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1、Attending Surveyor Handling/Report Procedure现场检验员操作和报告规程IndexPage No.1. Scope 范围 22. Draft Survey 水尺计重 23. Weighing or random/check Weighing衡重和随机/抽检重量 44. Tally理货 65. Supervision of container unloading 集装箱的监卸 66. Supervision of the vessel discharging船舶的监卸 77. Supervision of container stuffing集装箱的监装

2、88. Supervision of the vessel loading船舶的监装 99. Manual sampling人工取样 1110. Sample preparation制样 14Attached document附相关表格Page No.1. Moisture Determination Record. 测量水份计算表 322. Outturn weight. 按每批加权平均计算表 333. ISO standard Scoop. ISO标准取制样铲尺寸 344. International Sieve. 国际标准筛网对照表 355. Calculation of Proport

3、ion. 明金属比例计算表 376. Melting of Metallic Material Record. 金属熔锭重量记录 381. Scope 范围- This procedure specifies how to report to the handling office when attending surveyors are performing the inspection at the location of the inspection. The main job is including daily report and Final Inspection Report a

4、fter completion of the inspection.这个规程是现场检验员在现场如何操作和报告给办公室, 主要工作是包括汇报每天的工作进展和检验完毕后递交最终检验报告.- The inspectors should carefully read the work instruction and know inspection scope in details before to perform the inspection.在检验工作之前, 检验员必须认真, 仔细阅读工作指令单上的具体内容和明确知道检验工作的内容.- Attending surveyor should prepa

5、re all related the equipments and documents in accordance with work instruction.检验员必须按工作指令单的内容准备相关工具和资料.- During inspection, attending surveyors should report irregular situation if have at the location of the inspection to handling office (handling T/C for this file, section head or line manger) on

6、 the time.检验过程中, 现场检验员如发现一切异常情况必须在现场第一时间报告办公室具体负责的协调员, 主管或操作经理.- Daily report should be sent handling office before noon time of the working day or phone call to report in details if attending surveyors have no enough times to prepare when inspection is started.现场检验员每天中午前报告工作进展, 如没时间写报告可以电话通知. - Fin

7、al inspection report should be prepared by attending surveyor within 24 hours after completion of the inspection and sent to handling office on time including photos.最终检验报告和现场照片必须在检验工作完成后24小时交办公室.2. Draft Survey 水尺计重 The total discharged or loaded quantity should be determined by initial and final d

8、raft survey in accordance with the vessel displacement in attendance of the SGS surveyor, local CIQ/CCIC surveyor, vessel chief officer and other relevant parties.SGS检验员, 本地商检局/商检公司, 船舶大副或其他检验机构对根据船舶轻, 重排水量计算出装, 卸货物的重量.The survey must be conducted meticulously, taking into account all the prevailing

9、 circumstances. The draft survey consist of the “initial” and “final” surveys, which determine, by measurement, calculation of the vessels displacement before and after loading or discharging. The difference between these two displacements is the weight of cargo discharged/loaded.现场检验员根据现场情况, 必须一丝不苟

10、对船舶的初始和最终船舶状态进行观察, 测量和计算得出装卸货的重量.2.1 Equipment used for draft survey 水尺计重通常使用的工具:- A certified draft survey hydrometer. 检测合格的密度计.- Calibrated sounding tape.检测合格的量水尺.- Water finding paste.量水膏.- A powerful hand torch or flash light for draft reading at night time if possible.可能的话备照明灯或手电以备夜间用.- Calcula

11、tor / computer.计算器或计算机. 2.2 In initial draft survey在做初水尺注意事项:- Identify the vessel and confirm the cargo quantity of Bill of Lading. 与船方确认装船数量和卸货提单重量.- Obtain the vessel constant at loading port or previous voyage from vessel chief officer and report to the handing office on time if it is any discre

12、pancy when you found.与船方了解装港或前几个航次船舶常数. 如与初尺结果差异很大应立即报告办公室.- Obtain the copy of the ships particular, cargo stowage plan, bilge water tank record of voyage. Proposed discharging/loading sequence and other required documents if any.须船方复印船舶规范, 积载/配载图, 本航次污水仓记录, 装/卸货次序和其他相关文件.- Identify the position an

