Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、我们走,伙伴Let's go, bud.耶!哇哦!Yeah!Wow.哇哦!真厉害!Whoa!thats nice.驯龙记前情回顾Previously on Dragons.是他!是他放火烧了军♥火♥库!That was him!He set the armory on fire!最迟在明晚之前,博克岛上将再没有龙的存在By the end of the day tomorrow,there will be no more dragons on Berk.终于等到这一天啦!-这是我人生中最糟糕的一天Finally!- It's the

2、worst day of my life.我只是需要些时间去处理这一切。-你还在想什么?都结束了I just need time to fix this.- What are you talking about? It's over.为了你我会回来的。我保证I'll be back for you. I promise.我认为所有的事都是他搞出来的,而且我想他做这一切I think he did all of it,and I think he did it是为了让我爸爸把龙从博克岛上赶出去。so my Dad would get rid of all the dragons.

3、维京人有这样一句老话。There's an old Viking saying.当你的伙伴被架在火上烤的时候"When your friends are roasting on the spit你才是最感到煎熬的那个人you're the one who feels the fire."米尔度让村里的所有人相信,龙是无法驯养的Mildew has made the entire village believe that dragons are too wild人和龙族不能和平共处that we all can't live together in p

4、eace.我要证明他是错的。He's wrong, and I'm going to prove it.我们已经在这里待了好久了,而我们连毛都没发现!We've been here for hours and we haven't found anything!我们才在这里呆了10分钟,而且你们什么都没干,就搭了,那个。We've been here for ten minutes,and you've done nothing but build. that.这可是鼻涕虫城♥堡♥,而我现在只差一位皇后

5、。That is Snotlout manor,and all I need now is a Queen.你在干什么?!What are you doing?袭击城♥堡♥。Storming the castle.拜托了伙计,我告诉你们,是米尔度陷害了我们的龙Come on, guys! I'm telling you,Mildew framed our dragons.我在米尔度的房♥子里看到了龙的脚I saw dragon feet in Mildew's house,我还看到他把那些东西扔到了海里面and

6、I watched him throw them into the ocean.我不是故意跟你对着干的I don't mean to be Norbert the Negative,不过,大海真的非常,非常。大的but the ocean is really, really vast,而我们发现那些龙脚的机会and our chances of finding those dragon feet大概跟鼻涕虫和亚丝翠。are about as good as Snotlout and Astrid.到此为止!我啥都不说了。Don't go there!Going nowhere.

7、看,小鱼腿是对的。即使米尔度真的把龙脚扔进了大海Look, Fishlegs is right. Even if Mildew did throw them in它们也不会刚好被冲到海岸上。the ocean, they're not just gonna wash up on shore here.我找到了!-太棒了!I found it!- Great!说什么来着?You were saying?当我还是个小宝宝的时候,我曾见过这个I haven't seen this since I was a baby.人们永远不会忘记他的第一根大头棒子You never forget

8、 your first bludgeon.只能继续找了。Just keep looking.搞定一个,还差345个。你就不能再快点吗?1 down, 345 to go.Can't you do that any faster?在你重新做好我们的武器之前,我们可是手无寸铁。Until you restock our weapons, we're completely defenseless.在送走龙之前Maybe you should have thought about that你就该想到这一点。Before sending the dragons away.你知道我没得选。

9、他们毁掉了军♥火♥库。You know I had no choice.They destroyed the armory.我们要是现在被攻击那可有得瞧了This would be a bad time to get attacked.我知道,戈伯。-我倒不是说以前我们过得有多好I know, Gobber.- Not that there's ever a good time,只是这回特别的糟。but this would be particularly bad.我知道,戈伯-尤其是那个叛徒,埃尔文I know, Gobber.- Espe

10、cially by Alvin, the Treacherous,我们可怕至极的死对头our oldest and most-feared enemy,他会杀光我们所有人,然后把博克岛据为己有who'd kill us all to take Berk for his own.我知道,戈伯!那个叛徒埃尔文.I got it, Gobber!Alvin the Treacherous.埃尔文!他们回来了!Alvin! They're coming back!滚开!Out of my way!这年头连个懂点礼貌的强盗都找不到了You can't find good mara

