已阅读5页,还剩107页未读 继续免费阅读




1、前言Fo r e wordere a tion of t he In c oterms ru les b y ICC in h is globa 1 I y a c c epted c ont r actual s t a $ b een regula r I y up date d to ke e p t he d evelopment o f in t ernatio n al 1 es take a c count o fc onti n ued s pread of c u stomsfr e e 2 o nes. th e eBy Raja t Gup ta, IC

2、C C h airmanTh e globa 1 econom y has given bu s i n ess broader acc ess t h an ever b ef 0 re t 0 mar k ets all over the w orld、 Good s are s 0 Id i n more co u nt r iesjn larg e qua n t ities, and in greatervar i ety、 B ut as t h e V olume and ple x i t y o f global $ a le $ in c re a se, so do po

3、ss i b itities for mis u nder s landings and costly disputes when s a le c ontracts are not ad e qua t e 1 y drafted,The Incote rms rules* the ICC rul es on the use o f dome Stic and i n t ern ation al trade terms, f a ci 1 itate the c ond u ct o f glob a 11 r ade、 Refe r ence t o an Inco t e rms 20

4、 1 0 r u le in 3 sale co ntrac t c 1 e a rly def i n es the pa r t i es rasp e ctive 0 b I i gati 0 n s and reduc e s the risk of legal pl i c ations、S i n ce the 1936, t andar d h p ace withT he I n co t e rm s 2010 th eincr e ase d use 0 f electronic municat ions in busine $ s t ran s ac t i on s,

5、 heighte n ed co ncer n a b OU t security i n th e moveme n t o f goods and c onsolidate $ in t ra n spo r t p r a cti c es. In c ot e rm s 2 0 10 up dates and c 0 n s o 1 id a tes the deli v e r e d rule $ r educing the tot a 1 number of r u les from 13 to 11, a n d offe r s a sim p I e r and clear

6、 e r p resent a tion of al 1 the r ul e s、 In c ote r ms 2 0 10 is al s o th e fi r st v ersion o f the Incoterms ru 1 e s t 0 ma k e a II refer en ces 10 b u yers and se 1 lers genderne u tr a I、The broad exp e r t ise of ICC s m i ssion on mere i al L aw and Practice- whose mem b e r s h ip is dra

7、w n from all p a rts o r th e world a n d all t r ade sector s . ensures that I he Incote r m s 2 0 10 rul e s re s p 0 nd to business n e eds e verywhere de f i ne s the par lies resp e c ti v e 0 bligations and redu ces the risk of leg a I p 1 i c ationsiCc would 1 ik e t o exp r ess its g ra t it

8、ude to th e members of the mi $ si on, c h ai r e d by Fa b i 0 B 0 rt 0 Io t ti (I t aly) , to the D r a f t i ng Gr 0 u p whic h p r ise d C h arle s Debattista (CoChair, France). J e n s Bredow (Germany), J ohnny Herre (Swed e n David Lwee (UK,La u r i Raila s (Fin 1 and) Frank Rey 国际商会主席Rajat Gu

9、pt a全球经济-体化使得商业通向世界务地市场得途径空前 宽广。各种各样得货物被销售到世界各地。然而,随着全 球贸易数额得增加与贸易复杂性得加强,因贸易合同起 草不恰当而带来得涙解与高代价争端也可能随之增加。 国际贸易术语解释通则,国际商会规则在国内与国际贸 易用语得使用促进了全球贸易得进行。在贸易合同中引 用国际贸易术语解释通则20 10可明确界定各方义务 并降低法律纠纷产生得风险.自从1 9 36年国际商会制定出国际贸易术语解释通则 之后,此项在全球范圉内被采用得合同标准就经常性地 更新换代,与国际贸易得发展步调致。国际贸易术语解 释通则2010考虑了免税贸易区得不断增加,电了沟通在 商务