13、d name of all deductible liquid tanks from chief officer.要求船方大付提供所有压载水舱/淡水舱名字和位置.- Identify the displacement table, ballast water sounding table of the vessel and confirm that it is within the period of validity.确认船舶排水量表, 压载水舱和谈水舱表是否有效.- Copy, record and photo the main data of displacement table at

14、one meter intervals if possible.可能的话复印或拍照船舶排水量表上平均吃水上下一米的主要数据.- Others if any 如有其他注意事项.2.3 Conduct draft survey 水尺计重过程:- Read the draft mark at six (6) side of vessels in attendance of SGS surveyor, chief officer, Local CIQ/CCIC surveyor and other relevant parties if any. Record the draft reading fi

15、gures.SGS检验员, 船方大付, 本地商检局/商检公司或有关检验机构观察船舶六面吃水并记录. - Sounding of all the ballast tanks and fresh water tanks using a calibrated sounding tape. Record the original figure in deductible weights.用检测合格的量水尺对所有压载水舱, 淡水舱测深. 记录原始的扣除重量.- Collect a representative sea water sample which was from half deep of th

16、e quarter mean draft to record the density using a calibrated hydrometer.提取位于一半平均吃水, 具代表水样, 用检测合格的密度计测量密度.- As a general rule, the quantity of fuel oil, diesel and lubricating oil is to be provided by chief engineer of vessel without further verification.通常用船方轮机长提供的轻, 重燃油数量来计算.- Calculation is based

17、 on the provided hydrostatic tables.用船方提供的排水量表进行计算.- Release the draft survey report to the vessel for their confirmation after final draft survey.水尺计重结束后出具水尺报告交于船方确认.- Report to the handling office including the draft survey report, etc.报告给办公室包括水尺报告等资料.- Others if any如有其他注意事项.Note: Sea condition of

18、 the draft reading in initial and final should be well and normal less than 30 cm on the water surface. 注意: 初/末看水吃时, 通常水面波动应小于30厘米.3. Weighing or random/check Weighing衡重和随机/抽检重量.- Used weigh-bridge or scale for weighing should be calibrated within the period of validity. Copy or to take the photos o

19、f the calibration certificate of the weigh-bridge or scale.所用衡重地磅和秤必须检测合格并在有效期内. 复印或对检测合格证拍照.- Before using, checked the weigh-bridge or scale working condition (use standard test weights if available)可能的话, 衡重前用标准砝码对磅称进行校验.- Adjust the weigh-bridge or scale in zero and then make sure itself is in le

20、vel condition, clean.衡重用磅秤须校正零位使之处于良好工作状态, 清洁干净. - Record the type, brand and producer of the weigh-bridge or scale.记录所用衡重磅秤的型号, 规格和生产厂家.- For trucks/railway wagons weighing should be weighed across same time, for gross and tare. Record all weight figures, trucks/railway wagons number and times.卡车和火

21、车皮衡重时, 须计录轻/重车, 衡重时间, 重量结果和车号.- Railway wagons should not be weighed on the trot (while moving).火车皮衡重时须出静态结果.- It is recommended that the driver should be out of the motor cabin on each weighing operation.每次卡车衡重时, 司机须离开驾驶室.- For jumbo bags weighing, considering the carried material in tare weight su

22、ch as handing sling, wooden pallet, W.P.P jumbo bag or others.吨袋衡重时, 须考虑提吨袋索具的重量如吊索, 木托板, 吨袋和其他物品. - Supervision of weighing whole process and record all weighing results on weight list.全程监督衡重全部过程并记录重量结果.- Take the pictures during the whole process, showing:整个过程须拍照, 通常显示:View of the weighing place w

23、hich is including weighbridge or scale.衡重磅秤的地点.Zero adjustment of the weigh-bridge or scale.衡重磅秤零位的矫正.Package/truck of the cargo weighed on weigh-bridge or scale (show the reading on the picture if possible).可能的话照片应显示衡重时车载的货物, 包装.Note: Random or check weighing only used for constant weight of the pa

