已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 3 Thing I like to doPeriod OneTeaching contents: Come and play with me. Come and sing with me.Teaching aims:1、 知识目标:听懂命令并作出正确反应2、 能力目标:提高学生的听说能力。3、 情感目标:教育学生团结同学,共同参与活动。Difficult and key points: Say the commandsTeaching aids: pictures,cassette playerTeaching procedure 教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSi

2、ng a songRevision1. Listen and acteg. Clean the desk, please. Come with me.Presentation1. To teach play and singa. Take a ball and put it in front of the class. T: What am I doing?b. Say play and repeatc. Hold a microphone in hand and pretend to sing. T: What am I doing?d. Say sing and repeat.2. To

3、teach Come and sing with mea. Do an action and say Come and sing with me. Repeat several times.b. Say it after the teacherc. Work in pairs.3. To teach Come and play with mea. Play the ball and invite students to come up. T: Who can say?b. Say it one by one.c. Work in the groups.4. Listen and act5. L

4、isten to the tape and repeat.Consolidation1. Work in pairsHave one student say the commands and the other mime the actions. Then let them change roles.2. The teacher mime the action and the students say the commands.eg. Come and dance with me. Come and draw with me.Come and write with me.3. Work in

5、pairs and act out the dialogue to the class.课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策 Period TwoTeaching contents: Lets talkTeaching aims:4、 知识目标:学习句型I like to5、 能力目标:提高学生交际能力。6、 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习,全面发展。Difficult and key points: I like toTeaching aids: pictures, cassette playerTeaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing a

6、songRevision1. Listen and act Students mime the actions as they listen to the commands.2. Ask and answer (TS)a. What can you do? I can b. What do you like to eat?I like to eatPresentation1. To teach I like to play.a. T: What do you like to do? I like to play. (repeat several times)b. Say it after me

7、 : I like to play.c. T: write S: I like to write.T: dance S: I like to dance.2. Read the sentence: I like to3. Ask and answerT: What do you like to do?S: I like to4. Listen to the tape and repeatConsolidation1. Do a matchSay I like to Who say the most, Who is the winner.2. Work book page8课后随笔成功与经验板书

8、设计思考与对策Period ThreeTeaching contents: Words:play run sleep swimTeaching aims:7、 知识目标:学习单词play run sleep swim8、 能力目标:提高学生认读单词能力。9、 情感目标:教育学生要有广泛的爱好Difficult and key points: 认读单词Teaching aids: pictures,word cards,cassette playerTeaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing a songRevision1. Listen an

9、d acteg. Come and play with me.2. Ask and answerT: What do you like to do?S: I like toPresentation1. To teach play sleepa. Look at the picture and say playb. Read the word playc. Look at the picture and say sleepd. Say it after mee. Read the word sleepf. Say sleep sleep sleep, I like to sleep.2. To

10、teach run swima. Pretend to run and say I like to run.b. Say it after me: runc. T: What do you like to do?S: I like to run.d. Read the word: rune. Pretend to swim and say I like to swim. Do you like swim?f. Follow me and say togetherswim swim swim, I like to swim.g. Read the word: swim3. Do a surver

11、yT: What do you like to do?S: I like to play/sleep/run/swim4. Match the words and the pictures.ConsolidationWork book page9课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策Period FourTeaching contents: Ee egg Ff fish What do you like to do? I like toTeaching aims:10、 知识目标:学习句型What do you like?I like to- Letters:Ee,Ff Words:egg fi

12、sh11、 能力目标:了解字母发音规律及英语交际能力。12、 情感目标:教育学生要有广泛的爱好。Difficult and key points: 字母发音规律Teaching aids:Teaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing a songRevision1. Listen and acte.g. Come and play with meHave some noddles.2. Review the action verbsa. Stick the word cards on the board and read themb. Hold

13、 up a picture card and askT: What do you like to do?S: I like toPresentation1. Hold up a silhouette picture of runT: What do you like to do?S: I like to run.2. Hold up a silhouette picture of eatT: What do you like to do?S: I like to eat.Work in pairs3. Continue as in step2 with the other silhouette

14、s.S1: What do you like to do?S2: I like to sleep/dance/swim/play.4.Listen to the tape and repeat5. To teach: Ee egga. Show a picture of an egg and say eggb. Say it after mec. Say something about the eggd. T: The first letter is ee. Read it after mef. Show alphabet cards E and e6. To teach: Ff fish (

15、 Do the same as Ee egg)ConsolidationWorkbook page 10: Listen and match the pictures课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策 Period FiveTeaching contents: Sing the songTeaching aims:13、 知识目标:学习歌曲,巩固所学动词及句型I like to14、 能力目标:提高学生活用知识的能力。15、 情感目标:教育学生热爱学习,全面发展。Difficult and key points: 会唱歌曲并能把动词进行替换。Teaching aids: pictures,r

16、ecorder,cardsTeaching procedure:教学步骤方法与手段补充与修改Warming-upSing a songRevision1. Review the wordsa. Do an action and guess what the student is doing and say the word.2. Do you like to sing? Today we are going to sing a song.Presentation1. Show the pictures of page16 and listen to the song.2. Look at th

17、e pictures and say:I like to sing /dance/write.3. Read the song line by lineSing, sing, sing with me.I like to singDo-re-me. a. Read the song together.b. Read the song in groups4. Sing the songa. Listen to the tape and follow line by lineb. Sing verse one.c. Listen to verse two and three and follow.

