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1、国家开放大学管理英语1边学边练参考答案unit 1 introducing oneselflistening and speaking 1边学边练听了我们的对话,请回想一下,该如何介绍自己或者他人呢?请将正确的选项选出来。1. used to introduce yourselfa. i want to introduce . to youb. hello, my name is.c. let me introduce. to you.d. hi, i'm.e. this is.f. i'd like you to meet.g. i come from.h. i am fro

2、m .2. used to introduce othersa. hi, i'm.b. i am from .c. this is.d. let me introduce. to you.e. hello, my name is.f. i come from.g. i want to introduce . to youh. i'd like you to meet.listening and speaking 2边学边练听一听george和melinda关于办公室主要工作的谈话,看看你对他们的谈 话了解了多少。1. which department is mike from?

3、a. the training center.b. the administration department.c. the marketing department.2. how long has mike worked here?a. for 3 years.b. for 5 years.c. for 4 years.3. what is the working atmosphere like in the company?a. it's very nervous.b. it*s very friendly.c. it's very exciting.4. who is t

4、he newcomer in the company?a. marry brown.b. melinda smith.c. mike brown.5. where does the conversation take place?a. in the office.b. in the hotel.c. in the tea room.reading 1边学边练学习了前面的短文,你来判断下面的描述对不对。1. nobody expects you to know everything on the first day at work. ( v )2. you're new, so you

5、shouldn't ask any questions. ( x )3. you should be friendly to both your co-workers and boss. ( j )4.it's not polite to learn about the interests of your co-workers. ( x )5. you can leave your office as quickly as you can at the end of the day. ( x )6. 再看一遍短文,归纳总结档案管理技巧。co-workersrumorsposit

6、iveafraidcomplainfriendlydon't be (afraid) to ask a lot of questions. be (friendly) to everyone you meet. use your lunch hours to get to know your (co-workers) and their interests. pay attention to the (rumors) , but don't join them. don't (complain) about your boss, any co-workers, or t

7、he job you did before. keep a (positive) attitude and an open mind.reading 2边学边练听一听george和melinda关于办公室主要工作的谈话,看看你对他们的谈 话了解了多少。l. which of the following statements about the significance of handshakes is not true?a. handshakes are more than a way of greeting.b. handshakes are just a gesture of greeti

8、ng.c. handshakes can show our personality.2.if you are seated when someone comes for a handshake, you should.a. stand up and shake his or her hand.b. bow and say hello to him or herc. keep seated and shake his or her hand.3. keeping eye contact while shaking hands makes the other person feel.a. nerv

9、ousb. comfortablec. afraid4. how long does a handshake usually last?a. 3 minutes.b. as long as the conversation lasts.c. 2-3 seconds.5. which of the following can best describe a proper handshake?a. brief and firm.b. brief and strong.c. brief and soft.6. 刚才的短文,其中的句子你知道是什么意思吗?试着将下列短语进行相应匹配。make sure

10、(确保)a good first impression (良好的第一印象)eye contact (目光交流)shaking hands manners (握手礼仪)a way of greeting (问候的方式)writing学习了上面的内容,试着根据已有材料写一篇自我介绍吧。you are melinda smith. you just graduated from dalian university of technology last july. you are now working in the human resources department.in your free ti

11、me, you enjoy skiing and snowboarding (滑雪).etc.参考答案:dear professor li:thank you for your attention.km writing to introduce myself to you.i'm melinda smith, now working in the human resources department ,1 just graduated from dalian university of technology last july. in my free time,! enjoy skii

12、ng and snowboarding. etc.thank you for reading my email.best regards,mary brownunit 2 describing jobslistening and speaking 1边学边练听一听george和melinda关于办公室主要工作的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。1. the purpose of this dialog is to.a. introduce the main jobs to melindab. introduce melinda to her colleaguec. receive visit

13、ors2. melinda isa. a new employee of the departmentb. the secretary of the departmentc. the director of the department3.is not a responsibility of the department.a. publishing informationb. receiving visitorsc. giving presentations4. what does melinda think of her new job?a. the workload is heavy.b.

