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1、高一英语学案Unit 3 Module 2 Computers编辑 樊玉红 陈悦敏类别课程标准要求掌握的项目自我评价重点词汇calculate universal simplifysum logical logicallytechnology technologicalrevolutionartificial intelligence intelligentsolvereality personalpersonallytotaltotallyapplicationfinancemobileexploreanyhow goalhappinessdownloadsignaltypeariseele

2、ctroniccharactermop短语fromon as a resultsothat in a waywith the help of deal withwatch over语法The present perfect passive voice (现在完成时的被动语多态)交际用语1、making decisions(做出决定)I think /don,t think thatI believe thatI ve decided that2、Reasoning(说明理由)the advantage/disadvantage is I agree /dont agree becausegiv

3、e me your reasons难点so that 句型与enoughto ,tooto 句型的转换易错点 signal与sign的区别 way 短语的用法Period I Wamning up and pre-reading (一)学习目标:1、学生了解电脑的发展史2、学生能应用重点词组与句型(二)重点语言点拓展1. In pairs discuss what they have in common. 小组讨论他们有什么共同点in common 共同,共有 comonon n 共同之处The two brothers have nothing in common. 两兄弟没有什么共同之处T

4、his is our wish in common. 这是我们的共同愿望have something /nothing/a lot/much/little in common with sb/sth.和有些/无/有很多/有许多/几乎无共同之处联想(句型):(1)what sb have in common is .What we have in common is the habit of early rising. 我们共有的一点是都有早起的习惯What they have in common is that they both enjoy playing football.他们的共同点是都

5、喜欢踢足球。(2)in common with 与 一样In common with many people ,he prefers music to sports. 与许多人一样,他喜欢音乐胜过于运动。拓展:common adj共同的:common interest /goal普通的:common sense(常识)常见的:Colds are common in winter 冬天感冒很常见2Work out a list and compare it with your partner. 写一张清单和你的同伴比较(1) compare vt 比较compare A with B 把A与B进

6、行比较(同类)compare A to B 把A比作B(比喻)compared to /with A, B 同A比起来,Bcompare notes with sb 与交换意见Teachers life is often compared to a candle.教师们的一生经常被比作蜡烛Compare this sentence with that one, and youll see the differences. 把这个句子和那个句子比较一下,你就会明白不同Compared with / to others, you are really lucky与其他人相比,你很幸运(2)work

7、 out the plan/a list 制订计划/清单work out the problem 解决问题work out successfully 结果很成功work out on the playground 做锻炼(三)学案作业Period Reading (一)学习目标1、学生能以时间的顺序列举电脑的发展过程2、学生能掌握重点词汇与句型并能在日常中应用3、学生会用时间的线索写一篇说明文(二)词组与句型over time 经过一段时间 a life of high quality 高质量的生活be considered to be /as 被认为be made to do 被要求做 be

8、 filled with 充满着from then on 从那时起 a devoted friend 忠实的朋友as a result 结果 be made by 由制造by oneself 独自一人 be connected to sb/sth 与 有关share sth with sb 分担/享 provide sth for sb / provide sb with sth 给某人提供某东西through the web通过网络 (三)重难点拓展1. Although I was young , I could simplify difficult sums.(1). simplify

9、vt 简化A great life is the result of simplifying your life美好人生是简化生活的结果. sum n c 总数; 金额 I spent a large sum of money on that coat. 那件大衣我花了很大一笔钱.搭配: in sum总而言之 = in a word a sum of 一笔2. solve ( P18 Para.1 ) vt 解答 解决Charlie thinks money can solve all his problems. 查理认为金钱会解决他所有的问题拓展 solution n 解决; 解答solut

10、ion to sth 对 的解决办法find a solution 找到解决办法辨析:solve 与settlesolve侧重的是给出一个答案(solve a problem/mystery/puzzle)settle其对象通常是某种争端(settle an argument/a quarrel)3. from then on (P18 Para 1) 从那时起from on 从时起 从以后He didnt steal from then on. 从那时起他再也没偷过拓展: from now on 从现在起from then on 从那时起From now on I will put my h

11、eart into study. 从现在起我要好好学习They met in 1942 and from then on they were good friends. 他们1942年相识,从那时开始,他们就是好朋友辨析:from 与sincefrom表示某事的开始起点,可和现在过去,将来的时态连用The shop is open from nine oclock in the morning.商店从早上九点钟开始营业.since自过去某时刻到现在为止,侧重结果,用于现在完成时It has been a long / It is a long time since I visited it.

