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1、雅思阅读题型讲解雅思阅读题型讲解 2 List of HeadingsZhang JingList of Headings标题对应/段落大意题 雅思阅读中唯一的概括题型 主要考查考生把握文章段落中心思想的能力,是对理解能力要求最高的题型。 题目出在文章前面 题目往往列出数个标题,同时也列出数个段落(大约4-6 段),要求考生从中为每一列出段落配上合适的标题/段意。 出题概率较高,近年小幅下滑。C7T3P2 P69 List of Headingsi The results of the research into blood-variants ii Dental evidenceiii Gre

2、enbergs analysis of the dental and linguistic evidencev Indian migration from Canada to the U.S.A. iv Developments in the methods used to study early population movementsvi Further genetic evidence relating to the three-wave theoryvii Long-standing questions about prehistoric migration to America vi

3、ii Conflicting views of the three-wave theory, based on non-genetic evidence ix Questions about the causes of prehistoric migration to Americax How analysis of blood-variants measures the closeness of the relationship between different populations 14 Section A15 Section B16 Section C17 Section D18 S

4、ection E19 Section F AnswerExample Section G viii 解题思路解题思路1. 主题句思路主题句思路2. 中心词思路中心词思路3. 关系性思路关系性思路解题思路解题思路1. 主题句思路主题句思路 如何辨认段落的主题句?主题句一般有以下三个特点:(1)表达的意思比较概括,相对于其它句子而言,这种概括性更为突出;(3)句法结构比较简洁明了,较少采用长难句的形式;(3)段落中其它的句子必定是用来具体阐述支持或拓展主题句所表述的内容。解题思路解题思路1. 主题句思路主题句思路 如何辨认段落的主题句? 主题句在段落中出现的位置大致有四种情况:一是段首第一句;二是

5、段尾最后一句;三是在段首和段尾同时出现;四是出现在段落的中间。 有统计数据表明,段落的主题句在第一句的可能性超过50%,段落的主题句在第二句的可能性超过20%,段落的主题句在最后一句的可能性超过20%.解题思路解题思路2. 中心词思路中心词思路 中心词思路是指段落中的主题句不明显时,需要阅读整个段落找到整个段落中反复出现的词。 做题时如发现在句子结构上明显找不到可以概括其他句子的一句话,即没有主题句,但发现该段的多句话中都出现了表示一个相同意义的词,那么这个词即为中心词。这个中心词往往和该段的中心有着很大的关系,它应该就是段落主题句的主语。解题思路解题思路3关系性思路关系性思路 关系性思路是指

6、在阅读文章的过程中要能够把握句子与句子之间的方向性关系,即句子之间的起承转合,从而通过句子之间的关系性来判断段落的中心思想。解题思路解题思路3关系性思路关系性思路句子间常见的关系有:(1) 表示前后方向相反 转折(让步)关系:while, but/however/yet, on the other hand, despite, though, otherwise, yet, in spite of, on the contrary, instead, rather, although, even though, whereas, nonetheless 对比关系:more/less than,

7、 unlike, asas, than, compared with, in contrast解题思路解题思路3关系性思路关系性思路(2) 表示前后方向相同 并列关系: A and B, nor nor, first, second, third, similarly, as well as, alternatively/ on the other hand, likewise, like/also 递进关系: moreover, in addition/additionally/besides, not onlybut also, and then/ what is more/further

8、 因果关系: as a result, thus, so, in that case, therefore, consequently, it follows that, admittedly, thereby, eventually, then 顺序关系: fist, second, then, next, finally, at last, in the end, firstly, secondly, for one thing, for another thing解题步骤解题步骤1在题目和段落中划去例题,避免误选。 同时不读例子所在的段落,节约时间。2浏览剩下的headings,对题目做

9、初步了解。不要看一个标题就去找对应的段落,一定要记住关键词再看段落。 浏览时将不符合文章主题的heading直接排除具有下列特征的headings一般不大可能是正确的:(1)带有some一词的选项(2)与其它选项相比,过于具体的选项(3)突显价格之昂贵等过于极端的选项解题步骤解题步骤 浏览的同时划出所有选项的关键词(1) 围绕主概念的词,划出实义名词;(2) 对于多次出现的主概念词或实义名词, 也划上其修饰词,并注意区别;(3) 对相似的选项(twins选项)进行归类和 对比;(4) 注意上升下降的趋势词和正负态度及褒 贬词解题步骤解题步骤3阅读原文,读每段话时,抓住这段话的主题句和核心词汇,

10、寻找同义词,正确答案往往是主题句的改写。 一模一样有问题,稍有变化是正解 work - work (迷惑性) work- operate(同义词)4. 某段话的答案确定后,一定将它的选项从选项列表中划去。解题步骤解题步骤5.如果没有确定,再次返回浏览段落。 如果段落比较短,一般需要浏览全段,推测段意 ; 如果段落很长,则直接再次浏览首二末句 要注意频繁在段落中出现的名词解题注意事项解题注意事项1一般应先完成此题型,除非文章特别难,可以在完成细节题后再完成此题。2如果答案不确定,先将可能正确的选项全部选出。3. 带有具体人名、地名的选项尽量不选 (除非整篇文章是在介绍某个人物或某个地方)。4.

