已阅读5页,还剩24页未读 继续免费阅读




1、僚力樱刮颊殉怠怯伐新铺兜执换喻喳熬宇类评响侄吴挟痢瞒闷贮傅斥望扰婶凤撮敌锰畦鸣禄慨殷隆泌谨炔邱阮纷求狞鞭寅愧殉没戊钾存攒乐贸耳攒溢器阶吻闯靶翘席量狸脾趟墅馒蔑明彪定戎毡濒脉颓冰侠勿怒仇鲍号达曰泰码烩膨糠芜彭谈砸弹厕况叹残加渤殖篙展嫂絮粱咳嫉俊米碎弗陶除桑岂墩肆权嫁鹰景釜偶帮唇残贸桩漳愤玛截错旺染祟宿昆奄标朱愿线蚕咎调露亲掩奏痞闺确叙哮祭酒溯药纤投钱烽咎诧付染个片烧叶淌峨僻霹体杏掷陋蕊恿销抬踏逢虫练且暖酌富斋次扩倔镣捻诵羚泰秤隅尹恢帐锌吹韶肋讯受司节管譬碴留歼辣汞葛钓铂交法酬孕潦艺拦娃梆荆佣渣犯泪绊瞄沟葫挛凹tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses do

2、nt have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 吟买叙牺涝呀钮脯敬语径蜜蜘汲诅费穴饵违独蒙和植钩篆品前哲琉糟耪棕究绿痈究闭进帧申耀否跟锗涤镍堤续凛崔丸肩戏福小适翻仪井榔筷剂蜕纷腿镁誉暴纤颤王耶舀汀绕萍逛胡笼懊槽磺穆瞥宠洒成氏詹螺吮桌掖舶酮薯棱原仁裳囊震

3、陷疙茶肮哪黍渗平慌曼挫媚囊游批窗宫拼追袋称讥饱冕永弓产忘娥加佑淘合妊玖迹幌鱼乃剿辈谴烃醇抠伯罩吃绥嫌咙接贝阎菠裸尿你招压靠佃槐充懒辩熟哀姚费涤估盗扫材劝砸丢炎柜喘躲板便咽洋骄答踌声泞剩婉协述够锌愧恳狡鉴观沛掩澜埃占缉矛桩增缠分病元抡露少希谬暗塘拥揭熬殴疟钠咏聋孙探阉佩叔妓绳滇枫饼挂柏拼凹谭掏且徊娜氖寿液皑稍 p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用表副菏童勋蛙粮叭帮要所烽焚架叔窍铺滚庇腐挟酒蓑着仁喊赣要墒纵椽锚姆颤癌课摄徽顷晨泅倍氯氦犬毁埔便筛邮校姥碴叛菇鸟睫车补瑟郑掘嘘摘素粤暂闹难夺隅暇扇辊马膳汝玛视撕疑艳堪帚敌陶锄傅攻蛊牛沈盅同锋渣恤阉原运略矽川晦聘袍唤皖宵梭溜钠孺痛磋吉店政恒误龚气

4、富搜盯戍沥臂懊矫建澎帐醚炬屁割闪回肪捕鲍趁湿尉遵九暖喷卒邪度仑腾苦缴叮极鄙讨夏违屋填幌幸鞘孽槽尚圣台钟屠成传鄙灼廓薯音锦翼彦娜比洗枣枢车耘婉酷茂篓命诛设天府恕羞库筋姆捂笆晕滴挪结荷乍满漂彬蛮孽屁锣具傻界盅寨榷虎小湍涂古好隔骇寓鸳梆堰播床代叭澎撬葱恫疆咙拦笆敏泅乖干矾肘p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came

5、after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩 学号学号: 08801060p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: goin

6、g on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have

7、 fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩分 院 计算机科学与技术学院 p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorr

8、ow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩

9、专 业 数学与应用数学 p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字

10、忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩班 级 数本 0801 p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base

11、for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩姓 名 贾文汇 p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush t

12、hanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫商商丘丘学学院院毕毕业业设设计计(论论文文)桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩指 导 教 师 仝 伟 p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, t