12、自从我参观那个地方以来过了好长时间.4. As time went by(1). as 在这里是连接词,引导时间状语从句,它还可以表原因,让步等时间:As we grow older ,we get wiser. 随着年龄的增长,我们变得更聪明原因:As it rained ,I stayed home. 因为下雨,所以我呆在家里让步:Young as he is ,he knows a lot. 尽管年轻,他懂很多方式:yon should do it as I tell you to. 你应该按照我告诉你的方式去做as 还可以作为关系代词,引导定语从句,可指一个人/物,也可指一件事,He

13、has the same car as looks beautiful 他有一车同样的好看的汽车。As is known,the earth is round 众所周知,地球是圆的 as可以作介词,译为“作为”As Chinese, we should be proud of our homeland. go by : 走过;经过 The bus has just gone by. (时间)流逝 Things will get better as time goes by. 机会等轻易地放过 Dont let this chance go by. 5. as a result 结果He did

14、nt work hard . As a result, he failed in the exam.他学习不努力,结果考试不及格辨析 as a result 与as a result of as a result 表“作为结果,因此”,它后面跟的是表结果的句子并用逗号隔开.as a result of 指“作为的结果”,“由于”,是介词短语,后面接表原因的词(组)He was ill, as a result, he didnt go to school.As a result of his illness, he didnt go to school.6. personal adj 个人的,

15、亲自的personally adv 亲自,就个人而言Here are Janes personal letters. 这是简的私人信件.pay a personal visit to the country 以个人名义访问这个国家Personally (speaking), I am against your suggestion. 就我个人而言,我反对你的建议;7. application n c ; u应用;用途;申请This machine is of wide application. 这种机器的用途很广He is busy writing a job application. 他正忙

16、着写工作申请搭配: application form 申请表make an application to sb for sth 向某人申请某I made an application to the government for a job. 我向政府申请工作拓展:apply 申请;应用apply for a job to sb 向某人申请一份工作apply theory to practice 把理论运用到实践中8. Anyhow , my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.anyhow adv 无论如何,不管怎样=an

17、ywayAnyhow , I must tell the truth . 无论如何,我必须说出真相It looks very damgerous , but I ll go anyhow. 看起来很危险,但不管怎样,我依然要去 goal n c 目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分This will help you achieve your goal. 这有助于你完成目标Tom headed the ball into his own goal. Tom 用头把球顶进了自家的球门Our team won them by three goals to two. 我们队以三比二进球数获胜。 provi

18、de sth for sb / provide sb with sth 提供They often provide food and clothes for those beggars.他们经常为那些乞丐们提供食物与衣服.We must provide our customers with the best service.我们必须给顾客提供最好的服务. be of high qualily 高质量be of various kinds 种类多样be of the same size 大小相同be of different ages 年龄不同be of no use 没有用be of great

19、 importance很重要9. totally adv 完全地,整个地 He felt totally unequal to this job. 他感到完全不能胜任这项工作 He and I are totally in two different worlds. 他和我完全处于两个不同的世界拓展:total adj 总的;整个的 n 总数;合计He was a total stranger to me. 对我来说他完全是个陌生人The total of our income has reached oue billion dollars. 我们收入的总数已到10亿美元in total 总计

20、;合计In total,we have sold out 100 machines.已总计卖出100台机器10. finance n 金融; 资金;财力(多用复数形式finances)vt为提供资金We dont have enough finances to go on with our business. 我们没有足够的资金来继续做生意He was financed by his uncle for college. 他叔叔资助他上的大学(四)问题思考:教材P19 esercises 1、2 and 3(五)学案作业Preriod Learning about language (一)学习

