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1、 The hottest TV drama in China “Nirvana in Fire” or “Langya Bang” has ended one month ago. Millions of people waited every day after midnight for the latest episodes. https:/ Why the show is so popular?1.About the TV drama 关于关于琅琊榜琅琊榜 “Nirvana in Fire” is based on an Internet novel by author Hai Yan,

2、 who was invited to pen the screenplay for the television adaptation. The 55-episode series, set in a fictionalized kingdom, weaves together two storylines one about a betrayed generals revenge and the other about princes fighting for the throne. 电视剧琅琊榜英文名意为“火中涅槃”,这部55集的连续剧改编自海宴的同名网络小说。海宴作为编剧也参与了电视剧

3、的改编,所以在很大程度上保证了对原著的忠实度。在那个虚设的时空,蒙冤幸存的少年将军决意不惜一切复仇的雪冤之路,和众皇子之间勾心斗角的夺嫡之争两条主线交错成这部架空剧扣人心弦的精彩剧情。 The series was put on screen on Sep. 19th, and the number of Internet views exceeded 140 million times the next day. Only during the week of National holiday, the number increased by 1.6 billion. 琅琊榜电视剧9月19日

4、开播,次日网络播放量就超过1.4亿。而在国庆假期短短一周的时间里网络播放量更是暴涨16亿。 Its now the hottest Chinese TV show with a very high score of 9.3 on Douban. (The classical TV drama, Journey to the West, produced in 1986 is with the same score). Previous and recent costume dramas such as “The Journey of Flower” and “Yun Zhong Ge” onl

5、y scored 6.4 and 3.5. 作为当下最热门且没有之一的国产剧,琅琊榜在素来以评分严苛著称的豆瓣上居然获得了9.3分的五星级评价。(经典86版西游记的评分也是9.3分)而作为暑期神剧也曾霸占各大论坛和微博热议话题的花千骨和最近同样被热炒的云中歌在豆瓣的评分则分别仅为6.4分和3.5分。Synopsis 剧情梗概 Drawing comparisons to “The Count of Monte Cristo”, the story revolves around a gifted young man named Lin Shu, whose father serves as a

6、 general. Already a high-ranking military officer by his teenager years, Lin Shu enjoyed a close friendship with Prince Xiao Jingyan and was even engaged to Princess Nihuang. 琅琊榜被称为“中国版基督山伯爵”,故事围绕着一个叫林殊的天才少年展开。作为将门之子,林殊在十几岁时便已是少帅,与皇子萧景琰私交甚厚,并与霓凰郡主订有婚约。SynopsisSynopsis At age 17, however, Lin Shus li

7、fe turned upside down when his fathers army was framed and obliterated by a scheming political rival. Lin Shu escaped death, but due to the poisoning, his body became weak and frail, and he lost his martial arts abilities. From then on, his face was permanently pale and his fingers always ice-cold.

8、然而,在林殊17岁时,他父亲带领的赤焰军遭奸人陷害,以致全军覆没,他的生活也从此天翻地覆。命悬一线的林殊万幸活了下来,但因为身中火寒毒,他的身体变得非常虚弱,且失去了所有武功。从那时起,他变得终年面色惨白,手指冰冷。 After twelve years, Lin Shu returned to his countrys capital with a new name, Mei Changsu, and a new identity, the leader of the Jiang Zuo Alliance. He then became the strategic adviser for h

9、is friend, Prince Jingyan, who had been exiled by the king. Despite the efforts of Prince Xiao Jingheng and the crown prince to win the throne for themselves, Mei Changsu succeeds in paving the road for his friend to take over as king, as well as the avenging the injustices dealt to his troops many

10、years before. 十二年后,林殊以江左盟主梅长苏的新身份回到帝都,并成做了儿时好友皇子景琰的谋士。尽管当时朝中最有实力的是誉王萧景桓与太子萧景宣,但梅长苏利用这两方全力拼争之机,帮助景琰夺嫡成功,并昭雪了多年前赤焰军的沉冤旧案。Synopsis2.Spotlights of the dramaFan Base and great visual effects “Nirvana” was inspired by a hot online novel of the same name. Online novel adaptations have emerged as favorites