14、 she can't handle these jobs at one time.c. the work is easy.5. what should melinda do if she has any questions at work?a. seek help from the colleagues in the department.b. ignore the questions.c. work it out by herself.reading 1短文听读复习一下刚才学习过的材料,看看能不能找出文中下列单词和短语的近义词。2. staff (employee)1. introd

15、uction (description)3. duty (responsibispanty)4. determine (decide)5. job hunter (job seeker)6. working environment (working condition)7. plenty of (a lot of)8. seek for (look for)边学边练学习了如何描述工作要求,下面请你来判断以下的说法对不对。1. a job description is an employment advertisement. ( x )2. companies often have job fa

16、irs when they want to recruit new employees. ( x )3. a job hunter will read the job description first when hunting for a job. ( j )4. a job description should include a lot of information. ( j )5. a job description is the only standard to test whether job seekers should apply for the job. ( x )6. al

17、l job seekers go to the company to get job o ( x )reading 2边学边练你真的了解如何求职了吗?我们来检验一下。1. generally speaking, how long does a job search take?a. more than 3 weeks.b. half a year.c. more than 3 months.2. how many steps do you have to prepare for the job search?a. three steps.b. five steps.c. only one ste

18、p.3. what is the first step in the job search?a. think about your personal goal.b. think about your financial goal.c. think about your career goal.4. which one does not belong to the career goal?a. i always put my work prior to my life.b. i would like to be promoted to chief editor in next five year

19、s.c. i prefer to live in the country.5. comparing the personal goals to the career goals is to .a. help you find better jobsb. decide which goals are easier to achievec. make you understand what you really wantwriting请将下图的名片翻译成英文。(外事处)binhai municipal government(李亚楠博士)(副处长/英文翻译)(地址:滨海市北京街10号)fax:041

20、1-2655xxxxtel:0411-2655xxxxe-mail:lyn000在下面空格处填写答案即可。(foreign affairs section )binhai municipal government(li ya'nan phd)(deputy chief/english interpreter)(address:no.10,beijing street,binhai city)fax:0411-2655xxxxtel:0411-2655xxxxe-mail:lyn000 unit 3 making planslistening and speaking 1边学边练听了我们

21、的对话,咱们来看看你对它了解了多少?快来辨别下真假!1. they will sell the books in a supermarket next month. ( x )2. menglin publishing house has been engaged in charity work for many years.(v)3.it is not decided when and where the sale will be held. ( j )4. george will make a plan for the book sale with melinda together. (

22、x )5. george asks melinda to hand in the plan next week. ( x )reading 1边学边练选词填空。plan perfect favors victory failsun li studies in the open university of jiangxi as a part-time student. she meets another student, henry wang, on campus.1. by failing to prepare, you are preparing to (fail)(不做准备,就是在准备 失

23、败)2. to be prepared is half the (victory).(做好准备是成功的一半)3. chance (favors) the prepared mind.(机会总是留给有准备的人)4. a good plan today is better than a (perfect) plan tomorrow.(今日好计戈u月生 过明日完美计划)5. plan your work for today and every day, then work your (plan).(做好每天 的计划,并执行计划)reading 2边学边练怎么样,学习完短文,这些问题你有答案了么?1

24、. no matter what projects you do, you need to have.a. a safe and complicated action plan.b. a simple and rough action plan.c. a clear and detailed action plan.2. according to the passage, smart stands for.a. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timedb. specific, measurable, achievable, r

25、elevant, and timed.c. suitable, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timed.3. according to the passage, what's the meaning of “ hidden ” ? (line 2 , para. 3)a. not easy to notice or discover.b. mysterious.c. secret.4. after you share the plan with the team, the following step is to.a. break lar

26、ge tasks into small ones.b. take daily action and make sure everyone is doing their part.c. set deadlines for each task.5.if unexpected events stop you from finishing your tasks, you should.a. give up on the goals.b. be clear about very important events.c. change your plan and continue working.学完前面的

27、短文,试着把下面正确的选项连接起来吧。be clear about (to know something very clearly)end up (to finish at a certain place)prevent. from . (to make something impossible for someone to do it) do one's part (do one's duty)break . into . (to divide something into smaller parts)take action (to do something)make sur

28、e (to check something and be certain about it)writing学习了上面的内容,试着根据已有材料写一篇会议通知吧。通知行政办公室邀请健康委员会(health and safety council)的教授john tailor 来公司开设讲座。内容:如何进行急救护理(first aid)时间:3月22日下午3: 004: 30地点:大礼堂参加者:全体员工参考答案:mar. 22th,2021dear all employees,the executive office invited john tailor, a professor at the he

29、alth and safety council, to give a talk, you are requested to attend the" how to give first aictin thegreat hall at 3:00一4:30 mar.22th.the executive officeunit 4 receiving visitorslistening and speaking 1边学边练听完了对话,试着回答下面的几个问题吧。1. where is melinda from?a. she is from qiaoxiang calling center.b.

