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1、About the orig in and developme nt of theChin ese dream cultureAbstract:Every onen eeds to dream, dream, andpeople still soul with people,with all attendant away,along with the life of the pers on as long as the thi nking abilityof the human brain is still, the dream will beIon g-lasti ng. dream ing

2、, without disti ncti on, regardlessofseniority, regardless of hierarchy, both men and women, regardless of Chin ese and foreig n, but the content of the dream a different dream culture is an importantpart ofan cie nt Chin ese culture, an in dispe nsable, although it was difficult to Masayuki Church,

3、 but in civil but spread wide, << Duke Dream > ;& gt; Dream of the book spread in the private sector in the history of astrology, it is difficult to find the art of dream in terpretatio n, listed on this, because the dream of culture in The folk are very spread, and from dream to predict goo

4、d and bad.Keyword: dream culture, dream in terpretati on, dream Dream as the huma n figure, both com mon place and mysterious, not only vague, but also real and tan gibleto say that the dream is an illusi on, the n the dream figure eve nt are vivid in my mind, after you wake up, if the dream is the

5、real performa nee the n wake up after the hard to find the dream figure eve nts eon siste ntwith those. Issometimes Riyousuosi, Night Dream, dream sometimes seen in the ease of day. Mystery to this dream, our an eestors also had known, that is a dream culture. Dream reflects the huma n inner world,

6、as well as the link betwee n the subeonseiousand eonseiousness in the history ofhuman eivilization,the dream has always been regardedas a mystery in the primitive tribes dream even as gods eome or possessed by dem ons.A Chinese dream eulture, historiealevolutionDream meaning of the eulture, the drea

7、m is the dreamer of a psyehologiealexperie nee,this experie neebreakthrough dream boun daries of the in dividual,theexehangebetween the people of eommon concern andthinking, it will become a kind of social nature cultural phenomenon, it is a very strange and complex eulture. Chin ese dream eulture a

8、s a special spiritual and cultural, with its own fixed ideological content and clear historytrail in the formal and religious philosophy, art classes, spiritual and cultural It is not a “condensed ” form of activityevolution is“divergenee state” formof theevoluti on of the activity. dream this formo

9、f culture, andother“condensed ” spiritualculture, morestrongpen etratio n and force. Dream Culture of the subject and all levels of the Chin ese culture as a whole link and corner, you can see the existe nee of the dream of cultural impact and its historical evolution of China s ancientdreamin terpr

10、etati onsuperstiti onandan cie ntdreamin terpretati on book spread and research, the secret of the various dream in terpretati on tech niq ue, published in 1990 <the sleep ing tiger in the tomb of Qin bamboo slips the book> is the text of the moder n un earthed the earliest dream book, specifi

11、c analysis of the process of dream in terpretati ontech nique to expose sexual ignoran ce,deceptive, adopt an objective attitude, certa inly the dream in terpretati on process in the uncon scious form, may come into con tact with the n ature of the dream as well as certa in aspects of themechanismof

12、 its activities. study ofhistorical and cultural phenomenon, trite things can not do without criticism. But critical to have a realistic an alysisof evidenee, clear reason, the crack in additionto thesuperstitious,liberati onof the old ideas. dreamexperie nee occurred in in dividuals who process and

13、 feel is also in dividual in n ature, it does no t just bel ong to some in dividual, every one is com mon to com mon feeli ng in people s daily con tacts, excha nge experie nee and feeli ngs of com mon concern and thinking, it will form a social cultural phe nomenon - a dream culture.Dream Culture D

14、ream superstiti on,the mainorig in of the ignorance of their own men tal activity, as the ideological foun datio n con cept of dreams like the rain, the most concen tratedreflect ignorance in thinking andun dersta nding the art of dream in terpretati on developed by the dream, In additionto ignoranc

15、e, sexual, it shypocritical and deceptive. dream culture dream exploration, reflects a rationalspirit and the pursuit oftruth. in the development of the Chinese dream culture, the an cie ntChin esescholars rely on their ownin depe ndent wisdom a lot of work, has made outsta nding achieveme nts in th

16、e Warri ng States period can be see n as a dream start in the exploratio n period, after the Han, Jin,Sui and Tang Dynasties, dream explorationcontinue toexplore the developme nt of breadth and depth of2 dream formationAncientChina dreaming ofthereas onsis divided into two aspects of thephysiologica

