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1、why,do,you,like,pandas英,文说课稿百度文库 202x年x月x日 篇一:why do you like pandas说课稿 why do you like panda? period 1 1a1c good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i come from gaosheng primary school. today i am much honored to stand here to talk about the topic “why do you like pandas”. i will divide the instruction

2、into six parts; they are analysis of the teaching material, analysis of the students,teaching method,teaching aims, important and difficult points,teaching procedure and assignment. now i will explain them one by one part 1 analysis of the teaching material the topic is from go for it7b unit 5.the t

3、eaching content is from 1a to 1c.the main idea of the topic is to describe animals and express preferences. there are many new words and expressions in the topic. whats more, the teacher should teach the student to learn to use “what animal do you like? why do you like it?” (so much for this part, l

4、ets come to part 2) part 2analysis of the students in the topic, there are some advantages for the students. first: they are quite familiar with some of the animals, such as cat, dog, sheep, cow?etc. so i think i can leadmy students to study todays topic very naturally. second: some adjectives used

5、to describe the animals such as interesting, clever are very easy for the students to learn. third: many students show great interest in animals. but there are also some disadvantages for the students. they dont know some animals, because they havent seen or heard them from the text, such as koala.

6、besides, some words are hard to pronounce, such as giraffe. so during my teaching, i will help the students overcome the difficulties and let them learn the language goals fully. (so much for this part, next i will talk about part 3) part 3 teaching method analysis in this topic, my teaching methods

7、 include task.based language teaching ,pair work, group work and a game(lets come to next part ). part 4 teaching aims, knowledge aims: words: panda, koala,tiger,lion,giraffe,elephant,cute, smart, lazy,scary sentence structure: lets see the pandas first. why do you want to see the pandas? because th

8、eyre very cute.1. ability aims: can talk about their favorite animals and give reasons masterly 3. emotional aims: a. train their sense of loving and protecting animals b: train their cooperation ability in groups teaching key points: a. talk about their favorite animals masterly b. give the reason

9、what animals they like best teaching difficulties: a. words and its pronunciation b. talk about favorite animals and give reasons part 5teaching procedure analysis there are five steps in this part. step1:lead.in do a simple review according to the questions do you like animals? what animals do you

10、have in your home? step2: present the new words: a: present the new words by question“do you want to know more animals?” and make a situation of being in a zoo b: teach the new words with pictures step3: practice the new words:a: have students read the words by themselves b: ask several students to

11、read the words to class c: check their pronunciation step4: a guessing game a: guess what animal it is to test the words they have learned b: lead in the description words step4: task 1a1b a: have students finish 1a by themselves b: have students finish 1b according to the recording c: check their a

12、nswers step5: present the conversation a: make a situation that if you are in a zoo b: give them a question “what animals do you want to see first?” and ask them why step6: practice the conversation a: explain 1c and give them three examples b: ask them to practice the conversation in pairs c: ask s

13、everal pairs to show their conversations step7:group work a: four students in a group to make a survey that what animals they like best and why b: choose one student to report their surveysstep8:summary a. words about animals b. how to describe animals with description words c. how to use “why” to a

14、sk for reasons and its answer. step9:homework a: summarize the words about animals b: write a short conversation 篇二:why.do.you.like.pandas说课稿 unit 5 why do you like pandas? 一、教材分析 1、 今日我说课的内容是人教版七班级下册unit 5 why do you like pandas? 本单元的主题是通过谈论动物来娴熟运用“whybecause”句型提出疑问,解决问题。通过对本单元的学习,同学能够对动物的性格及自己对动物的

15、喜好的缘由进行沟通表达,并能够娴熟运用“whybecause”句型来询问他人的爱好,解释缘由。通过对动物的描述,让同学从从潜意识意识到动物的重要性,让同学自觉的疼惜动物,爱护动物,进而激发同学对大自然的爱护意识,有利于挂念同学树立环保意识,增加环保观念,成为符合科学进展观的新一代人才。 2、教学目标 依据学校英语新课标的要求,并依据素养教育中面对全体培育同学素养的要求,我为这一课确立以下三项目标: (1)、学问目标 挂念同学学会、把握以下单词:tiger, elephant, panda, koala, giraffe, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, scary,

16、 pet, cat. (2)、力量目标 让同学学会谈论简洁的动物及名称以及对动物的喜爱并说明为什么喜爱动物。 (3)、情感目标 通过对本课的学习,激发同学学习英语的爱好,并激发同学爱护环境的意识。 3、教学重点 让同学学习用形容词描述动物,从而说明自己喜爱某种动物的缘由。4、教学难点:让同学用句型lets see pandas first. why do you want to see them? because they are cute.等句型编对话。 突破:老师通过真实的情景激发起同学的爱好,爱好是最好的老师。通过反复操练,加深印象。再循环记忆达到最终目标。 二、说教法 1、先学后教的方