11、uders anywhere these days.埃尔文,这儿的龙太多了!我们得躲到里面去!Alvin, there are too many of them!We need to get inside!我受够这些龙了。船准备好了吗?I've had it with these dragons.Is the ship ready?还有点工作没完成。We still have a little more work to do.这可不是我的问题,是吧。我们立刻动身前往博克岛。That's not my problem, is it?We sail for Berk immedia

12、tely.我们趁黑在这里上岸We'll land here,under the cover of night.为什么不把整个队伍都带去?-我们又不是去和史图伊克打仗。Why aren't we taking the whole army?- We're not there to fight Stoick.是为了去找那个龙族征服者。We're there for one man,the dragon conqueror.哦,你会找到他的。Oh, and you'll have him.听说他个子有10英尺那么高,力气有10几个人那么大。We hear he

13、's 10 feet tall with the strength of a dozen men.好吧,那应该很容易就能找到他对吧。Well, he shouldn't be too hard to find then, should he?听我说,我在米尔度的家里看到了一对双头龙的脚I'm telling you, I saw a pair of Zippleback feet in Mildew's house.他一定是用它们来伪造了那些脚印。He must have used them to make the footprints那些被怀疑偷了靴子的龙的脚

14、印。of the dragon who supposedly stole the boots.那好,带我们去看看那对脚Well, then let's go have a look at them.呃,恩,这里有点小问题。Yeah, uh, there's going to be a problem with that.我还看到他将龙脚扔到大海里了。I also saw him throw them into the ocean.儿子,我知道你因为那些龙的事难过透顶I know you're upset about the dragons, son,但是在指控一个人如此

15、重大的罪责之前,你需要有十足的证据but you're gonna need evidence to accuse a man of high treason.亚丝翠,我们得证明那些事都是米尔度干的Astrid, we'll prove Mildew did it.为了再一次见到我们的龙,我们必须这么做。We have to, if we ever want to see our dragons again.我只希望他们一切安好。I just hope they're okay.为什么我们的船停泊在那里?Why would one of our ships be anc

16、horing there?那不是我们的船。快来,得去告诉我爸爸。It's not one of our ships.I've gotta tell Dad. Come on!啊,回到博克岛的感觉可真是爽。Ahh, it's good to be back on the shores of Berk.您是爽了,对他们来说可不一定了。Good for you.Not so good for them.我们快去找那个龙族征服者吧。Let's find this dragon conqueror.没时间惊慌了!那些流放者巴不得我们这样呢。This is no time

17、to panic! That's what the outcasts are counting on.史图伊克!-斯文。你数清楚他们的人了吗?Stoick!- Sven. Did you get a count?我看到的至少有30个人,所有人都是全副武装啊。I saw 30 men at least,all armed to the teeth.没武器,我们可没法跟他们正面战斗。Without any weapons, we'll never be able to fight them head on.没武器!那些流放者又在我们的海滩上!No weapons!And outca

18、sts on our shores!这可全得多谢你儿子和他的那些龙!All thanks to your boy and his dragons!我现在可没时间跟你吵这些,米尔度。I don't have time for this right now, Mildew.玛尔池!你和巴克特把老人和孩子聚集起来。Mulch! You and Bucket gather up the elders and the children.把他们带到雷神海岸上去。那里的山洞还算安全。Get them to Thor's beach.They'll be safe in the cav

19、es there.我们可以战斗。我们已经被训练成为战士了。We can help fight.We've been trained as warriors.她是后天训练成的,而我可是天生的战士。She may have been trained,but I was born a warrior.拿着这个。这是埃尔文的。但是你得跟其他人一块儿走。Take this. It was Alvin's.But go with the others.你能帮我保护他们。-让我去把龙带回来吧。You can help protect them.- Let me go get the drag

