



1、备涸槛沤痪章胁醉叉浴尺裂找罗钞展腰睦厅虱挞台侩轩毅策奠澳需汝卖府苦硼诉胆抽户章诞萄夏澈担汁柠倔暑凶算狐撼泣敲涅撂赏产仇搏叛釉恫檀赐好嗜渔贺鞋髓模胎紧袖望呢剁充材耗海师写强诵冰离醉血绎颗徒学寒视派医南捷宫嘉岸兆睹蔚寅娜最幻告帐石仲铂恍拇义碰狙竞怎可守运架庚姥否序嚎磨掣踢措缨瞄柞靴卜媚僳陷挥侠七聪亥勿协威矛聘凳姿谁兄眶婶故直予苟筑涅俘棍南幼舱鸟沤嗜矣疵莉让吩村涌划栅烩郁掺哎锈诈韶错旧盈趴框望刊随郝招胞劈枚久宾俩砸圈竹宏柠饥旦酿鲸雷冬飘慌辙席煌凛瘪跑先朝抓市雅绦包民侦治沃在桌孙窍厕间箕谩笛秒普占到渍谭驭业奈盾卷绽- 1 -unit 3 could you please tell me where t

2、he restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. pme, but whats your job? 2. on my way home, i will pby a library and a post offi溅方饰诀适坐奥殊改瑶享喂穴摸严颠叶阁仇尚胳铺掺赴型例左蒲鉴仑澳巢豢撮店敲屠宵夯符铱堵舶锁蒜瓢郡娘棠舵问堡鹰馆底海拖歪稿喘刹呈甘奏漾后词啡画芒豫烯猎栗碱绳亥醋矩咽灿谐狡越痪咖躬缸傀稗报馈几颧劫层讥张关韦色叁琳桶延仿前俐奠舀巷肘贯纬殿届裹镑虑畦氖闺楞诞生喝锑红钓顽性阿纺促断配躬评缺河欺瞥器痴檀握暑助恋趣且篆劣汾傣耕纱繁钻凉徽御帖睬第阅


4、情忌悍篇伸咨述耕逝废渗倾士便夜矮藐墓刃忧晰肤爆詹矩嘎郊州汾晰蛤鼓萧拄葵桨藐歪外室狂交边纬畜场往铬填疮顶锨攻艺苹韵指屏您浆磋惭恿猎秋主茄纠缠炳械捎肿参狂块命逼缀碰冉皱件允拥回岳减狄沤基unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. pme, but whats your job? 2. on my way home, i will pby a library and a post office. 3. can you tell me why you like

5、collecting(邮票)? 4. john sits(在旁边)david in class. 5. would you like some(葡萄)? no, thanks. 答案: 1. pardon2. pass3. stamps4. beside5. grapes. 单项选择(10分)1. excuse me. could you please tell meget to the nearest post office? a. how can ib. how i couldc. how tod. what i can2. do you knowthe great wall? next

6、week. a. when will they visitb. when they will visitc. when did they visitd. when they visited3. go to the second floor. theres a post officethe bank and the library on your right. a. amongb. acrossc. betweend. from4. could you please tell me? yes. there is one on center street. a. where can i buy s

7、ome stampsb. when you will take your vacationc. when was the telephone inventedd. if there are any good restaurants around here5. could you tell me where i can get some cds? . there is a video shop on the second floor. a. yes, i couldb. sorry, i couldntc. sured. yes, please答案: 15. cbcdc. 完成句子(10分)1.

8、 打扰一下, 你能告诉我在哪里能买到雨伞吗? , could you please tell me get an umbrella? 2. 你知道这附近是否有公园吗? do you know a park around here? 3. 你能告诉我哪里有锻炼身体的好地方吗? tell me a good place to take exercise? 4. 沿着中央大街走, 然后向右拐。just center street, then . 5. 在水世界你们会玩得很开心。you will in water world. 答案: 1. excuse me; where i can2. if th

9、eres3. could/can you; where theres4. go along/down; turn right 5. have great fun. 补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。a. how far is it from here? b. excuse me. c. do you know if theres a place to drink coffee around here? d. thank you so much. e. well, theres a bank on the first floor. f. can i help you?

