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1、les misrablescontents 123the author the summarythe novel1author victor-marie hugo (february 26, 1802 may 22, 1885) was a french poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist and perhaps the most influential exponent of the romantic movement in france. in franc

2、e, his literary reputation rests primarily on his poetic and dramatic output and only secondarily on his novels. he is sometimes identified as the greatest french poet. outside france, his best-known works are the novels les misrables and notre-dame de paris.2novel introduction les miserables (1862)

3、 is representative works of victor hugo, as one of the most famous novels in the french literature. written and published by victor hugo in 1962; set the time period between 1789 and 1848.paints a vivid picture of paris after the french revolution and the controversial rule of napoleon bonaparte. hu

4、go explores the challenges faced at every level of society during this time, especially the injustices endured by the poor.123introduction plots the novel basic plot is jean valjean pitiful life history. he originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family membe

5、r gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison. passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life. the punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one he had become manner perso

6、n. he uses an alias is madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor. but soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker fantins daughter cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to paris. afterwards a

7、gain unceasingly encountered polices pursuit. the jean valjean entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue. relationships myriel jean valjean javert fantine cosette marius thnardiersredeemed unrequited redeem police crimin

8、al help daughter lover daughter the theme this story tells us about kind. hugo hopes the society becomes clear and human. so his plot bases on jean valjeana miserable man. then he tell the story about the poor womanfantine ,next is cosette. all these stories has the comments, that is the miserable l

9、ife because of the persecution of the upper class. in facts, hugo was raging of the present society. i dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. i dreamed that love would never die. i dreamed that god would be forgiving. then i was young and unafraid. and dreams were

10、 made and used and wasted. there was no ransom to be paid, no song unsung, no wine untested. but the tigers come at night with their voices soft as thunder. as they tear your hope apart, as they turn your dream to shame. 曾几何时,我流连梦境,心比天高,人生充满希望。我梦见爱情永不消逝,我梦见上帝慈爱宽恕。那时我多么年轻,多么无畏,随心梦想,从不设防。不必付出什么代价,无歌不唱

11、,无酒不尝。然而猛兽在黑夜来袭,如晴天霹雳轰然炸响。活生生撕碎了希望,把美梦全变成懊悔。i dreamed a dream “on my own, pretending hes beside me. all alone, i walk with him till morning. without him, i feel his arms around me. and when i lose my way, i close my eyes and he has found me. in the rain, the pavement shines like silver. all the ligh

12、ts are misty in the river. in the darkness, the trees are full of starlight. and all i see is him and me forever and forever!”一个人,假装他在我身旁 。孤单单,他陪我走到天亮 。他不在,我却能感到他的拥抱 。迷路 时只需闭上双眼 ,他就会找到我 。雨朦胧,地面银光闪烁 。看街灯,映河水如烟如梦 。黑暗 中,树枝间缀满星辰。我仿佛看见我俩相伴,直到永远!do you hear the people sing? singing a song of angry men.it

13、is the music of a people. who will not be slaves again! when the beating of your heart. echoes the beating of the drums.there is a life about to start.when tomorrow comes. 听啊,人们在唱歌黑夜幽谷,歌声回荡那是一个民族的欢呼翻山越岭终见光芒人间困苦都尝遍还有一线希望位泯灭哪怕长夜漆黑太阳也终将升起word controversial kntrv()l adj. 有争议的;有争论的 例:immigration is a con

14、troversial issue in many countries. 移民在很多国家都是一个有争议的问题。 benevolent bnev()l()nt adj. 仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的 例:the company has proved to be a most benevolent employer. 结果证明该公司是一个非常仁慈的雇主。word alias elis n. 别名,化名 adv. 别名叫;化名为 n. (alias)人名;(西)阿利亚斯;(法)阿利亚;(阿尔巴)阿利亚丝 useyouraliasornickname. 用你的化名或昵称。 insufficient nsf()

15、nt adj. 不足的,不充足的 n. 不足 ourschoolhas been reprievedfrominsufficientfinancial resources. 我们学校财力不足的困境现已暂时得到缓解。3summary les miserables is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 pariss street barricade war all wrote is quite real. but the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events. if ran a rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monas


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