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1、专题一记叙文2017 年cloze 1 2017 全国卷,30 分 话题:学习美式手语 词数:235while high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. i myself went through this 1process and foundsomething that has changed my2at college for the better: i discovered as

2、l american sign language(美式手语).i never felt an urge to3any sign language before. my entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. the4languages were enough in all my interactions(交往). little did i know that i would discover my5for asl.the 6 began during my first week at college. i watched as

3、the asl club 7their translation of a song. both the hand movements and the very8of communicating without speaking9me. what i saw was completely unlike anything i had experienced in the10. this newness just left me11more.after that, feeling the need to12further, i decided to drop in on one of aslclub

4、s meetings. i only learned how to13the alphabet that day. yet instead of being discouraged by my14progress, i was excited. i then made it a point to 15those meetings and learn all i could.the following term, i16an asl class. the professor was deaf and any talking was 17. i soon realized that the sil

5、ence was not unpleasant. 18, if there had been any talking, it would have 19 us to learn less. now, i appreciate the silence and the 20 way of communication it opens.1.a. searchingb. planningc. natural d. formal2.a. progress b. experience c. major d. opinion3.a. choose b. read c. learn d. create4.a.

6、 official b. foreign c. body d. spoken5.a. love b. concern c. goal d. request6.a. meeting b. trip c. story d. task7.a. recorded b. performed c. recited d. discussed8.a. idea b. amount c. dream d. reason9.a. disturbed b. supportedc. embarrassed d. attracted10.a. endb. past c. course d. distance11.a.

7、showing b. acting c. saying d. wanting12.a. exercise b. explore c. express d. explain13.a. print b. write c. sign d. count14.a. slow b. steady c. normal d. obvious15.a. chair b. sponsor c. attend d. organize16.a. missedb. passed c. gave up d. registered for17.a. prohibited b. welcomedc. ignored d. r

8、epeated18.a. lastly b. thus c. instead d. however19.a. required b. caused c. allowed d. expected20.a. easy b. popular c. quick d. newcloze 2 2017 全国卷,30 分 话题:赠送机票 词数:23389a toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman. but1 apply. you must be named elizabeth gallagher

9、 and have a canadian 2.jordan axani, 28, said he and his then girlfriend, elizabeth gallagher, booked heavily discountedround-the-world air tickets in may, but their3ended and he did not want her ticket to4. the ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让) 5, but since passport information was not required

10、 when 6, any canadian elizabeth gallagher can 7it.i just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to8a lot of joy, said axani. he posted his9on a social networking website, and received thousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual elizabeth gallaghers with the 10 passports. more 1

11、1, there are hundreds of canadians who are interested in12 their name to elizabeth gallagher, axani said. it was absolutely outof13, thousands of e-mails, people around the world14their stories of travel.axani wrote in his post that he is not 15 anything in return and that the woman whouses the16tic

12、ket can choose to either travel with him or17the ticket and travel on her own.the18is scheduled to start on december 21 in new york city and continue on tomilan, prague, paris, bangkok and new delhi before 19in toronto on january 8. he said the 20 woman will be announced on the website and the trip

13、will be shared online.1.a. benefitsb.depositsc.restrictionsd.examinations2.a. originb.passportc. accentd. friend3.a. holidayb. marriagec.dreamd. relationship4.a. go to wasteb. come to mindc. go on saled. come into effect5.a. policyb. orderc. paymentd. schedule6.a. applyingb. bookingc. checkingd. bar

14、gaining7.a. useb. borrowc. choosed. buy8.a. sacrificeb. expressc. experienced. provide9.a. answerb. advicec. offerd. comment10.a. sameb. rightc. newd. real11.a. interestingb. annoyingc. satisfyingd. convincing12.a. writingb. givingc. lendingd. changing13.a. touchb. questionc. dated. control14.a. adm

15、iringb. advertisingc. sharingd. doubting15.a. leavingb. looking forc. losingd. dealing with16.a. singleb. strangec. regulard. extra17.a. returnb. takec. reserved. hide18.a. interviewb. programc. tripd. meeting19.a. endingb. callingc. repeatingd. staying20.a. honoredb. lovelyc. intelligentd. luckyclo

16、ze3 2017 天津,30 分 话题:为募捐减肥 词数:300at my heaviest i weighed 370 pounds. i had a very poor relationship with food: i used it to 1bad feelings, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. worried about my health, i tried many different kinds of2but nothing worked. i came to believe that icould do nothi

17、ng about my 3 .when i was 50, my weight problem began to affect me 4i didnt want to live the rest of my life with this 5 weight any more.that year, i 6 a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world. a seminar leader shared her 7 story she had not only lost 125 pounds,

18、but also raised $25,000 for homeless children. 8 by her story, i created the as we heal( 痊 愈 ), the world heals 9 . mygoal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise$50,000 10 a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger. this combination of healing myself and healing the world 11 me as the perfe

19、ct solution. 12i began my own personal weight program, i was filled with the fear that i would13 the same difficulties that beat me before. while the 14 hung over my head, there were also signs that i was headed down the right 15 . i sent letters to everyone i knew, telling them about my project. it

