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1、高一英语知识点梳理 Module 2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained (2)一、单词1. appropriate adj.合适的,适合的,适宜的,适当的adv appropriately.适当地 be appropriate for/to sth 适合于 1)她那身鲜艳的衣服不适合教师.Her bright clothes a teacher.2)It is (合适的) that he should get the post. 3)Our headteacher always did everything (恰当地). 【同义词】proper 正当的、正确的、适

2、当的、符合风俗习惯或道德规范的、严格意义上的。 例如:4)现在不是喝酒的时候。 5)You have to speak to her .(用适当的方式)。6)the books to this subject(专属的) 当proper 表示“严格意义上的、真正的”意思时用在所修饰的名词后面,如city proper。appropriate意为“恰当的、得体的”,主要指言行,穿着打扮等符合风俗习惯或道德规范。2.discount n.折扣 at a discount 打折give/offer a discount 给予/提供折扣a 10% discount 九折1)如用现金购买,这家商店给予九折

3、优惠.This store will give a special in cash.2)After searching the mall for a whole afternoon,the mom finally bought a nice skirt,as a present for her young daughter,at a yesterday. A. discount B. bargain C. pay D. cost3. organize vt. 组织,筹备 n. organization 组织n. organizer 组织者 adj. organized 有组织的,系统的 注意:

4、英国英语形式为organise1)如果你能备办饮食,我就负责请人.Ill invite people if you can and .2)出于这种原因,我们建议我们组织一场学校篮球联赛,因为篮球是学校里最受欢迎的运动项目. 3)To write a good article,you must first your ideas very carefully. A settle B report C speak D organize4. award vt.颁奖,授奖,给予 n.奖,奖品,奖状 1)我们会给获胜队和最热情的队员颁发奖品. 2)成龙是获得本年度最佳男演员奖最合适的人选! Chenglo

5、ng is the one for the of this year! 3)菲儿获得了一等奖. Phile was 4)John was with $5,000 for saving five children from the burning building. A.offered B.awarded C.rewarded D.praised 【辨析】awardvt.授予,颁发,判给be awarded for 因而受奖award sb. sth. 颁发给某人某物n.奖品,赠品,与prize(奖品)近义rewardvt.报答,酬谢,可以用于比喻意义reward sb. with sth. 用

6、酬谢某人n.赏金,酬谢,回报5. exist vi. 存在,生存exist on(live on) 靠.活下去(靠.生存) n.existence 存在;生存,生活(方式) be in existence 存在 come into existence 开始存在,成立bring into existence 使。产生/使。存在 1)他们要靠这一点收入生活是不可能的。It was impossible for them to 2)该书现存的孤本价值不菲。 3)苏丹国于19世纪末形成。Sudan was at the end of the 1800s.6. conduct (vt.)=lead or

7、 guide 领导、指导、引导 (vt &vi) 管理、指挥、处理;与反身代词连用,意为“行为”1)仆人领我至门口 The servant me to the door. 2).他处理公事很粗心。 3)Who is conducting this evening? 4)他行为端正。 5)铜导电。 Copper electricity. 7. convince vt.使相信,说服 convince sb. of sth/convince sb. that 使某人相信某事sb. be convinced of sth某人相信某事convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 adj

8、. convincing 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的 convincing evidence 令人信服的证据 convincing arguments 令人信服的论据 adj. convinced相信的,被说服的【辨析】be convinced of相当于be sure ofconvince sb. to do sth.相当于persuade sb. to do sth.1)我相信他的清白。I am her innocence. 2)我们说服Ann坐火车而不是坐飞机去。 3)He was convinced that it was necessary to get it across

9、to them. 4)我很相信(这件事)。 Im quite . 5)尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释。 8. survive vt. 比活的长;幸免于;从(困境等中)挺过来。 vi.幸免;幸存;生还survive sb. 比某人活得长survive sth. 经历某事后还活着,幸免于n.survival幸存,残存n.survivor 幸存者,生还者1) 很幸运,这一家人在甘肃舟曲泥石流中都活了下来。Luckily the family the mudslide of Zhouqu,Gansu Province. 2) 在龙卷风侵袭这一地区后,靠近海岸线的建筑物所剩无几。 afte

10、r the tornado struck the area. 3)To our surprise,he the big earthquake in the basement where he stayed for 7 dayswithout anything to eat. A.lived B.struggled C.avoided D.survived4) He survived his wife by 10 years, 5) 他是幸免于事故的唯一幸存者,但他活的不长,甚至没活过他的父亲。He was the only that ,but he didnt ,and even didnt

11、his father. 二、词组1. belong to 属于belong to中的to为介词,后接名词的普通格,不接所有格;后接代词时用宾格,不用名词性物主代词。该结构一般无被动语态,无进行时。一般不用于被动语态的短语还有:take place 发生come about 发生 break out (战争、火灾、疾病等)突然发生,爆发come out 出版,发行 give out 用完,耗尽 run out 用完1) 人们也发现过一些巨大的脚印,有人称它们属于野人。 2)不要用别人的东西,那很不礼貌。 Stop using things that do not you, its very im