24、ckage. If the weight of the package is more or less the 0.2 % 0.3 %, can not be calculated the total cargo weight base on random or check weighing figure.注意: 随机/抽检重量仅适用于定量重的包装货物. 如包装货物的重量差大于0. 2% - 0.3 % 本身重量. 本方法不能用于根据随机/抽检重量来推算出整票货的重量. - Others if any.如有其他注意事项.4. Tally理货- Tally means to account th

25、e No. of the package of the cargo during movement - Loading and discharging of the vessel, stuffing and unloading of the container, etc.理货是指包装货物在货物移动过程中(如船舶的装/卸和集装箱的装/卸)点数. - Recorded the No. of the package per shifting per cargo holds for the vessel, container No., size, type for container stuffing

26、 or unloading.应记录船舶的装/卸货物过程中每舱口, 每工班的件数. 集装箱装/卸应记录箱号, 尺寸和箱型.- Copy or take the photos for COSTACO certificate, tally report, daily sheets per shifting on the time if possible during vessel loading and discharging.复印或对理货证明, 理货报告拍照. 在船舶的装/卸货物过程中及时拿到理货日报表并记录.- Others if any.如有其他事项.5. Supervision of con

27、tainer unloading 集装箱的监卸- Before container opening, take the pictures for full sealed container, check the container condition, record the container No., size, type and seal No.开箱前, 须对加封集装箱拍照, 检查集装箱外观状况, 记录箱号, 尺寸和封号.- Take the photos when opened the container door before unloading.开箱后, 卸货前须对集装箱拍照. -

28、Account the No. of the package of the cargo during container unloading and take the pictures in half discharged container.卸货中清点卸货包数并对卸完半箱货集装箱拍照.- Take the photos after completion of the discharging in empty container, also closed one right side door which was including container No.卸货完后对空箱拍照并对关上右门(显

29、示箱号的门)拍照.- Record the No. of the package and take the photos for the damaged the cargo in container if any.记录卸货过程中如有残损货物, 并对残损货物在箱内的情况拍照.- After container unloading, all cargo should be inspected. Our surveyor should check packing, marking, cargo condition (Heat / Batch / Lot / Production No.), Logo

30、 etc, also take the photos for the cargo.货物卸完后, 对货物进行检验/检查/记录-包括货物的包装, 唛头, 货物状况(炉号, 批号和生产编号), 标志等.- Others if any.如有其他注意事项.6. Supervision of the vessel discharging船舶的监卸6.1 Vessel time Log记录船舶在港时间:- Vessel arrive anchorage船舶抵锚地时间.- Pilot on board ( P.O.B) 引水员上船时间.- First line ashore第一根缆绳上岸时间.- All fa

31、st and secured the Pier No.靠妥码头泊位时间.- Clean Custom边防/检验检疫通过时间.- Initial draft survey if any做初水尺时间.- Open hatches开舱盖时间.- Commence discharging开始卸货时间.- Weighing commenced if any开始衡重时间.- Completed discharging卸完货时间.- Weighing completed if any衡重完毕时间.- Final draft survey if any做末水尺时间.- Estimated time of de

32、parture (ETD) or sailing time预计离港/开航时间.- Record weather condition during whole discharging operation prior记录整个卸货过程的天气现象.- Others if any如有其他注意事项.6.2 Copy of related documents from the vessel从船方复印相关资料:- Copy of the vessel particular船舶规范- Copy of the Cargo plan积载图- Copy of manifest or Bill of lading if

33、 any舱(关)单和提单- Copy of the tally sheet for the package material only if any对包装货的理货资料.- Copy of the Notice of Readiness if any (N.O.R)装卸就绪通知书. - Copy of the Statement of Fact (S.O.F)船舶在港事实记录- Others if any如有其他注意事项. 6.3 Discharging operation卸货过程:- Number of the cargo holds to store the material.几个货舱堆积所

