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1、人教PEP版三年级下册英语阅读理解专项精选练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文,判断下面句子的正误。Hi! My name is Amy. I''m a girl. I''m from the USA. I''m ten. I have two new friends, Chen Jie and Wu Yifan. Look! This is my family. The old man is my grandpa. The old woman is my grandma. The woman is my mother. The man is m

2、y father. The boy is my brother, Jim. He is five. The girl is me.(1)Amy is from the UK.( ) (2)Amy has three new friends.( ) (3)The woman is Amy''s grandmother.( ) (4)The old man is Amy''s father.( ) (5)Jim is five years old.( ) 2. 根据表格填空。(1)Jenny likes &

3、#160;   and     for breakfast.(2)Danny likes     and     for lunch.(3)Li Ming likes     for dinner.3. 读文章后,完成练习。It is Sunday. It is sunny. Alice, Kitty and Ben are going to the fruit sh

4、op. They see some apples, pears, bananas, oranges, strawberries and lemons in the shop. Look at the apples. They are big and red. They are sweet. Alice likes apples. Kitty doesnt like apples. She likes strawberries. They are small and rough. But they are sweet.  Lemons are yellow and sour. Alic

5、e and Kitty dont like them. But Ben likes to eat lemons.填空 Alice, Kitty and Ben are in the _. They cant see _in the fruit shop. The _ are small and rough. Ben likes _. Alice doesnt like _.判断对错(×或) ( )    It is Sunday and it is sunny. ( )    They can see a

6、pples, bananas, oranges and lemons in the fruit shop. ( )    The apples are big and rough. ( )    The strawberries are sweet. ( )    Alice and Kitty like lemons.4. 阅读理解。Hello, everyone! This is my bedroom. 

7、;That is my green bed. Its very lovely. Isnt it? Can you see the pink pillow? Its my pillow. I like it very much. The dresser is beside (在旁边) the bed.

8、 Its brown. And a clock is on the dresser. Its pink and purple. Oh, this is my desk. Its blue. There is a computer on the desk. I like to use

9、0;the computer very much. I often use it to do my homework. My books are under the desk. The desk is beside the chair. My chair is blue, too. Ah, my&#

10、160;baseball! Its on my chair.I like my bedroom very much!( ) 1.Where is the dresser?A. Next to (靠近) the bed. B. Behind the bed C. Near the desk.( ) 2.Is the clock on the dresser?A. No, it i

11、snt. B. Yes, it is. C. I dont know.( ) 3.What color is the desk?A. Green.  B. Red.  C. Blue.( ) 4.Where are the books?A. Under the desk. B. Behind the desk. C. Near the desk.( ) 5.Is there&#

12、160;a baseball in the room?A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. We dont know.5. 阅读理解,选择正确的答案。This is my new friend, Li Yan. She is a girl. She is 10 years old. She is from Canada. She is a good student.(1)I have a new .( )  A.teacher B.friend(2)Li Yan is from

13、60;.( )  A.China B.Canada(3)Li Yan is years old.( )  A.ten B.nine(4)Li Yan is a good .( )  A.student B.teacher(5)My friend is a .( )  A.boy B.girl6. 阅读短文,判断正误。Hello,I''m Linda.I''m a girl.I''m nine years old.I''m

14、from the UK.I''m a pupil.I''m tall and thin.I like apples,but I don''t like pears.( ) (1)Linda is a girl.( ) (2)Linda is 8 years old.( ) (3)Linda is a teacher.( ) (4)Linda is tall and thin.( ) (5)Linda likes pears.7. 阅读理解。One day Mr. an

15、d Mrs.White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. Wh

16、ite cant open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to help them. Just then a man comes up and

17、0;shouts: “What are you doing with my car?” Mr. and Mrs. White take a look at the cars number and they are frozen there. It isnt their car.( )  (1)Mr. 

18、;and Mrs. White drive for _.A. fishing    B. shopping  C. business( )  (2)They stop their car _.A. at the parking spot    B. near the sea  C. near

19、0;the store( )  (3)They want to put the things _.A. in a big bag    B. in their car    C. in others car( )  (4)Mr. White cant open the car,&

20、#160;so _.A. they walk home    B. they ask a policeman to help   C. they call a taxi ( )  (5)The car _ their car.A. isnt    B. is  C. a

21、re8. 阅读,完成任务。Hello! I''m Amy. I''m a happy girl. I''m from(来自.) Ningbo. Look at me. I have long hair. I have a big mouth and two big eyes. I like to drink Coke and eat ice cream. My pencil box is red. I have five pencils, a ruler and an eraser. I have a cat. Its(它的) name is L

22、ily. It likes fish and milk. It is small and lovely.(1)根据短文内容填空。Amy''s pencil box is    . She has     pencils.(2)Amy铅笔盒里的东西还少什么,请写出来。    (3)下面哪一个是Amy?( ) A. B. C.(4)下面哪一个是Lily?( ) A. B. C.(5)Amy最喜欢的食物组合是: ( ) A.

