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1、浙江省诸暨市2019-2020学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题浙江省诸暨市2019-2020学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题年级:姓名:18浙江省诸暨市2019-2020学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. what color is the mans umbrella? a. black.b. brown.c. blue.2. what

2、 does the man want the woman to do? a. send a letter for him. b. offer advice on his letter. c. write a letter of thanks for him.3. where does the conversation probably take place? a. in a hospital. b. in the womans house. c. in the womans office.4. what does the man want to have? a. chocolate. b. s

3、weets. c. ice-cream.5. what are the speakers talking about? a. angelas problems.b. angelas parents.c. angelas eating habits.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。6. what musical instru

4、ment does the mans sister play? a. the violin.b. the guitar.c. the piano.7. what does the man mean in the end? a. the woman plays the guitar well. b. the woman sings better than him. c. the woman has little gift for music.听第7段材料,回答第8至第9题。8. what can club members get free of charge? a. points. b. dvd

5、s of the stars. c. pictures and letters from the stars.9. what will the woman probably do? a. meet the stars. b. sell t-shirts. c. join the club.听第8段材料,回答第10至第12题。10. where does mahmoud kaboor work? a. in dubai.b. in the united states.c. in canada.11. who influences mahmoud kaboor? a. a great direct

6、or.b. his uncle.c. his teacher.12. what do we know about mahmoud kaboor as a film maker? a. he is a success.b. he is generous.c. he is too young. 听第9段材料,回答第13至第16题。13. how did the man know about the writing courses? a. from the internet. b. from a newspaper. c. from his friend.14. what does the woma

7、n want the man to do first? a. fill out a form. b. ask her some questions. c. tell her his personal information.15. where will the woman send the information the man needs? a. to his office.b. to his friends place.c. to his new flat.16. when will the woman mail the information? a. next monday.b. nex

8、t tuesday.c. next friday. 听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。17. what are the speakers talking about? a. childrens education.b. some life problems.c. a long car journey.18. what problem did mr. zapp run into? a. his car broke down.b. he couldnt find a hotel.c. he had trouble with language.19. how can mr. zapps chil

9、dren get education? a. they go to school. b. they are taught by their parents. c. they learn from books themselves.20. why have the family been on the road?a. to experience nature.b. to follow their dream.c. to escape the boring life.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15个小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c和d四个选

10、项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。(a)a 3-year-old boy called casey who was lost in the woods for two days is now safe at home with his family. but he told his rescuers that he was not alone in the rainy, freezing cold woods. he said he was with a friend - a bear.the child went missing on january 22 while pla

11、ying with friends at his grandfathers house in the southern state of north carolina. when the other children returned to the house and casey did not, the family searched the area for almost an hour before calling the police.police formed a search and rescue team to look for the young boy in the near

12、by woods. but two days went by and still no casey.then on january 24, someone called the police saying they heard a child crying in the woods. police followed up on the information and found casey at about 9:30 that night. they pulled him out of some briar(多刺野灌木). he was in good health.casey told th

13、e rescuers that he had hung out with a black bear for two days, a bear he called his friend.officer hughes spoke with reporters from several agencies. he said casey did not say how he was able to survive the woods for three days in the cold, rainy weather. however, he said, casey did say he had a fr

14、iend in the woods that was a bear. and at no point do i think he was taken away illegally.doctors at carolina east medical center treated casey for minor injuries. he was then released to his family on january 25.his mother brittany hathaway talked with reporters from a local news agency and thanked

15、 everyone who joined in the search and rescue efforts.we just want to tell everybody that were very grateful that you took the time out to come search for casey and prayed for him, and hes good, said his mother. he is good, he is up and talking. hes already asked to watch netflix.21. what happened t

16、o casey?a. he was ignored by his friends.b. he was attacked by a bear.c. he went missing in the woods.d. he was wanted by the police.22. what remains a mystery regarding the accident?a. how casey managed to survive.b. when he was successfully rescued.c. why he was seriously injured. d. how many hour

17、s he was trapped.23. what do you think of casey who survived the difficult situation? a. naughty. b. lucky.c. intelligent.d. determined.24. how do you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?a. his mother cared about him. b. his mother was very grateful.c. casey deserved a good rest

18、.d. casey was in good condition.25. the passage is probably is a (an) _.a. surveyb. advertisementc. news reportd. character introduction (b)have you ever asked yourself why people often have trouble learning english? i hadnt, until one day my five-year-old son asked me whether there was ham in a ham

19、burger. there isnt. this made me realize that there is no egg in eggplant either. neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. this got me thinking how english can be a crazy language to learn.for example, in our free time we can sculpt a sculpture(雕塑) and paint a painting, but we take a photo. and

