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1、学科英语版本冀教版年级四年级题目Lesson 19 My Favourite Colours教材分析这套教材以学生为中心,以主要人物(Jenny,Danny,Li Ming)的活动为主线,围绕最常用、最基本的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等,逐步展开教学内容,符合中小学生的年龄,心理特征和语言教学规律,具有很强的科学性。本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书冀教版小学英语四年级下册unit 4, lesson 19。这一单元,主要谈论学生的喜好,通过故事、歌曲、歌谣和游戏,教授单词和句型。本课主要教授有关颜色的单词,以及谈论喜好的句型。学情分析学生是小学四年级的学生,学习英语一年了,学习习惯、学习态度逐渐

2、定型。并且由于学习英语这一年可能遇到的困难,学习英语的兴趣正在逐渐丧失。处在这一时期的孩子更需要老师和家长关切的眼神、真诚的鼓励和热情地帮助,所以在教学中多给学生鼓励。并且由于学生正在逐渐丧失兴趣,在教学过程中设计了游戏,小组活动等环节,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学目的知识目标:1. 学生能听懂、会说,认读和书写下列词汇:favourite, colour,brown,blue2. 学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构: Whats your favourite colour? My favourite colour is.能力目标:学生能听懂并会说本课对话,能在真实语境中运用本课对话,谈

3、论最喜欢的颜色。情感态度目标:通过这节课的课堂活动,使学生感到色彩的神奇,培养学生爱观察爱动手的习惯,并培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性。教学重点1. 听、说、读、写单词:favourite,colour, brown, blue2. 听懂并运用句子:Whats your favourite colour? My favourite colour is.教学难点句子:Our/Their favourite colour is.教学准备PPT课件,颜色条,彩纸,矿泉水瓶,颜料,词汇卡片教学过程教学设计设计意图Step1. Lead In1. Greeting: How are y

4、ou today?2. 谜语游戏导入。T:Lets play a guessing game. I am colourful. I have seven colours. I am a bridge. I am in the sky. Who am I? Can you guess the answer.3. T:Yes, its a rainbow. Do you like rainbow? How many colours are there?Whats your favourite colour? Do you know? So, today we will talk about Les

5、son 19 My Favourite Colours.(板书课题)As usual, we have seven groups. If you are great, I will give you one point. Clear?Step 2. New words1. Review the coloursT: Do you like rainbow? Now,lets listen to a song together.How many colours do you see? And what are they?(学生回答看到的或者听到的颜色单词) T: Now lets PK. Poin

6、t the words you see. Are you right? Lets check.T: You are great. (教师把单词卡片贴在黑板上。)So can you read? What colour is it? Yes, red, together.(贴单词卡片)What colour? Yes, green. (贴单词卡片) What colour? Orange. Together. (贴单词卡片)Next. Yellow. You are great. Together. (贴单词卡片)And what colour? Yes, pink. Together.(贴单词

7、卡片)What colour? Blue. Together.(贴单词卡片)And the last one. What colour is it? Yes, you are great. Its purple. Together.(贴单词卡片)We have a new word today. Look at here. Whats this? Yes. Its a teddy bear. What colour is it?Ss: Its brown. T: You are great. Now read after me. Brown. br,br,/br/,/br/,/br/. ow,

8、ow,/au/,/au/,/au/. n,n,n,/n/,/n/,/n/,(用自然拼读法及顺口溜进行单词教学) now, lets spell.b-r-o-w-n. Now, lets read all the words together.2. PracticeT:Okay, next. Oh, do you see some words? Yes, its game time. This is a magic mirror. Now, can you find some words in this page? Find one and read one. Step 3. The sente

9、nces1. T:My favourite colour is blue. Whats your favourite colour?S:My favourite colour is red. (教师问一两个学生后,教授句型,并领读)2. (领读后,教师再次询问学生)T: whats your favourite colour? S: My favourite colour is red.3. T:Now you ask me.(教师回答,并引出三种不同的回答方式)S:My favourite colour is pink. Whats your favourite colour?T: My f