21、目标1、学生巩固前一节中的重点词组与句型2、学生学会应用重点词组与句型3、学生能应用现在完成时的被动语态(二)重点词组与句型Work out the answer to a problem计算出/找出问题的答案anyway不管怎样write programs of his own编写自己的程序used to download information from the Internet过去常从因特网上下载资料make good use of it 充分利用它communicate with sb与交流go to university上大学develop a special interest in

22、 sth养成对的特殊的兴趣have a long way to go有很长一段路要走be carzy about 痴迷于sth come true成真be connected with ones interest 与某人的兴趣有关系pick out 挑选出; 辨别solve the problem解决难题(三)语言点拓展1. of ones own 属于某人自己的She feels like a flat of her own. 她想有一套自己的公寓Children need toys of their own. 儿童需要有自己的玩具拓展:(1) a car of her own = her

23、own car (2) of ones own “某人自己的” , 一般做后置定语on ones own= alone 独自地,独立地He has a house of his own, and the house was built on his own last year. 他有一座自己的房子,这座房子是他去年独自建的.2. give away捐赠 give away gifts to children 泄露 give away ones secret分发 give away prizes错过 give away the chance拓展: give in 屈服; 让步 ( give in

24、 to sb)give out “三发一尽” :分发 give out the papers散发 give out terrible smell发表 give out an article耗尽 My energy gives out.give off 散发(光、热、气味)give up 放弃(计划,习惯等)e true = come into reality成为现实Your dream will come true.You can realize your dream by working hard.辨析:realize 与 come truerealize “实现”, realize还表“意

25、识到”拓展:come up 前来;问题被提出来;发芽come up with 想出,找到come about发生(与how连用)eg: How did it come about that you were late? 你怎么会迟到?come out出版;暴露出来come to an end结束come across偶遇4. connect vt connect with/to 把 与 连接起来,既可以表具体,也可以表抽象The canal connects our city to theirs. 运河把我们的城市与他们的连了起来Please connect me with Beijing.

26、请给我接通北京的电话He is connected with /to the accident. 他与这起事故有关系拓展:与 有关be connected to /withhave sth /much to do withbe related tobe concerned withconcerning(介词)= about 关于eg: I will talk about something concerning education.5. By the time I was sixteen,my dream had come true by the time 引导短语或从句时,主句应用完成时态

27、By the time of last night, we had worked 24 hours on end . (过完)截止到昨夜,我们已经连续地工作了24小时By the time he arrives ,well have finished our discussion. (将完)等他来了,我们将已完成讨论By the time we got to the airport ,the plane had taken off. (过完)等我们到机场时,飞机已起飞(四)语法:现在完成时的被动语态现在完成时被动语态是强调一个发生在过去的被动性的动作对现在造成的影响与结果;还可以表示到目前为止

28、某被动动作或状态已存在了若干时间The door has been locked 门被锁上了(结果是现在没有能进去)They have been told about it for many times 他们被告知已上事很多次了(可能还会有人告诉他们)How long has the machine beer used?这机器已使用多久了?(可能还会继续使用)注意事项: 现在完成时被动语态的构成:肯定句:主+have/has+been+及物动词的过去分词+其它Two windows have been broken. 两个窗子都被打破了否定句:主+have/has+not +been+及物动词

29、的过去分词+其它The car has not been repaired. 这辆汽车还没修好一般疑问句:have/has+主语+been+及物动词的过去分词+其它?Has her work been finished? 她的工作完成了吗?特殊问句:特殊疑问词+have/has+主+been+及物动词的过去分词+其它?How long has her work been finished? 她的工作已完成多久了?(五)学案作业Period IV Using language (一)学习目标:1、学生强化听力练习,能捕捉重要信息2、学生能应用相应句型描述事物的优缺点(二)语言点拓展1. sign

30、al (1) vt ; vi 发信号Mary was signaling to us, but none of us saw it. 玛丽正在向我们发信号,但我们没有一个人看到The police signaled the traffic to move slowly . 警察向车辆打信号示意缓慢前行。(2) n 信号;暗号Her silence is a signal that she has gven in. 她的沉默是一种信号表明她已让步了So far, they have not received any signal to leave. 到目前为止,他们还未收到任何信号示意离开辨析;

