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1、Transliteration 音译Definition Generally,transliteration is the conversion of a text from one script to another. Most systems of transliteration map the letters of the source script to letters pronounced similarly in the goal script, for some specific pair of source and goal language. History of Chine

2、se Transliteration Transcription(抄本) appeared early in ancient Chinese texts when the Han people interacted with foreigners such as the Xiongnu(匈奴).Besides proper names, a small number ofloanwords (外来语)in their transcribed forms found their way into Chinese during the Han Dynasty after Zhang Qians e

3、xploration of the Western Regions. The classics of Buddhism began to be translated into Chinese during the late Han Dynasty. Many Sanskrit(梵文) terms were then transcribed and became part of the Chinese language. Classifications Combined sound and meaning (意音结合译) Complete transliteration (纯音译) Comple

4、te transliteration (纯音译) 1.words about unit of measurement (计量单位计量单位) hertz赫兹(频率单位) bit比特(度量信息的单位,二进制位) lux勒克司(照明单位) joule焦耳(功或能的单位) ampere 安培 Newton 牛顿 watt 瓦特 Complete transliteration (纯音译) 2. Names of some newly invented materials or products (especially at the very beginning ) celluloid赛璐珞(硝纤象牙)

5、 sonar声纳(声波导航和测距设备) morphine吗啡 vaseline凡士林 nylon尼龙(酰胺纤维)Aspirin阿司匹林阿司匹林Complete transliteration (纯音译) 3. Many loanwords (外来词外来词) Proper noun:Names of people, places, mountains and riversCurrency and so on George Bush 乔治.布什Albert Einstein 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦Canada加拿大Australia 澳大利亚 The Alps 阿尔卑斯山The Mississippi

6、 密西西比河 France 法郎法郎 Pound 镑镑 (2) Combined sound and meaning (意音结合译) some words are translated mainly according to their sounds, and added with words that express their category T-shirt 体恤衫 Cartoon 卡通片 mouse 鼠标 Prefix+ Unit of measurement (由前缀加入计量单位构成复合词,计量单位采用音译) megavolt 百万伏特 microampere 微安培 kilowat

7、t 千瓦 decibel分贝 Some compound words (某些复合词意音结合译) radar-man雷达手 valve-guide阀导 Some terms containing peoples names :peoples names(sound)+the rest of the words (meaning) (有些由人名构成的术语,人名音译,其余部分意译) Ohm law欧姆定律 Curie point居里点 Morse code莫尔斯电码 Monel metal蒙乃尔合金 Generally speaking, some words which are translate

8、d according to the sound may be replaced for not conveying the meaning. e.g: combine康拜因联合收割机 laser莱塞激光 vitamin维他命维生素 penicillin盘尼西林青霉素 NOTICENOTICE Homophones(同音异形异义词) abound(富于,充满) in Mandarin Chinese, so most English words have multiple possible transcriptions. Since there are many characters to c

9、hoose from when transcribing a word, a translator can manipulate(操作,控制) the transcription to add additional meaning. 1927年,上海街头悄然增加了一种饮料“蝌蝌啃蜡”。 名字还不是这种饮料最古怪的地方。它棕褐色的液体、甜中带苦的味道,以及打开瓶盖后充盈的气泡,让不少人感觉到既好奇又有趣。古怪的味道,加上古怪的名字,这种饮料的销售情况自然很差。于是,在第二年,这家饮料公司公开登报,用350英镑的奖金悬赏征求译名。最终,身在英国的一位上海教授蒋彝击败了所有对手,拿走了奖金。而这家饮

10、料公司也获得了迄今为止被广告界公认为翻译得最好的品牌名可口可乐。 它不但保持了英文的音译,还比英文更有寓意。更关键的一点是,无论书面还是口头,都易于传诵。More examplesEnglish to Chinese Benz 奔驰奔驰Canon 佳能佳能Dove 多芬多芬麦兜麦兜 MCdull MCdonald + dullChinese to EnglishComplete transliteration (纯音译)names of provinces 北京 Beijing 陕西 Shaanxinames of tourism attractions九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou 一线天 Y

11、ixiantian铜壶滴漏 Tonghudilounames of people鲁迅luxun 孟姜女 Mengjiangnv some words with chinese culture (1)有关历史文化:xiucai秀才,yamen衙门,dazibao大字报,putonghua普通话,fenghuang凤凰等;? (2)有关文体娱乐:pipa琵琶,erhu二胡,wushu武术,gongfu功夫,Tai Chi太极拳,yang ko秧歌,weiqi围棋,mahjong麻将,qigong气功,sampan舢板等; (3)有关衣食住行:cheongsam旗袍、长衫,jiaozi饺子,chow mein炒面,won ton馄饨,Wu Liang Ye五粮液,Moutai/Maotai茅台酒,longan龙眼,kaoliang高粱,litchi(lichee)荔枝,ginseng人参等; (4)有关自然风土人情:feng shui风水,kang炕,kowtow叩头,chop?suey炒杂碎,Cantonese广东话/广东人/(形)广州的,Hainanese海南人,C


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