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1、范文最新推荐北戴河英文导游词Beidaihe - A Must for Birds WatchersSet on the coast some280 kmeast of Beijing, the seaside holiday resort of Beidaihe is famous not only as a tourist center and as a good place to recuperate after ill ness, but also as one of the best places in the world to see migratory birds.China&r

2、squo;’sYanshan Mountain Range winds its waythousa nds of miles from the west to the easter n seaboard. It sends a number of waterways like the Henghe, Daihe, Yanghe and Lua nhe rivers dow n to the Bohai Sea at Beidaihe. They create a vast area of wetlands,mud-banks, and lagoons with richfeedin

3、g and good places for birds to rest. Here migratory routes come together like great seasonal rivers of birds linking northeast Asia with south China, Indo-China, Australia and even far off east Africa.Nature has richlyendowedBeidaihe with bird species and of the1,198 found in China, 416 have been re

4、corded at Beidaihe. This is a part of the world that plays host to eightee n species of gulls, three of swans, and six of cran es.Xu Weishu, vice director of the China Ornithological Society tells of the time whe n as many as 2,729 orie ntal white storkswere recorded in Beidaihe, doubling the previo

5、us world record. Look into the skies of Beidaihe in the first ten days of November every year and you will be sure to see flocks of red-crow ned cranes and white cra nes.The year from May1999 to May2000 saw ten new bird species added to the list for Beidaihe.Back in the 1940s Danish scientist,Axel H

6、emmingsen, publisheda report say ing that he had see n large nu mbers of cranes at Beidaihe, but no one followed up on this at the time. The n in1985 guided by Hemmingsen’’s report, British orn ithologist Doctor Marti n Williams first came to Beidaihe.With the help of an official from th

7、e Beidaihe tourism authority, Dr Williams visited Shijiutuo Island in nearby Laoting County. What he discovered there was far bey ond his expectati ons and he found many new kinds of birds. Si nee the n, accompa nied by his Chinese counterpart,Xu Weishu, he has brought manyoverseas professionalstoge

8、ther in Beidaihe every year to enjoywatchi ng the birds and carry out research.Since the first two parties of Chinese bird enthusiasts visited Beidaihe in 1999, more and more domestic visitors have joined bird watchi ng groups going there on vacati on.Beidaihe has enjoyed a good reputation since 189

9、3. It was then that a British engineer helping build a railway line recognized that with its low hills, beaches and sea breezes, the headland was an ideal place to go to escape the summer heat of the interior.On his recommendation, the first holidaymakersarrived. Beidaihe, until then a poor fishing

10、village, quickly became popular with diplomats, mercha nts, missi on aries, and well off Chin ese.Mea nwhile the birds are regular visitors here too. Flocks of gulls are easily spotted. What might not be so easy is to be able to distinguishamongthe bewildering variety in the skiesover Beidaihe. Many

11、 differe nt birds pass through here as the seas ons come and go and every year still sees fresh species spotted. It is a magnificent sight to see the occasional flock of large cranes pass by or to watch the birds of prey, however the larger birds have bee n decreas ing in nu mber.Round the cale ndar

12、The period spanning the last ten days of April through the last ten days of May is the best seas on for bird watchi ng. This is whe n you can see the greatest nu mber and variety of birds in Beidaihe.Then the period from the last ten days of August through September is the time for the medium and sm

13、all wading birds to pass through.October brings ano ther peak seas on as many birds pass throughthe area, going south for the win ter.As the colder weather comes in with the first ten days ofNovember, flocks of cranes will be making their way south. They will come north aga in the followi ng March.T

14、he best spots&m iddot; For waterfowl and son gbirds, try ChituHill, Lianfeng Hill and the hilltops in Geziwo Park or the many well-wooded courtyards in Beidaihe District .&n bsp;· For swim ming and wadi ng birds, Daihe, Yan ghe and Dapu rivers should not disappo int.· Visit Jiaosha n M