17、l and psychologicalmecha ni sms. Marquis ofJin doing a sick dream analysis from <&It;Zuozhuan> ;& gt;, you can find a dream causes“ Riyousuosi ni ghthas a dream of disease in physiological phe nomena may be in a dream there is a correspondingreaction. Freudthat dreams are repressed childhood an

18、 tisocial, an ti-moral desire to meet that all dreams are irrationaland Jungbelieves that the dream from the collective uncon scious, subc on sciousreacti on. Fromm the dream as aperforma neeof anymen talactivity, not only theexpressi onof an un reas on abledema nd,but also areas on ablean ti-social

19、desire to meet. expressi on ofdema nd. Share Free paper Downl oad Cen ter dream defi niti on of Aristotle, he thinks“ the dream isdefined for those who sleep in my sleep, when the psychological activities “ in any case, we should pay close atte nti on to dreams, the best at in terpret ing the dream

20、is able to see the similarity, like the image in the water, thedream may also receive the same distorted un dersta nding.Dream has some scientificunderDreamculture is an importa nt part of an cie nt Chin ese culture. A lot about the old lege nd of the dream in China, most notably to the numberof “ D

21、reaming, ” The ancientsbelieved that dreams can predict good ome n and bad luck.Ancients often refer to &It;&It; Duke Dream>> abook to in terpret dreams, the meaning of dreams through the Dream was in formedthat the ome n of bad fortune.Ancients as the dream is God s will. Dream is very popula

22、r in Chi na, was un doubtedly the most well-k nownDream Book “ Duke Dream > > In fact, the Dream is not superstitious. Dream certainlyhas some scientificreas onChin ese medici ne that (a dream of will be reflectedin reality. A lot of dreams is actually a repeat of what happe ned in the awake s

23、tate. No Dream, people can easily read this type of dream. (2 dream is the body s own hints.dreams and are closely related to huma n health. whe n yin and yang imbalanee, would be a dream. According toChin ese philosophy, yin and yang are two opposite n atural properties: the former is n egative, th

24、e latter is positive. Yin for wome n positive for men. If you dream of fire grill, and hot and in tolerable, the n it means you are within the fire had, therefore, your outward mani festatio n of irritability or tension. (3 dream is usuallycontraryto fact, whichcoin cided with the extremes meet the

25、philosophy of con siste nt .Based on experie nee and practice, an unknownauthor wrote a book for Dream and predicted good andbad, this book is &It;&It;Duke Dream >>as thecrystallizatio n of an cie nt wisdom and experie nee, there is grow ing aware ness Dream > ;& gt; to & It ;< Duke is no

26、t superstitious to talk about in a way it is scientificandreason able. & It ;&It; Duke Dream& gt; >Thismonumen tal bee n tran smitted for cen turies there are still many mysteries wait ing for us to explore.Moder n research and developme nt 4. DreamResearcherscon ti nueto study dream of newexplor

27、ati on, Solms and Mark, rapid eye moveme nt sleep,Takeuchi, and Tomoka ERP 8 Un iversityfor seve ncon secutive days of sleep research proved that REM sleep and dream and their memories of the degree have a close relatio nship from the perspective of brai nstem activati on an alysis study of dream co

28、ntent and its properties, from this we can see that dream research trend has been to gradually shift from speculatio n to the adva need equipme nt of laboratory , in the classical theory of Freud and other, began to use objectivequantitativemethods.Some researchers dream of scholars to remember a dr

29、eam diary, not on ly accumulate data for the study of the dream, you can also through the an alysis found the revelati on of the dream. today s con temporarydream psychologydiffere ntiated into four stages, bega n to feel the decisi on on the stage - the birth of scie ntific psychology: the n eed to

30、 decide on the stage - the orig inal decisi on on the stage-doubledeterminismand the overall decision on thestage.Summary: China s traditi onal dream div in ati on culture research in the an cie nt scie nee and tech no logy in underdeveloped dream <&It; dream Lin Xuan MingDyn asty Chon gzhe n solutio n > ;& gt; is a master in thedream of scieneein moderndream school spread adeeper <&It; Duke Dream >>one of our dreamschool in formatio n and more valuable in formati on in


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