20、 when we are traveling we say that we are in the car or the taxi, but on the train or bus! while were doing all this traveling, we can get seasick at sea, airsick in the air and carsick in a car, but we dont get homesick when we get home. and speaking of home, why arent homework and housework the sa

21、me thing?if hard is the opposite of soft, why are hardly and softly not an opposing pair? if harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameless and shameful behaviors the same?when we look out of the window and see rain or snow, we can say its raining or its snowing. but when we

22、 see sunshine, we cannot say its sunshining.even the smallest words can confuse(混淆) you. when you see the capitalized who in a medical report, do you read it as the who in whos that? what about it and us?you also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in which a house can burn up as it b

23、urns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out, and in which an alarm is only heard once it goes off.english was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race. that is why when the stars are out, they are visible(看得见的), but when the lights are out, the

24、y are invisible. and that is why when i wind up my watch, it starts, but when i wind up this passage, it ends.26. what is the authors purpose in writing the text? a. to tell us english is a crazy language to learn. b. to require us to enrich english vocabulary. c. to persuade us to learn english wel

25、l enough. d. to suggest better ways to command english.27. when you are in a foreign country without your parents around, we will probably be _. a. crazyb. spoiledc. homesickd. frightened28. which of the following pair is an opposing one? a. burn up / burn downb. fill in / fill out c. visible / invi

26、sibled. hardly / softly29. what does the invention of languages reflect? a. the fast pace of our life.b. humans identity. c. the command of language.d. humans creativity. 30. based on the passage, we find that english vocabulary can be _sometimes. a. confusingb. shocking c. regulard. embarrassing( c

27、 )only 50 years ago, computers were bigger than people. nowadays, people can carry their laptops with them everywhere they go. soon, we may be able to step inside a computer world thanks to the magic of virtual reality(虚拟现实).if something is virtual, then it is created by computer technology and appe

28、ars as if it were real. virtual reality is a computer system with a special headset(耳机). when you put on the headset, you look at two tiny television screens. they are so close to your eyes that your mind will see the image as one picture, and you will believe that you have entered a different world

29、. in many systems, you also wear a special data glove. with this glove you can reach out and touch things in the artificial world.the first vr games, already sold around the world, enable you to drive a sports car, fly a plane, or fight an enemy. in the future, it may be difficult to tell the virtua

30、l world of the games from the real world outside. however, vr is not just for entertainment. one day, cheerful children will be able to learn geography by observing exciting foreign countries without having to leave their classroom. they will be excited to learn history by visiting the pyramids of e

31、gypt, or by hand-feeding friendly dinosaurs. in addition, business will be able to use vr for many tasks. cars designed using computers can be tested as virtual machines first, before they are produced in metal. architects(建筑师) will be able to make virtual buildings, which they can walk around and c

32、heck ahead of schedule. vr can help us in hundreds ways.despite the advantages, concerned critics have warned that there could be dangers in this powerful new medium. will we have vr games in which people can commit virtual crimes(犯罪)? after people get used to vr, will they want to return to reality

33、? will we forget how to live and work with real people? on the other hand, some people think that vr will help us improve the world. by experimenting harmlessly inside a vr world, we will be able to see the dangers we may face in the future. then we will be able to avoid them in real life.no doubt t

34、here will be some problems with vr, as there are with all new inventions. however, one thing is for sure: vr is here to stay. get ready to step into another world!31. what can we infer from paragraph 1? a. the amazing world vr will create.b. the easy operation of virtual reality. c. the big changes

35、of computer science.d. the big influence of virtual reality.32. what is paragraph 2 mainly about? a. what virtual reality is.b. how virtual reality benefits us. c. where virtual reality is used.d. why virtual reality is invented.33. what can we learn from paragraph 3? a. vr will totally change class

36、room education.b. all problems cannot be solved by vr. c. the development of vr is revolutionary.d. vr can be applied to different fields.34. what is the authors attitude to vr? a. hopeful. b. doubtful.c. grateful.d. unconcerned.35. what is the suitable title for the passage? a. a future worldb. a s

37、hocking life c. great changes d. virtual reality第二节(共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。how to stay safe when an earthquake happenswhat should you do when an earthquake comes about unexpectedly? here are some tips for you.when walking outside 36 signs, broken windows, tools,

38、building materials and so on are all probably come down to you from overhead. protect your head with your bag or coat and keep at a distance from tall buildings. stone walls and pillars can also fall down and are probably dangerous. when driving a carfirmly hold the steering wheel(方向盘), gradually re

39、duce speed, park your car on the side of the road, and stop the engine. 37 if you need to evacuate(撤出), leave your keys, keep the door unlocked, and walk away with your car documents and valuables. when underground or in a subwaythe shaking you feel when you are underground is about half of what you

40、 would experience over ground. 38 calmly evacuate, following instructions from shop clerks and subway staff. when in a high-rise building 39 immediately leave the elevator. if you get trapped in the elevator, use the fixed telephone to get in touch with someone outside and wait for rescue. when you

41、evacuate from buildings, never use elevators, listen to announcements and use the stairs to leave the building. when near the oceanhead for higher ground and carefully listen to tsunami(海啸) information. do not go near the ocean until tsunami warnings have been cleared. 40 a. dont be buried in ruins.

