



1、珍惜时间英语演讲稿珍惜时间英语演讲稿范文一my brther-in-law pened the bttm drawer f my sisters bureau and lifted ut a tissue-wrapped package. this, he said, is nt a slip. this is lingerie. he discarded the tissue and handed me the slip.it was equisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cbweb f lace. the price tag with an

2、 astrnmical figure n it was still attached.jan bught this the first time we went t new yrk, at least 8 r 9 years ag. she never wre it. she was saving it fr a special ccasin.well, i guess this is the ccasin.he tk the slip frm me and put it n the bed, with the ther clthes we were taking t the mrtician

3、. his hands lingered n the sft material fr a mment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned t me, dnt ever save anything fr a special ccasin. every day yu re alive is a special ccasin.i remembered thse wrds thrugh the funeral and the days that fllwed when i helped him and my niece attend t all th

4、e sad chres that fllw an unepected death. i thught abut them n the plane returning t califrnia frm the midwestern twn where my sisters family lives. i thught abut all the things that she hadnt seen r heard r dne. i thught abut the things that she had dne withut realizing that they were special.im st

5、ill thinking abut his wrds, and theyve changed the weeds in the garden. im spending mre time with my family and friends and less time in cmmittee meetings. whenever pssible, life shuld be a pattern f eperience t savur, nt endure. im trying t recgnize these mment nw and cherish them.im nt saving anyt

6、hing; we use ur gd china and crystal fr every special. event such as lsing a pund, getting the sink unstpped, the first camellia blssm i wear my gd blazer t the market if i feel like it. my thery is if i lk prsperus, i can shell ut $28. 49 fr ne small bag f grceries withut wincing. im nt saving my g

7、d perfume fr special parties; clerks in hardware stres and tellers in banks have nses that functin as well as my party ging friends.smeday and ne f these days are lsing their grip n my vcabulary. if its wrth seeing r hearing r ding, i want t see and hear and d it nw. im nt sure what my sister wuldve

8、 dne had she knw that she wuldnt be here fr the tmrrw we all take fr granted.i think she wuld have called family members and a few clse friends. she might have called a few frmer friends t aplgize, and mend fences fr past squabbles. i like t think she wuld have gne ut fr a chinese dinner, her favrit

9、e fd. im guessing. ill never knw.its thse little things left undne that wuld make me angry if i knew that my hurs were limited. angry because i put ff seeing gd friends whm i was ging t get in tuch with smeday. angry because i hadnt written certain letters that i intended t write ne f these days. an

10、gry and srry that i didnt tell my husband and daughter ften enugh hw much i truly lve them.im trying very hard nt t put ff, hld back, r save anything that wuld add laughter and luster t ur lives. and every mrning when i pen my eyes, i tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath truly, is.

11、 a gift frm gd.珍惜时间英语演讲稿范文二Hell, ladies and gentlemen! It is my hnr t share my tpic with yu here. And my tpic is Time Is Valuable. Time flies. The article cng cng f Zhu Ziqing als tells us time is rare. We all knw that :Time is life, at hme we have parents advisement, at schl we have teachers advise

12、ment. But wh treasures time as life?Nw lets enjy a stry: ne day a yung man visited great educatr Banjieming. When Banjieming pened the dr, t the yung mans great surprise.: his huse was very dirty. “Im srry, Its t dirty. Wait a minute please. Banjieming said and clsed the dr.ne minute later, Banjiemi

13、ng pened the dr again and said: cme in please . This time what the yung man saw was a clean and clear sitting rm.“K, Yu may g nw. Banjieming said , “But I , I havnt remit t yu”. The yung man asked. “Isnt it enugh? Lking at the rm, “ Banjieming said. “Yu have been here fr ne minute.” “ne minute? ne m

14、inute, h I knw. Yu tell me a truth: We can d many things in a minute.” The yung man left with satisfactin.The stry is shrt but meaningful. Just like the stry says:ne minute isnt lng. But ur life is made f such minutes. In fact nly treasure time , will yu succeed, nly treasure time, will yu realize y

15、ur ideal. nly treasure time will yu achieve what yu want.We shuld make gd use f time t study hard r t d smething meaningful fr yurself. S, we shuld plan the time t study and rela,especially at hme.Because we have mre free time at hme,s that we can use that time t d a lt f things.Hwever,hw can we pla

16、n the time? There are different ways fr different peple.Fr eample, smebdy like t study in the mrning, and rela in the afternn.n the cntrary, smebdy like t rela in the mrning, and study in the afternn.Smebdy even think the best time t study is in the evening.Different ways fr different peple.But all the ways have ne thing in cmmn.That is the need fr practical actin. If yu want t change a difficult situ


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