12、polite.3)这架钢琴是谁的? does this piano ? 4)Whose computer is it? It my sister. A.is belonging to B.is belonged to C.belongs to D.beonged to2. dozens of 很多,许多 dozen n.一打;十二个;十来个,当与数词或many,several等连用时,dozen后不加s。但当dozen后的名词有the,his,their等限定词修饰时,要用dozen of,如two dozen of the eggs两打鸡蛋。【拓展】“很多”的英语表示:1.接可数名词(复数)

13、many ,a large number of,,a great/good many,scores of,dozens of2.接不可数名词 much,a large amount of,a great/good deal of 3.既可以接可数名词,也可接不可数名词 lots of,a lot of,plenty of,a great quantity of,large quantities of注意:1.“many a单数可数名词”形式上为单数,但意义上为复数(意为“许多”),若用作主语,其谓语通常与形式一致而不与意义一致(即谓语用单数)。如:Many a student has seen

14、 the film. 许多学生看过这部电影。2.a large quantity of表示“许多”的意思,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。作定语相当于large quantities of;但其后名词如果作主语时,谓语动词必须随quantity或quantities而变。如:许多字典已经卖出。A large quantity of dictionaries has been sold out. Large quantities of dictionaries have been sold out.大量的钱用在了图书馆。Large quantities of money have been

15、 spent on the library.A large quantity of money has been spent on the library.类似的结构还有a large amount of(后接不可数名词)和 amounts of(后接不可数名词),如果其后名词作主语时,谓语动词必须随amount或amounts而变。1) 二十四个人将被邀请参加医学会议。 people will be invited to attend the medical meeting.2) I have been there (很多) times.3) (12位) the English teache

16、rs in our school are women.4) 有许多报告说在中国湖北西部神农架自然保护区人们见过野人。 in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve in western Hubei Province,China.3. make ones way(to) 前往,到去feel ones way 摸索着前行 fight/push ones way 推挤着前行lose ones way 迷路 force ones way out 挤出去;冲出去push ones way in 挤进去 make ones way for sb./sth. 让通过;给让路1)看!很多

17、孩子正往海滩去。Look!Many children are to the beach. 2)Would you be able to (自己去机场)? 3)根据他的观点,这种动物前往世界其他地方,并且甚至今天还活着。 三、句子 1. They these tracks and them by a scientist in the USA.他们复制下这些足迹并让美国的一位科学家检查。 让别人做某事have sth. done (主语)遭遇了不幸的事 完成某事 have sb. do sth.让某人做某事 have sb. doing sth. 使某人做某事(常用于肯定句);允许某人做某事(常用

18、于否定句中)1) 昨天,我理发了。Yesterday I .2) 这位可怜的老太太在车上被人偷了钱。The poor old lady on the bus.3) 这位老师让他的学生每天早上读半个小时的英语。The teacher English every morning for half an hour.4) I wont have you like that to your mother.Sorry,I will not do that again. A. speak B.speaking C.to speak D.spoken2. Yetis be and hairy.据说,(西藏高原

19、的)雪人体格健壮、多毛。be said to be 据说是。be said to do 据说(某人/某事)(1) sb./ sth. be said to do = It is / was said that sb./ sth. 这两个句型替换时要注意谓语动词作相应的变化。如: 据说狐狸非常狡猾。The fox is said to be very sly.= It is said that the fox is very sly. (2) 类似用法的句型: sb./ sth. be believed to do = It is / was believed that sb./ sth. 大家

20、都相信 sb./ sth. be reported to do = It is / was reported that sb./ sth. 据报道 sb./ sth. be supposed to do = It is / was supposed that sb./ sth. 大家公认为 sb./ sth. be (well) known to do = It is/was (well) known that sb./ sth. 众所周知 sb./ sth. be thought to do = It is / was thought that sb./ sth. 大家公认为heavily

21、built体格健壮的。这是一个由副词过去分词构成的结构,具有形容词的性质,类似的还有heavily guarded(戒备森严的), easily hurt(易受伤害的), far reached(意义深远的)等。1) 据说他是一个百万富翁的二儿子。He is the second son of a millionaire.2)据说她是个妙手回春的民间医生。 she was as effective as god, bringing the dying back to life. = She as effective as god, bringing the dying back to life

22、. 3. The engineers the creature, which ran . 工程师们追赶野人,而野人以惊人的速度和体力逃走。 run after追,追赶,不强调动作时也可以用be after。单独表示“以速度”时,要用介词at, 如: with/at amazing speed 以惊人的速度travel at the speed of light/sound 以光/声的速度旅行at high/low/full/top speed以高/低/全/最高速 at a speed of 75mph 【拓展】run into run out 1) Many young men in our