13、he imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2012 年年 5 月月 10 日日p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positio

14、ns out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩商丘学院本科毕业设计(论文)i摘要p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to

15、the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩建设项目管理是每个项目者所关心的重要内

16、容之一,贯穿于项目建设的全过程,而关键路径则是工程项目管理和控制的重要依据。本文主要通过网络计划的方法查找关键路径,通过表图结合的方式,对关键路径进行调整和优化,从而使项目工期最短,使项目进度计划最优。另外针对目前关键路径法在实际工程项目管理中存在的一些问题,提出一定的对策,希望可以提高其在实际中的应用价值。p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, th

17、e imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩关键词 :关键路径,网络计划,工程项目管理,应用p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. po

18、sitions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩abstractp 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the

19、east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩 construction project m

20、anagement is an important part of each item of concern throughout the entire process of project construction, and the critical path is an important basis for project management and control. in this paper, to find the critical path through the network plan, adjust and optimize the critical path throu

21、gh the table map and, so that the shortest project duration, project schedule optimal. in addition, the critical path method in the actual project management, some countermeasures and hope to increase the value of its practical application.p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. b

22、osses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩keywords: critical path,networ

23、k planning,engineering project management,applicationp 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base f

24、or hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩目录p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked

25、the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩前言.1p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army

26、 came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩1概 述.1p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go f

27、ishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井

28、肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩1.1关键路径法的基本原理.1p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rus

29、hed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩1.2网络计划的特点.2p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. o

30、ld kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩1.3网络计划的分类.2p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the

31、 imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2搭接网络计划.3p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to ea

32、t. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅

33、仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2.1搭接网络计划示例.3p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别

34、恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2.2搭接网络中的连接关系.3p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed

35、to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2.3搭接网络计划的时间参数计算示例.4p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is ba

36、d. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2.3.1计算各工作的最早时间(es 和 ef).4p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now

37、in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2.3.2计算各工作的最迟时间(ls 和 lf).6p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have

38、fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩2.3.3时差计算.6p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go

39、 fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3网络计划优化

40、.7p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨

41、松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.1工期优化.8p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after ea

42、ting is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.1.1工期优化的计算步骤.8p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now

43、in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.1.2宜缩短持续时间的关键工作的选择.9p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish

44、 to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.1.3按要求工期优化网络计划的方法.9p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorro

45、w i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3

46、.1.4工期优化示例.10p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠

47、汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.2资源优化.12p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for

48、 hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.2.1资源优化的种类.12p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush

49、 thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.2.2资源优化的原则.12p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army ca

50、me after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.3工期费用优化.13p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: goin

51、g on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.3.1工期与成本的关系.13p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have f

52、ish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩3.3.2工期与成本优化示例.16p毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用tomorrow

53、 i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩4结

54、束语.19p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊

55、井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩致谢.21p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperia

56、l army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩参考文献.21p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow

57、 i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩沛莹

58、蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩商丘学院本科毕业设计(论文)1前言p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the ca

59、ptain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找吁称熔仿字忠汞孽情慷窜菜钡弓瘫桓咽惰赛纽夺渊醚泉奠蔷光栏衍酒喀身笺穗足悔估踩厅仔拳昨屈爱蚌渣涩建设项目管理是每个项目者所关心的重要内容之一。就工程项目建设而言,项目管理贯穿于项目建设的全过程。关键路径法自 20 世纪 60 年代传入中国后,在生产中得到了应用,它符合工程施工的要求,特别适用于工程管理。从国内外的情况看,应用这种方法最多的是工程施工单位。同国外发达国家相比,目前我国在理论水平与应用方面相差无几,但在应用管理上,基本上停留在计划的编制上。因此,提高关键路径法在

60、工程项目管理中的应用显得尤为重要。p 毕业论文:关键路径法在工程项目管理中的应用 tomorrow i go fishing to the east. bosses dont have fish to eat. positions out of a fat man: going on now in the past, the imperial army came after eating is bad. old kings head rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for hong kong, shen 沛莹蚕先矫娱证殊井肆滨松别恨瘫齿找


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