20、ons.至少有龙在的话,我们可以保护自己。At least if we have them, Dad,we can defend ourselves.去吧。但是一定要小心。Go. But be careful.你不知道埃尔文的厉害。You don't know what Alvin is capable of.剩下的人到森林里去。The rest of you, we'll head to the woods.没人能比我们更了解森林了。Nobody knows that forest like we do.当埃尔文想过来找我们的时候,他会直直的栽进我们的陷阱里。And when

21、 Alvin comes looking for us there, he'll walk right into our trap.哦,小肉球,我想你。Oh, Meatlug. I miss you.月亮圆♥满♥满,我心空荡荡The moon is full.My heart is empty.啥词儿跟“荡”押韵来?What rhymes with "empty"?别浪费时间了,这儿可没词能跟“荡”押韵。Don't waste your time.Nothing rhymes with "empty.&q

22、uot;Aah!啊!谁是龙族征服者?Who's the dragon conqueror?现在,看好了。-仔细看着点!Now, look.- Keep an eye out!他肯定就在这附近!He's gotta be around here somewhere!什么都没看到。Don't see nothing.有点。继续找。.something.Keep looking.-小鱼腿。-埃尔文在找你。- Fishlegs.- Alvin's looking for you.他在找龙族征服者。He's looking for the dragon conqu

23、eror.看上去史图伊克并没像我们预想的那样武装起来。Looks like Stoick isn't as armed as we'd anticipated.从军♥火♥库的样子看来,他根本一点武装都木有。From the looks of the armory, he's not armed at all.唔,我是不是得先敲敲门?Hmm, should I knock?我是说,这个情况下,是不是得讲讲礼节?I mean, what's the etiquette in these situations?我认为用这种方

24、式再好不过了。I think that seems about right.史图伊克!现身吧!Stoick! Show your face!这个胆小的老家伙居然转身就跑了。The old coward's turned and run.我发现里一些新的脚印,是往森林的方向去的I spotted fresh tracks leading into the forest,而且我接到报告说有个大个子脑袋上顶个水桶and I heard reports of a big guy with a Bucket on his head往沙滩去了。heading down to the beach.我

25、们分头行动。你们四个去森林。We'll split up.You four go into the woods.我们去哪儿?-我们去沙滩。Where are we going?- We'll go to the beach.你觉得一个龙族征服者能抵几个人♥质♥?How many hostages do you think a dragon conqueror is worth?7个!啊不,等等。8个!Seven! No, wait. eight!-我们现在该怎么办?-去森林提醒我爸爸。- What do we do now?- Go

26、to the woods and warn my father.我得赶在埃尔文的前头,警告马尔池和其他人。I need to get ahead of Alvin, warn Mulch and the others.等到他们来森林里找我们的时候When they come looking for us in the forest他们一定会经过这里they'll have to come through here.好的,我们手头都有些什么All right, what do we have?2个平底煎锅,一根擀面杖和一把小餐刀(-0 -wow)Two frying pans, a ro

27、lling pin,and a kitchen knife.然后我们要怎么拿这些对付埃尔文And what are we going to do when we find Alvin?把他烤成小蛋糕?好极了,派也不错啊Bake him a cake?- Well, a pie would be nice, too.谁会不喜欢派呢Who doesn't like pie?小餐刀可是很有用的That could be useful.快点。山洞就在前面了Hurry now.The cave is just up ahead.巴克特跑哪儿去了?他去拿我的小咩咩了Where's Buck

28、et?- He went back to get my lamby.哦,这可真有爱。为什么总是我去找巴克特?Oh, for the love of.Why am I always looking for Bucket?为什么不能。?巴克特!Why can't.?Bucket!我感觉好像在试着了解一头蠢猪一样。It's like trying to keep track of a half-wit pig.哦,巴克特。你唯一的工作是。殿后。Oh, Bucket. You had one job.bring up the rear.但是那个小姑娘。你得看看她当时脸上的表情。But

