



1、 本栏目责任编辑:梁书翻译研究How much paper do you use every year?Probably you can't answer that question quickly.In 1900the world's use of paper was about one kilogram for each in a year.Now some countries use as much as 50kilograms of paper for each person in a year.The amount of paper a country uses sh

2、ows how far advanced the country is,some people say.It is difficult to say whether this is true:different people mean different things by the word "ad -vanced".But countries like the United States,England and Swe -den certainly use more paper than other countries.Paper,like many other thin

3、gs that we use today,was first made in China.In Egypt and the West,paper was not very com -monly used before the year 1400.The Egyptians wrote on pa -pyrus;Europeans used parchment which was strong:it was made from the skin of certain young animals used parchment which was very strong:it was made fr

4、om the skin of certain young ani -mals.We have learnt some of the most important facts of Euro -pean history from recourds that were kept on parchment.The Chinese first made paper about 2000year ago.China still has pieces of paper which were made as long ago as that.But Chinese paper was not made fr

5、om the wood of trees.It was made from records that were kept on parchment.Notice how Tiger's earlobes are attached to the side of his head.But Tara's are detached.Her earlobes hang free.Which type of earlobe do you have -attached or detached?Grab a mirror and check it out.Like the color of a

6、 tiger's fur,the shape of your earlobes is caused by a difference in a single gene.Earlobe shape is a hu -man characteristic,or trait.We each have thousands of genes that control thousands of different traits.The instruction for some traits,like earlobe shape,are found in just one gene.Other tra

7、its are the result of many genes acting together.Has anyone ever said to you "you have your mother's smile"or "your father's nose"?You have many traits that are very simi -lar to your parents'traits because you inherited your genes from them.Half of your genes came fr

8、om your mother,and half came from your father.Those genes all came together in the cell that that eventually developed into you.The set of genes that you inherited -your own personal set of instructions for life -are unique.Unless you have an identical twin,there is no one else on Earth exactly like

9、 you,Remember the examples of tiger fur color and earlobe shape?A single gene controls each of these traits.Actually,they are controlled by a single pair of genes,from their parents,This means that for each gene on one member of a chromosome pair,there is a similar.收稿日期:2010-12-05修回日期:2010-12-25作者简介

10、:李琳(1988-,女,山东青岛人,学士,研究方向为商务英语。浅析商务英语翻译的方法李琳(沈阳师范大学渤海学院,辽宁兴城125105Abstract:The commercial English glossary characteristic and translator the glossary is the language most Fundamental unit,only then the correct understanding and the translation glossary,can the correct understanding and the translation sentence and the article.Generally speaking,the commercial English glossary has the terminology,or


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