23、company want to (追求)the beautiful girl.2)It is surprising that a cock is (追赶)a dog.3) Who is person that you (追赶)? 4)I (遇到)an old friend in a pub yesterday. 5)Food supplies (已经吃完了) by the end of their last trip. 6)What if you were to (花完) money?What would you do?(学案编写:刘晓梅 2011/11)高一英语基础知识巩固练习一、单词拼写:

24、根据所给中文或者首字母写出相应单词的正确形式1.She picked up a dress (合适的)for the occasion.2.The National Games were well _ (组织).3.She (已被授予)a scholarship to study at Harvard.4.They sell it (打折) 30 percent.5. The neighbours (报告说看到他离开了房子)wearing a black coat. 6. Mr. Smith takes several part-time jobs, because he has a larg

25、e family to _ (供养).7. There are some (相似) between these two paintings. 8. The (可能性)that he knew about the stolen files cannot be ruled out.9. This custom came into (存在)at the beginning of last century. 10.The boss asked you about the _ (进展)of your research work.二、选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空: possible, confuse,

26、 discount, horror, humour, represent, draw conclusions, leave.empty, imaginative, apply1. People who applied for the job are called _.2. You can buy this mystery books at lower prices in a _ store.3. The unclear instructions caused _ among the students.4. We had a good laugh over his _ performance.

27、5. Is there any _ of your getting to London this week?6. His _ were _ after careful analysis of the statistics. 7. A lot of space is _ _ in his water -and- ink painting to create a sense of vastness(广阔)。8. You have to have a good _ to be a writer of science fiction.9. _ from every state have gathere

28、d in the capital for the assembly.10. Yetis and aliens are often seen in _ movies.三、单项填空:1. Why is Mr.Li so happy this morning?Because he was honored with a(n) for excellence in the teaching.A. present B. gift C. award D.reward2.With the economic situation worsening _ ,shopkeepers have to sell their

29、 goods _ a big discount to attract customers. A. day by day; with B. day after day; at C. day by day; at D. day after day; in 3. Jeans(牛仔裤) are not _ for a formal party in China. A deliciousB humorousC appropriate D beautiful4. We_ a survey of parents in the village. Which one is NOT CORRECT? A carr

30、ied out B conducted C did D took5. They _ to drive the car. A in turn B by turns C took turns D in turns 6. Dont _ from ones clothes.Which one is WRONG? A. judge B. draw a conclusion C. come to a conclusion D. in conclusion7.In the library,you can borrow three books _. A at other times B at a time C

31、 at the same time D in time8. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School,where she English for a year.A studies B studied C is studying D has been studying9.Darling,Im busy and I hope you can make your to the station. A promise B sense C room D way10. 1. Scientists ar

32、e convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health. A of; at B by; in C of; on D on; at 四、翻译句子:1. 我一直在努力说服他去看医生。2. 由于在这方面没有经验,我们只能摸索着前进。3. 警方对于提供杀人犯信息者给予60000美元酬金。4. 我相信我能成功当一名好老师。5那种看法可以完全不必考虑。.高一英语知识点梳理答案(M2U1)1. 1)is not appropriate for; 2) appropriate; 3) appropriately4)

33、Its not a proper time for drinking.5) in a proper way; 6) proper;2. 1) discount of 10 % 2)选A.句意为:昨天在商场搜索了一整下午,妈妈最后给小女儿买了一件打折的漂亮裙子作礼物.at a discount 打折3. 1) organize food and drinks 2) For this reason,we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament,since basketball is the most popular sport

34、 in the school. 3)选D.句意为:为了写好一篇文章,你必须首先认真组织你的思想.organize 组织;settle 解决;report 报告;speak 说话 4. 1) We could offer awards to the winning team and the most enthusiastic players.2) actor award 3) awarded the top prize4)选C.动词辨析.award sb. sth. 颁发给某人某物,offer 提供,供给;reward 回报,酬谢;praise 表扬.结合句意可知此处表示”酬谢,回报”某人,故应

35、用reward.5. 1) exist on such a small income. 2) The only copy of the book that is still in existence is worth much. 3) brought into existence 6. 1) conducted ; 2) He conducts his business affairs in a careless way.3) 今晚由谁指挥。 4) He conducts himself well. 5) conducts 7. 1) convinced of 2) We convinced

36、Ann to go by train rather than plane. 3) 他相信有必要告诉他件事 4) convinced5) No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out. 8. 1) survived; 2) Few buildings near the coast could survive 3)选D.句意为:令我们吃惊的是,他在这场大地震中幸存下来了.他待在地下室七天没吃东西.survive 幸免于,幸存于;struggle 斗争;avoid 避免. 4) 他比他的妻子多活了

37、10年. 5) survivor, survived the accident, survive long, survive 二、1. 1) Large tracks have also been discovered which some people say belong to the Wild Man. 2) belong to 3) Who(m) ; belong to4) belong to无进行时和被动语态,故排除A、B项。根据问题时态可知选C。 2 1) Two dozen; 2) dozens of; 3)A dozen of 4)There have been dozens of reports that people have seen a Wild Man


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