30、she is from qiaoxiang community center.c. she is from qiaoxiang communication center.2. why does melinda make the call?a. because melinda wants to invite ashley to discuss something.b. because melinda wants to make friends with ashley.c. because melinda wants to invite ashley to a party.3. does ashl

31、ey have any plans for tomorrow morning?a. yes.b. not mentioned.c. no.4. when are they going to meet?a. at 9 : 00 a.m.b. at 10 : 00 a.m.c. at 8 : 00 a.m.5. where are they going to meet?a. at melinda's office.b. at ashley's office.c. not mentioned.listening and speaking 2边学边练将下列短语进行相应匹配。make s

32、ure you are properly dressed.(确保着装得体)respect the visitor's space, but lean in slightly.(为客人留有空间,身体略向前倾)a firm handshake with eye contact helps to build trust.(坚定有力的握手和目 光交流有助于建立信任)give the visitor a warm and genuine smile.(给客人一 温暖和诚恳的微笑)keep the pace of your conversation unhurried,(保持从容不迫地交谈)听了我

33、们的对话,你记住其中的细节了么?试着判断下面的说法对不对。1. the visitor is from the menglin publishing house. ( v )2. the visitor has an appointment with helen. ( x )3. melinda offers the visitor a cup of tea. ( x )4. they are going to hold a director's meeting.(")5. they hope they could have a good cooperation. ( j )

34、reading 1边学边练在机场接待客人有很多注意事项,把下面对应的句子和词汇对应起来吧。airport (机场)(the act of travelling from one place to another)luggage (行李)(go or travel along with )gender (性另u) (the action of registering one's presence)schedule (日程安排)(the act of arriving at a certain place)arrival (至lj达)(the bags that you take with

35、 you when travel)check-in (登i己)(the state of being male orfemale)accompany (陪伴)(a plan of what someone is going to do and when they are going to do it)journey (旅行)(a place where aircraft land and take off)学习了前面的短文,你来判断下面的描述对不对。l. when making introductions, you should introduce those who are in your

36、organization first. ( x )2. the introduction is usually followed by a brief and firm handshake. ( v )3.it is not friendly to ask about the visitor's journey. ( x )4.if you want to be more friendly and helpful, you'd better help carry the luggage. ( v )5. you should discuss the schedule with

37、the visitors before they've settled down.(x)reading 2边学边练怎么样,学习完短文,这些问题你有答案了么?1. what's the purpose of writing a letter of invitation?a. to inform people what is happening.b. to tell the receivers the details of the coming events.c. to invite people for a business event or personal parties.2

38、. the letter of invitation should be.a. easyb. clearc. long3. which of the following is not included in a letter of invitation?a. place.b. weather.c. purpose.4. why should we send the letter of invitation in advance?a. because the receiver will need it to make decision.b. because the invitation is i

39、mportant.c. because the receiver will forget to come to the event.5.if unexpected events stop you from finishing your tasks, you should.a. the letter usually begins with dear " followed by the receiver's name or title.b. the sender should clearly tell the receiver the reasons for the activi

40、ty.c. it is not necessary to tell the receiver how to get to the place.writing学习了上面的内容,试着根据已有材料写一篇邀请函吧。邀请人:侨香社区中心主任peter bush受邀人:梦林出版社总经理taylor clinton活动主题:参加慈善书籍捐赠签字仪式活动时间:2016年7月5日(星期六)9 : 00活动地点:深圳喜来登酒店会议大厅(1)invitation25 june, 2016dear (taylor clinton, general manager)we have pleasure in invitin

41、g you to (attend the charity book donation signing ceremony) .it will take place at (conference hall (1) of the sheraton shenzhen hotel at (9:00 o'clock) on (saturday, july 5, 2016)we would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.yours sincerely,(peter

42、bush)director of qiaoxiang community centerunit 5 organizing meetingslistening and speaking 1会话演练听了我们的对话,试着把下面的信息补充完整吧。date: (tuesday afternoon, octoberl6th)time: (3:00 p.m.)place: (conference room 204)subject: menglin publishing house book donationactivities:(welcome speech) by the director of qiao