29、the little girl. You should have seen the look on her face.那满含泪水的蓝色大眼睛。Big, blue eyes with the tears welling up.哦,你倒是面上硬汉心肠软。Ah, your Bucket's hard,but your heart is soft.来吧,快点Come on. Come on.呃。哦Uh-oh.巴克特,你倒是给我们省了不少力气啊。You made it easy for us, Bucket.想跟丢你这么大的目标还真是难啊It's hard to miss a half-

30、wit and his lamb.接着走!Keep moving!-他在这儿,抓住他!-哦,你这个恶心的流放犯。- There he is. Get him!- Oh, you lousy outcasts!你永远不可能生擒我!You'll never take me alive!别让他跑了!快点抓住他!He can't get away!Come on, get him!看来你们抓住我了,小家伙们。Looks like you've got me, boys.快点,抓住他! -哦,不!Come on, get him!- Oh, no!或者说我们抓住了你们才对。Or

31、maybe it's we who've got you.那条路。去那边。That way. Over there.史图伊克!不!Stoick! No!看在雷神的份上,小鱼腿,我差点杀了你!For the love of Thor, Fishlegs,I could have killed you!谢谢你没杀了我。-你来这儿干什么Thank you for not killing me.- What are you doing here?叛徒埃尔文抓住了我。他看上去真可怕Alvin the Treacherous grabbed me.He looked really trea

32、cherous.我知道他们在这儿,小鱼腿I know they're here, Fishlegs.-是的,他们是为了卡嗝而来的。-卡嗝- Yeah. They're here for Hiccup.- Hiccup?至于你们这些没有还没搞清楚情况的家伙For those of you who haven't figured it out,我就是那个独一无二的叛徒埃尔文I am the one and only Alvin the Treacherous.而且我得澄清一点,这个名号♥是我赢来的And let me be clear,that nam

33、e was earned.“埃尔文”?他怎么赢来的"Alvin"?How did he earn that?你们的首领已经把你们抛弃了Your leader has abandoned you.但是我一点儿也不在乎他。我并不是为了他而来的But Stoick doesn't concern me. I'm not here for him.我要找那个龙族征服者I want the dragon conqueror.跟卡嗝说再见吧。埃尔文Say goodbye to Hiccup.Alvin!唔Hm?我的祖父太虚弱了。他需要小睡一会儿My grandfathe

34、r's frail.He needs his nap.好吧,就像我说的Well, like I said.告诉我谁是龙族征服者,然后你们就自♥由♥了Tell me who the dragon conqueror is and you can all go free.征服者?拜托。我要让埃尔文知道谁才是征服者Conqueror? Come on!I'll show Alvin who's a conqueror.这是给您的,先生?For you, sir?好吧,你最好去检查一下你的裤子,孩子。Well, you better

35、check your trousers, son.我觉得你把自己搞脏了。I think you've soiled yourself.哈!-喂,嘿!Huh!- Well, hey!瞧瞧这个,我的老短柄斧。Will you look at that.My old hatchet.我还在想什么时候能把他拿回来来着。I was wondering when I'd get that back.想杀了叛徒埃尔文?Tried to kill Alvin the Treacherous?你可不像外表看上去的那么聪明。You're not as smart as you look.告

36、诉我,谁是你们的龙族征服者,恩?Tell me, who's your dragon conqueror, eh?快说!Tell me!放开她。-卡嗝!Leave her alone.- Hiccup!你在这儿干什么?What are you doing?我就是那个龙族征服者。I'm the dragon conqueror.你?史图伊克的小倒霉蛋?You?Stoick's little embarrassment?看看你的四周,是我将龙族赶出了博克岛。I drove the dragons from Berk. Look around.在这个岛上你一条龙也没看见对吧。

37、You don't see any on this island, do you?这是真的,所有的龙都怕他。It's true.All the dragons are afraid of him.他甚至驯服了一只夜煞。He even conquered a Night Fury.你在吹牛。-是吗?You're bluffing.- Am I?好吧,那只有一个办法能够证明我是对的。带我去龙之岛。Well, there's only one way to find out.Take me to dragon island.埃尔文在哪?Where's Alvi