20、 worked perfectly. donations began 16 in from hundreds of people.of course, i also took some practical steps to lose weight. i consulted with a physician(内科医生),i hired a fitness coach, and i began to eat small and17meals. my fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise18.a year later,

21、i19my goal: i lost 150 pounds and raised$50,000! i feel that ivebeen given a second life to devote to something that is20and enormous.1a addb mix c killd share2a dietsb drinks c fruitsd dishes3a heightb ability c wisdomd weight4a temporarilyb recently c seriouslyd secretly5a idealb extra c normald l

22、ow6a attendedb organizedc recommendedd mentioned7a folkb success c adventured science8a surprisedb amused c influencedd disturbed9a projectb businessc systemd custom10a in search ofb in need ofc in place ofd in support of11a scaredb consideredc confusedd struck12a asb untilc ifd unless13a get overb

23、run intoc look ford put aside14a excitementb joyc angerd fear15a rowb hallc pathd street16a breakingb floodingc jumpingd stepping17a heavyb fullc expensived healthy18a regularlyb limitlesslyc suddenlyd randomly19 a setb reachedc missedd dropped20a stressfulb painfulc meaningfuld peacefulcloze4 2017

24、江苏,20 分 话题:讨厌音乐到爱上音乐 词数:221for a long time gabriel didnt want to be involved in music at all. in his first years of high school, gabriel would look pityingly at the music students,1across the campus withtheir heavy instrument cases,2at school for practice hours3anyone else had to be there. he swore

25、to himself to4music, as he hated getting to school extra early. 5, one day, in the music class that was6of his schools standard curriculum, he was playing idly( 随 意 地 ) on the piano and found it 7 to pick out tunes. with a sinking feeling, he realized that he actually8doing it. he tried to hide his9

26、pleasure from the music teacher, who had10over to listen. he might not have done this particularly well, 11 the teacher told gabriel that he had a good 12 and suggested that gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 13him. there he decided to give the cello(大提琴) a14

27、. when he began practicing, he took it very15. but he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument, and was16to practicing it so that within a couple of months he wasplaying reasonably well.this 17, of course, that he arrived at school early in the morning, 18 his heavy instrument case across

28、 the campus to the 19looks of the non-musicians he had left 20 .1.a. travelling b. marching c. pacing d. struggling2.a. rising up b. coming up c. driving up d. turning up3.a. before b. after c. until d. since4.a. betray b. accept c. avoid d. appreciate5.a. therefore b. however c. thus d. moreover6.a

29、. part b. nature c. basisd. spirit7.a. complicated b. safe c. confusing d. easy8.a. missed b. disliked c. enjoyed d. denied9.a. transparent b. obvious c. false d. similar10.a. run b. jogged c. jumped d. wandered11.a. because b. but c. though d. so12.a. ear b. taste c. heart d. voice13.a. occurred to

30、 b. took to c. appealed to d. held to14.a. change b. chance c. mission d. function15.a. seriously b. proudly c. casually d. naturally16.a. committed b. used c. limited d. admitted17.a. proved b. showed c. stressed d. meant18.a. pushing b. dragging c. lifting d. rushing19.a. admiring b. pitying c. an

31、noying d. teasing20.a. over b. aside c. behind d. outcloze 5 2017 浙江,30 分 话题:战火中保护书籍 词数:241alia baker is a librarian in iraq. her library used to be a 1place for all who loved books and liked to share knowledge. they 2various matters all over the world. when the war was near, alia was 3that the fire

32、s of war would destroy the books, whichare more4to her than mountains of gold. the books are in every language new books, ancient books,5a book on the history of iraq that is seven hundred years old. she had asked the government for6to move the books to a7place, but they refused. so alia took matter

33、s into her own hands.8, she brought books homeevery night,9her car late after work. her friends came to10herwhen the war broke out. anis who owned a restaurant11to hide some books. all through the12, alia, anis, his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, 13them over the seven-foot

34、wall and 14them in the restaurant. the books stayed hidden as the war15. then nine days later, a fire burned the 16 to the ground.one day, the bombing stopped and the 17left. but the war was not over yet. aliaknew that if the books were to be safe, they must be18again while the city was19. so she hi

35、red a truck to bring all the books to the houses of friends in the suburbs(郊区). now alia waited for the war to end and20peace and a new library.1.a. meeting b. working c. personal d. religious2.a. raised b. handled c. reported d. discussed3.a. worried b. angry c. doubtful d. curious4.a. practical b.