11、for TV series because of their solid fan bases. 作为近些年不断出现的热门网络小说的改编剧之一,琅琊榜有相当的人气和受众基础,在播出前就颇受人们关注。 Hou Hongliang, the producer, says the big-budget production took four years to make. We want to show audiences some unlikely visual effects of spectacles and grand wars. 制片人侯鸿亮表示琅琊榜筹拍四年耗资巨大,就是不想给观众看“五毛

12、特效”。castBeautiful scenes The scenes of the series were all carefully designed, and with typical Chinese flavor, just like an ink painting. To make everything perfect, some of the scenes were built by its art group. It cost half a year to finish the construction work. 整部剧的画面都是精心设计的,而且中国风十足,就好似水墨画一般。导

13、演组为了追求极致的完美,还逼着美工组花了半年的时间搭建各种实景。 Netizens have listed some examples of visual techniques from the show including V type composition, the rule of thirds diagonal composition and the Fibonacci Sequence. 网友们通过截屏举例说明了V型构图法,三分法,斐波那契数列等各种琅琊榜用到的构图方法。 Heres a little story that happened while shooting the se

14、ries: There were some workers working nearby the filming site. To ensure it wouldnt look strange if the workers were filmed in the scene, they asked them to wear eunuch costumes. 据说拍摄过程中在附近有工人在干活儿,为了避免万一拍到工人导致穿帮,剧组给了工人们一人一套太监的衣服让人家穿着Carefully designed costumes, hairstyles and etiquettes Like the ori

15、ginal novel, “Nirvana in Fire” is not set in any particular dynasty. However, the production company, Shandong Entertainment Media, revealed that the costumes are based on the pre-Tang Dynasty style. 虽然说为了与原著保持一致,琅琊榜并没有具体的年代,而是一个虚构的时空。不过山影还是以唐之前的历史时期为标准做了考据。 Almost every character in the series wear

16、s traditional Han clothing in the correct way, with the left part of collar covering the right part. (There are some mistakes, but very few.) 几乎所有的人都正确的右衽了!(有那么几个很少数的情景有人穿错,但出错次数少到可以忽略不计。)按照汉族的传统,交领的衣服穿的时候要左边在上。寿衣则用左衽,以示阴阳有别。 Every character has different costumes for various occasions, such as dail

17、y wear, court dress and martial attire. The color of the court dress becomes darker as the official ranks get higher. Only the emperor can wear pure black cloth. This is in accordance with Chinese history. 每个人物都有不同场合适用的服装,譬如常服、朝服、戎装等。官员品级越高则衣服的颜色越深。只有皇帝的衣服是纯黑色的,这亦符合中国历史。 All adult males have tied up

18、 their hair in topknots. These are all following the Chinese tradition. 所有的成年男子都束发了。男子二十弱冠,行“加冠之礼”,以示成人。在此之前都是梳发髻,也称“总角”。不过蔺晨阁主以及初次登场的梅宗主都是披发,但江湖之人洒脱不羁,也可以不予计较了。 They also invited experts to teach every actor how to follow traditional Chinese etiquette. (The fianc of the hero, is a female general wh

19、o has fought in the field for over a decade. She usually act as a man. But after she discovered the fact that Mei Changsu is actually her fianc, she changed her way of greeting him from a fist palm salute to wanfu, a form of greeting by women with folded hands moving about at the lower right side.)

20、霓凰郡主征战沙场多年,行礼常如男儿一般。但在她得知梅长苏就是她的林殊哥哥之后,对梅长苏行礼从抱拳改为万福。细节处尽显小女儿心思。Storyline, dialogue, music and special effects Unlike many other costume dramas based on “Mary Sue” stories, “Nirvana in Fire” is pretty serious. There arent any characters trying to make audience laugh by showing how stupid he or she i

21、s. But the humorous dialogues between different characters are enjoyable. 与烂到不行的玛丽苏剧情不同,琅琊榜是一部相当严肃的正剧。没有装疯卖傻哗众取宠的丑角,但言辞中不乏幽默。 You can also tell the crew spent a lot on production with the delicate special effects they used. The music was carefully chosen, too. “五千元特效”也体现出这是一部不折不扣精心制作的良心之作。剧中的音乐也配的非常合适,小细节的声音也很到位。(每当“叮”一声想起


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