10、avourite colour is blue. OK, sit down, please.T: Next one. You, please. S:Whats your favourite colour?T: Uhm, blue is my favourite colour. Next one.T: Okay, I like blue best.(在希沃白板中呈现这三种表达方式。)T:So we can also use these sentences to answer this question. Clear?4. Pair work. (同桌练习对话后展示)T:Now, ask and

11、answer with your partner. I will give you two minutes.T: Who would like to show? Okay, you and your partner.Good. So come here. Whats his favourite colour? Are you right? Okay, this bottle is for you. Now, shake it. What colour is it?T: (几组同学展示之后)So whats his favourite colour? Ss: His favourite colo

12、ur is orange.T: Whats her favourite colour? Ss: Her favourite colour is yellow.(白板显示重点句子,并领读。同时在黑板上板书呈现。)T: Whats his favourite colour?Ss: His favourite colour is blue. T: Wow, blue is your favourite colour, too. Thats great. Come here. You like blue and I like blue. So we can say, we like blue. Blu

13、e is our favourite colour.(引导学生说这句话。白板显示,再领读。)T: Whats your favourite? And whats your favourite colour? Great. Come here. This bottle is for you. Shake it.What colour is it? Yes. Do you like it?T: Next. What his favourite? Whats her favourite colour? He likes red. She likes red, too. So we can say,

14、they like red. Their favourite colour is red.(白板展示,板书呈现,领读。)Okay, lets do an exercise.Step 4. The text1. Listen to the text.T: Okay, look at Danny? What colour is Dannys hat? What colour is Dannys body? Okay,lets listen to the tape and you should tell me what they are talking about.2. Listen and ans

15、wer the questions. So whats their favourite colour? Do you know? Now, lets listen to the tape again, and try to answer these questions.1. The questions are: Whats Kims favourite colour? Whats Jennys favourite colour?Whats Stevens favourite colour?Whats Dannys favourite colour?Lets listen and try to

16、answer the questions.T: Can you answer the questions? Dont worry. Thats okay. Now open our books, and lets read after the tape.So can you answer the questions? Now read by yourself again, and mark the answers.T:Whats Kims favourite colour?S: Her favourite colour is blue. T: where is the answer?S: It

17、s in the picture 1.T: Good job. Next. Whats Jennys favourite colour. Yes. You are great. Whats Stevens favourite colour? Whats Dannys favourite colour?You are excellent.(在学生回答问题时,依次强调答案的位置,点明了答案在哪里,方便学生找到答案。)3. Role play.T: Now, lets role play. Work in groups of 5 and perform the text. T: Okay, who

18、would like to show? 4. T: Now, make your own dialogue.T: Okay, who would like to show?Step 4. Consolidation. T: Now lets do some exercises. Look at the screen and finish it by yourself. Later, we will talk about it.I. Choose.1. What _ your favourite colour?A. is B. are C. am2. _ is my favourite colo

19、ur.A. brown B. yellow C. Blue3. Its my favourite,_.A. also B.to C.tooII. Translate.1. Whats your favourite colour?My favourite colour is blue.2. We like blue. Our favourite colour is blue.3. They like green. Their favourite colour is green.Step 5. Lets sing.T: Are you tired? Lets sing the song. Sing

20、 the song and do action.Step 6. Summary and homeworkWho can tell us what we have learned today?Your homework is to ask 10 people in our class: whats their favourite colour?亲切问候学生,营造温馨的课堂氛围,促进师生之间的感情交流。展示与颜色有关的谜语,让学生来猜,在思考的过程中,调动了学生的积极性和好奇心,激发了学生思考的乐趣,并且通过小谜语,转移了学生遗留在上节课和课间的注意力,使学生课上注意力更加集中。通过谜语的答案过渡到课题,具有衔接性,使学生不感到突兀。小组活动,增加竞争性,调动学生的积极性,活跃课堂气氛。这些颜色单词在三年级就已经学过了,所以,这里通过各种练习的


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