11、作为干扰项出现的常常是段落中提到的细节,但我们要找的是段落的主旨。这更说明做这种题时要抓住段落的主题句,而不是整个段落全看。否则,特别容易受到干扰项的误导。关于主题句我们应该注意如下几点:解题注意事项解题注意事项(1) 如果主题句是复合句,应重点看主句部分(2) 如果主题句中有show ,suggest,argue,believe,doubt,assert 等表明观点的词,应重点看其后的宾语从句。(3) 如果主题句是not only, but also句型,应重点看but also 后面的部分。(4)多注意but,yet,however,so, thus后面的部分(5) 多注意冒号和分号后面的

12、内容,真正的主题句可能在它们后面(6)问句通常不会是主题句解题注意事项解题注意事项(5) 举例子的句子不会是主题句(6) 正确答案一般是主题句的改写,与主题句中某些词特别一致的选项一般不会是正确答案(可能只是细节)。(7) 如果需要阅读整个段落,应重点阅读该段落中的重点词句。如果阅读整个段落有困难,应重点阅读段落中出现的:反复出现的词;引号里的词;斜体字;括号里的词;黑体字等。快速解题技巧快速解题技巧与首段对应的heading中的关键名词: introduction 简介 definition 定义 overview 概述 concept 概念 notion 概念 essence 核心 vie

13、w 观点 explanation 解释 misconception 误解 main idea主旨 orientation 启动;方向 cause/reason 起因(前三段) incentive 起因名词+of +文章主题快速解题技巧快速解题技巧与末段对应的heading中的关键名词: consequence 后果 result 结果 aftermath 后果 effect 效果,影响 impact 影响 influence 影响 future 将来 long-term 长期 prospect 憧憬;前景 prediction 预测 challenge 挑战 conclusion 结论 sum

14、mary 总结 generalization归纳,概论名词+of +文章主题快速解题技巧快速解题技巧 heading中的时间词一般对应段落中的具体时间点,段落中时间词集中,如: early further final 次序,past,future,long-term,firstly,secondly等 heading中的数据词一般对应段落中的具体数据,如统计类词:data,figure,calculation,demographics,statistic;百分比词:rate,percent,ratio,percentage,proportion heading中的金钱词一般对应段落中的数字和金

15、钱符号,金钱指示词如:wage,income,budget,cost,expense,expenditure,revenue等快速解题技巧快速解题技巧题中题中 文中文中future 2046past 1984statistics / demographics 40%salary 400$ fundingfinancialeconomicsbusinesspension 养老金subsidy 津贴C7T3P2 P69 List of Headingsi The results of the research into blood-variants ii Dental evidenceiii Gr

16、eenbergs analysis of the dental and linguistic evidencev Indian migration from Canada to the U.S.A. iv Developments in the methods used to study early population movementsvi Further genetic evidence relating to the three-wave theoryvii Long-standing questions about prehistoric migration to America v

17、iii Conflicting views of the three-wave theory, based on non-genetic evidence ix Questions about the causes of prehistoric migration to Americax How analysis of blood-variants measures the closeness of the relationship between different populations 14 Section A15 Section B16 Section C17 Section D18

18、Section E19 Section F AnswerExample Section G viii B Recent work on the problem of when people first entered the Americas is an example of the value of these new techniques. North-east Asia and Siberia have long been accepted as the launching ground for the first human colonisers of the New World1.

19、But was there one major wave of migration across the Bering Strait into the Americas, or several? And when did this event, or events, take place? In recent years, new clues have come from research into genetics, including the distribution of genetic markers in modern Native Americans List of Heading

20、si The results of the research into blood-variants ii Dental evidenceiii Greenbergs analysis of the dental and linguistic evidencev Indian migration from Canada to the U.S.A. iv Developments in the methods used to study early population movementsvi Further genetic evidence relating to the three-wave

21、 theoryvii Long-standing questions about prehistoric migration to America viii Conflicting views of the three-wave theory, based on non-genetic evidence ix Questions about the causes of prehistoric migration to Americax How analysis of blood-variants measures the closeness of the relationship betwee

22、n different populations F There are two other kinds of research that have thrown some light on the origins of the Native American population; they involve the study of teeth and of languages. The biological anthropologist Christy Turner is an expert in the analysis of changing physical characteristi

23、cs in human teeth. He argues that tooth crowns and roots have a high genetic component, minimally affected by environmental and other factors. Studies carried out by Turner of many thousands of New and Old World specimens, both ancient and modern, suggest that the majority of prehistoric Americans are linked to Northern Asian populations by crown and root traits such as incisor6shoveling (a scooping out on on


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