had a fever? Sneezing? Cough or sore throat? Or something even worse? The drugs that you used to cure yourself were tested on animals. Animals will not go extinct because of this. The animals that are used give birth to a big litter of babies and are bred just for this purpose. Everybody sa

44、ys that testing on animals is not accurate, but look at all the medicine that came out of it. Sally (the UK): It should be tested because we need to stay healthy. If we dont test it on animals we will not be healthy. And its an important part of medical research. We need to make sure human patients

45、get a safe dose of medication. Patients feel safe if they know that their medications have been tested on animals beforehand. Jessica (Mongolia): Suppose there is some virus spreading over a large area, doctors and scientists are trying their best to invent a drug, and they do so, but without animal

46、 testing the drug is launched in the market. These drugs may have adverse reactions and about billions of people may die from them. Would this be good? The only answer is no. We cant sacrifice billions of people for just one animal. Zoophilists Susan Borowski (Spain): Animals should not be tested on

47、 drugs and medication because it can harm them badly and they might die! These animals are harmless and we are damaging them by testing our stupid products on them. What if they die one day? It will be the scientists fault! Animals deserve better care. Laura (the UK): Animals have feelings. It is ju

48、st wrong of a person to do this to animals. They have the right to live! Just like us. Why will we take that right away? We are here in this earth to live and not to harm earth creatures. Millions of animals are dying for the cause that they dont have a fault for. The animals are suffering burns, ca

49、ncer, blind, force-fed chemicals, and more. Austrorus (India): If people keep doing this, soon animals are going to be extinct. It could affect the world in many ways. And its so hard for animals. And people love having animals as pets. We should not use drugs on them! TedM (Russia): Instead of test

50、ing it on animals who also have families like us, we can test it on those people who are sentenced to death because they are undeserving to live and why should they die easily. They have given pain, and they should also get that pain back. So, these prisoners are perfect to be tested drugs on. 答案:范文

51、 Should Animals Be Used to Test Drugs and Medications? Animal testing is a controversial subject. Those against it would reply that animal testing creates pain and suffering. Those who support it may define it as experimentation that uses animals to benefit humans. Different attitudes lead to differ

52、ent definition of the practice. The divergence is large between doctors and zoophilists. The doctors think that animal testing helps to improve our medicines. Also, we need to test the drugs first on animals for the safe dose of medication and the adverse reactions before they are used on humans. Be

53、sides, all living things interact with each other in an ecosystem, and animals in tests will not go extinct. These claims face fierce oppositions from zoophilists, however. They argue that we are depriving the living rights of animals. And animals are suffering pains and dying just for the selfishne

54、ss of humans. An eccentric suggestion is to test the drugs on prisoners sentenced to death, instead of animals. Weighing the benefits and harms, I have enough reasons to support animal experiment on medical research. First, to abandon animal testing means to expose all human life in risk. Every avai

55、lable medical treatment today has, to some degree, involved animal testing virtually. Everything from toiletries to medications has likely been tested on animals at some point prior to their distribution. It is unrealistic to cut ourselves off from all these daily products. Second, the worry on the

56、extinction of the animals doesnt exist. Animals used in experiments are mostly bred specifically for testing. There are commercial establishments that sell animals specifically for use in animal testing facilities. Last but not least, some strict requirements for testing on animals have been issued,

57、 thanks to the objections of the animal rights activists. These regulations have, to a large extent, ruled certain concerns over the animals and protected the dignity of the animals. In a word, it would be irresponsible to ban animal testing before the perfect substitutes for animals are discovered

58、in experimental procedures. For now, I firmly hold the opinion that human lives take the priority. 问题:4. 题目要求:Recently, one local committee voted (5-2) to pass a measure requiring distributors of bottled or canned sugary, drinks to put a warning label on their beverage, ls putting warning labels on sugary drinks a good idea or a bad one? The following are opinions from different sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 wor


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