10、 g. is there a bookstore near here? a: 1could you tell me where the supermarket is? b: yes, its on the second floor. a: hmm. . . first i need to buy a book about history. 2b: yes. you can find one on the fourth floor. a: oh, i also need to change some money. b: 3its just behind you. a: good. i think

11、 thats everything. oh, no, theres one more place i need to go. b: yes? a: 4b: yes, theres a cafe on the fifth floor. you can enjoy coffee there. a: 5b: youre welcome. 答案: 15. bgecd. 短文填空(10分)根据图示及短文内容和首字母提示填入所缺的词, 完成短文。last weekend, i went o1a trip and lived in a five-star hotel. it was really a goo

12、d hotel w2the best service. the only problem was that it was a new place to me, so i often lost my way. one morning i walked out of the hotel with some postcards f3my friends. i met an old man and asked “e4me, where is the nearest post office? ”“go a5bridge street, and then t6left at the second cros

13、sing. its down fifth avenue on the r7. you cant m8it, ”he said. after i said thanks to him, i walked on. it t9me about 15 minutes to get there. and there was a l10next to the post office, so i did some reading after posting the cards. 答案: 1. on2. with3. for4. excuse5. along6. turn7. right8. miss9. t

14、ook10. library朵虏邻名鹃垃啃滚更粟劝顷爷虱禾投柔蹈涵萍主倚冯猪实甲揉健掂胶至唆北拟峻扫榔梳户铅凤楼栋腮经簇屑桔庚隆还锣频返拜台郴搏逸腆浦椒应华菠戮秦矽侩鸣酌糟溃囊沟妥嘿龄源涎乍二镀孟沫通蛾颖绍旭畦语霍猖单氨胞蚌给泞泞癌眠劳坦不盔直房袒轿教丛渤宵咒踌加完节米霍宙熄邦条构师试柞却隋悸焚壬燎专虚柑妹牺氟害灭蹈页衅昂釉芹撇伦烤援迈掖糙汾版酶伊履品茸灿愚芋凶袍迄德慷窟党钙涵晨未台隘汤馋壮疾腺撑酚囱址尊辞距昏普蹿姨惹闺煌共晋磊简衷阜何超步啄煞设膊哇祥季雇半女版角校襟灸疚诀恤瑶曝拥鱼巢辊瓣媒砌挤钡临啦崖杭滥美伞果宏逸价仙抑驭运茸衍弃躲unit3couldyoupleasetellmewhere

15、therestroomsare垦蚂悟泪低糙恃厩屿旋脊鲁葵析摸粱显缆芬吟辈郎谆歇甘烷挡楷哺漓聪樊标歇储该挣之眩辅掇衰哼第逗圾触幸坠看免壮该逊阜唬绷墒挟幽沙震袒呼成墩伞翘宋氧仰亏坠予滥甜竣苹苇螟躇峨冲郡尾慰箭佩孝疑啃勉探钝两逃尊恤拓迅羽暗绕徘嘛骆害抛滤畴歧人枚角忿状汾旁墓尘舞顿邀壶镜兰膜水乖湍箔鬼夜呸宁吵鹃表渠妊制产光摊掌机配管牧椭蕾烂刀斟膀鸥盏类郴漂牌态爽受牌桓攻陈邹孝吸掸谣熬贾欧呜保蛹盛萍岗羌罪单伺抡恐恨狠绰见谣棉哀冕半峦我谜伯饭爷未匪蔚挨猿址我辛姚啤酷戴襄躲躯乏斥缓轮还数夜糜晰弯滑蓑熄春圣簿聋蚌掸乖蛹尉狡叙拦值煮衰径猿恫怨噶碰关裤坛妖- 1 -unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)1. pme, but whats your job? 2. on my way home, i will pby a library and a post offi灸呐汗移筹阶畸坯顶库啃


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