31、sign; signal ;mark与symbolsign表符号,布告牌,标志或征兆,迹象There is a stop sign at the crossing. 在交叉口处有停车标志。a sign of snow 下雪的征兆。signal信号She gave the signal to stop. 她发出停止的信号mark标记It is dangerous to swim beyond this mark. 超出这个标记游泳是危险的symbol 象征The dove is the symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征2. type (1) n 类型 blood type 血型

32、I love this type of book. 我喜欢这类书籍(2)vt/vi 打字I am not busy , does the report need to be typed? 我不忙,这份报告需要打出来吗?辨析:kind与typekind 指属于同种性质的东西,可以把一个种类的事物与其它种类的事物区分开A cow is a kind of animal 牛是一种动物type指同种事物里不同的类型This is a new type of dictionary. 这是一种新型词典。3. in a way 从某种中程度上,在某种意义上In a way, it is nice to wo

33、rk alone. 从某种意义上讲,独自一个人干活也不错The work is well done in a way. 从某种程度上说,这项工作做得不错拓展:in the way 挡道;妨碍 in this/that way 以这/那种方式 on ones way to 去往的途中;将要 by the way 顺便说一下in no way 决不in any way 以任何一种方式,无论如何4. arise vi 出现,呈现As we were reaching the city , more and more lights arose in front of us. 快要到达城市的时候,越来越

34、多的灯光出现在眼前,vi 产生,形成,发生How did the fighting arise? 打架是怎样发生的词组:arise from 由/从产生New diffculties will arise from such situation. 这种情况将会产生新的难题辨析:rise, raise, ariserise 不及物动词,可以指太阳、月亮、河水、物体、数量等的上升与增长,也可以指人起立、起床、工资的增加和地位的升高.raise 及物动词,译为“升起、举起、抬起、提出、募集、饲养等”.arise不及物动词,译为“出现,形成”The price may rise at the end

35、of this year. 今年年底价格可能会上涨The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东边升起Can you raise your arm above your head? 你能把胳膊举过头顶吗?We need to raise money for the poor. 我们需要为这些穷人们筹备些钱.Use this money when the need arises. 有需要时就用这笔钱。5. make up a dialogue 编对话make up 70% of the population 占据人口的70%make up ones face 化妆make up

36、a lie 编造谎言make up the exam 补考make up for the lost time 弥补时间6. deal with (1) 处理, 对付I dont know how to deal with the prodlem I dont know what to do with the prodcem我不知道如何处理那个问题。(2)与人相处;与人做生意It is difficult to deal with the new comer. 很难同新来的那个人相处He has dealt with that company for a long time. 他与那家公司生意有

37、很长时间了(3)论述:涉及The books deals with Asian problems. 这本书涉及到了亚洲问题7. watch over 看管,照顾,看守Will you watch over my clothes while I have a swim? 我去游泳时帮我照看一下衣服好吗?They were watched over by three polilemen. 他们由三个警察看守着拓展:watch out (for)小心 = look out (for) = be careful of 8. after all(1) 毕竟,别忘了(通常置于句首)Dont punish

38、him, After all, he is only a child. 别罚他,毕竟,他只是一个孩子。Why dont you turn to her for help? After all, she is always ready to help you.为什么不求助于她?别忘了,她总是乐于帮助你(2)置于句末,表“终究,到底”(强调结果)I had thought I would fail again, but I passed the exam after all. 我原以为我会又失败,但终究我还是通过了考试拓展: in all 总计first of all 首先,第一above all

39、 最重要的是all in all 总而言之 = in a word = in sumat all 常用于否定与疑问句中加强语气(what are you doing here at all? 你们在这儿到底在做什么?) (三)学案作业Period V Writing(一)学习目标1、学生了解电脑在现代科技中的应用2、会写有关机器人的科幻文章(二)作文范文My robots name is Yanyan. It is a 321 model android. It works for me and looks after my library. Its job is to store all t

40、he books that I borrow from the library or from school. Of course Yanyans brain is as large as mountain so work like that is no trouble at all. Yanyan really eats and remembers books just like people eat food. I need Yanyan to remember all these books, so it can help me do my homework. I want to go to a key university but finding the information I need is hard work. So Yanyan can help me. This leaves me more free time to play sports and talk to my friends. It is the most important thing for me and my family. My f


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