17、法。首先让同学自己尝试着读、说,然后老师加以订正和指导,渐渐培育同学学习英语的语感。 2、分组合作的方法:语言的表达在语言的学习中占有很重要的地位,通过小组合作的方法让同学用所学的内容表达自己的思想感情,即达到了对学问的运用,同时也把英语的学习生活化,让同学感到,英语的学习跟生活亲密先关。 3、鼓舞同学的方法:对于没有回答正确问题的同学,老师应准时订正并加以鼓舞,让同学在犯错的过程中成长。殊不知,学习就是个从犯错误到少犯错误,最终达到不犯错误的过程。 在教学帮助上,老师比较娴熟的运用了多媒体帮助教学,把图片、音频和视频都用课件的形式呈现出来,有助于把同学引入到身临其境当中,激发同学爱好,活跃课

18、堂气氛。 三、学法指导: 将本课内容与实际生活联系起来,为同学创设真实的学习情景,让同学和老师互动,或者小组形式沟通学习,并在课堂上循环教育。这样既能激发同学学习的爱好,又能巩固课堂学问。 四、教学程序及设想:课堂的整体设计遵循循环记忆反复操练的思路,运用情景法和交际法,分为以下几个主要步骤进行。 第一、课堂导入。首先,在上课前老师播放几首英语歌曲,先将同学带入英语的环境;其次,在上课时,让同学跟着视频一起唱歌曲“if you are happy”。同时老师通过问答的方式,渐渐引入课题。 其次、课堂练习 在练习新单词的时候,老师让同学读单词找相应的位置,通过反复的读,让同学把握单词的读音。 第

19、三、小组学习:让同桌两人就学习的句型做对话,并在课堂上表演,达到了对学问的运用和巩固。 第三、小结。让同学自己总结本节课所学习的内容并通过练习检查同学对学问的了解状况,发觉大部分同学对本节课的学问都能正确的理解和运用。 第四、作业布置 本节课有两个作业,一是让同学对本课的单词加以巩固,二是让同学用do you like pandas? why do you like them? because they are cute. lets see the lions first. why do you want to see them? because they are beautiful. 等句型

20、编对话,从而对本课的句型加以巩固。 篇三:unit 5 why do you like pandas说课稿 unit 5 why do you like pandas? section a(1a.2d) 说课稿 白 剑 军 unit 5 why do you like pandas? section a(1a.2d)说课稿 教学内容分析: section a(1a.2b) 是unit5的第一课,主要学习一些关于动物的单词和一些形容动物的形容词,还有一些表达喜爱的句子!通过对话来进行课堂教学和语言实践。学会用why?提问缘由,用because?表达理由。音标重点把握:/s / ,/z/, /ts

21、/ , / dz/ 本单元的核心话题是描述动物和表达个人喜好,以及句式why do you like??because?。这也是本单元的教学重点。通过本单元的学习,同学应能较流利地运用所学词汇和句型描述动物,表达个人喜好。 把握词汇,同学娴熟谈论自己喜爱的动物并给出理由。使同学学谈论自己喜爱的其他东西并给出理由。使同学了解动物的生存状况。 同学状况分析: 团场中学七班级同学学校接触英语少,同学学习过有关动物的学问,已具备了相当的情感基础,但是,应用力量格外薄弱,在课堂表现欲望不强,常流露出不自信的神色。为了激发和培育同学学习英语的爱好,使同学树立自信念,在教学section a时,充分利用多媒

22、体,图片等,使英语学习与同学的实际生活更贴近,让他们从中获得成功感,激发学习英语的热忱,树立信念。 3、教学目标分析 教学目标: 1. 语言学问目标: 1) 能把握以下单词:tiger, elephant, panda, lion, koala, giraffe, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, scary, kind, kind of, australia, south, africa, south africa, pet, leg, cat, sleep etc. 2) 能把握以下句型: what animals do you/does she/ does he

23、 like? lets see the ? why do you like?because they are kind of interesting. why does she/he like ?because they are ?.? where are lions from? they are from south africa 2. 力量目标: to observe and describe animals. to talk about their preferences to know the implied meaning of some animals 3. 情感态度价值观目标:

24、动物和人类都生活在同一地球上,动物是我们的伴侣。我们人类应当与动物和谐相处,共同生存。我们应当学会关爱动物,爱护动物。同时,谈论家庭的话题是同学格外感爱好的话题,贴近同学的生活: 1.通过学习要培育同学自觉爱护动物的意识; 2.通过学习可以使同学更加喜爱生活。喜爱父母、喜爱伴侣,喜爱自然; 3.能在小组活动中乐观与他人合作,相互挂念。 4、教学重点、难点分析 1. 教学重点: 1) 学会描述动物的性格及特点。 2) 学会表达喜爱某类动物及说明喜爱的缘由。 2. 教学难点:名词的复数形式表示一类事物;第三人称单数形式,句型的练习。 5、教学过程设计 七班级下册unit 5 why do you