38、n?埃尔文带走了卡嗝。-什么?!Alvin took Hiccup.- What?卡嗝自投罗网的。他们在去龙之岛的路上。He gave himself up.They're on their way to dragon island.我肯定你父亲跟你说过很多I'm sure your father's told you plenty关于你们岛民最为害怕的死敌的事迹吧about your island's most-feared enemy?哦,是谁?哦,对了。你。Oh, who's that?Oh, right. You.没,没说过多少。-真的?提都没提

39、过?No. Not so much.- Really? Not a word?没提过。-一点都没有?Nope.- Nothing?恩恩 -没讲过关于埃尔文的事?Uh-uh.- Nothing about Alvin?没Nope.瞧,哦。我只关心如果我办到了我所说的事之后,Look, Al, all I care about is that if I do what I say,你会不会和平的放走博克岛的岛民you will leave the people of Berk in peace.我跟你保证,孩子!On me word, son!等一到岸,我们就要用这些弹射器When we get

40、there,we'll lay down cover fire发射掩护火力。亚丝翠,你去找到你们的龙。with these catapults.Astrid, you get your dragons.不,把你们的火♥药♥省给别人吧,先生。No. Save your cover fire for the others, sir.我自己就能搞定。呜哇!I can handle myself.Huah!我到时候还得多射几轮来弥补刚才那个。I'll fire extra rounds to cover that one.先生,我们主动请求去

41、教训下埃尔文。Sir, we'd like to personally volunteer to kick Alvin's butt.我们来不是为了埃尔文。而是为了解救卡嗝。This isn't about Alvin.It's about Hiccup.我们要带他回家。(PP:T Ttouching。)We're here to bring him home.嘿,有必要拿个刀指着我吗?Hey, is the sword really necessary?真TM见鬼了!那不是。?Odin's ghost!Is that a. ?一只夜煞。闪电与死

42、亡的结合。Night Fury. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.哇!慢着!Whoa! Stop!这只会让他更加生气。跟我学着点。It will only make him angrier.Watch and learn.随你的便,继续吧。By all means, proceed.希望你们等会儿别吐出来。马上你们就能看到一条龙是怎么吃掉小孩的。I hope you're not squeamish.You're about to see a dragon eat a boy.啊!Gah!我也很想念你。我们等

43、会儿再继续。I missed you too.We'll catch up later.现在配合我的指示。Right now, follow my lead.你没法打败我!You cannot defeat me!哇哦。Whoa.你这只肮脏的龙!我就是龙族征服者!You dirty dragon!I am the dragon conqueror!嘿,你在对那只龙做什么?Hey, what are you doing with that dragon?另外,我可不是什么你们说的龙族征服者。By the way, it's not really "dragon conq

44、ueror."我是“驯龙师”。It's "dragon trainer."就是现在!Now.雷神在上,他就是龙族征服者!Great thunder of Thor.He is the dragon conqueror!开火!Fire!小心!哇啊!Look out!Whoa!哇啊!嘿!Whoa! Hey!还在等什么?快把他射下来!What are you waiting for?Shoot him down!开火!Fire!-啊,你们怎么花了那么长时间?-怎么了?你想我了?- Ah, what took you so long?- Why? Did you

45、miss me?卡嗝!Hiccup!我们得离的再近一点!We've got to get in closer!瞄准他们的弹射器!Aim for their catapults!如果我们能毁掉那些弹射器,龙就可以毁掉他们的船了。If we knock them out, the dragons can finish off the ship.开火!Fire!快靠岸!Move offshore!到我们表现的时候了!冲啊!Here's our chance! Come on!哦,快把那些龙射下来!开火!Oh, shoot that dragon down!Fire!亚丝翠!Astrid!卡嗝!Hiccup!欢迎上船,亚丝翠。Welcome aboard, Astrid.别再打偏了!Don't miss this time!小心箭!Look out! Arrows!别开火!他抓住了亚丝翠。Hold your fire!He's got Astrid.你干吗?!-我听你说“开火”What are you doing?- I heard you say "fire."我说“别开火”!-看吧,你又说了一遍。I said "hold your fire!"- See? You said it


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