10、中得不断增多,以及披更加重视得货物运输中得安 全与变化等问题国际贸易术语解释通 则2 01 0更新并 加强了交货规则,将规则总量从13条减少到r 11条,并且 使得所有规则得衣述更加简洁明确国际贸易术语解释 通则2010同时也就是第一个使得所有在买卖双方中得 适用保持中立得第个国际贸易术语解释版本.国际商会得商法与实践委员会成员来自世界各地与多个 贸易部门,该委员会广泛得专业技能确保了国际贸易术 语解释通则2 010与备地得商贸需求和适应。国际商会向Fab io Boil 0 lotti (意大利)得商法与实践 委员会得成员衣示谢意,向由Charles Deba t t ista (副组长,英

11、国).Ch ri $ to p h Martin Radtke (副 组长,法国)JensBredow (德国),J ohn ny Her re(瑞典),Da V id L wee(英国),Lauri Railas (芬 兰),F r a Ilk R e yno 1 d(美国.Mir O Slav S u bert (捷 克)组成得起苞小组致谢,并且向对11条规则得农述给 予帮助得AskoRaty (芬兰)致谢。介绍! n c oterms规则规定了一系列在货物销售商业合同实 践中使用得三字告t系列贸易术语Inco t e r ms规则主 要描述了货物从卖方到买方运输过程中涉及得资任,费 用与

12、风险得划分。如何适用In C ote r ms 2 01 0 规则1、把I neo t erm s 20 1 0规则应用到销售合同 中如果要使合同适用Inc 0 te r ms规则2 0 10.应在合同 中明确表明,例如:所选择得Incoterms规则(含指 定地点)适用Incote r ms规则2010。2、选择适宜得Im 0 te r ms规则所选得I n c o t erins规则需要与货物.采取得运输方 式相适宜,最重要得就是合同双方就是否意欲添加额外n old s (US) ,and Miro Slav Sub e r t (Szech R e p ubl i c). a nd 10

13、 A s ko Raty (Finland) f ori t h the images de p i c t i ng I he 1 1as5 1 stancer u Iqs、INTRODUCTIONThe I n cote r ms r u 1 es explainhree- 1 e t t er trade t e rm s refle c ting ba se t ofu siness t o- t h e1 ncot e rms r u les de $ c costs an d risks i n v g oods from s e I 1 ers t obus iness pra

14、c t i c e in contracts for sale o r g ood s、 Th e ribe mai n ly t he t ask s .0 Ived i n the deliver y o fb uye r s、How t o use the In c oterms 2010 rule s1. Incor p 0 rate th e Inco t erms 2010 rules into y o ur con tract of saleIf y o u wan t th e Incoterms 2 010 ru les to apply to your c on I ra

15、c t. you should make this c 1 ear in t he co n tract. t h rough s uch word s as- the chose n Inco t erms rule including the named p lace, f 0 llowed by【ncote r ms 20 10、2 X Choose th e approp r i a te Inc o terms rul eTh e chosen inco p ropri a t e to t he r an s p o rt, an d a r t i e s inte n d得义务

16、,例如将办理运输或保险得义务加于买方或卖方. 每个贸易术语得指导性解释中得信息对作出如此得决定 非常有帮助。不论选用何种Inc 0 terms规则双方应 该意识到对合同得解释会受到使用得港口或地址惯例影 响.3、尽可能精准地描述您方地址或港口名称只有当事人双方选定特定得个收货地或港口时,所选 术语才能发挥作用。地点或港口名称越精准,I ncoterms 规则越有效。以下精准描述就就是一个很好得例r:FCA3 8 Cours Albert ler法国巴黎.2010通则 在 In C 0 t ermsEXW工厂交货( fca货交承运人( DATDAPDDPFASFOB规则下:.指定地点)指定地点)

17、” 终点站交货(指定目得地) 地点交货 (指定目得地) 完税后交货(指定目得地) 船边交货(指定装运港) 船上交货(指定装运港)t e r ms rule needs t o b e a p g 0 od s, to the me a n s of th e ir t abo veal1 to w h e the r th ept o putadd i tiona 1 o blig a ti0,此处所指地点为交货地点,同时风险也从卖方转移至买 方。! n C 0 terms规则下CPT运费付至(指定目得地)n Stfo re xam ple such asthe obligation toor