34、卸的货.- The cargo stowed condition before discharging and cargo condition during discharging.卸货前货物的堆积状况和卸货过程中的货物状况.- If the cargo is gone to be directly discharged to the opening area at the pier, the quayside should be seen to be properly dry and clean without any foreign matter and residue / remnant

35、s of previous cargoes.如货物直接卸在船边码头上, 码头边场地须干燥, 清洁, 无杂物或以前堆放的残留货物.- Method of discharging how to discharge the material - manipulation.卸货方法, 怎样卸货和整个卸货过程.- Pay more attention spillage material and remained cargo on board in cargo holds or on the deck.特别注意洒漏货物以及遗漏在船舱和甲板的货物.- The empty cargo holds inspec

36、tion after completion of discharging.卸完货的舱须检查. - Others if any如有其他注意事项.6.4 The photos should be taken to reflect all procedures of the inspection as well as cargo condition, discharging operation and material delivery, etc. Normally it includes:须拍反映整个检验过程, 卸货过程和货物装运过程的照片, 通常包括:- Vessel at pier condi

37、tion 船靠码头情形.- Cargo stowed condition in cargo holds before commenced discharging卸货前货物堆放舱内情形.- Cargo condition during discharging货物在卸过程中的情形.- Cargo stowage condition at opening area yard after completion of discharging.卸货后货物的堆放情形.- Seal No. of the package if any注意包装货有无封号.- Marks on the package and pa

38、cking condition包装货唛头, 包装情况.- Cargo handling procedure (discharging operation, cargo delivery, packing/unpacking operation, etc)装/卸货物的过程 (卸货过程, 货物的转运, 灌包和拆包).- Weather condition during whole discharging operation记录整个卸货过程的天气现象.- Other if any如有其他注意事项. 7. Supervision of container stuffing集装箱的监装- Before

39、container stuffing, all loaded cargo should be inspected. Our surveyor should check packing, marking, cargo condition (Heat / Batch / Lot / Production No.), Logo etc, also take the photos for the cargo.装箱前, 对要装货物须检验. 检验内容包括-货物的包装, 唛头, 货物状况(炉号, 批号和生产编号), 标志等. - Before container stuffing, take the pho

40、tos for empty container, check the container condition, record the container No., size, type and rejected any damaged container or unclear container for cargo stuffing.装箱前, 空箱须拍照, 检验, 记录箱号, 尺寸, 箱型. 拒绝坏箱和不清洁/不干净集装箱装货.- Account the No. of the package of the cargo during container stuffing and take the

41、 photos in half loaded cargo in container.装箱过程中须清点货物件数, 对装半箱货物拍照. - Record the No. of the package which was loaded into the containers.记录装入箱内的货物件数.- Take the photos after completion of stuffing in full container, also closed one right side door which was including container No.装箱完后, 对整个箱拍照, 包括关上右门(显

42、示箱号的门)拍照.- Take the photos for the damaged the cargo, rejected damaged cargo to stuff into the container and report to handling office on time if any.对残损货物要拍照, 拒绝残损货物装入箱内并及时报告办公室.- Others if any如有其他注意事项.8. Supervision of the vessel loading船舶的监装8.1 Vessel time Log:- Vessel arrive anchorage船舶抵锚地时间.- P

43、ilot on board ( P.O.B) 引水员上船时间.- First line ashore第一根缆绳上岸时间.- All fast and secured the Pier No. 靠妥码头泊位时间.- Clean Custom边防/检验检疫通过时间.- Initial draft survey if any做初水尺时间.- Open hatches开舱盖时间.- Weighing commenced if any开始衡重时间.- Commence loading开始装货时间.- Weighing completed if any衡重完毕时间.- Completed loading装

44、完货时间.- Final draft survey if any做末水尺时间.- Estimated time of departure (ETD) or sailing time预计离港/开航时间.- Record weather condition during whole loading operation prior记录整个装货过程的天气现象.- Others if any如有其他注意事项.8.2 Copy of related documents from the vessel:- Copy of the vessel particular船舶规范.- Copy of the Car