36、 precious c. reliable d. expensive5.a. then b. still c. even d. rather6.a. permission b. confirmation c. explanation d. information7.a. large b. public c. distant d. safe8.a. fortunately b. surprisingly c. seriously d. secretly9.a. starting b. parking c. filling d. testing10.a. stop b. help c. warn

37、d. rescue11.a. intended b. pretended c. happened d. agreed12.a. war b. night c. building d. way13.a. put b. opened c. passed d. threw14.a. hid b. exchanged c. burnt d. distributed15.a. approached b. erupted c. continued d. ended16.a. restaurant b. library c. city d. wall17.a. neighbours b. soldiers

38、c. friends d. customers18.a. sold b. read c. saved d. moved19.a. occupied b. bombed c. quiet d. busy20.a. dreamed of b. believed in c. cared about d. looked forcloze 6 2017 北京,30 分 话题:帮助无家可归的人 词数:293hannah taylor is a schoolgirl from manitoba, canada. one day, when she was five years old, she was wa

39、lking with her mother in downtown winnipeg. they saw a man 1out of a garbage can. she asked her mother why he did that, and her mother said that the man washomeless and hungry. hannah was very2. she couldnt understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food. hannah sta

40、rted to think about how she could3, but, of course, there is not a lot one five year old can do to solve(解决) the problem of homelessness.later, when hannah attended school, she saw another homeless person. it was a woman, 4 an old shopping trolley(购物车) which was piled with 5. it seemed that everythi

41、ng the woman owned was in them. this made hannah very sad, and even more 6to dosomething. she had been talking to her mother about the lives of homeless people7they first saw the homeless man. her mother told her that if she did something to change theproblem that made her sad, she wouldnt8as bad.ha

42、nnah began to speak out about the homelessness in manitoba and then in other provinces. shehoped to 9 her message of hope and awareness. she started the ladybug foundation, an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness. she began to 10 big bosses lunches, where she would try to persuade loca

43、l business leaders to 11to the cause. she also organized a fundraising( 募 捐 ) drive in ladybug jars to collect everyones spare change during make change month. more recently, the foundation began another12called national red scarf day a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of c

44、anadas 13 and homeless.there is an emergency shelter in winnipeg called hannahs place, something thathannah is very14of. hannahs place is divided into several areas, providing shelter for people when it is so cold that 15outdoors can mean death. in the more than five years since hannah began her act

45、ivities, she has received a lot of 16. for example, she received the 2007 brick award recognizing the17of young people to change the world. but 18 all this, hannah still has the 19life of a winnipeg schoolgirl, except that she pays regular visits to homeless people.hannah is one of many examples of

46、young people who are making a20in the world. you can, too!1.a. jumping b. eating c. crying d. waving2.a. annoyed b. nervous c. ashamed d. upset3.a. behave b. manage c. help d. work4.a. pushing b. carrying c. buying d. holding5.a. goods b. bottles c. foods d. bags6.a. excited b. determined c. energet

47、ic d. grateful7.a. since b. unless c. although d. as8.a. sound b. get c. feel d. look9.a. exchange b. leave c. keep d. spread10.a. sell b. deliver c. host d. pack11.a. contribute b. lead c. apply d. agree12.a. campaign b. trip c. procedure d. trial13.a. elderly b. hungry c. lonely d. sick14.a. aware

48、 b. afraid c. proud d. sure15.a. going b. sleeping c. travelling d. playing16.a. praises b. invitations c. replies d. appointments17.a. needs b. interests c. dreams d. efforts18.a. for b. through c. besides d. along19.a. healthy b. public c. normal d. tough20.a. choice b. profit c. judgement d. diff

49、erence2016 年cloze 12016 全国卷,30 分 词数:269a heroic driverlarry works with transport drivers, inc. one morning in 2009, larry was 1 along 165 north after delivering to one of his 2 . suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 3 he got closer, he found 4 vehicle upside down on the road. one more l

50、ook and he noticed 5 shooting out from under the 6 vehicle. larry pulled over, set the brake and 7 the fireextinguisher(灭火器). two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.the man who had his bright lights on 8 and told larry he had 9 an emergency call.they 10 heard a womans voice c

51、oming from the wrecked( 毁 坏 的 ) vehicle. 11 the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. they told her to stay12 until the emergency personnel arrived, 13 she thought the car was going to 14 . larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not mo

52、ve 15 she injured her neck.once fire and emergency people arrived, larry and the other man 16 and let them go to work. then, larry asked the 17 if he was needed or 18 to go. they let him and the other man go.one thing is 19 larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so closeto the burni

53、ng vehicle! his 20 most likely saved the womans life.1.a. walkingb. touringc. travelingd. rushing2.a. passengersb. colleaguesc. employersd. customers3.a. sinceb. althoughc. asd. if4.a. eachb. anotherc. thatd. his5.a. flamesb. smokec. waterd. steam6.a. usedb. disabledc. removedd. abandoned7.a. got ho

54、ld ofb. preparedc. took charge ofd. controlled8.a. came downb. came throughc. came ind. came over9.a. returnedb. receivedc. maded. confirmed10.a. thenb. againc. finallyd. even11.a. startingb. parkingc. passingd. approaching12.a. quietb. stillc. awayd. calm13.a. forb. soc. andd. but14.a. explodeb. slip awayc. fall apartd. crash15.a. as ifb. unlessc. in cased. after16.a. stepped forwardb. backed offc. moved ond. set out17.a. womanb. policec. mand. driver18.a. forbiddenb. readyc. askedd. free19.a. for certainb. for considerationc. reportedd. checked20.a. pati


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