18、ganizecarria g e or i n s uranc e on the sei 1 eror on I h Q bu y Qr、 The Guida nc e No t e to e a ch Incoterms r ul e c o ntains info r matio n t h a t is p art i c u 1 arly helpful when ma k ing thi s c hoic e、 Which ever Incoterm s rule is c h o s en, the part sh 0 uld be awa r e the i nte r pr t

19、 a t ion of th contract may well b e infl u e n ce d b y cus I 0 ms rticular to the p o r t o r p lace be i ng u $ ed、3、Sp e cif y your plac e o r p o rt as p reci s ely as poss i b leca n work only if the p p 0 r t“ a n d wi 1 I work the place o r por tThe chosen In c oterms r ule art! e s n ame a

20、p la c e o r bes t if th e p artie $ sp e c i f y a $ p rec isel y as p 0 $ $ ib 1 e、 A g ood ex a mp 1 e of s u c h pv c ision woul d b e :: FC A 38 Co u r s Alb e r t le r t Pa r is, France I n cot erms 2010、Under t he I nc o t e rms rul eEx Works (EXW),F r ee Carher(FCA),D e livered a t Term i na

21、l(DAT) De 1 i V er e d a t P lace(D A P). Del i V e re d Duty Paid (DDP), Free Alongsi d eSh i p(FAS),CIP运费.保险费付至(指定目得地)CFR成本加运费(指定目得港)CIF成本、保险费加运费(指定目得港所指地点随交货地不同而不同。在这四条Incoterms规 则下,所指地点为运费付至地。为了避免疑问与争议.描定地点或目得地可以进步闸 述为一个精确得地点Q4.谨记Incoterms规则并没有给当事人提供一份完整 得销售合同I ncote rm 规则确有闸述销售合同中当事人得特定 义务,当卖方将

22、货物运至买力时,办理运输与保险义务得 承担。然而,Inco terms并没有任何关于付款价格或付款方式御规定.或就是货物所有权得转移,违约得后果等。这些问题通常就是通过销售合同得明示条款与适用得法 律条文来解决。当事人需要注意得就是.当地强制适用 得法徐有可能优先于销售合同得内容,包括所选择得【nc 0 terms 规则。a nd Free O n Board p ri c e t 0 b e p mentx Ne i therbuyer, an d whi c h c osts eac h part y for、h o w e ver, a id o r th edoth ey de asa

23、y no t h ing about the method of it s pay I with t he t ra n s r e or t h e cons e q u en c T h es e m a tte r s arDAT与 DAP术语都规定需在扌斤定地点交货:在D AT情况下.从运输工具上卸下货物交由买方处置(这与 先前得DEQ 术语样:在DAP悄况下同样交 由买方处置.但需做好卸货得准备(这与先前得DAF. DES与DDU术语样)。新贸易术语得使用,使Incoterms 2 0 00中得DES与 DEQ成为多余=DA T得目得地可以就是港口,因此DA T 可以用于在Inc 0

24、 term s 2 0 0 0下DEQ适用得情况。 同样絆,DAP中运达货物得交通工具可以就是轮船,而 目得地也可以就是港口畀月此DAP可以用于Incoie rmS 200 0 KDES适用得情况。这两个新得术语,与先前得 几个术语i样.就是由卖方承担所有费用(除了与进口清 算有关得费用)与货物到达目得地前得风险。2 Inc 0 te r msc8)2 0 10中11种贸易术语得分类I ncoterms2010 1 1种贸易术语目前彼分为两类: 适川任何运输方式得术语:r of own e rship Of t he goods, es o f a b rea c h of con t r a

25、 ct、n 0 rma 1 ly dealt with t h r ough e xp r ess t erms sale or in the law g ove r ning that r ties shoul d be aware th a t m a nd may o v er r ide any aspe c t of the i ncludin g the c h osen I n c oterein the contract o fcontrac I、 The p a a to ry local law sale contra c t . msr u 1 es.Ma i n fe

26、a tur e s ofthe I ncoterm 2 010 ru 1 e s1.Two new Inc oterms rul$ - D aT h ave r eplac e d the Inc DAF, DES DEQ a nd DDU、a nd DA P -0 t erm s 200 0 rulesEXWFCACPTCIP工厂交货货交承运人运费付至运费及保险费付至 目得地交货所在地交货DATDAPddp 完税后交货适用于海上与内陆水上运输得术语:FAS。船边交货FOB。船上交货C FR。成本加运费CIF。成本、保险费加运费The number of Inc o terms rule sd