23、milk and ice cream B. milk and fish C. Coke and ice cream9. 阅读短文并判断正(T)误(F)。My name is Leo. This is a picture of my family. This is my father. He''s tall and thin. This is my mother. She''s thin. She''s nice. This is my sister, Lily. She''s ten years old. She''

24、;s tall.1It is a photo of Leo''s family. ( ) 2There are four people(人) in the family. ( ) 3Leo''s father is not short.   ( ) 4Leo''s mother is thin. ( ) 5Leo is ten years old.  ( ) 10. 阅读理解。My name is Tim. Im ten. Th

25、ere are (有)four people (人)in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and me. Mary is my sister. She is two. I love my family.  I have(有)some friends at school. They are Tom, Paul and Alice. They are ten.1_is Tims sister. (  )A. Tom   B. Alice  

26、; C. Mary2Tim is _. (  )A. 8   B. 9   C. 103Paul is _. (  )A. 8   B. 9   C. 104How many people are there in Tims family? (  )A. 4   B. 3   C. 25下面哪个句子是正确的?(  )A. Mar

27、y is Tims friend. B. Paul is Tims friend. C. Tom is nine.11. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。We are seeds. We are small. We are brown. We like water. We are thirsty. It''s a rainy day. We have some water. We are happy. Now it''s warm. We feel warm. Look, we have roots. They are short. We h

28、ave buds, too. We grow and grow. Now we have leaves and flowers. The leaves are green and big. We are sunflowers.1The seeds, are not small.   ( ) 2The seeds like water. ( ) 3It''s rainy. The seeds are happy.  ( ) 4It''s a sunny day. The seeds a

29、re cold.   ( ) 5The sunflowers have big leaves and small flowers.   ( ) 12. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空,完成下列句子。Hello! My name is Andy. I''m from England. I''m eleven years old. I am short. I like eating strawberries. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too

30、. Sarah is my good friend. We study in the same school. She comes from Canada. She''s ten years old. She is tall and thin and she likes oranges.(1)Andy is     years old.(2)Andy likes eating    .(3)Andy''s mother is a    

31、;.(4)Sarah comes from    .(5)Sarah is     and thin.13. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。Hello, boys and girls. My name is Peppa Pig. I am very fat(胖的). I have a long nose. It''s pink(粉色的). I have two eyes. They are black. My mouth is red. How many fingers? Guess(猜)! I

32、 have six fingers. I''m very happy.( ) (1)I am a pig.( ) (2)I have a pink nose.( ) (3)My eyes are blue.( ) (4)I have five fingers.( ) (5)I feel very happy.14. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。Many boys and girls in western countries are wearing the same clothes. Many of them have l

33、ong hair, so it is hard to tell whether they are boys or girls.One day an old man is sitting on a chair near a pool. A person is beside him. The old man asks the person, “Is it a boy or a girl in the pool?” The person answers, “A girl , she is my daughter.” “Oh, sorry,” the old man says, “I didnt kn

34、ow you were her mother.” “You are wrong,” the person says, “Im her father.”1What do many boys and girls in western countries wear? ( ) A. They wear red clothes.B. They wear colour clothes.C. hey wear same clothes.D. They wear different clothes.2Is it easy to tell whether the

35、y are boys or girls? ( ) A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, its not hard.D. I dont know.3Is it a girl or a boy in the pool? ( ) A. Its a boy. B. Its a girl. C. I dont know.D. Its a student.4Is the person beside the old man a man or a woman? ( )&#

36、160;A. Hes man. B. She is a woman. C. Hes a boy.D. Shes a girl.5Who have long hair in western countries?( ) A. girls B. boys C. many of girls and boys D. fathers15. 阅读选择正确答案。  My name is Frank. Im eight years old. This is my family. There is one boy.

37、 Thats me. There is one girl. Shes my sister. There is a man and a woman. They are my dad and my mum. Were going to the cinema. Were going to see a film.1. How old is Frank.  ( ) A. 7.    B. 8.      C. 9.2. How many people are there in Franks family? ( )&

38、#160;A. Three      B. Four    C. Five.3. Are there two boys in Franks family?( ) A. Yes.      B.  No.      C. I dont know.4. Are there two women in Franks family?( ) A. Yes.    B. No.   

39、;   C. I dont know.5. What are they going to do?  ( ) A. Theyre going to visit the zoo. B. Theyre going to the cinema.C. Theyre going to the shop.16. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。It''s sunny today. We are having a school outing in the park. We bring lots of food and drinks. Tom has some

40、 bread and apples. John has some eggs and milk. We sing and dance together. We are very happy. There are many flowers and green trees in the park. There are a lot of birds, too. We have a good time(玩得愉快) today.(1)It''s rainy today.( ) (2)We are in the zoo.( ) (3)John has some eggs

41、and milk.( ) (4)There are many pandas in the park.( ) (5)We are very happy.( ) 17. 阅读短文,判断正误。Sam has got a bike. He goes to school by bike. Amy hasn''t got a bike. Her father has got a car. She goes to school in her father''s car. Daming hasn''t got a bike. He

42、goes to school by bus.( )  (1)Sam goes to school by bike.( )  (2)Amy has got a bike.( )  (3)Amy goes to school by car.( )  (4)Daming has got a bike.( )  (5)Daming goes to school by bus.18. 根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。A: Good afternoon, class.B: Good afternoon, Mis

43、s LiA: Are you Su Hai?B: No, I''m not. I''m Yang LingA: Are you Wang Bing?C: Yes, I amA: Who are you?D: I''m Liu Tao.A: Hello, Liu Tao.D: Hello, Miss Li.(1)It''s _ now(现在).A.morning B.afternoon C.evening(2)B is _.A.Su Hai B.Yang Ling C.Mike(3)Is C Wang Bing?( ) A

44、.Yes. B.No. C.I don''t know.(4)Is D Mike?( ) A.Yes. B.No. C.I don''t know.(5)Which one is right(正确的)?( ) A.Wang Bing and Yang Ling are teachers.B.There''s a teacher and two students in the dialogue(对话-).C.Miss Li is their teacher.19. 看图读句子,并选出与图片意思相符的答案。1 Merry Christmas.(  )_.A. Merry Christmas   B. Thank you2What are they doing? (  )theyre_.A. swimmi


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