18、d. Listen to the tape and sing togethere. Act out the song as we singConsolidationPlay the game Pass the parcelPlay some music, pass the card to their neighbours. When the music stops, the students who have the cards will stand up and say I like to课后随笔成功与经验板书设计思考与对策近期有关教人如何高效学习的书层出不穷,这本日本作家写的高效学习,最开

19、始吸引我的是,作者居然已出版了600多本书。出版一本书已不易,出了600多本,作者一定是博学多才之人,那么他说高效学习必定是最有心得和发言权。 全书有三个观点,特别有启发和新意,分别是以独特观点输出才是一流、按照单位时间计算工作效率、如何高效阅读和写作。 独特观点输出才是一流。时下提倡学习,很多人都会听书、看各类知识文章,每天感觉过得很充实,过后,多数就遗忘了。为何?就是学到的知识没有用自己的方法输出,形成属于自己的观点,而且要以独特切入点来输出知识,这才能吸引他人的目光,工作中才能不断创新。未来真正需要的是可以提供独特视角的人。要想说出独特的观点,需要大胆先假设,不把常识视为金科玉律。 按照

20、单位时间计算工作效率。每个人的时间价值都是可以个人的收入量化的。选择做什么更有价值应贯穿始终,而不是以习惯、表面金钱大小等一些因素去做决定。 如何高效阅读和写作。高效阅读,我们一般做法是速读或跳读,作者根据自己写书的经历,提出了“部分熟读法”和“比较阅读”。写了600多本书的作者,读书时最差学科却是语文,书中作者分享了自己的一些写作窍门,他是如何成为一名高产作家。 作者其实也是一名斜杠青年,47岁时,不忘少年时代想当导演的梦想,拍摄了一部电影。这个也是得益于高效学习习惯。书收到了,很喜欢!如同想象的一样,确实是一本很实用,很容易上手的书。作为一个上班族,能有固定规律的学习确实需要很大的毅力。如


22、程,唯有在一个领域深耕细作数年才有可能出成果,所以,如果一旦进入一个领域,请不要轻言放弃。如果你能找到自己以前擅长的领域,并重新学习,效果会有显著的改善。学习不是一个人埋头苦干的事,找一个导师,一个合适你的导师尤为重要。选择导师一个重要的标准就是,他能否简单明了地教授基础知识。如果只是按照头衔选择导师,则有很大概率会失败。以上只是提纲挈领地提到了书中的一小部分内容。还有更多精彩内容等你发现。一如既往的学习类书封,封面是亮丽的洁白色,图片是关于改变学习习惯与方法的图片,作者是被美誉为“日本学习之神”的和田秀树。 感觉称为学习之神,有点夸张了,只能称之为比较善于学习,或者是比较会科学学习。书中一直

23、强调的观点输入与输出的关系。我们无论是阅读,还是通过网络学习,归根结底是一种输入式的学习,即对知识进行一种机械式的填充,也就是俗话说的填鸭式的学习。如何对自己所学的知识进行应用,输出知识,才能称之为高效学习。高效学习的关键在于形成自己的观点,能从独特的切入点输出知识,本书就这方面进行介绍。 要学会自学,提高自学能力。学习是一个漫长的过程,自学的过程是一个自我向自我输入知识的过程。这个过程应当长此以往地坚持下来。在这个过程之后,要学会对自己脑海中的知识进行解读。用自己的观点,站在自身的立场上,对知识进行输出。 对于学习,不能被时间和金钱束缚。很多人抱怨没有时间,哪里有空学习或者读读书。这种想法是

24、不对的。时间就像海绵里的水,只要挤就还是有的。在自己的生活中,合理安排自己的时间很关键。在不断的探索中找到属于自己的黄金时间,在这样的时间里往往会事半功倍。 很多人说没有钱买书,培训费太贵了之类的。然而现在网络这么发达,可以在网上选择自己感兴趣的进行学习。兴趣是最好的老师,从兴趣出发,便会站在最有利于自己的角度,找寻最适合自己的。还有一种是实地学习。你要了解酒,可以去酒厂;你要了解花,可以去花田从最适合自己的方面有选择的去学习。 选书的时候,不能被那些权威性的吸引,不能被一些既有说法左右自己的想法。阅读,每个方面的都要去了解。要看看心理学,看看经济学,要找个好的“导师”,要会一些语言。 掌握一

25、些阅读方法。有一种“部分熟读法”,即不需要整篇通读,只需要关键部分阅读。看到这里,我心里就在想:的确,像这种介绍如何学习类的书是没有必要仔细通读的,掌握书中的关键句子,理解即可。 这本高效学习总体上写了怎么去吸收知识,怎么将自己所学高效利用。虽然书中很多地方都用了黑体加粗来强调,但是你强调的地方都没有用,一个案例黑体加粗,一个作者与他的作品黑体加粗,这种有什么意义。案例只是用来佐证说明的,作品也只是让人们知道有这么个人,写了这么本书,至于买不买,看不看就无从所知了。整本书写的很简短,虽然提出了一些观点,有些观点还是很合理的,但是很多观点在对其进行佐证上并不具有很大的说服力。有些观点真的是几句话带过的泛泛而谈。 这本书前面的细分还是可以的,但是每个小标题下又是很简短的,让人觉得,这本


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