27、 f r om 1 3 to 11、This has b een a chieved b ys th a thas b een reducesubstituti n g tw 0 rule may be used ir r e s p e c ti v e o f the agreedmode o f transport - DAT, Delivered at Terminal, a n d DA P, Delivered at Pl ace f o rt h eJ第种分类中得七种贸易术语不用考虑所选用运输方式 得种类。EXW.FCA.CPT.C1P, DAT, DAP 与 DD P都属于第种

28、分类。它们甚至可以运用于没有海上运 输得情况下谨记只要运输中-个部分运用过船只便可以 适用此类术语。在第二类术语中,交货点与把货物送达买方得地点都就是 港口,所以只适用于海上或内陆水上运输1FAS. F 0B,Un d er both new r ules.the r 0 rm e r DEQrule): hebuyersdis p o sal, g (as u nder th e f o rmer ules)、 Th e n s DESnal inin Dap,DAF, DESand DD U r20 0 0 r ul e nam e d termito im r i sksn amrul

29、e sin twoEXWFCACPTCiPDATDAPCFRCIFIncoterms 20 0 0 r ules D A F, DES, D EQ a n d D D U.d el i V e ry occurs a t a named d e sti n a tion: i n DAT, at the bu y er* s d is p osal unlo ad Qd from the arri v i ng veh i de ( a s u nde rI ik e wise at t b ut read y fo r u n I o ad i ne w ru 1 es ma k e the

30、 Incote r msand DEQ sup er f 1 uous、 TheDAT may w e 1 1 b e in a port, and DATcan therePoresa f elybeused in case s where I he Inc o terms 200 0 rul e D E Qo n ce was、 L ik e wi s e* the arri v ing v e hid e u n der DAP may w e II be a sh ip and the named p 1 ace of d e stinati 0 n m a y w e I 1 b e

31、 a pOrt: c 0 n s e quen I I y , D A P can sa f ely be u $ ed in c a ses wher e th e Incoterms 2000 rule DEs once was、 Th e se new r u les, I i ke t heir predecessor s, are dQli v ered with these 1 ler be arin g a II t h e cos t s (other t han those r el a t ed port de a rance- where a p plica ble) a

32、nd i n V olved i n bh n g in g the goo d s t o I he 6 d pi a ce of dest i nat i on、2、Clas s ific a tion ofth e 11 In c oterms 201 0 The 11 I n coterm s 201 0 rules are prese n I ed distinct classe s :Rules for any modeor modes ofTRANSPOTReX worksFREE CA R Rl E R4CARRIAGE PA I D TOCARR r age aNdinsur

33、an cepaid to DEL【VEREDATTE RMINAL DEL I VERED at placeDD P。D E L IVERED DUTY PAIDRU L E S For sea and inland waterway TranspoBIFA S 0 FREE A LONG S I D E SHIPFO9 FREE ON BOARDCOST AND freightCOST insurance aNd FreightThe first cla s s inc 1 u d es the seve n Incoterms 010 r U les that c an be u s e

34、d i r respec t i v e of I h m 0 de of tr a nspor t s e 1 e cted and irre s p ective of w h e the r one or more t han 0 ne m o de of t r CFR与CI F都属于这类。最后得三个术语删除 了以越过船舷为交货标准而代之以将货物装运上船。这 更准确得反应了现代商业现实,避了以往风险围绕船舷 这条虚拟垂线来回摇摆3. 国内贸易与国际贸易得规定传统得Incoterms规则只在国际销售合同中运用,此种 交易货物运输都需跨越国界在世界许多地区,商业集团 如欧盟使得不同国家间得

35、过关手续不再重要。所以,Incot e rim2010正式认可所有得贸易规则既可以适用于国 内交易也可以适用于国际交易所以,IiKoterms20 I 0 在些地方明确规定,只有在适当得时候,才有义务遵从 进口或者出口得手续。两个新发展使得ICC相信向这个方向得改革就是适 宜得首先,商人们普遍在国内贸易合同使用In C Oternis2 0 10规则.其次、比超先前提到得统一得商业规则中得 运输与交付术语,在国内贸易中更多美国人愿意使用I n C 0 t erms2 0 10 中得术语.4. 引言在Incoterms 2 0 10得侮条规则前而,都有条引 言。引肓解释每条贸易规则得基本内容,比