25、like pandas? section a(1a.2b),本课以唱动物名称歌曲引入,首先让同学通过玩耍中的练习,尽快生疏各种动物的英文名称。然后导入到三个链状承接的任务上。任务一通过听力引入本课的重点句型,即询问喜爱何种动物及其缘由。任务二是让同学选择自己最喜爱的一种动物进行对话练习。任务三让同学上网搜寻所喜爱动物的材料,画出图画并加以描述,是对课堂的延长和巩固,同时兼有美术和生物学科的学习,一举多得。 教学中运用任务型语言教学模式,培育同学对语言的综合运用力量。 课堂上以同学为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,体现“以生为本”的现代教育教学理念。教学突出交际性,留意听说读写的有用性,促进语

26、言综合运用力量的提高。重视个体差异,提倡过程激励,以多层次,多角度,多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。留意信息技术与学科整合,充分利用cai帮助教学,以图、声、文等形式使教学过程变得生动形象,使同学智能得到空前释放。重视情感态度和价值观教育(喜爱动物、喜爱大自然、关怀他人等)留意同学自我反思与思想升华。 媒体设计思路 课件呈现动物园的情景,使同学身临其境。用玩耍猜想法启发了同学的想象。“看图猜词”的玩耍充分调动了同学的感官,极大程度上激发了同学的学习爱好。并突破了本课的重点单词的学习。培育了同学处理信息的力量。看图听音,冲击视觉和听觉系统,加深记忆印象,加快接受速度。多媒体制造了教学的

27、体验和生活化条件,促进同学乐于表达的乐观态度。通过同学描述自己喜爱的动物,并给出缘由这一活动,使沟通真实、实际,保证了语言交际的有效开展,并进展了同学的综合运用力量,体现了以同学为本的教育理念。拓展学问,培育同学的阅读爱好和阅读力量。 步骤1:step 1: warm up 让同学唱一首学校曾经学过的有关于动物的歌曲,活跃气氛,引入新课。 step 2: present the new words 1. 呈现ppt图片,通过问答whats this?,or what animal is it ? 目的在于引出新词animal. 2. t: its a tiger/ elephant / koa

28、la/ panda / lion / giraffe. 以图片形式呈现新词,既直观,又便于同学记忆。 t: do you know these animals? what animal is it? ss: (引导同学回答)its a / an? (留意读音、写法、不定冠词的搭配) step 3: practice the new words 1. 比一比,认一认,who has the best memory? 2. 逐一出示动物图片,同学举手抢答,老师板书新词 for example: t: what animal is it? s1: its a panda. p.a.n.d.a, pa

29、nda. (老师板书panda) 2. 让同学看着黑板再次教读新词 3. pairwork what animal is it? its a / an?(同学借助课前预备的动物图片) step 4: 完成课本25页的1a同学填写,同学核对,老师督导。 step 5 a guessing game (猜词玩耍) 在复习巩固动物名词的同时,引出形容词: cute, smart, friendly,lazy, beautiful, interesting。 (目的是让同学在学的过程中既培育爱好,又记忆单词) step 6: practice the description words 依据同学回答,

30、老师可在对应动物后板书形容词 step 6: new drills ( 引出语言项目(板书)同时操练形容词: .why do you like ? .because they are . 2. pairwork a: lets see the ?s b: why do you want to see the ?s ? a: because they are? step 7: do a survey and make a report work in groups of three. 在复习巩固动物名词的同时,引出形容词: cute, smart, scary, friendly 为1才做好猛烈

31、的铺垫,让同学可以顺当的进入今日的一个难点,形容词的练习。 step 5: practice the description words 依据同学回答,老师可在对应动物后板书形容词,让学问更加的规范和系统化,条理化。 step 6: new drills 1. 引出语言项目同时操练形容词: .why do you want to see the ?s? .because they are . 2. pairwork a: lets see the ?s b: why do you want to see the ?s ? a: because they are? step 7: do a survey and make a report work in groups of three. step 8: finish 1a 课本是我们教学的主要工具,多媒体只是帮助,还是要教同学回归到课本上,增加记忆,强化练习。 step 9: 开展lets talk and pairwork 逐一出示幻灯片,让同学开展大量的口语练习,在老师幻灯片的提示下,让同学大胆的开口练习,在说的过程中,娴熟把握句型,突破这堂课的重难点。同时也就是完成


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