42、b. be careful about falling objects.c. dont even think about going to watch tsunamis!d. pay attention to the different signs of an earthquake.e. additionally, underground areas are safer than high-rise buildings. f. listen to information on the radio and find out what is happening.g. elevators with

43、earthquake sensors will stop at the nearest floor.第三部分:语言运用(共三节,满分47分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的a、b、c和d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该选项标号涂黑。what is the most fun you can have in 21 hours and 23 minutes? on 15 october 2003, yang liwei answered this question. his 41 in space took him

44、600,000 kilometers in orbit(轨道), around the earth 14 times, in just over 21 hours. it made him chinas first 42 in space. he had worked towards this 43 for many years.born in 1965, yang had wanted to 44 since he was a young boy. his friends and teachers have all said that he 45 science and technology

45、 from a young age. he always had a(an) 46 of flying. in 1983, he joined the army and went to flight school. he 47 in 1987 and became a pilot. in 1998, he 48 to be a member of project 921, which is now called shenzhou. he was one of the only 14 49 from 1,500 candidates(候选人). the team spent the next f

46、ive years being 50 . they not only studied all the subjects 51 to be an astronaut, but also learned 52 skills and all about how spaceship and rockets are built. yang scored among the very 53 in everything the group studied.in september 2003, only three out of the 14 candidates were 54 for the chines

47、e space adventure, and yang was one of them. he took all kinds of tests to 55 he was fit for this important task. 56 he did not get the best scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychological(心理的) tests that 57 won him the chance. in the end, yang was indeed a 58 . his name wil

48、l go down in history. the people of china can be 59 of him and young people all over the world can 60 him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.41. a. sailingb. voyagec. walkd. leap42. a. touristb. survivorc. astronautd. volunteer43. a. goalb. ideac. riskd. reward44. a. exploreb. oper

49、atec. competed. fly45. a. ignoredb. lovedc. doubtedd. refused46. a. dreamb. chancec. opiniond. schedule47. a. droppedb. survivedc. graduatedd. succeeded48. a. wantedb. hopedc. deservedd. applied49. a. gotb. takenc. selectedd. kept50. a. recognized b. trainedc. persuadedd. replaced51. a. requiredb. a

50、ddedc. simplifiedd. released52. a. walkingb. communication c. managementd. survival53. a. altitudeb. middlec. topd. bottom54. a. designedb. pickedc. coachedd. praised55. a. proveb. admitc. expectd. mention56. a. althoughb. becausec. unlessd. when57. a. frequentlyb. swiftlyc. graduallyd. finally58. a

51、. concernb. failurec. successd. competitor59. a. confidentb. proudc. afraidd. ashamed60. a. get along withb. care aboutc. deal withd. look up to第二节:语法填空(共17小题;每小题1分,满分17分)阅读下列单句,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或所给单词的正确形式。61. the young man answered a call and left in a hurry, leaving _ generous tip on the table.62.

52、 she told me she had searched the room for the amber _ day before but without success.63. i want to make friends _ those who are honest, reliable and easy-going.64. as is known to us all, the olympic games are held every four years _ a regular basis.65. the passengers _ were injured in the accident

53、are reported to have entirely recovered.66. ever since the organization was founded in 1998, as many as 800 members _ (admit).67. the building _ a boy is trapped and waiting to be rescued will explode at any time.68. there is no doubt that the amber room is quite _ (value) in many ways.69. it is rep

54、orted that another new school will _ (set) up in the disaster-stricken area.70. as many as 15,000 _ (athlete) took part in the marathon race held in shanghai.71. my sister bought me a book about rare cultural relics which i found worth _ (read).72. to our amazement, andy prepares moves to use whenev

55、er a new situation _ (arise).73. _ (enrich) your vocabulary, you are supposed to read and accumulate a great deal.74. ive joined an english club where i find some peers can speak english _ (fluent).75. im amazed to find him _ (devote) to the development of artificial intelligence. 76. under mr smiths guidance, my english has improved a lot, for _ i am grateful.77. it is the way my friend speaks to me _ i am tired of, alice complain


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