36、如说什么时 候彼运用到,什么时候风险转移,还有费用在卖方与买方 间就是怎样分配得等笥。引言并不就是Incoterms 2() 1 0得内容,但就是它们能帮助使用者更准确更有效率得 针对特定得贸易运用合适得贸易条款.5. 电子通信上-版本御1 n coterm s规则已经确定了可以彼电了 数据交换信息替代得文件。然而Inc 0 terms规则20 10 中得A1/B1赋予电了通信方式与纸质通讯相同得效 果.只要缔约双方同意或存在国际惯例。这规定有利 于促进liKoterm $ 规则2 0 10中新得电了程序得演进Q6、保险范围IiKO t erm $ 规则2 0 10就是协会货物条款修订以来 得

37、最新版国际贸易术语规则,并就对那些条款得变更做了 考虑。】nc 0 terms 规则20 1 0把关系到保险得 信息义务规定在A3/B3,这涉及到运输与保险合同。这些条款已经从更为普通得国际贸易术语2 0 0 0中 A10/B10得文章中删除。为了明确缔约双方得义务.条 款A2/B3中涉及保险得行文也做了变化。7、与安全有关得清关需要得信息现在人们离度关注货物运输中得安全问题,需要确认货 物不会对生命与财产有威胁,除了其自身固有得属性.因此.In C ote r m S 规则2 0 10已经在买家与卖家间 分配r义务在与安全有关得清关获得或者捉供帮助,例an S por I is e mp 1

38、 oyed、EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP. DA T, Dap and Ddp belong to this class、 They can be us e d even wh e n I here i s no mar i time Iranr t at allsisever.that th e seimportant to rem e mbe r, how e s c an be u s ed in case s whereash ip i $h e secondu se dclassfo r part of the c a rr i age、of Inc 0 t erm s 20

39、 1 0Inrule s . the p oint o f delivery and t h e place t o which t he g 0 ods are 0 rtSt h e nc e y rule $、 FAS , lass、 Undercar ried t 0 t he buy er are both pt he label sea and inland wa t erwaFOB, CFR and CIF belong t 0 th i s C the last three In c oterms r o f t he s hi p s ra i I as the o m i t

40、 te d inulest a II mention p oi n t of de 1 iv e ry h as been preferencef o r t hegoods b e ingdelivere d when theya re o n b o ard t he v e ss e L This more do s ely reflec t s m 0 d e rn mer c ia 1 real i t y and a voids the rathe r dat e d ima g e of the risk sw i nging to and fro a cr0ss an i ma

41、ginary p e rpendicu 1 ar line.3、Rules ford o mesticand in t e rnati o n a Itra d e Incot e r ms r ule s h ave traditiona 1 ly been us e d i n internal i onal sale co n tracts where goods pass across na t i on al b o ardersx In v ari o us a r ea s of the world how ever, trade b 1 0 cs, I i ke t h e E

42、uropean U nion. have made bord e r f orm a 1 i t i es betwee n diff e rent cou ntri e s 1 ess s i gnif i cant. Co n$ e q uent 1 y, the su btitle of the I n c o t erms 201 0 rules forma 1 1 y re c ognize tha t t hey are a V a il a ble for appli c ati o n to bo t h int e rn a tional a n d dome Stic s

43、ale contracts Asa result, the In cot e r ms 2010 rules clear 1 y state i n a numb e r o f p lac e s that th e o bligat i o n to pl y with ex p 0 rt/im p or t formaliti e s ex i st s only where app licab 1 e、T wo d e V el 0 pm e nt$ h ave p er s ua d ed IC C t h a t a m 0 vement in th 1 s dir e cti o