45、go plan配载图.- Copy of the tally sheet for the package material only if any对包装货的理货资料.- Copy of the Notice of Readiness if any (N.O.R)装卸就绪通知书. - Copy of the Statement of Fact (S.O.F)船舶在港事实记录- Others if any如有其他注意事项. 8.3 Loading operation装货过程:- Number of the cargo holds will be stored the material.几个货舱要装

46、货- Empty cargo holds should be inspected before loading and record the name of the cargo in previous three voyages, how to clean and wash the cargo holds after last voyage from vessels chief officer.装货前, 对所要装货的空货舱要检验. 向船方大付询问并记录前三航次船舶所载货物名称, 本航次是如何清理货舱的.- The cargo storage condition and cargo condit

47、ion at the pier, warehouse before loading and cargo condition during loading.装船前货物在码头, 仓库的堆放情况和装船过程中的货物状况. - Loading operation how to load the cargo - manipulation.装货方法, 怎样装货和整个装货过程.- Pay more attention spillage material during loading.特别注意装货过程中洒漏的货物.- The loaded cargo condition in cargo holds after

48、 completion of loading. 装货完毕后货物的在货舱内的堆放情况.- Separation, lashing and chocking condition in cargo holds if any.隔票, 绑扎和木加固的情况.- Others if any如有其他注意事项. 8.4 The photos should be taken to reflect all procedures of the inspection as well as cargo condition, loading operation and material delivery, etc. Nor

49、mally it includes:须拍反映整个检验过程, 装货过程和货物装运过程的照片, 通常包括:- Vessel at pier condition船停靠码头情形.- Cargo holds condition before commenced loading装货前的空舱情况.- Cargo condition before loading and during loading装货前和装货过程中货物状况.- Packing/Marking condition if any如对包装货的包装和麦头情况.- Cargo storage condition at opening area yar

50、d or warehouse货物在堆场和仓库堆放情况.- Cargo handling procedure (loading operation, cargo delivery, packing/unpacking operation, etc)货物装运过程 (包括怎样装货, 货物的装运, 灌包和拆包)- Cargo stowage condition in the holds货物在船舱积载情况.- Weather condition during whole loading operation记录整个装货过程的天气现象.- Other if any如有其他注意事项. 9. Manual sa

51、mpling人工取样9.1 Definition定义Consignment- A quantity of material of the same quality delivered at one time by agreement between the parties concerned. The consignment may consist of one or more lots or parts of lots.有关方按合同一次交付一定数量同等质量的货物, 该批货物有可能是一个批号或几个批号.Lot - A defined quantity of material under giv

52、en intentions. A number of lots can make up the whole consignment.按要求交付同等品质一定数量货物, 一票货可能有几批次货物组成. Increment - A quantity of material obtained by a sampling device at any one time from a consignment. 用取样工具从一票货任何一次性取出的样品.Sub-sample - A quantity of material consisting of several increments taken from a

53、 part of the consignment.从几个取样点取出样品的汇总.Gross sample - A quantity of consisting of all the increments taken from a lot or all of the sub-sample.从每取样点取出的样品或每批样的总和.Prepared sample - The sample has been finished by stated procedures of preparation, by crushing and reducing. 通过破碎和缩分制完的样.Top size - This s

54、ize/screen which retains 5 % of the material. 最大粒度-能保留5%筛上物的筛网尺寸.Number of the Increment - The number of increment to be collected from a lot/consignment will be decided according to the accuracy required, taking into account the variation in the representative nature of the material. 取样点的数目.Size of

55、 the Increment - The size of each increment should be large enough to ensure random selection of particles in each increment. 每取样点的样量.9.2 Sampling during discharging/loading在装/卸货过程中取样- Description of the material - name of the cargo, top size of the material, sampling lot size and handling condition. 要了解货物的情况-货物名称, 最大粒度, 取样的批次和装/卸货情形.- Make the sampling plan, how many increments and how many sample weight per increment will be taken for the consignment. 制定取样计划, 样品从多少样点中取出, 每个样点取多少样品. - Prepared the available sample spear, shovel and scoop which should follow the


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