15、ountain to enjoy watch ing birds of prey and son gbirds.· Shijiutuo Isla nd in n earby Laoti ng County is wellworth an exte nded visit of a few days durati on.guiyua n templechin ese buddhist temples are n ever sin glebuild in gs.theyalways con sist of a group build ings follow ing a fun dame

16、 ntal patter, which can, however, be modified. the main buildings andtheir symmetrically corresp ondingsec on dary build ingsformin dividualgroups and courtyards. the en tire temple complex isspacious. thebuild ingin side the complex are usuallysingle-storiedand the main halls are sometimes decorate

17、d witha double roof. the towers, pavilions and halls can be multi-storied structures.the chinese temple complex has been subject to great structural changes throughout the centuries.but temple architects followthe basic principles of secular structures from the tang dyn asty on wards. the complexes

18、sta nd on a cen tral axis, usually a no rth-south axis: east-west on ly as an excepti on. (guiyua n temple is just the very excepti on.) the main build ings are strung along this cen tral axis, their broadest sides facing south or east.the most importantand most frequentlypresented buildingin side a

19、 buddhist temple complex are the main entrance gate, the bell and drum towers, the hall of the heave nly kin gs, the hall of the buddha and a pagoda.buddhism is said to be founded in india in the 6th century bc by siddatha gautama (bc565 - bc486), the son of a nobleman and memberof the kshatriya cas

20、te near the present borders of india and n epal. buddhism advocates that all the people are created equal and tur ns aga inst the caste system of brahma ni sm, so it was popular with the com mon people.it was said that buddhism was spread to china in 2 be. at the begi nnin g, it was only regarded as

21、 a kind of witch. about 200 ad, chin ese vers ion of buddhist s criptures bega n to appear, and thus, buddhist doctri nes bega n to emerge with traditi onal chinese religious thought. from 2nd century to late 6th century, translationand research of buddhist sects with chinesecharacteristics were bec

22、o ming more and more popular and many temples were built, which reached its peak in sui dynasty (581ad-617ad) and tang dynasty (618-907). some buddhist sects with chinese characteristics came into being. buddhism exerts a great in flue nee on chin ese philosophy, literature, art and folk customs.wha

23、t is presented before our eyes is a copper statue of a famous bodhisattva in hynayana buddhism. bodhisattva is a tittle which is only next to buddha. this statue is the image of avalokitesvara, which has bee n popular with chi nese people or more than 1,000 years. she is calledthe goddess of mercyco

24、rdially by chinese and is regarded as the symbol of kindness,mercy and benevolenee.when we visit the avalokitesvarapavilion after a while, i will give a detailed introduetion about her. this copper statue was sent to guiyua n temple by taiwan buddhists in september 1990. it shows that all chinese, w

25、hether in the mainland or in taiwan, are eager for the reunion of the eoun try, eve n in clud ing religi on believers.the buildi ng we see now is the buddha hall where one certa inbuddha and his two assistantbodhisattvases are worshiped. thisbuddha is amitabha buddha. amitabha means in comparable br

26、ightness.according to buddhism, time and space is limitlessand thus there are many many buddhas in differe nt spaces and times. but in a certain space or in a certain period of time, there is on ly one certa in buddha whois in charge of in struct ing all living creatures. amitabha buddha is the budd

27、ha who presides over the land of ultimate bliss in the west, which will come in the future. buddhist s criptures describe the land of ultimate bliss as a wonderland, in which no pain exists and the people enjoy their lives. in one word, it s very attractive.some people will th inkit must be very dif

28、ficult to en ter sucha world. how can i go to such a paradise? maybe i have to work hard and bear a lot of sufferings. in fact, it s very easy to enter the world. he only need often murmur maybuddha preserve us sin cerely. it s eno ugh.you see, the statue in the middle is the very buddha. on hisleft

29、 is the goddess of mercy. on his right is the other bodhisattva who follows the buddha. it is said that he can save all the livi ngcreatures from three kinds of terribledisasters.Eve ning Scenes of ChongqingThe RedStar Pavilio n in the Pipasha Park, the Kan she ngPavili on in the Eli ng Park, and a