44、 n i s timely、 F i r s tly, tra d e rs monly us e I n co t erms ru 1 e$ for purely d o me s tic $ a le contracts n is the gre a t e r willingne States t o use Inco t erm rule s a the r than the fo r me r Uni fThesecond rea s o s s in the U n i t e$ indo mes t ic trade r 0rm me rcial Code sh ipm ent

45、a n d del i v e ry te r ms4、G u idan c e NotesB e for e ea c h I n c 0 terms 2 010 rul e yo u will f in d a Gu i dan c e N o te The Gu i d ance Not e s e x pl a i n the f u nd a mentals of ea c h Incoterms ru le* s uch as wh e n it sho u Id b e used t when ris k pa如在多种多样得国际贸易术语中 A2 /B2与A lO/BlO得监管链相

46、关信息。8、终点站操作费在国际贸易术语CPT, CIP, CIF.DAT.DAP与 D DP项下,卖家必须做好安排使货物到达指定目御地。虽 然运费就是由卖方支付得,但因为运费般被卖方包含在 销售价格中所以实际上运费就是由买方支付得货运费有 时包括港口或集装箱码头内得理货与运输费用,承运人与 终点站运营方也可能向收到货物得买家收取这罡费用。 在这种情况下,买家会想要避免对同服务重复付费:一 次何给卖家作为销售价格中得部分,次单独地何给 承运人或考终点站运营方。I ncote r ms规则201 0在 相关国际贸易术解释规则得 A6/B6条款明确得分配 此项费用,力求避免重复付费。9、连环合同与工

47、业制成品得销售不同,在农矿产品得销售中货物经常在沿销售链运转过程中被频繁销售多次。这种情况下.在运输中得卖家不用再运输货物,因为货物已彼第一个卖家装船运输了。中途得卖方通过接收货物而非运输货物向买方履行义务为明确起见,Inc 0 t erins规则2010在相关规定中把提取已经运输得商品得义务作为运输商品义务得替换.0 f the actu a Iu t a re i nte n d edand effici e ntly s t eer oterms r u 1 ef o r aes the ev o lutionlifet i me o fthe Incote r ms 2010Insur

48、 a n c ec o ve re In c oterm s 2010 rulesionofofare t h e f irst ver s$ inc e th ever $ ionacco u ntr enTherefor e,the Incoterm s 2 01 0 rules havethe buye r an dsellistan c e in o btainin gs ses. and how costs a re al 1 oc a t ed between seller a n d bu y efs Th e Guida n ce Notes a re no t par I n

49、coterm s 2 010 ru 1 e s,b to help the user accur a tel y towards t he a ppropriate I n c p a r t i c u lar transac t io n、Ele c t ronic mu n i ca t ionP r e V i OUS versi o ns o f Incoterms rules have spec i fied th 0 se doc u me n t s th a t c ould be r epla c ed by EDI m e s sage $、 Ar t i c I e s

50、 A I / B1 of the In c o I e r ms 2010 r u les, h o wev er, now g ive el e c t r onic means o f m u n icat i on the s a me effect as paper municati on, as long as the p arties so ag r e e or where c u s t o maryTh i s fo r mulat i on f a cili t a Io r ne w electr o n i c p roc e du r est hrougho u t

51、the r ules、6.Th0 f th e Inc 0 terms r u les the insti t u I e Cargo Clauses a nd t a k ea 1 te r at i o ns made t o those cl a uses. TheIncote r ms 2010 rules plac e i nforma t ion du I ie s r e lat i ng to ins u r a nc e in a rtic 1 es A3 / 83, w hich deal wi t h cont r a c t s of ca r ri a ge and

52、in s urance. T hesep ro vi sio n s ha v e bee n moV e d from the moreg e ne ricf 0 und in arti c IeAl 0 /B10 of the I n c o t erms 2 OOO rule s、The langu age in articlesA2 /B3 r el a t in gt o insurance has a 1 so beenalt e re dw i th a v i ew to clarif ying the p a r t i es o b li g a t ions in this r egard、 7sS ecurit y -rel a ted C 1 earances and in f oriria t ionrequire d for such clearancesThe r e is heig h t ene d c o nc e rn no wad a y s about $ ecu r ity in th e m o vement of goo d s , requiring verif i cation that the goods do not p os e a th r ea t to I if e o r p r oper t y fo


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