43、xiang community center(presentation) by the manager of menglin publishing house discussion of detailsadjournmentlistening and speaking 2会话演练会议上的每个人都有自己的职责,你能分清吗?做一下下面的匹配题吧。chairperson time keeper minutes taker speaker meeting keepermeeting participant1. (minutes taker) a person who records ideas and

44、 decisions as made by the members.2. (meeting keeper) a person who organizes meeting service and other details.3. (chairperson) a person who takes the leadership role and controls the meeting.4. (speaker) a person who prepares and gives a speech during the meeting.5. (meeting participant) a person w

45、ho takes part in discussions.6. (time keepera) a person who measures time with a clock.reading 1边学边练学习了前面的短文,来判断下面的描述对不对。1. you need not think too much before you prepare for a meeting. ( x )2. that the meeting room should not be too large for holding a small group. ( v )3. all types of meetings sho

46、uld place tables into a circle or square. ( x )4. before the meeting you should prepare some office supplies and drinks according to the types of meetings. ( j )5. a speaker is supposed to take his or her computer so you need not consider other equipment. ( x )6. when holding an important or a big m

47、eeting, you needn't consider money at all. (x)前面的短文我们学完了,那你知道下面这些划线单词的词性么,快来做一下。7. make sure there is enough room to seat everyone in the meeting.a. nounb. verb8.in the bus, a man offered his seat to an old lady with a huge bag.a. verbb. noun9.a discussion meeting should place tables into a circ

48、le or square, so that everyone can see each other.a. nounb. verb10.1 found a place to park my car.a. nounb. verb11. the type of meeting will also help determine what other things need to be prepared, such as pens, notebooks, snacks, coffee and water.a. verbb. noun12. you also need to consider the eq

49、uipment needs of the meeting.a. nounb. verb13. you can start to look for a meeting place that can meet all your requirements.a. verbb. noun14. you need to determine if you are going to the sports meet tomorrow.a. verbb. nounreading 2短文听读skills:如何举行有效会议。要想使举行的会议有效,就要准确规划会前、会中和会后的工作事项,下面 列举出来一些会议的常见事项

50、,请你按类别选择一下吧。a. set a clear goal for the meeting with the chairperson.b. take meeting notes.c. select the date, time, place and people who will attend the meeting.d. give out the notes of the meeting.e. send out the agenda to the participants in advance.f. correct the notes according to the superviso

51、r' s opinions.g. test the equipment to be used at the meeting.h. serve snacks or drinks to create a relaxing atmosphere.stages of a meeting1. before a meeting: (aceg)2. during a meeting: (bh)3. after a meeting: (df)边学边练怎么样,学习完短文,这些问题你有答案了么?l. most meetings are sometimes thought to be.a. killing

52、time and uninterestingb. solving many problemsc. discussing important matters2.in order to have a successful meeting, the organizer shouldfirst.a. assign different roles to different peopleb. look up a reference bookc. prepare pens, notebooks, drinks3. when you are in charge of a meeting, you should

53、 do the following things excepta. considering anything that needs to be argued aboutb. only discussing things listed on the agendac. knowing what you are talking about4. which of the following statements is true according to the passage?a. it's not necessary for the organizer to thank the partic

54、ipants.b. the organizer should be open to the participants'opinions.c. when the meeting is closed, it means there is nothing to do in the following weeks.5. the best title for the passage is.a. how to run an effective meetingb. steps of organizing a meetingc. how to organize a discussion meeting

55、writing根据我上面介绍会议记录的要点,你也根据信息仿写一个吧。周会时间:2016年11月9日(星期一)上午9 : 00 10 : 00 周会地点:会议室201出席人员:全体工作人员主持人:peter bush主任记录人:melinda周会内容:1. 社区中心财务主管做社区中心上月财务报告。2. 社区中心行政事务主管做购置空调设备说明。3. 由 tom anderson 接替 mark brow 的工作。4. 讨论社区接下来的工作:健康讲座、日常危险防范、社区志愿者服务。qiaoxiang communityminutes of (weekly meeting)time: ( monday

56、,november 9th, 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m )place: (conference room 201)present: (all of the staff )absent: nonethe minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.old business(none)new business the chief of finance presented the community financial report of last month. (the chief of administration pres

57、ented the explanation of buying new air conditioners) (tom anderson will be in charge of mark brow's job)he retired after 25 years of service to the community. the whole staff expressed their deep appreciation and best wishes to him.next meetingthe next meeting will be held at 9 : 00 a.m. on monday, nov. 16 th, an


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