30、place called Yikeshu on the Nan sha nMountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of the mountain city of Chongqing. At night the entire city is inundated in an ocean of lights, which form a colorful three-dimensionalpainting,with waves of the Yangtze andJiali ng rivers gliste ning

31、 aga inst the moon lit, star spa ngled sky.Sites of the Provisi onal CapitalChongqing figured importantly in modenChinese history. During the War of Resista nee aga inst Japa n, it was the“ provisi onalcapital ” of China under the Kuomintang rule from November1937 to October 1945. Vestiges of that p

32、eriod are still there in and around the city. These in elude the Red Crag Village and 50Zen gjiaya n, as well as Chia ng Kai-shek s mansion, Guiyua nGarden, Linyuan Garden, and the mansion of C.C. Kong, the embassies of various countries to China, as well as former residences of important politician

33、s, generals and cultural figures.Martyrs Mausoleum at Mount GeleThe former headquarters, radio station and prison of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Council (acolossal secret service of the Kuomintang) at the foot of theGele Moun tai n in Shap in gba District have become t

34、he mausoleum for those whodied a martyr s death there in China s dark days. In the dying years of World War 11, it was the site of the“ Si no OUS In stitute for Cooperati on in Special Tech no logy” .Dazu GrottoesThe Dazu Grottoes in the county of the same n ame is best known for the stone carvings

35、on the Baodingshan and Beishan mountains, which are fine example of grotto sculpture in the late years of Ch in ese feudalism. The sculptures, done in fastidious chisel work and gracious imagery, are marked by a new sculptural Ianguage that eschews religious taboos and espouses true life.Yangtze Riv

36、er s Three GorgesSailong down the Yangtze from Chongqing to Yichang allows visitors to see the spectacular sce nery of the Three Gorges along with its sple ndid cultural heritage and fabled local folklore. The cruise, which combines sightseeingwithscie ntific, artistic and folklore explorati on, is

37、a national-calibertourist program. The 193-km-long Three Gorges,con sist ing of the majestic Quta ngxia, statuesque Wuxia and ferocious Xili ngxia gorges, is one of and ferocious Xil on gxia gorges, is one of the world s major canyons. Along the way there are such scenic attractions as the Fengdu Mo

38、untain. Baidi city, Shibao village, Zhang Fel s Temple, Qu Yuan Temple,and the Three Gorges Dam.Lesser Three GorgesThe Daning River is the largest Yangtze tributary, which rises in the southern side of the Daba Mountain and flows for 250km before emptying itself into the Yangtze at the western entra

39、nce to the Wuxia Gorge. The Lesser Three Gorges on the Daning River, a 50km-long affaircoveringthe Longmenxia, Bawuxia andDicuixia gorges in the lower reaches of the river, is billedas one of China s 40 best scenic resorts thanks to its gorgeous mountains, elega nt peaks, turbule nt rapids, limpid w

40、ater, exotic rock imagery and sere ne sce nery.Diaoyu City, Hechua nEstablished in 1242, or the 2nd year of the Chunyou reign of the Souther n Song, Diaoyu City covers 2.5 square km up the Diaoyu Mountain on the southern shore of the Jialing River in Hechuan City s Heyang Town. In 1258, the Mongols

41、launched a three-way attack on the Song, and in February the n ext yearDiaoyu City found itself besieged. The Song army moun ted avaliant counterattack that Iast3ed for 36 years, and madeworld war history by rebuffi ng a strong en emywith a weak force. This prompted some Europea n historia ns to laud Diaoyu City as the“ Mecca of the East ” and “Where God broke his whip ” . The ruins of the an cie nt battlefield of Diaoyu City are well kept there.Jinyun MountainNick named “Less Mount Emei ” , Jinyun Mountain is a n atio nal sce nic resort 55km from dow ntow n Chongqi


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